December Events at a Glance
12/1 & 12/2: Divine Diamond® Workshops – Aniruddhan and Natercia
12/2: Galactic Alignment 2012 & Beyond Event: Nibiru, Earth Changes, UFO’s & the Codes of Ascension – Tricia McCannon
12/3: Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program – A New Program for Ascending into 2012 – Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides ~PRIVATE EVENT~
12/4: Metatron, Merkaba, Master Teachers Sacred Teachings & Energetic Activations – Suzy Meszoly
12/4: Becoming Happily Single Surviving & Thriving After a Break-Up – Marcia Blau
12/5: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop with Dr. Richard Brown ~PRIVATE EVENT~
12/5: Autumn Meditation Evenings – Creative Journeys Within – Anita Celeste
12/6: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word – Paul Selig
12/6 & 12/18: emBODY your PASSION Guided Meditation – Jeni James
12/7: “A Night with Spirit” – Thomas John
12/7: Angelic Realm Activation & Alignment Through the Alchemy of the Superb Crystal Singing Bowls with Sylvia Moss
12/7: Tao of Male and Female – Sacred Union – Rev John Smith
12/8: Gaia Rebirth With The Artist Dream Family
12/9: META Center Holiday Fair – Healings & Readings
12/11: Social Media / Email Marketing / Video Marketing – Nani Nakagawa
12/12: 12-12-12 Special Stargate Event – Day of Alignment – Anchoring – Transformation (“Da’at”) – Jodi Serota, Celia Fenn & Maryanne Savino
12/12: Special Star Gate Event – I Am Presence Alignment Workshop – Anthony Citro
12/12: 12-12-12 Spirit Circle – Preparing for the Ascension – Thomas John
12/13: People v. the State of Illusion – Documentary
12/14: A Whirling Night of Stars – 9th Annual NYC Rumi Celebration
12/14: Body Language – The Essence of Non-Verbal Communication – Megan Gouldner
12/19: Crystal Holiday Shopping Party Event Adrienne Gammal & Friends
12/21: The Ascension Ball – Jodi Serota, Mark Becker & Friends **Held At Hotel
12/21, 12/22 & 12/23: Vision Questing for 2013 – A New Beginning – Hereditary Cree Shaman – Harry Snowboy & Cayuga Healer – Wendy Hill
12/21: Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Winter Solstice and New Beginnings!
12/27: The Art of Channeling Step 1 – Angela Aim
Saturday, December 1st
Divine Diamond® Workshops
Facilitated by Aniruddhan and Natercia
10:00am – 2:00pm & 3:00pm – 7:00pm
Workshops may be taken for certification, or for personal growth, quantum healing abilities and acceleration of spiritual development. They also deepen our own personal healing abilities, the healing effects of other work, alternative care, or allopathic medicine
Workshop Benefits: * Heals emotional issues (trauma, grief, fear) * Soul connection to the Divine becomes stronger * Makes one become more present, and to be freer from distractions * Divine presence is deeply felt and we become more connected multidimensionally * Increases the vibration on a cellular and energetic level within and around the body * Clears energetic blockages in the meridian pathways, energetic bodies and physical body * Learn ideas that can apply practically to life; learn how to maintain the Divine connection * Opens the heart to receive greater Divine love and more Quantum connectivity with all life * Harmonic frequencies permanently evolve the system after the very first activation process * Experience the tranquility and a lasting sense of peace established at the core of the heart * Become a part of a growing family of people who are on the same or a similar healing path. (You will be laying down, come prepared and please bring a bottle of water).
Each individual workshop is $60 and $180 for all four paid in advance. Visit where you can register, pay in advance and learn more. For information contact (Online registration appreciated but not required).
Sunday, December 2nd
Divine Diamond® Workshops
Facilitated by Aniruddhan and Natercia
10:00am – 2:00pm & 3:00pm – 7:00pm
The Activation Workshops are going to update the higher dimensional encoding and calibrations of the Divine Diamond® Sacred Star, Seed of Life, Flower of Life and Metatron Cube into our systems. Opening up our quantum abilities with a resonance pattern more closely aligned with the 5D and higher dimensional energetic Trinity alignment that is happening. This alignment is with our earth/solar system, galactic and universal system cores. Our work with the Divine Diamond® continues to align and connect us to this mysterious quantum non-dual core energy, the “One” that appears as a trine of energy. This trinity is in everything in creation, molecular, solar and galactic systems. This energy is known as a torrid. We in the Activation process are cultivating our relationship with this living conscious source energy through the Seven Sacred Attributes and their sacred geometric relationship with our hearts.
Workshops are 4 hours each and at completion of 4 workshops you will receive a facilitator’s certificate. (You will be laying down, come prepared and please bring a bottle of water).
Each individual workshop is $60 and $180 for all four paid in advance. Visit where you can register, pay in advance and learn more. For information contact (Online registration appreciated but not required).
Sunday, December 2nd
Galactic Alignment 2012 & Beyond Event: Nibiru, Earth Changes, UFO’s & the Codes of Ascension
Tricia McCannon
10am – 6:00pm
This workshop picks up with a powerful look at the planet Nibiur, its influence in Earth’s history, the impact of earth changes, solar storms, pole shift evidence, the appearance of fleets of UFO’S in our skies, & finally the codes of ascension we will need to travel through this doorway. Over the course of the weekend we will be presenting stunning evidence for:
* Galactic Fleets of UFO’s in our Skies Today * The Existence of the Anunnaki Gods and the Planet Nibiru * The Rediscovery of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mermaids, Giants, and ET’s * Newly discovered Pyramids found in Antarctica * Geomagnetic Pole Reversals, Solar Storms, and Earth Changes * The Cosmic Mechanisms Behind the Upcoming Shift * The Merger of Worlds and the Splitting of the Planes * The Mechanisms for Ascension We Need to Go Through the Dimensional Doorway.
Come join us! Find out what is really going on and how this will affect you in the months and years ahead. Discover how the Separation of Worlds and fulfillment of prophecy will unfold in your lifetime.
Renowned clairvoyant, historian and author Tricia McCannon has been a headliner at Conferences around the world, has appeared on over 175 radio and television shows and has her own Mystery School. Visit:
$88 in Advance – $111 at the door. To Register or to book a private with Tricia, call Andrew Kaen 212-222-5432 or email Register Early! Space is limited!
Monday, December 3rd ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program
– A New Program for Ascending into 2012
With Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides
7:00pm – 9:45pm
A channeled 12 month intensive multi-dimensional Mastery Program for those serious about living authentically on Earth with internal and external peace & knowing & manifesting your purpose through your full creation expressed.
For more information, call 212 736 0999 Ext.1 or email Only those enrolled in the program are permitted to attend.
Tuesday, December 4th
Metatron, Merkaba, Master Teachers: Sacred Teachings and Energetic Activations
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm
This is the last session of 2012 with Suzy at the Meta Center before she heads back up state for the portal stabilization events to be held in the Catskill Mountains throughout December.
In this session Suzy will be talking about the December 21st events and what we are able to do to generate love and empowerment for the awakening of consciousness.
The Master Teachers will provide the most powerful high frequency activations for us to accelerate into the new age of unconditional love. They will be downloading the toroid and MERKABA mediations recommended for the 21-23/12 period and activating the energy channels for each person to become a stable channel of Divine Light.
As Suzy lives in the Catskills and travels to NYC for these events, please be sure to preregister providing your telephone and email contact info. You may also call the Meta Center on the day to ensure the event has not been canceled due to weather.
$25 Pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website:
Tuesday, December 4th
Becoming Happily Single: Surviving & Thriving After a Break-Up
Marcia Blau
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Breaking up is hard to do, but what happens after that? This class will help you work through the end of a marriage or any other relationship. It will teach you to release pain and show you how to move into the rest of your life. Although separating from a mate is certainly an ending, it can also be an important beginning. It is an opportunity to take what you have acquired from that last relationship and begin to plant the seeds for the next chapter in your life. Learn how to take the challenge of a break-up, get past the pain and use it as a stepping stone to a more joyful time.
Marcia Blau, L.C.S.W. is a holistic psychotherapist who practices in NYC. For over 23 years she has been working with individuals, couples and families.
Fee: $35. Seating is limited. Register at Cash only at the door. Call (212) 666-2715 for info.
Wednesday, December 5th ~Private Event~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop with Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more information, go to Serving Those Who Serve at
Wednesday, December 5th
Autumn Meditation Evenings : Creative Jouneys Within
Anita Celeste
7:00pm – 8:30pm
As we move into Autumn, it is a good time to reconnect to ourselves, release what’s no longer serving us and set our intentions for the upcoming year. Anita will be offering two wonderful meditation evenings for recharging or realigning on a deeper level. Meditating with a group offers a powerful and supportive way to do that plus it reminds us that we are journeying here together and not alone. This will be a creative guided meditation focusing on our heart dreaming while connecting to Mother Earth and Source. Open to everyone at all levels. Feel free to bring notepads or sketchbooks.
Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design at School of Visual Arts and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. In addition she is a Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Healer (IET®), and Level One in Advanced Alchemy. View her website at
$25 per meditation. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or
Thursday, December 6th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:00pm
This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.
Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.
For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 917 553 5294.
Friday, December 7th
“A Night with Spirit”
Psychic Medium Thomas John
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Join Thomas as he delivers a night filled with messages from our loved ones in Spirit! After a brief introduction, Thomas will deliver messages in a gallery style setting to those in the audience.
Tickets are $25.00 in advanced and $45.00 at the door. To purchase tickets, call 347-637-8592 or e-mail Tickets are sure to sell out, so act fast! For more information, please visit
Friday, December 7th
Angelic Realm Activation & Alignment
Through the Alchemy of the Superb Crystal Singing Bowls
with Sylvia Moss, Singing Bowl Master Alchemist and Healer
7:30pm – 9:30pm
Special Offer: Participants will have 1st opportunity to order holiday release of Sylvia Moss’ new multi-media meditative book “Angels of New York”
Tis the season of Angels! In this magical evening the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls will Activate, Align and Ground you while the Angels will hold and heal you. When we are aligned and grounded we can handle the strong 2012 energy. Crystal Singing bowl activations are powerful.
One of the most effective ways to connect with the angelic realm is through the use of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Angels vibrate at the same frequency as Singing Bowls, the bowls’ divine music opens a portal through which the angels can slip into our world in a powerful, expansive way. -Sylvia Moss – Angels of New York
Exchange $15 in advance. $20 at the door. $10 discount with book purchase. Personalized signed book only for holidays. To register please call 917 650 3081 or Space is limited please register early.
Friday, December 7th
Tao of Male and Female – Sacred Union
Rev. John Smith
7:00pm – 9:30pm
With the rapidly shifting energies of present time, we are acutely aware of the need to recall the Divine Feminine in order to balance the masculine energy that has been dominant for so many centuries. Yet, as our awareness evolves, we can see past the human duality of man vs. woman, and appreciate the Taoist perspective that opposition is a “surface illusion”, and the transcendent reality that the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine require each other.
To truly bring balance to our planet and to ourselves, it is time to call in the potent spiritual potential of both energies. In this experiential and didactic workshop we will reacquaint ourselves with the beauty and power of both masculine and feminine energy from a variety of religious perspectives, and explore ways to balance these energies within ourselves and in our world.
John M. Smith, LCSW has been a practicing psychotherapist for over 33 years. In addition to his traditional training, John has developed skills in many areas of therapeutic intervention including Reiki, Psychodrama and Thought Field Therapy. He is also certified as a Laughter Yoga Trainer and Laughter Yoga Leader. John was recently ordained as an Interfaith Minister (2012) after attending the International School for Interfaith Studies (ISIS) in New York City, and he is the Director of the newly formed Inner Faith Sanctuary in La Jolla, Ca, offering counseling to heal religious trauma, and assisting individuals both to reclaim and embody their sacred path.
$50. Please RSVP to
Saturday, December 8th
Gaia Rebirth Performance & Dance Party
With The Artist Dream Family
8:00pm – 10:00pm
The Artist Dream family presents Gaia Rebirth performance and dance party. As we elevate our consciousness and evolve as spiritual beings, our planet is effected as well. The vibrational increase on the planet has been a catalyst for the re-awakening of feminine energy. As this planet moves out of darkness and into light and old paradigms of greed, violence and war are replaced with love , the planet is undergoing a transformation…a rebirth. We all play a role in the Rebirth of our planet. The power is within each of us to heal the planet as well as each other….through love.
Join us as we celebrate the Spiritual Rebirth of our planet through music and dance that is uplifting to your body and soul.
Contribution: $20 online before Dec 1. $25 at the door. Children under 16 free entry. Healthy snacks & Refreshments will be provided. Contact information at
Sunday, December 9th
META Center Holiday Healing & Reading Fair
12pm – 6pm (Registration starts at 11.30am)
Mini Healings & Reading Sessions $25 for 20 minutes.
Signup for sessions at the event only.
Join us as we celebrate the Season at our Annual Holiday Fair. Treat yourself and others to the gift of a Mini Healing Session or Intuitive Reading with one of our amazing readers and healers.
Angel Readers
Chernise Spruell
Psychics / Mediums / Intuitives / Clairvoyant / Tarot
Milou * NYC Psychic Jesse Bravo * Patricia Jamison * Blanca Beyer * Isabella Randazzo * Marcy Currier * Cher Elyse Charden
Hand Analysis
Jean Worth
Aura Readings
Nicole Napoli
Rebecca Gordon
Vortex Healing Intuitive Readings
Chetana Thornton
Shamanic Healing
Olivia Olkowski
Soul Readings
Kate Anjahlia Loye
* Rev. Barbara Dominick (Reiki & Angel Card Message)
* Lisa King (Intuitive Reiki)
* Simone Braga (Angelic Reiki Healing)
Rising Star Healings
Anthony Citro
Reconnective Healing
Angela Aim
Scandinavia Runic Readings/Activations
Skydin Zeal
Monday, December 10th ~FREE EVENT~
New Year Career Makeover Workshop
Sarah Showfety, Transformational Coach
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Do you love what you do? Or are you bored, stressed and about as professionally inspired as a couch cushion? Do you crave answers to the question, “What should I do with my life?” and know there’s more out there for you but aren’t sure what or how to get there?
In this workshop, you’ll get closer to the What and the How. You will tap into your passions and gain energy to act on them in 2013. You’ll learn how to shift limiting career beliefs, put an end to “maybe” and procrastination and create clear goals for your future. You will discover your life purpose and see what it would be like to live a life aligned with your unique gifts. And you’ll leave inspired to take action towards what you truly want in 2013!
Sarah Showfety is a transformational coach, author and speaker. Event is free but space is limited. Contact sarah@straightupyou.comto reserve your seat.
Monday, Dec 10th
emBODY your PASSION Guided Meditation
Jeni James
6:30pm – 8:00pm
If you feel stuck in life, are not fulfilled with the current work you are doing, or need a change, this workshop is for you.
Join me, Jeni James for a discussion and guided meditation to explore the things that you love to do.
This workshop was created to support your transformation to experience your passion every day. Through my own personal experience I have been able to achieve this for myself and so can you. The workshop is designed to bring awareness to the things you love to do and your natural skills. These two things come together to create a path for you to begin to emBODY your PASSION.
$15.00. RSVP required, email: jj@tadasanatravel for questions.
Tuesday, December 11th ~FREE EVENT~
Social Media / Email Marketing / Video Marketing
Nani Nakagawa, Social Media Expert
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Today, more than ever before, business success is measured by the strength of the relationships each business builds. You’ll learn how to build those relationships using easy, inexpensive and highly effective email marketing! We will explore the basics of what email marketing is, why it works so well, how it easily integrates with social networking sites, and how to use it in your business planning and marketing strategy to achieve special goals.
In this seminar, you will learn email marketing best practices and how easy it is to implement them. You will take away knowledge of how to: * adhere to the do’s and don’ts of email marketing * create email campaign strategies that are effective for your business * build your mailing list to include people who are truly interested in your message * write compelling subject lines and copy * interpret email campaign results (open-rates, bounce-rates, click-thru rates, etc.) * develop targeted follow-up campaigns * successfully integrate your email and social media marketing efforts.
Come learn how to build strong relationships that will lead to more business and growth through the power of email marketing.
All are welcome. For questions, please email: Register Here.
Wednesday, December 12th
12 – 12 – 12 : Special Stargate Event
Day of – Alignment – Anchoring – Transformation (“Da’at”)
With Jodi Serota, Celia Fenn & Maryanne Savino,
Inter-Dimensional Music by Jonathan Sherrill
7:00pm – 10:00pm
A major vibrational portal is opening affecting the Earth & all her inhabitants. Transmissions of higher frequencies will infuse and shower us all with higher resonances of light, awakening us to a greater embodiment of our Divine Presence in physical form.
Da’at, in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, represents the hidden mysteries and unification of knowledge and wisdom. This is a time of true revelation for full embodiment of the higher truths.
This evening of the 12-12-12 is another necessary energetic recalibration. This will continue to prepare us to hold the full frequency of love through the open heart, enabling us to gently allow for the necessary shifts for movement toward unity consciousness or open-hearted collaboration.
Join us as we gather together with The Hierarchies of Light, enjoying a deeper preparation for mastery.
Receive: *Higher Consciousness Transmissions of Love. *Soundscape Journey with Crystal Bowls, Ocean & Turtle Drums. *Group Channeling – Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn. *Sacred Awakening Temple Dance Ceremony – Maryanne Savino. *Channeled Vibrational Sound/Light Activations & Initiations through Jodi Serota. *Inter-Dimensional Music by Composer/Musician Jonathan Sherrill.
Note: This evening will assist in getting ready for the Historic Date of Fri. Dec. 21st 2012, The End of the Mayan Calendar, a prophesied time by Indigenous Cultures, for a Global Awakening and a New Era of Consciousness.
Come & Be Part of The Global Community of Love!
$33. Call META Center to register at 212 736 0999 Ext. 1. Master Card, Visa, Discover, checks and cash accepted in advance (all non-refundable). Cash only at the door.
Wednesday, December 12th
12-12-12 Spirit Circle – Preparing for the Ascension
An intimate experience with Thomas John
Session 1: 10am to 11:30am
Session 2: 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Session 3: 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Session 4: 7:30pm to 9:00pm
12-12-12 is a historical date in our history with a rich spiritual potential. Thomas has been guided to offer his services on this day in an intimate form.
As such, Thomas will conduct several 90 minute, small, intimate group reading sessions on this day. Members of the group will participate in a brief guided meditation together. Then, Thomas John will channel messages for each member of the group. This spiritually uplifting experience will ensure that you get the most out of this spiritually charged, cosmically intense day.
Each group will be limited to only 8-10 participants to ensure that everyone gets an intimate connection with Thomas John as well as several spiritual messages from guides and loved ones.
Four session times are available. Cost for each session: Early bird registration (before December 1, 2012): $50; after December 1, 2012: $60. To register, email Thomas at or contact Thomas’ office at 347-637-8592.
Wednesday, December 12th
* Special Star Gate Event *
“I Am Presence’ Alignment Workshop” (on the 12/12 Star Gate)
Facilitated by Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 10:00pm
This important moment in our collective history that is the 12/12 Star Gate can be likened to riding in a roller coaster car and pivoting at the top of the incline, the moment before the ride begins…the descension down the track, which can be exhilarating and enervating! This is the ‘moment’ we are in…when there is no turning back and the ride will progress, whether we close our eyes and scream through it, or throw our arms in the air and enjoy the g-forces at work as we travel along. And as we evolve, we can now shift our focus towards our own inner resources…our own individualized ‘GOD SPARK’ which resides within our High Heart Chakra, that which many call the ‘I AM PRESENCE’.
Here, through the Grace and Etheric Presence of Sanat Kumara and His Divine Complement, the Lady Venus, you will be encouraged to embrace a permanent openness of HEART…thus discovering and realizing a conscious alignment with your own Divinity. This is the road to empowerment – through the High Heart, living and feeling your I AM Presence as the Light shining and dispersing the Dark, transforming all to LOVE, being transparent and authentic in all things and in all ways.
Tonight, with the assistance of our Planetary Logos, who exude the quality and essence of Unconditional Love, you will receive an intense downloading of Galactic Light, unraveling dormant DNA and expanding your capacity to create a reality of Love, from the space of LOVE…for yourself, the planet and all sentient beings, irregardless of resistance from those not yet ready to do so.
* You may prepare for the workshop if you would like by viewing the ‘I AM PRESENCE’ video linked here:
Exchange: $33.00. Register: / 212.726.2761.
Thursday, December 13th
People v. the State of Illusion – Documentary
7:00pm – 10:30pm
Author and Producer Austin Vickers and Exalt films along with Samuel Goldwyn are excited to announce the New York premier of their acclaimed Documentary People v. the State of Illusion. An amazing film that centers around stress, self-awareness and the science and power of our perceptions and imagination.
The film and keynote discussion are important because the film brings to light principles like hope, imagination and creativity, along with self-awareness, responsibility and accountability in a movie format that entertains as well as it educates. Writer and Producer Austin Vickers will be there to host a keynote discussion on the Science and Power of Imagination after the film.
“An enlightening film” Huffington Post. “This film is a must-see” The Reel Critic. “Compelling” Scientific American
View trailer at View directors intro of film at
Review by Scientific American
The film will show for one night onl. Tickets are on sale at:
Friday, December 14th
A Whirling Night of Stars 9th Annual NYC Rumi Celebration
Whirling/Turn Class 6:45 pm; Zikr/Remembrance 7:30pm
“Now is the time to unite soul and world; now is the time for sunlight dancing, united with the shadows.” Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi
Music, mystic poetry, whirling dervishes, and singing sacred phrases comprise this meditative evening. Everyone is welcome; no experience is necessary. Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi was for many years America’s best-selling poet. As his funeral procession moved through the streets of 13th century Konya, Turkey, at sunset on a snowy winter evening, his family and closest colleagues were joined by throngs of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, all claiming that Rumi’s heart illuminated their sacred traditions. His spiritual realization continues; over seven centuries later whirling dervishes still turn toward their hearts, inspired by his example, inspiring friendship among those of many religions and paths worldwide.
“What will it take to get over admiring the jug and actually drink the water?”
Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi
This event is part of a weekend-long “Urban Dervish Celebration” sponsored by NYC Sufi Ruhaniat Int’l and Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Circles.
Information: (646) 924-9957; (Space contribution: Turn Class $5; Zikr $15).
Friday, December 14th
Body Language – The Essence of Non-Verbal Communication
Megan Gouldner
7:00pm – 9:00pm
The Essence of Non-Verbal Communication: Non-Verbal communication cannot be faked. You may be familiar with information such as how to hold your body a certain way, steeple your hands or shake hands just so in order to appear confident and in control. But the truth is that such tricks aren’t likely to work unless what you are truly FEELING is confident and in charge. You cannot control all of the signals you are constantly sending out about what you are really thinking or feeling. Our deep subconscious thoughts effect the subtle energy of our bodies sending messages much louder than what our gross movements contain.
To truly understand Non-Verbal Communication, you must become adept at sensing, FEELING, the messages your own body sends out in response to others. And to learn how to communicate most effectively you must continuously master the art of listening.
Join Megan Gouldner for an enlightening evening as she discusses the subtle keys to effective Non-Verbal Communication.
Fee: Pre- register by November 30th – $30.00 – after 11/30 or at the door $45.00. To attend and register call Maureen @215-431-8838 or
Tuesday, Dec 18th
emBODY your PASSION Guided Meditation
Jeni James
6:30pm – 8:00pm
If you feel stuck in life, are not fulfilled with the current work you are doing, or need a change, this workshop is for you.
Join me, Jeni James for a discussion and guided meditation to explore the things that you love to do.
This workshop was created to support your transformation to experience your passion every day. Through my own personal experience I have been able to achieve this for myself and so can you. The workshop is designed to bring awareness to the things you love to do and your natural skills. These two things come together to create a path for you to begin to emBODY your PASSION.
$15.00. RSVP required, email: jj@tadasanatravel for questions.
Wednesday, December 19th
Crystal Holiday Shopping Party Event
Adrienne Gammal & Friends
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Everyone is invited to our free, fun filled Holiday Event!
We will have many festivities going on all night! Complementary aura clearings and the magical sounds of Leslie Roberts flowing Flute Music!
Angel and tarot card readings $20 for 15 minutes, first come first serve. Please sign up for readings when you arrive (Cash only).
There will be an amazing collection of crystals and gemstones for sale from all over the world. Fabulous one of a kind top quality crystal Specimens including Clusters, Spheres, Hearts, Healing Wands, palm stones and much more…
Perfect for gift giving, stocking stuffers and your own personal collection!
(This is a cash only event – crystals purchases and readings) Enter our crystal drawing! We will be raffling off beautiful crystal clusters and free workshops!
Adrienne Gammal: is a Certified Crystal Master teacher and healer. She created the crystal department for East West Living and she holds monthly workshops on crystals and energy healing both in NYC and NJ.
Come in and join the fun! Light refreshments will be served.
Questions or comments: please contact

Friday, December 21st
Jodi Serota & Mark Becker Present:
Celebrate The End of The Mayan Calendar – A New Era in Consciousness
Global Broadcast/Champagne Toast at Midnight
7:00pm – 1:30am (Doors open 6:00pm)
Jodi Serota – Welcome & Intro – Evening Agenda
Mark Becker – Speaker/Host
Diana Jean Feldman – Singing Performance
Rebecca Gordon – Astrology 2013 The Galactic Picture
Celia Fenn – Archangel Michael Channeling
Braco – Transformative Gaze – A Gift to NYC – Live Streaming
Jodi Serota – Channeled Art & Sound Activation
Marc Brinkerhoff – Blessing from Beyond
Laraaji – Musical Performance
Dr. JJ Hurtak – Video Message/Prayer
Olivia Olkowski – Shamanic TransenDance
Maryanne Savino – Dance Activation
Kevin Nathaniel, Evan Worldwind, Hasan Bakr, Eric Fraser & Special Guest – World Dance Music
Join us on this special evening ascending into a loving, unified consciousness of “One Heart”! Enjoy Powerful Speakers, Guided Meditations, Prayers for Humanity, Invocations of World Peace, Channeled Messages, World Music, Drumming, Dancing, Art & Sound Activations, Healing, Astrological Predictions, Heart Opening Ceremonies, & Nutritious Food Delights for purchase, & more!
This auspicious time on the planet, End Of The Mayan Calendar, prophesied as an historic event of immeasurable shifts in consciousness, has long been considered by indigenous peoples to be “A New Era of Consciousness”. On this same night of The Winter Solstice, the Earth & Heavens will be in a new synchronicity, culminating after 26,000 years of time, initiating major changes. A midnight broadcast worldwide (by The Shift Network), will document our gathering with the NY & Global Community on this mystical day. Innate gifts & possibilities for enlightenment with heightened sensory perceptions will be ignited as a new increased hope for our collective futures & global peace will finally be more achievable.
* Bring friends & loved ones! * All Welcome! * Attire: Creative Black Tie!
$65 on the day – non refundable. Call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext.1 (MC, Visa, Discover, cash and checks accepted). Doors open at 6:00pm, event starts at 7:00pm sharp.
Venue: Hotel Pennsylvania – 18th Floor – 7th Ave. at 34th St. Across from Penn Station
Fri, Dec 21st, Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd
Vision Questing for 2013 – A New Beginning
Join Hereditary Cree Shaman – Harry Snowboy & Cayuga Healer – Wendy Hill
Join two extraordinary Indigenous Healers from Canada, Hereditary Cree Shaman – Harry Snowboy, Author of “A Voice From the Wilderness” Indigenous member of the renowned Healing Our Spirit Worldwide; and Cayuga Healer – Wendy Hill, a member of Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, Author of “Understanding Life… What my Ancestors taught me through my Dreams”. Wendy Hill is a Professor of Indigenous Medicine at McMaster`s University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Following a meet and greet and book signing on Friday, December 21st join Harry Snowboy & Wendy Hill as they lead a 2 day workshop entitled Vision Questing for 2013 – A New Beginning. At this juncture on the eve of the end of the Mayan Calendar and amid concerns of ecological & environmental upheaval due to global warming, Indigenous Healer`s Wendy Hill & Harry Snowboy will provide spiritual guidance as we prepare for a new beginning during this time of renewal.
They will also discuss their books, share their stories of being chosen and gifted as renowned Healers & Seers.
Book early & pay $350 by December 14th, or pay $380 at the door and receive your copy of “A Voice From the Wilderness” & “Understanding Life… What my Ancestors taught me through my Dreams!” Contact Cliff Summers at 613-327-1997 or by email: to guarantee your seat. Seats are limited. Note: 1 Hr private healing sessions are available for additional costs – advance booking only.
Friday, December 21st
Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Winter Solstice and New Beginnings!!
Rev. Barbara & special guest Lloyd Strayhorn
7:00pm – 9:30pm
December is a month of going inward. It’s a time of reflection, releasing, clearing, gift giving, and making resolutions for the coming year. In this month the winter solstice, the element of Earth, is the exact same date the Mayan calendar ends… it’s an ‘auspicious’ date that we’ve anticipated as a milestone in planetary evolution. And, now it’s here!!! In addition, 12/12/2012 in numerology adds to the master number 11 which represents, among other things, the transformation from the physical to the spiritual… it’s also the number 2; the healer’s number. Clearly, now more than ever, we must understand that we are not the body, we are Divine in physical form. And, we absolutely have the power to heal our lives and allow our Divine Essence to be fully present as a Golden Age ushers in a new reality on Earth…. not an ending, but rather, new beginnings!
Join with others in this last circle of 2012 as we set the tone for the exciting years ahead. We embrace the winter solstice theme (death and rebirth) with a ceremony to help us release the things that no long serve us… we cannot move forward into a new consciousness with old patterns; they simply won’t fit. Attunements, inspirational Angel cards and Channeled messages for everyone in the circle will be followed by world renowned numerologist, Lloyd Strayhorn, who will offer insightful predictions for all.
Release, let go and be open to receiving, and as you do so you become a part of an expanding collective consciousness that is the light of LOVE and all that is good! Feel free to bring your crystals or other personal items to place on the altar for a blessing. And, as this is a celebration, you’re invited to bring a pot luck dish to add to the festivities. We close the evening with a toast to the canvas of infinite possibilities from which we can all create new beginnings. We are the infinite light of OneLOVE!
Because this is a special event, please RSVP by December 17th.
$25.00 donation in advance is preferred online at Or cash at the door. For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553 or
Thursday, December 27th
The Art of Channeling Step I
Angela Aim
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Follow your longing and receive everything you wish for! Do you get guidance all the time but have trouble trusting it because you think you are making it up? Do you ever find yourself saying something to someone, without knowing where it comes from, only to find that it was the perfect thing to say? Do you have an inner spiritual knowing but not always able to put it into words?
Are you a healer who helps others with your intuition, and would you like to fine tune that gift? This workshop is designed to offer you practical guides and suggestions for ways of connecting to your Higher self and world around you.
We will learn How to: * Open up to receive and start the Channel; * Follow the flow and discover more treasures your way; * Let go and let the Divine transform your life; *Ground “the light,” and experience the present moment; *Raise our vibrations by transforming our lives.
We’ll also practice and learn how to trust and express ourselves, so after the end of the workshop you will walk away with a new found confidence in your own abilities. This workshop is suitable for beginners/students at all levels so everyone can unfold at their own pace.
Angela Aim is Graduate of Kairos institute of Sound Healing, Light Workers Association of Las Vegas, Sedona Shamanic School, and Power Brain Center of NY, she also has a Master Degree in Education and Psychology.
web site:
Cost: $60.00. To register, please contact Angela Aim at 646-963-5321 or via email:
(212) 736 0999 Ext.1.
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