New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: February 2012

February Events at META Center New York

Events at a Glance (please scroll down for more information)

2/1: Realizing Your Dreams in 2012 – Suparna Bhasin
2/2: More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop – Nancy Santullo
2/3: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
2/3: Peace Builders: The Path of Unity and Action
2/3 – 2/6: Touch Skills Training for Somatic Experiencing (SE) Therapists – Kathy Kain
2/7: Shamanic Full Moon Circle & Ritual – Complexus – Olivia Olkowski
2/8: The Road to 2012, And Beyond – Phil Gruber & Alan Steinfeld
2/8: Prema Dharmadhatu Healing Circle – Anthony Citro and Teri Merliss ~FREE EVENT~
2/8: Eating and Breathing for a Healthy & Radiant Body – Eleonore Koulajian
2/9: Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program – Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides
2/9: Demystifying the Art of Self-Diagnosis – Verne Varona
2/10: Releasing the Seed Fear – Angela Aim
2/10: Attracting Your Divine Partner – Mark Mezadourian
2/10-2/13: Touch Skills Training for Somatic Experiencing (SE) Therapists – Kathy Kain
2/14: World Sound Healers Day / Valentine’s Event – Jodi Serota, Maryanne Savino, Kevin Nathaniel & Salieu Suso
2/15: Cleansing Protocols and Detoxification Using Essential Oils – Farangiss Sedaghatpour & Zela Rodriguez
2/16: Peace Builders: The Path of Unity & Action
2/17: Awakening Heart: Sufi Practice & Dances of Universal Peace
2/17: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev. Barbara Dominick
2/18: The Living Soul Workshop – Dr. Mitchell Gibson
2/18: Komyo Reiki Okuden-Inner Teaching – Lilia V. Marquez
2/18: Rising Star Initiation (Practitioner Training & Certification) – Anthony Citro
2/22: Voice of the One Heart Healing Workshop – Teri Merliss
2/24: The Tao & the Sacred Feminine – A Class for Women – Taoist Master, Yun Xiang Tseng (Chen)
2/24: Practical Meditation – Taoist Master, Yun Xiang Tseng (Chen)
2/25: Awaken the Master Within: Learn to Put Taoist Philosophy into Practice Everyday – Taoist Master, Yun Xiang Tseng (Chen)
2/25: The Seven Sacred Rays of Light, The Ascended Masters and Ascension – Lisa Fawcett
2/25: Usui Reik Level I – Rev. Barbara Dominick
2/26: Qi Gong Workshop – Primordial I – Taoist Master, Yun Xiang Tseng (Chen)
2/26: Wu Dang Eagle (Kun Peng) Qi Gong – Taoist Master, Yun Xiang Tseng (Chen)
2/27: Become Healthy & Wealthy with Cellular Nutrition Products – Launch of GNLD + Superfood Cellular Nutrition – Sirve ~FREE EVENTS~
2/28: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown ~Private Event~
2/29: Shamanism & The Evolution of Consciousness – Alan Steinfeld, Olivia Olkowski, Itzhak Beery & Grandmother Barbara Threecrow

Wednesday, Feb 1st
Realizing Your Dreams in 2012
Suparna Bhasin
6:30pm – 9:30pm

She Creates Change is a women’s empowerment community dedicated to supporting women to make their personal and professional dreams a reality. Our commitment is to help women live the life they were born to live through helping them align to their true life’s purpose.

This evening will be spent helping you uncover where you are in life on our “spectrum of change” and then identifying how you might be blocking yourself from the flow of all good things to come. You will leave with a plan on how to get “unstuck” and powerfully move forward in your life towards the one you were born to live!

This seminar is being lead by She Creates Change Founder and CEO, Suparna Bhasin. Fee: $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Learn more about this seminar and register by visiting:

Thursday, Feb 2nd
More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop
Nancy Santullo
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Join Nancy Santullo, founder of House of the Children ( for a More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop.

Embodying the essence of Peru’s Amazon Rainforest (where she works flowing clean water to indigenous people) and a Divine connection that invites transformation to occur, Nancy is an inspirational channel that manifests a field of infinite possibilities to facilitate change and growth in workshop participants. It’s always time well spent in her presence.

Through a powerful vortex, meditations, music, laughter, individual sharing, and spontaneous movement, take the opportunity to transform fears, relationship issues, addictions, and physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances through the frequency of Love!

For more information about More Truth Will Set You Free Workshops: To Pre-Register: Email: by Feb 1st. Cost: $40

Friday, Feb 3rd
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:30pm

This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.

Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.

For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 212 473 6388.

Friday, Feb 3rd
Peace Builders: The Path of Unity and Action
7:30pm – 9:30pm

We invite all that recognize a Call to Act upon Building a dignified future for Humanity for the benefit of Spirit, to meet on Friday, Feb 3rd, 2012 at the META Center NY. We live in precious times of the Great Passage. It is the time to join together and unite our flames, regardless of our background and expertise.

This is the first META Center NY Introduction and sharing of the Knowledge as we enroll for a two day Seminar to follow. We will share mystic knowledge about the Human Structure and the Structure of the Universe with fundamental new insights. (Great Passage, new “ascension” chakra structure, 6th element…).

We will share the keys for unlocking your Potential. They will empower you and open the doors to Reality. You will receive advanced practical techniques how to express your Identity and maintain vibratory balance. You will learn how to put it all in a concrete Action for Universal Humanity for the benefit of Spirit.

For each participant of the Seminar, Potential will be measured (causal programation of the capacity to express reality) and how much it’s Lived. The knowledge springs from France in alliance with the World Organization (Organization Internationale de la voie d’entente). The Organization’s aim is to reveal the Path of Unity which rises above all parties, so that peace, love and recognition can make the cement of our society. Let’s meet and build together! Non Nobis.

Introduction: $12. Walk in is welcome. Contact:

Friday, Feb 3rd – Monday, Feb 6th (PRIVATE EVENT)
Touch Skills Training for Somatic Experiencing (SE) Therapists
Kathy Kain

For more information go to

Tuesday, Feb 7th
Shamanic Full Moon Circle & Ritual – Complexus
Olivia Olkowski / Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing Circle
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Connect with “Mama Killa”, Mother Moon, your spirit guides, power animals and ancestors, by tapping into the age old practice of shamanic journey work, rituals, and exploration of the dimensions-we will join in sacred space with community, as we self-heal, explore, and manifest our own reality and destiny.

Each month, we will work to harness the power and our connection to “Mother Moon”, and anchor her energies into ourselves from the cosmos and into the earthly plane.

“Complexus” – February, we invite you to see and feel where you have lost your power, and to bring your energy into balance by filling-up with the light of the full moon. By opening your power center, you will be able to “be seen” and “stand in your divine power”. Open to men and women, all levels and practices. No previous experience needed.

Limited space available, please RSVP. Please note, sacred space will be opened at 6:45pm, no late arrivals will be admitted, doors will lock. Energy Exchange: $33. Pre-payment online is suggested to reserve your space and speed check-in. RSVP Olivia:, 917.215.4866. Click link below to make your pre-payment:

Wednesday, Feb 8th
“The Road to 2012, And Beyond” – The Path of Grace + the Keys to Destiny featuring The Master Key & The Plus Ultra System
Phil Gruber with Special Guest Alan Steinfeld

Phil Gruber has been astonishing audiences worldwide with his extensive knowledge of events unfolding as we head towards 2012. He has been described as a “magical genius with a heart of pure gold.” His passion, enthusiasm, kind spirit, sparkling wit and intelligence have made him a much-loved and highly respected lecturer on the international scene.

Surprise! The alignment of our sun with the Galactic Center and the Galactic Equator has already commenced. Once again, our son/sun has been hung on a cross for our redemption! What does this mean? What are the hidden truths the Mayan Timekeepers were trying to preserve? What are the 12 Gates of Revelation, The Great Cross, and the Black Road? What is the role you will play now and in the days to come?

This evening will also feature Charles F. Haanel’s The Master Key, original source material for “The Secret”. It is rumoured Bill Gates used The Master Key before founding Microsoft! Plus an introduction to Phil Gruber’s Plus Ultra System, a dynamic geometric model for maximally-optimized living, personal and spiritual development and the best that life has to offer!

What is the Path of Grace, the true nature of time and prophesy, our Return to Innocence and the light at the end of every tunnel? It’s all about the return to love and the return to innocence, the parting of the veils and the Path of Grace

Please join Phil, Alan and special guests for this very special evening intensive where he will lay it all on the line! There will be very special activations, as well as meditations and music provided, as well as a much deeper, and experiential understanding of the events that are shaping our destinies, as we approach 2012…and beyond! All are welcome!

Cost: $20 at the door.

Wednesday, Feb 8th ~FREE EVENT~
Prema Dharmadhatu Healing Circle
Facilitated by Anthony Citro & Teri Merliss
7:00pm – 10:00pm

This sacred symbol, the Prema Dharmadhatu (meaning Seed or Point of Truth), has been offered to Humanity at this time of Ascension to assist in the expansion of Unconditional Love and the Awakening of the High Heart. Here you will learn all about the symbol’s purpose and application in healing work and its potential for your daily evolution.

Please join us for an evening of interactive and experiential community, as we gather to invoke, send out and integrate this amazing vehicle for the expression of Divine Love. Attendance at this workshop is complementary and open to all. Although not required, any donations received will go directly to benefit SQ Foundation, a worldwide humanitarian and charitable organization.

To learn more about them, please visit the official website at: Please register below indicating how many will be joining in. Bring a friend! Register: or

Wednesday, Feb 8th
Eating and Breathing for a Healthy & Radiant Body
Eleonore Koulajian, HHC
7:00pm – 9:30pm

We will examine our relationship to food and learn how to use the foods we eat as a means to heal ourselves and stay vibrant. We will review the basic components of a healthy diet and the impact of certain foods on our physical health.

We will also examine the consequence of our emotional state on the way we eat. In the context of the ancient science of Ayurveda, we will assess your specific needs and discuss what types of foods suit you best. You will leave with a new awareness and specific tools to increase your energy levels and overall health.

Eleonore is a holistic health counselor and a Kundalini Yoga instructor.

Exchange: $35 at the door. To register for this event or for more information, please call 202 640 9689 or email


Thursday, Feb 9th
Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program
A New Program for Ascending into 2012
With Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides
(Enrollment Extended)

A Channeled 12 Month Intensive Multi-Dimensional Mastery Program for those serious about living authentically on Earth with internal & external peace & knowing & manifesting your purpose through your full Creation Expressed.

Class Dates at META Center (Thurs 7pm-10pm / Sat 10am-6pm)
Thurs, Jan 12th Thurs, Feb 9th Thurs, March 8th
Sat, April 21st Thurs, May 10th Sat, June 16th
Thurs, July 12th Thurs, Aug 9th Thurs, Sept 13th
Sat, Oct 13th Thurs, Nov 8th Thurs, Dec 12th

Although the program started on January 12th, 2012, it is possible to join the program up until March 1st. Videos of Jan 12th & Feb 9th classes will be available online to allow new participants the opportunity to catch up to the rest of the class.

Count Down to Consciousness is a multi-dimensional educational, assistance program helping everyone with the ongoing planetary & inter-dimensional changes that are igniting consciousness for the Full Unification of Pure Divine Perfection in Physical Form.

This Dynamic Ascension Program throughout the year will help with healing, relieving suffering, activate, initiate, integrate and elevate for higher consciousness, transmute karmic patterning, awaken the strands of the DNA codes of consciousness in your cells, & anchor in your full “Monad or Divine Presence” into direct manifestation on Earth.

This program is created for those who are committed to moving forward in life to more expanded levels of consciousness, and for those choosing to move through karma, know why they are here on Earth at this time, carry out their original blueprint of service & purpose, and participate in the greater understanding of inter-dimensional/multi-world experience as a full being of light & love!

Count Down To Consciousness is available Online
In order to reach a wider audience for those committed to mastery in their lives, we are making the entire program available online.

All live classes will be recorded and video downloads will be available online through a password protected site, allowing for a more flexible study schedule. This enables participants to continue staying in synch as part of the group collective energy. The group dynamic forms a frequency grid of support for everyone as part of learning and experiencing supportive 5th & 6th dimensional unity consciousness.

Cost: $1313. Pre-Paid For The Entire Year. Full payment must be received by Jan 6th. Non-Refundable.

Payment Plan:
$1513 (In 4 Payments)
$403 Deposit (non refundable) by Jan 6th, 2012 to confirm enrollment, with 3 installment payments as follows: $370 by Feb 28th, $370 by April 28th & $370 by June 28th, 2012.

Call to reserve your space – 212 736 0999 Ext.1 or email – Subject: Registration For Countdown To Consciousness 2012. Only those enrolled in the program are permitted to attend.

Thursday, Feb 9th & Thursday, Feb 23rd
The Art of Self-Diagnosis to Determine Your Past, Present & Future Health
Verne Varona
7:00pm – 9:45pm

Join Verne in a special series of Inspiring Evenings of Insight & Inspiration as you learn the Best of Eastern & Western Self Diagnosis Techniques. This seminar is for the health-oriented individual, the health professional or anyone with an interest in the Healing Arts.

Cultural folk medicines had a unique way of evaluating and individual’s health simply by looking at the face, hands, eyes, posture, mannerisms and by voice. When your doctor asks to see your tongue, or feels your glands, pinches your skin, or asks about your appetite, sleep and energy levels, these are all diagnostic indicators that reveal different conditions, absent, present or developing.

This fascinating in-depth workshop unifies both methods of self-evaluation and offers participants better understanding and more control over health and well-being by understanding how the body broadcasts its signs of stress or dysfunction.

In addition to Verne’s talk, participant questions and volunteer demonstrations will illustrate specific examples for identifying these signs. You’ll never look at someone the same way again!

Verne Varona has become known as one of the most captivating and dynamic health educators in the country. For thirty-five years, his lectures, workshops and media appearances have motivated thousands of people to take better and more conscious care of their health. His appeal transcends barriers of age, culture and occupation.

Verne’s first book, Nature’s Cancer-Fighting Foods (Penguin Books), is currently in its fifteenth printing and used as a textbook in a number of academic health and wellness institutions. His second book, Macrobiotics for Dummies Wiley Publications), is part of the internationally popular Dummies series.

Individual Class: $35. Limited attendance – reservations required. Call 917 349 3343 / email to register.


Friday, Feb 10th
Releasing the Seed Fear
Angela Aim
6:45pm – 8:15pm

Do you feel like you are blocked as you move into any form of lightwork? Do you feel like everyone else gets it or feels it or sees it but you don’t? Finally, if you are taking a leap of faith and looking for some solid ground: Join us in releasing the Seed Fear, which separates you from your true Essence.

At this workshop, we will use different kinds of techniques to strengthen the flow of your root chakra and activate your pineal gland, which is a dormant organ in telepathic communication with the higher realms of consciousness.

Via guided meditation and visualization we will create a vision and potential opportunities for your personal journey. You will also be deepening your ability in channeling for yourself and others to receive more clarity and wisdom.

Discover a Master Teacher within yourself and let it come in without doubts and fear! This is a monthly program designed to help you to stay on the path of your journey and get close connection with your Spirit Guides. At the end of the workshop everyone will receive channeled guidance in regards to your current situation.

This workshop lead by Angela Aim. She is a Graduate of Sedona Shamanic School, Kairos Institute of Sound Healing, and the Light Workers Association of Las Vegas.

Cost: $30.00. Please register with Angela Aim at 646-963-5321 or via email:


Friday, Feb 10th
Attracting Your Divine Partner
Mark Mezadourian
7:00pm – 9:30pm

How current are your beliefs about partnership? Do they reflect your highest self, or are they anchored in the past?

The goal of this gathering is to fully shift from looking for partnership to attracting it. Working with Archangel Michael as our guide, we’ll clear all attachments to people and the past, as well as upgrade all beliefs and patterns around romance on a DNA level. Once the clearing is complete, we’ll heal and soothe all that is you, and then begin the process of creating the perfect conditions for new people to walk into your life.

Cost: $54. Call Mark at (310) 220-5455. For detailed information and to register, please visit or. Daily OM course – Angelic Infusions.


Friday, Feb 10th – Monday, Feb 13th (Private Event)
Touch Skills Training for Somatic Experiencing (SE) Therapists
Kathy Kain

For more information go to

Tuesday, Feb 14th
World Sound Healers Day / Valentine’s Day Event
Jodi Serota, Maryanne Savino, Kevin Nathaniel & Salieu Suso
7:00pm – 9:45pm

As we move into the 5th Dimension of Collaboration through Love, we must be in, and move through the world, with open hearts. Sound, Music, Chanting…all forms of sonic vibration with intention, have a direct effect for instant change.

Join us in a Harmonic Evening participating & collaborating in this Annual Global Celebration of World Sound Healers Day with others throughout the world (initiated by Jonathan Goldman – Founder of The Sound Healer’s Association, USA). Together we will generate peaceful energy throughout the planet with sound!

Sound coupled with intention has the ability to heal and transform. Experience Vocal Musical Entertainment, Vibrational Sound Ceremonies, Sound/Light language Infusions, Music of The Spheres, Toning and More.

Allow for the healing and expansion of your heart, and then enjoy socializing and connecting with others in that open, safe, space. Come spend time with like-minded people on this Love-Filled Evening of Valentine’s Day! Everyone is welcome!

$20 paid in advance, $25 cash only @ door (non-refundable). MC, Visa, Discover, Checks & Cash accepted. To hold your space, please call & register in advance: 212 736 0999 Ext.1.

Wednesday, Feb 15th
“Cleansing Protocols and Detoxification Using Essential Oils
Led by Farangiss Sedaghatpour, Rph, Natural Healthcare Practitioner &
Zela Rodriguez, Intuitive Life Coach, HHC, CCI, CCA
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Feb 15 – Winter (part II): Yeast cleanse
Mar 21 – Spring: Liver & Gallbladder

Our commitment is to bring your awareness into the organs that are associated with each season, and work with the rhythm of nature, to cleanse those organs with the help of essential oils, specific foods, and supplements.

Are your health problems yeast related? Common yeast-related symptoms are: vaginal infections and cystitis; fatigue; headache; muscles and joint pains; depression; sugar craving; memory loss; sleep problems; digestive problems. A clean healthy inside translates to increased energy, better health, and a vibrant outside.

Exchange: $30 pay at door. To register for this event or for more information, please call 212.330.8126 or inquire by email at

Thursday, February 16th
Peace Builders
The Path of Unity & Action – Introduction

Join us, as we invite all those that recognize the Call in these destined times to Act upon Building a dignified future for Humanity for the benefit of Spirit and those looking for their own operativity and possibility to reveal their Self.

We live in times of the Great Passage where Humanity by the Fire of Consciousness is opening to the Universal reality that Human must incarnate in the expression of the recognition of his/her Creator, and also in communion with those committed to the Spirit and in the expression of what unites us all to the Light of the Created. It is the time for all men and women of good to join together and unite flames, regardless of background and expertise.

This is the second META Center NY Introduction as we form a group ready to receive the Knowledge in a first two day Seminar quickly to follow.

We will share mystic knowledge, previously not available to the public, about the Human Structure and the Structure of the Universe, with fundamental new insights.
(Great Passage, new “ascension” chakra color structure, 6th element, dawn of the 6th race…)

We will share the keys for unlocking your Potential. They will empower you and open the doors to Reality. You will receive advanced practical techniques how to express your Identity and maintain vibratory balance. You will learn how to put it all in a concrete Action for Universal Humanity for the benefit of Spirit.

For each participant of the Seminar, Potential will be measured (causal programation of the capacity to express reality) and how much it’s Lived. The knowledge springs from France in alliance with the World Organization (Organization Internationale de la voie d’entente). The Organization’s aim is to reveal the Path of Unity which rises above all parties, so that peace, love and recognition can make the cement of our society. Let’s meet and build together! Non Nobis.

Introduction: $12. Walk in is welcome. Contact:

Friday, Feb 17th
Awakening Heart: Sufi Practice & Dances of Universal Peace
Whirling/Turn Class 6:45pm; Awakening Heart 7:30pm

So the first thing I ask you to do is don’t believe me. Believe your own being when you get up and walk and chant and dance.” (Murshid Samuel Lewis).

Using Meditation, Movement/Dance, Sacred Names, and Walking Meditations, this circle explores the heart-centered, in-the-world Universal spirituality brought from India to the West in 1910 by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, and of worldwide sacred traditions. Those of all paths are welcome; no experience is necessary.

Space contribution: Turn Class $5; Awakening Heart $15; (646) 924-9957;


Friday, Feb 17th
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara Dominick
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Kick your shoes off… relax!!! Leave your work behind, be it office work, spiritual work, home work or otherwise. Simply BE in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing on various levels of your being. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Angels, and allow yourSelf to be open to your own intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Being of light.

Prophetic insight, meditation and Christ Light healing to crown and heart chakras are always a part of this beautiful circle that may open your heart and lift your spirit. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.

Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Christ Light Healer and Spiritual Counselor who has been practicing energy healing for more than 25 years. Her commitment to healing work is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for your Soul, heart, mind and body to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.

$25.00 at the door or register online at For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553.


Saturday, Feb 18th
The Living Soul Workshop
Dr. Mitchell Gibson
9:00am- 4:00pm

The Living Soul Workshop is the first in a series of lectures designed to educate the public on the scientific nature of the Human Soul. There is a great deal of information available in the scientific literature relative to the results of recent research on the soul.

This workshop is condensed into a one day format will enlighten and educate the participant on the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual aspects of the most valuable asset that a human can own. This exciting once in a lifetime workshop is presented by Tybro Publishing and Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson. If you ever wanted to know more about your spiritual gifts and the inner workings of the human soul, here is your chance!

Cost & Registration Information: The Price is $175.00. Pre-registration is required. Please register at or call Kathy Gibson at 336-423-2426. Website:


Saturday, Feb 18th – Sunday, Feb 19th
Komyo Reiki Okuden-Inner Teaching
Lilia V. Marquez, RN, Komyo Reiki Shihan
9:30am – 5:30pm

Reiki Practitioners of all schools/lineages are welcome to attend.

Key words: The doorway to a spiritual path *Inner Teaching (spiritual cultivation and upliftment) * Peace and prosperity. Focus: spiritual practice of Reiki Ryoho, i.e. one’s spiritual cultivation and upliftment. Aim: to live a healthy, peaceful and prosperous life, i.e., to live a happy life.

Early Registration Fee $350.00 on or before 2/3/2012 Check/Money Order. $360.00 via PayPal. $450.00 after 2/3/2012. Bonus 1 hour Free Reiki Healing Session (value $100.00). $500.00 CASH only on the day of the event. Contact: Lilia V. Marquez, RN Komyo Reiki Kai New York.


Saturday, Feb 18th
Rising Star Initiation (Practitioner Training & Certification)
Facilitated by Anthony Citro
11:00am – 6:00pm

Initiation into the Rising Star Healing System, also known as the Minjushree Initiation, is simply one of the most adept and powerful steps that one can take in advancing along their spiritual path. The modality is a pure and undiluted lineage passed down directly from the Ascended Masters to us, a gift from the Divine to usher in Humanity’s next step in evolution and healing.

It was channeled through Master Healer and Spiritual teacher Derek O’Neill in 2004 and since then has helped countless thousands by significantly raising their Vibration to hold a maximum amount of Love and Light.

The benefits of receiving this Initiation are extensive. Even if you are not called to practice professionally, once infused with the Energies, every aspect of your life and those with whom you come in contact with are positively enhanced. In short, integrating the Rising Star is one of the best ways to be in service to God just by being your-SELF and holding Light! This Initiation may be received privately if you so desire.

Investment: $700.00 (payment plan available). Please pre-register! For more information, please visit the source website for the Rising Star at ( Register: or (212) 726-2761.


Wednesday, Feb 22nd
Voice of the One Heart Healing Workshop
Facilitated by Teri Merliss
7:00pm – 9:15pm

It is your birthright to use the powerful tool of your voice. As you listen to your voice, you will experience a supreme purity that is inside of you. The vibration of a pure voice is a living vortex that can transmute the atmosphere within our beings into love.

Using toning, meditations and healing sound vibrations from the angelic realms, we will open up our heart and throat chakras. We will experience the power of many voices singing together and we will let go of any energetic blocks that hold us back vocally. This workshop is for all levels…it doesn’t matter if you can sing or you can’t sing.

Fee: $30. To register: call: 646-621-3155 or email:


Thursday, Feb 23rd
The Art of Self-Diagnosis to Determine Your Past, Present & Future Health
Verne Varona
7:00pm – 9:45pm

Join Verne in a special series of Inspiring Evenings of Insight & Inspiration as you learn the Best of Eastern & Western Self Diagnosis Techniques. This seminar is for the health-oriented individual, the health professional or anyone with an interest in the Healing Arts.

Cultural folk medicines had a unique way of evaluating and individual’s health simply by looking at the face, hands, eyes, posture, mannerisms and by voice. When your doctor asks to see your tongue, or feels your glands, pinches your skin, or asks about your appetite, sleep and energy levels, these are all diagnostic indicators that reveal different conditions, absent, present or developing.

This fascinating in-depth workshop unifies both methods of self-evaluation and offers participants better understanding and more control over health and well-being by understanding how the body broadcasts its signs of stress or dysfunction.

In addition to Verne’s talk, participant questions and volunteer demonstrations will illustrate specific examples for identifying these signs. You’ll never look at someone the same way again!

Verne Varona has become known as one of the most captivating and dynamic health educators in the country. For thirty-five years, his lectures, workshops and media appearances have motivated thousands of people to take better and more conscious care of their health. His appeal transcends barriers of age, culture and occupation.

Verne’s first book, Nature’s Cancer-Fighting Foods (Penguin Books), is currently in its fifteenth printing and used as a textbook in a number of academic health and wellness institutions. His second book, Macrobiotics for Dummies Wiley Publications), is part of the internationally popular Dummies series.

Individual Class: $35. Limited attendance – reservations required. Call 917 349 3343 / email to register.

Friday, Feb 24th – Sunday, Feb 26th
Taoist Master, Yun Xiang Tseng (Chen)

Master Chen in a rare visit to NYC shares practical techniques for Healing & Abundance presents a Taoist perspective on healing and spiritual growth, an opportune time with the shifts taking place in the year 2012.

Learn about the Sacred Feminine, powerful Meditation and Qi Gong techniques, and Self Mastery. Master Chen is making this special trip to NYC to share the ancient wisdom. For those of you who have experienced the incredible healing power of Master Chen’s teaching, you know why this is an opportunity you should not miss!

Friday, Feb 24th (Day Time Program)
The Tao and the Sacred Feminine – A Class for Women
9:00am – 5:00pm

Master Chen was a disciple of the highly respected female Taoist Grandmaster Li. She lived to be over 130 years old and was respected as a treasure of ancient Taoist wisdom and women’s alchemy. Women’s bodies and spirits have special requirements for nurturing their unique creative and formative energies.

Class will include specific targeted Qi Gong, meditation, nutrition, recipes and tantric practices. These practices help nurture blood, balance hormones, build kidney Qi and bring women better into alignment with their Yin feminine aspect. In this Women only class, Master Chen will share the traditional oral teachings of the Taoist view of the female body, sexuality, midwifery, menopause, infertility, hormonal problems, pregnancy, post menopause and much more.

Cost: $175/$150 Early Bird.

Friday, Feb 24th (Evening Program)
Practical Meditation
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Learn why so many meditation techniques fail and how you can use a very simple and practical approach to achieving deep union with your spirit. Master Chen will teach an ancient meditation that has been used for both healing and spiritual awakening for people from all walks of life.

Cost: $50.

Saturday, Feb 25th (Day Time Program)
Awaken the Master Within: Learn to Put Taoist Philosophy into Practice Everyday
9:00am – 5:00pm

A lot of people talk about spiritual theory and we can study these theories for a lifetime, but how do we make them part of our daily life? Daily emotional stress and negative thoughts are the root of internal disharmony and prevent us from achieving our dreams. Wu Dang Taoist Priest Yun Xiang Tseng, has guided thousands of people to transcend ordinary behavioral patterns and learn how to achieve the successful life they deserve. The “Master Within” workshop introduces the participant to Taoist philosophy – a new way to interpret life. This life philosophy allows you to open your heart and connect to your own personal Master Within. Learn to reach beyond ordinary human experience and become extraordinary. Along with life philosophy, you will learn practical techniques that are integral to support your physical and spiritual development.

Cost: $175/$150 Early Bird

Sunday Feb 26th
Qi Gong Workshop – Primordial I (Morning Program)
9:00am – 12:30pm

Primordial Qi Gong is considered a base form used by Taoist monks on Wu Dang Mountain to rebuild Jing (vital essence) and Yuan Qi (vital energy). These simple exercises strengthen the physical body, open the twelve energy meridians and clear emotions. Class will cover an introduction to Qi Gong theory, health benefits of Qi Gong and internal Qi movement. Learn to
coordinate breath, movement and mind. This power- ful set of exercises cleanses, restores health to each of the major organs, reverses aging, improves the immune system, and increases intuitive abilities.

Wu Dang Eagle (Kun Peng) Qi Gong (Afternoon Program)
1:30pm – 5:00pm

Kun Peng is a bird “whose back is many thousand li in breadth. When it rises and flies, its wings are like clouds filling the skies.” (Chuang Tzu Inner Chapters). Kun Peng Qi Gong imitates the motions of this im-mortal bird to facilitate internal training for opening the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, a basis for longevity. These restorative exercises increase the quantity and improve the quality of internal Qi energy. Eagle Qi Gong is a complete system which includes standing, seated and laying movements. Kun Peng Qi Gong emulates the character of this bird, creating the opportunity for internal greatness. This form is simple and easy to learn. The movements are very gentle and flowing.

Cost: $90/$75 Early Bird for morning or afternoon session or for both sessions: $175/$150 Early Bird.

To register for Master Chen’s workshops, go to or mail payment to: PO Box 2109, Evergreen, CO 80437. Early Bird pricing applicable through January 27th, 2012. For questions or more information call 646-998-7620 or email:


Saturday, Feb 25th
The Seven Sacred Rays of Light, The Ascended Masters and Ascension
Lisa Fawcett
10:00am – 5:00pm

Want fuller meaning, deeper peace and greater joy in your life? Come experience the powerful, healing and transformative energies of the Seven Sacred Rays of Light given to us by Creator to sustain and elevate our lives. Each ray has it’s own unique divine qualities that help activate healing, restructure DNA, transmute karma, raise consciousness, initiate self mastery and enfold us in greater love.

You will receive teachings, guided meditations and transmissions of energy to help integrate each of these rays. You will learn which Ascended Masters work with each ray and when and how to call in the rays and Masters to assist you in your pathway. We will also discuss the I AM Presence – the center of our God consciousness, the planetary and personal ascension process and what this all means for you.

Come and join us for this extraordinary day. Lisa Fawcett, LCSW, LP is a licensed Jungian psychoanalyst practicing in NYC. She has been offering workshops on the Seven Sacred Rays of Light for several years and sits on the board of Telos – USA, an organization dedicated to the dissemination of information about Lemuria, Ascension, the Sacred Rays, Ascended Masters and transforming oneself.

To register contact: Lisa Fawcett at Cost: $125


Saturday, Feb 25th
Healing Marathon (Healing Energies of Agape Love)
30 Minute Sessions with Rev. Barbara!
10:00am – 5:00pm

In this month of celebrating love, as you love your loved ones, take time to Let Your Love, Be Loved! Participate in the HEALing Marathon and experience 30min. of the wonderful, uninterrupted bliss of natural healing offered through Christ Light Healing, Reiki Healing or Reconnective Healing. When you allow the gentle Healing Energies of Agape Love to realign your body, mind and spirit to their natural rhythms, the healer within you facilitates an experience of wholeness on various levels of your being. It’s also a great opportunity to experience some of the benefits of energy healing without the time and expense of a full session.

$33.00 per 30mn. session. By appointment only! Appointments go fast so make your payment in advance to hold your space. Contact RevB at 718-863-1553 / on-line payment at

Monday, Feb 27th ~TWO FREE EVENTS~
7:00pm – 10:00pm

Become Healthy & Wealthy with Cellular Nutrition Products:
The Launch of GNLD in NY

GNLD, the pioneer of cellular nutrition in the 1950’s, backed by the research of Stanford scientists, now in 56 countries, has become the largest cellular nutrition company in the world. Now you can be part of this exciting company as Newlife is bringing them to NY for the first time.

If you are interested in learning more about the GNLD super food products and would like to be on the ground floor of a worldwide billion-dollar company (in NY for the first time) attend the launch of GNLD in NY. Join Newlife’s exciting team.

Superfood Cellular Nutrition
with Sirve

Sirve from Estonia has a degree in sports nutrition and has educated many top Olympic athletes with the best super foods supplements from her journey around the world.

Join Sirve as she educates you about the latest scientific research which shows that there is a whole family of eight omega-3 fatty acids which is essential to balance the level of fats in your blood, increase carbohydrate metabolism, increase brain function and stabilize your cholesterol. Learn how Carotenoids are being uses to reduce risks for cancer and heart disease, and enhance immunity and tissue protection.

Attendance is free. To register, please call (516) 897-0900.

Tuesday, Feb 28th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm

For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at

Wednesday, Feb 29th
Shamanism & The Evolution of Consciousness
Alan Steinfeld, Olivia Olkowski, Itzhak Beery & Grandmother Barbara Threecrow
7:00pm – 9:45pm

What is True Shamanism and how does this mode of work differ from other teachings & healing?
What are the psychological and spiritual implications of working shamanically?
How is shamanism a bridge between the worlds?
How can these Ancient Teachings still have such a tangible effect in contemporary times?
Why are the Wisdom Teachings of Indigenous People so important to maintain?
How can we use these teachings as we move into the future of Humanity and toward a more harmonious future?

These are some of the questions that moderator Alan Steinfeld of New Realities, will be addressing and answering with some of New York’s most respected figures in the field of shamanism.

Panel discussion is from 7:00pm-9:15pm and will be followed by 30 minutes of networking opportunities with event attendees and the panel. Light refreshments will be available during the networking session.

Olivia Olkowski is a powerful shamanic healer, a Peruvian Pachakuti Mesa holder (Shaman). She is initiated as a lineage holder of Mayan traditional medicine, a Curendera. Olivia transforms people’s lives through her circles, workshops, sacred teachings and private healing sessions. Olivia opens sacred space by working with her Master Teachers, Spirit Guides, the Elementals, crystals, sacred geometry and sound, to manifest healing for our souls.

Itzhak Beery is a NYC-based shamanic healer who conducts shamanic workshops in the U.S., Israel and Hawaii. He trained intensively with the Ecuadorian Quechua, Shuar, Uru-eu-wau-wau and other South American indigenous shamans, and is a co-founder of the NY Shamanic Circle. Itzhak’s work has been featured in The New York Times and variety of other publications, radio and films.

Grandmother Barbara Threecrow is “an educator of earth ways.” She calls upon all of us to return to the sacred circle to: re-new, re-dedicate, re-fresh and re-visit ancient ritual. Her most recent book is called: “Return of the Sacred Feminine and Teachings of the Grandmothers.”

Alan Steinfeld , moderator, has been the host of the spiritually based talk show New Realities
for the past 15 years. He has interviewed many of the top leaders in the human potential movement. He feels the times that we are in now are creating vast changes in consciousness. He hopes this panel will throw some light and direction on these changes. For his latest interviews go to:

Fee: $15 in advance (non-refundable). $20 at the door. Please call the META Center to register at 212 736 0999 Ext.1 – MC, VISA and Discover card accepted in advance. Cash only at the door.

214 West 29th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001
(212) 736 0999 Ext.1.