New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: February 2014

Upcoming February Events at META Center New York

February Events At A Glance

2/4: Intimate Channeled Gatherings – Jodi Serota & her Guides
2/5: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
2/5: Creative HeART: Night of Inspirational Art and Writing – Anita Celeste
2/6: Prosperidad con dōTERRA – Silvia Nielsen y Armando Contreras ~EVENTO GRATIS~
2/6: Aprender de Aceites Esenciales dōTERRA Belleza & Salud con dōTERRA -Silvia Nielsen, Elena Yordan & Laura Ruiz ~EVENTO GRATIS~
2/7-2/9: Activaction del ADN – Tallers de Crecimiento Personal – Guillermo Ferrara
2/7: Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose – Jean Worth
2/9: “Back to the Future: A Return to Lemuria & Atlantis” – Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro ~EVENT POSTPONED TO FEB 23rd~
2/11: Healing Temple – Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers, Sound Healing & Crystals – Suzy Meszoly
2/11: Intimate Channeled Gatherings – Jodi Serota & her Guides
2/12: Radiant Heart, Radical Love: Exploring Emotional Justice & the Eloquent Heart – Gloria Rodriguez & Esther Armah
2/12: Beauty & Health with dōTERRA – Silvia Nielsen, Elena Yordan & Laura Ruiz ~FREE EVENT~
2/13: Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing Circle – Healing Wounds of the Heart – Olivia Olkowski
2/13: Reiki Healing – Reiki Share – Shihan Lilia V. Marquez
2/13: Psychic Message Circle – Psychic Medium Milou
2/14: World Sound Healing Day & Full Moon Sounding Circle – Joule L’Adara
2/15: Pure Love Transmissions – Michelle Carter
2/15: Reiki Chuden – Intermediate Teaching (Second Degree) – Shihan Lilia V. Marquez
2/16: Multiple Realities Symposium – Suzy Meszoly, Duncan Cameron, Dan MacBolen, Preston Nichols, James Rink & Stephen Popiotek
2/18: I’m Ready for Love…Now What? – Lori Ostenfeld & Zela Rodriguez
2/19: Kirtan, World Chant & Community Concert – 13 Hands (aka Dalien)
2/19: Seance in the City – Jesse Bravo
2/20: Are Vaccines Safe and Effective? – Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky
2/20: Ascension Work – Group Meditation Intensive!! – Rev. Tim Chambers
2/21-2/24: Creativity Workshop – Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
2/23: “Back to the Future: A Return to Lemuria & Atlantis” – Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro
2/24: Holistic Public Speaking Workshop – Naini Nakagawa
2/24: Kabbalah Reiki & Healing: The Joining of Age Old Wisdom With New Age Technology – Robert Salvit
2/25: Beginner’s Welcome to the Intuitive-In-Training – Module 1: Dowsing, Telepathy and Psychometry! – Zela Rodriguez
2/25: Love, Sex and the Soul – David Mollon
2/26: An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center ~FREE EVENT~
2/27: Evolution of Conscious Salon: One Simple Idea: Why Positive Thinking Works – Mitch Horowitz & Moderator Alan Steinfeld
2/27: Psychic Circle for Singles – Psychic Medium Milou
2/28: The Kortum Health Assessment Technique – John Kortum
2/28: Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose – Jean Worth
2/28, 3/1 & 3/2: Dreams and Healing – Peeka Trenkle

Tuesday, February 4th
Intimate Channeled Gatherings
with Jodi Serota & her Guides
6:30pm Sharp – 9:00pm

At this time, I’ve been guided to gather small groups of up to 12 people, to channel pertinent information and healing for those present. During these evenings, as part of the collective dynamic, special channeled messages/readings will be given for each individual in the group.

These Channeled Evenings will assist everyone through this time of massive transition to live more consciously from a much higher conscious perspective. We’re all witnessing and experiencing major shifts on our planet and our individual & collective consciousness is being heightened, expanded and refined. Many are going into old patterns of fear, limitation, illness, confusion, and separation. Others are growing rapidly and expanding their intuitive abilities, with their innate gifts being revealed.

Some have little understanding of how to utilize their fuller knowing in a world where not everyone embodies, understands, or accepts these heightened experiences and gifts.

Join us in these very special evenings assisting in re-calibrating & re-aligning the physical & etheric systems, & anchoring “The Divine Presence” more fully into the body. Embrace the All Inclusive Frequency of Love & Live the Sacredness of the Divine, Always! All are welcome!

$75 per class – non-refundable. Pre-register and pay in advance as these groups are limited to only 12 people. Or call META Center 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register.

Wednesday, February 5th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.

Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.

We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.

The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.

Fee is $20. Register via or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).

Wednesday, February 5th
Creative HeART: Night of inspirational art and writing
Anita Celeste
6:45pm – 9:15pm

If you are looking to tap into your well of creativity during your everyday life then this class is for you. Creative HeART classes combine guided meditation and art-making or writing. With every journey inward you will learn to express that which resonates in your heart. No experience is required.

How you will benefit: * Receive guidance and inspiration more easily. * Obtain a stronger connection to your creative spirit. * Release and flow through parts of you that hold fear and resistance.

Anita Celeste is an artist, meditation teacher and intuitive energy healer in NYC. She has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years.

$45 per class. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or

Thursday, February 6th
Prosperidad con dōTERRA ~Evento Gratis~
Silvia Nielsen y Armando Contreras
4:30pm – 5:30pm

Belleza y salud con dōTERRA – Aromoterapia + Prosperidad. Te Invitamos a experimentar el poder de los aceites esenciales CPTG de dōTERRA en un evento sin igual!

Acompaña a Silvia Nielsen en el Club de Diamantes. Contaremos con la visita especial de Armando Contreras Representante dōTERRA en el mercado latinoamericano quien nos visita con novedades de desarrollo y crecimiento que complementan la salud, el bienestar y las finanzas de nuestras familias. Ven y acompáñanos en el emprendimiento de una etapa de cambios, renovación y expansión. Que la Salud, la Belleza y la Prosperidad abunde en tu vida al igual que los buenos aromas!

Yo ya lo decreté…y te invito a compartir mi pasión y propósito.” “El 2014 es nuestro año para la salud y la prosperidad! Cambia tu vida, ayudando a la salud y bienestar de otros con dōTERRA. Te espero con regalos…!

Evento Gratuito. Para registrarse o para obtener más información llame al 201-951-6042.

Aprender de Aceites Esenciales dōTERRA ~Evento Gratis~
Belleza & Salud con dōTERRA
Silvia Nielsen, Elena Yordan y Laura Ruiz
6:00pm – 9:00pm

Descubre como los aceites esenciales de Do Terra CPTG te ofrecen una herramienta efectiva para sentirte mejor que nunca! Aprender aromaterapia y los muchos usos de los productos dōTERRA.

Este 2014 recupera tu figura, revela tu belleza y siente que tu salud florece! Le invitamos a una experiencia dōTERRA. Ven y experimenta con nosotras Salud, Belleza y Prosperidad este 2014 con Silvia Nielsen dōTERRA IPC & DIAMOND CLUB Participant, Elena Yordan dōTERRA IPC, Team Leader and Author, Mary Ellen Palmeri dōTERRA IPC, Fashion Design & Product Merchandiser, Laura Ruiz dōTERRA IPC and IIN Health Coach.

Te Esperamos! Evento Gratuito. Para obtener información o para reservar su asiento, por favor llame al 201-951-6042.

Activaction del ADN – Tallers de Crecimiento Personal
Fri, Feb 7th – Filosofia de la Felicidad – 6:30pm – 9:30pm (Gratis)
Sat, Feb 8th – Activaction de ADN – 10am – 6pm
Sun, Feb 9th – Redisena tu Vida – 10am – 6pm
Guillermo Ferrara

Activacion del codigongenetico ayuda a la elevacion del nivel de vibracion bioenergetica del cuerpo y la apertura de la conciencia. En estos momentos el sol es vital para las celulas por el impacto fotonico en la vibracion de la tierra y el cuerpo humano.

En este seminario podras reactivar tu connexion con algo que esta latente en tu interior y tendras una vida mejor, un destino mejor ya que estabas siendo una de las miles de personas despiertas alrededor del mundo, ya que hay un cambio global de conciencia.

Guillermo Ferrara es un artista ítalo-argentino, terapeuta, filósofo y autor de 22 libros, traducidos a 10 idiomas. Sus libros son un valioso aporte para que las personas mejoren su calidad de vida. Entre sus obras se destacan las dos novelas best seller El secreto de Adán, y El secreto de Eva. Especializado en filosofía holística y psicología transpersonal, enseña sobre espiritualidad, física cuántica, meditación, mística, yoga, esoterismo, sanación emocional, vida extraterrestre y los avances en el campo de la conciencia, desde un ángulo científico-espiritual con una gran dosis de humor. Viste: Vea video: Ismael Cala entrevista a Guillermo Ferrara

Para informacion y para inscripciones, llamar 917-501-8790, El valor del taller (viernes, sabado y domingo) es $200 que incluye conferencia gratis el Viernes Febrero 7, Filosofia de la felicidad. Conferencia del Viernes es gratis para todos – no es necesario estar inscrito en el taller del un fin de semana para asistir el viernes.

February 7th
Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose
Jean Worth
6:30pm – 9:30pm

We all have a unique signature, one that is you and no one else.
Hand Analysis can decode your most pertinent information and reveal your soul’s agenda and life’s purpose. Your fingerprints are formed five months prior to birth and they carry the blueprint of your life. Discover what it is your soul yearns to express and who you are meant to be. Learn to become your authentic self and let life flow through you.

This event begins with a dynamic lecture/demonstration followed by a personal reading. The class size is now limited to six participants to ensure in-depth work for each participant. You will leave with a profound understanding of your true purpose and tools to help you live your life on purpose with passion.

Jean Worth – Transformational counselor and healing practitioner – Graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis – Certified in Quantum Biofeedback – MA in Education from NYU

$60.00 Paid in advanced by credit card. $66.00 cash at the door. To register: Call 917-579-3050 or e-mail

“Back to the Future: A Return to Lemuria & Atlantis”
With Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro
10:00am – 4:00pm

Do you have a connection, interest or maybe even a past life in the ancient civilizations of Lemuria & Atlantis?

The ancient cities of Atlantis and Lemuria inhabited two of the most advanced civilizations known to humankind. It was the last time, prior to the Ascension of 12/21/12, that LightWorkers attempted to raise the collective consciousness, as well as the planet to a higher vibrational level.

The earlier attempt failed due to a variety of man-made errors, miscalculations and several earth related natural disasters which resulted in the total destruction of both continents.

Contrary to popular beliefs, some of its people did survive. Key LightWorkers escaped to other countries- preserving many of the sacred texts, transcendental knowledge and continued on with the advanced work that they began in A&L.

Many of those same LightWorkers who contributed to the advanced spiritual and technological achievements of that time were called upon in this lifetime to apply their skills, healing abilities, and knowledge of all they learned from the mis-steps of the past to successfully launch the Ascension of 2012!

Through past life regression, group processing and lecture explore what your role was back then, what unfinished business you might have, and release any residual fears, guilt and apprehensions that are still impacting your life today – preventing you from fully stepping into your power as a 5D creator/healer in the New World!

Take the opportunity to “go back home” in a safe environment with a group of fellow Lightworkers who possibly were some of your old neighbors, friends, partners and colleagues! You might even run into a past teacher or former supervisor whom you worked with once! …You never know?

Cost: $175. Space Limited: Email or call to reserve your seat ASAP!! Register/info: contact Diane Hoffmann at NSP&A, Inc. – 718-256-2640. Send check in red envelop to: Nancy SantoPietro- 6221 Ravens Crest Drive Plainsboro, NJ 08536.

Tuesday, February 11th
Healing Temple
Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers, Sound Healing & Crystals
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher and master healer, Suzy Meszoly, channels the Divine Light healing energy in this special healing session, together with healing sound, crystals and the profound energy of the Master Teachers. Suzy will set-up a crystal grid and calibrate a special frequency with various minerals she has collected from all over the world to support deep miracle healing. She will be channeling the energy of the Master Teachers throughout the session to provide quantum healing to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of all participants.

During the deep two hour meditative session, Suzy will be working individually as well on each participant using hands on energetic healing and shamanic practices, and acting as a channel for psychic surgery for the Master Teachers. The Healing Temple energetic grid functions to bring about miraculous healing, supports graceful integration, and peaceful ascension to a higher frequency, the etheric healing continues into the higher realms, working on the ancestral and future DNA platform.

Book early to ensure your appointment as these events fill up immediately. $80 with pre-registration, $125 on the day. Crystals charged with the Divine Light Healing energy of the Master Teachers will also be for sale, as well as Suzy’s CDs and book. To purchase you ticket go to See Suzy channeling on Youtube: SuzyChannel and catch her radio show on BlogTalkRadio at SuzyChannel. And see her interview on Youtube: Love Now Movement.

Tuesday, February 11th
Intimate Channeled Gatherings
with Jodi Serota & her Guides
6:30pm Sharp – 9:00pm

At this time, I’ve been guided to gather small groups of up to 12 people, to channel pertinent information and healing for those present. During these evenings, as part of the collective dynamic, special channeled messages/readings will be given for each individual in the group.

These Channeled Evenings will assist everyone through this time of massive transition to live more consciously from a much higher conscious perspective. We’re all witnessing and experiencing major shifts on our planet and our individual & collective consciousness is being heightened, expanded and refined. Many are going into old patterns of fear, limitation, illness, confusion, and separation. Others are growing rapidly and expanding their intuitive abilities, with their innate gifts being revealed.

Some have little understanding of how to utilize their fuller knowing in a world where not everyone embodies, understands, or accepts these heightened experiences and gifts.

Join us in these very special evenings assisting in re-calibrating & re-aligning the physical & etheric systems, & anchoring “The Divine Presence” more fully into the body. Embrace the All Inclusive Frequency of Love & Live the Sacredness of the Divine, Always! All are welcome!

$75 per class – non-refundable. Pre-register and pay in advance as these groups are limited to only 12 people. Or call META Center 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register.

Wednesday, February 12th
Radiant Heart, Radical Love: Exploring Emotional Justice & the Eloquent Heart
– A Transforming the Temple Event
Gloria Rodriguez & Esther Armah
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Join CCCADI, Gloria Rodriguez, and Esther Armah as we explore models for uncovering the triumphant voice of the heart and creating campaigns – inclusive of healing, clarity, and emotional accountability – for truly loving personal and community development.

In this gathering, playwright and radio host, Esther Armah leads an interactive conversation and creative workshop exploring Emotional Justice in our relationships and social justice movements Gloria Rodriguez, Founder of DeAlmas Women’s Institute, author and professor, leads us in sharpening our Heart Literacy and Emotional Eloquence pointing a radiant light on the radically transformative power of self awareness and self love to create empowered social engagement.

$10.00 advance/$15.00 door. Children under 12 years of age free. Register online at

Wednesday, February 12th ~FREE EVENT~
Beauty & Health with
Silvia Nielsen, Elena Yordan & Laura Ruiz
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Find out how essential oils from dōTERRA CPTG offer you an effective tool to help you feel better than ever!

In the new year learn how dōTERRA can help retrieve your figure, reveal your beauty and make your health flourish! Learn about aromatherapy and the many uses of Do Terra products. Silvia Nielsen along with Elena Yordan and Laura Ruiz, invite you to a dōTERRA experience. Those interested in selling dōTERRA products are welcome to attend as well.

Come experience with us Health, Beauty and Prosperity in 2014. For information and to reserve your seat, email:

Thursday, February 13th ~EVENT CANCELLED~
Reiki Healing – Reiki Share
Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN-BC, CCRN
6:30pm – 9:30pm

6:30pm – 7:00pm – Registration
7:00pm – 8:30pm – Open Reiju/Attunements, Reiki Precepts, Reiki Mawashi, Reiki Shares

Reiki and Non-Reiki Practitioners interested in Reiki Ryoho (Divine Art of Healing) are welcome to attend!

Reiki is a healing practice that originated in Japan. Reiki practitioners place their hands lightly on or just above the person receiving treatment, with the goal of facilitating the person’s own healing response.

In the United States, Reiki is part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).Reiki is generally practiced as a form of self-care. Reiki can be received from someone else and may be offered in a variety of health care settings, including medical offices, hospitals, hospices and clinics. It can be practiced on its own or along with other CAM therapies or conventional medical treatments.

Use of Reiki Ryoho in the United States – According to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey, which included a comprehensive survey of CAM use by Americans, more than 1.2 million adults-0.5 percent of the U.S. general adult population-had used an energy healing therapy, such as Reiki, in the previous year. The survey also found that approximately 161,000 children had used an energy healing therapy in the previous year.

Benefits of Reiki: * Stress reduction * Ease pain and discomfort * Improves overall well-being-mental. physical, emotional, spiritual etc. * Facilitates the body’s healing abilities. * Calms the Mind and Body * Creates deep relaxation
Benefits of Reiki: * Stress reduction * Ease pain and discomfort * Improves overall well-being-mental. physical, emotional, spiritual etc. * Facilitates the body’s healing abilities. * Calms the Mind and Body * Creates deep relaxation

Fee: $25.00 for Reiki Share. Cash only on the day of the event. Contact: Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, Komyo Reiki Kai New York – Featured on the list of 101 Best Sites for Nurses 2012.

Thursday, February 13th ~EVENT CANCELLED~
Psychic Message Circle
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, find a new job, or receive a message from departed love ones? You are invited to bring a pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you names, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He does not ask for any information, including your name.

Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.

Friday, February 14th
World Sound Healing Day & Full Moon Sounding Circle
Joule L’Adara
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Every February 14th, people around the planet send a Sonic Valentine to Gaia, our Earth Mother. This is an opportunity which YOU can partake in to assist Global Harmonization–the process of creating harmony and peace on the Earth.

Joule L’Adara’s Sounding Circles workshop teaches simple techniques which serve to create a coherent field between your heart and brain. When coupled with intentionalized sound, these techniques amplify the energy we project and make us more effective vehicles for co-creating positive change.

Experience gorgeous therapeutic instruments designed to relax and energize, active guided vocal exploration to discover healing sounds for your unique body, and then come into resonance with others around the globe on this full moon night of universal love!

$35. Register for this event at: Call (310) 321-2711 for more information.

Saturday, February 15th
Pure Love Transmissions
Michelle Carter – International Divine Energy Channel
10:30pm – 5:30pm

Michelle Carter, an International Divine Energy Healer, famous for her powerful releases, has the amazing ability to connect with the Highest Vibrations of Divine Source Energy.

She would like to share the experience of feeling her Pure energy work and very powerful waves of Divine Love. This workshop will be intuitively guided, but will include lots of High Energy Transmissions of Divine Love, Peace and Joy, connecting with your soul for Diving Guidance and learning to discern.

As Michelle lives in the UK, this is golden opportunity to feel her Pure energy and meet her in person, so don’t miss out while she is in America!

META Center cost is £91.50 (approximately $150). Please use coupon code: NYC25 to receive this special price. Please see website for details and to book:

Saturday, February 15th
Reiki Chuden – Intermediate Teaching (Second Degree)
Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN-BC, CCRN
9:30am – 5:30pm

Key Words: * Practitioner (healing others) * You and I-good health. Focus: therapeutic practice. Aim: to live a healthy life. Prerequisite: Reiki Shoden (First Level/Reiki 1) Certificate Reiki Practitioners of all schools/lineages are welcome to attend.

Komyo Reiki Kai, the system Hyakuten Inamoto Sensei has created, presents Reiki as it was understood and commonly practiced in the 1930’s in Japan. This system places emphasis on spiritual enfoldment through the practice of Reiki Ryoho, aiming for “satori” or enlightenment.

What you will learn: * After receiving the Chuden (Second Degree) Reiju, three “shirushi” or symbols will be given to you. * With the use of the 1st symbol, the energy can be focused and strengthened. * With the 2nd symbol, a habit (bad or unwanted) can be broken. * With the 3rd symbol, you will be empowered to do Reiki healing on a person not physically present (distant healing)

Fee: $200.00 Register online 24/7 via PayPal Komyo Reiki Kai New York – Featured on the list of 101 Best Sites for Nurses 2012.

Sunday, February 16th
Multiple Realities Symposium
10:00am – 5:00pm

Supersoldiers, Time Travel, Hybrids, Nanotechnology, Monarch Programming, Military Abductions, Exopolitics, Pleidian Emissaries, Cosmic Shamans, Galactic Awareness, Human Evolution, Sound & Light Technologies, Alien Interaction, And More!

Duncan Cameron
(Montauk Project)
Dan MacBolen (Ex-military assassin – First public appearance)
Preston Nichols (Montauk Project)
James Rink (Supersoldier)

Also with Stephen Popiotek and Suzy Meszoly.

This symposium has been organized by Suzy Meszoly of the *Love Now Movement* to disseminate information and to increase the frequency of Love Now See our interview series on Youtube–> Love Now Movement

Tickets: $80 for Early Birds purchasing by February 10th, 2014. $125 after Febrary 10th, 2014. (All ticket sales are final. Tickets sold are non-refundable but are transferable to another person for this event only.) Purchase tickets here:

Tuesday, February 18th
I’m Ready for Love…Now What?
Facilitated by Lori Ostenfeld & Zela Rodriguez
6:30pm – 9:15pm

In this experiential workshop you will deepen your capacity to love and be loved. Connecting with joy, you will cultivate intimacy without fear.

You will learn: What’s holding you back from meeting or fully committing to marriage/life partner; How to be open and honest about your feelings in an intimate relationship; How to be a ‘love magnet’ and let go of being a fishing pole; How to release your limiting beliefs and trust in yourself.

Lori Ostenfeld, CPC is an Inspirational Speaker, Author, Certified Life Coach, and Certified Happiness and Success Coach. With a mutual covenant of safety, Lori brings her intuition, wisdom, compassion and an occasional touch of “sassiness” to her clients evoking an extra-ordinary opportunity for growth.

Zela Rodriguez, HHC, CCA, CPC is a Metaphysical Educator, Energetic Therapist, Counseling Intuitive, Certified Life Coach, and Certified Happiness and Success Coach. Through dedication and authenticity, Zela helps so many people go beyond their limited perspective of themselves and reconnect to the love, joy, and peace of their true selves.

$45 with early registration on or before February 12th, $60 thereafter. Seating is limited-register early! Register now at or email: or call 212.330.8126.

META Center & 13 Hands (aka Dalien) Present:

Wednesday, February 19th
Kirtan, World Chant & Community Concert
7:00pm – 9:00pm

13 HANDS (aka DALIEN) provides healing kirtan/chant and music that integrates various world music styles and inspirational song. With Native flutes, guitars, harmonium, hang drum and percussion, he creates a fun and interactive journey to opening the heart. The night begins with a short, grounding sound meditation to connect us to our breath.

He brings a world music array of Indian, African and Native American music styles along with beautifully inspiring songs for everyone to join in on. From native flutes, guitars, harmonium, Hang drum, steel pan, tribal percussion and more, he shares various sonic, world music and shamanic approaches to support the chanting and opening of our hearts.

Kirtan, or call and response chanting, is an interactive form of spiritual music where the audience sings/chants back the words (mantras) with powerful spiritual intentions/prayers being offered for all. His events are family friendly and you are encouraged to bring a drum, rattle or shaker for various parts of the evening!

Here’s a litte preview: Sound Meditation –
World Chant/Kirtan piece – Tryambakum –

13 HANDS is a two-time Grammy nominee, kirtan wallah, Professor of Yoga who’s been involved in the holistic, contemporary, world and shamanic healing applications of music and yoga for 20 years. He tours about 100 events a year at festivals and yoga/spiritual/retreat centers; presenting alongside renown authors, spiritual leaders, yoga instructors, healers and contemporary and world/chant artists.

$20 via PayPal or call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register. Credit card (MC, Visa & Discover Cards), checks and cash in advance, cash only at the door. $25 at the door. Children under 15 free.

Wednesday, February 19th ~FREE EVENT~
Beauty & Health with
Silvia Nielsen, Elena Yordan & Laura Ruiz
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Find out how essential oils from dōTERRA CPTG offer you an effective tool to help you feel better than ever!

In the new year learn how dōTERRA can help retrieve your figure, reveal your beauty and make your health flourish! Learn about aromatherapy and the many uses of Do Terra products. Silvia Nielsen along with Elena Yordan and Laura Ruiz, invite you to a dōTERRA experience. Those interested in selling dōTERRA products are welcome to attend as well.

Come experience with us Health, Beauty and Prosperity in 2014. For information and to reserve your seat, email:

Wednesday, February 19th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.

Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.

We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.

The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.

Fee is $20. Register via or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).

Thursday, February 20th
Are Vaccines Safe and Effective?
An Educational Opportunity for Parents and Practitioners
Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D.
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Come hear the renowned board certified pediatrician and sought-after lecturer, present his research on the safety and efficacy of vaccines and offer his experience on using a holistic approach to child care. Bring your questions!

In this workshop, you will hear discussions on vaccine science: What is current vaccine science and who is funding it and doing it? * How do vaccines work, and have they done, and do they do what we’re told they do? * What role do vaccine ingredients play when injected into infants and children? * What do the ingredients do to our children once they’re injected? * Do vaccines contribute to the development of chronic illnesses in children? * How do our children get into school if they’re not vaccinated? * How does the immune system work in babies and children?

Attendees will hear some of the answers to these questions, along with the research that questions whether vaccines are safe and effective, and whether the scientific process is even at work to prove the answers to these questions.

Attendees will also be asked to look at the issues that drive us to make the decisions we make, many of which come to us through fear, bullying, uncertainty, and a lack of knowledge, and to perhaps think alternatively about how illnesses occur and disappear.

$25 per ticket. For more information and to purchase tickets:

Thursday, February 20th
Ascension Work – Group Meditation Intensive!!
The Session: “Mastering Fire in the Neutral Heart Space”
Rev. Tim Chambers – Science of Light
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Using a group meditation format, Rev Tim will begin by giving each person a brief energetic reading and clearing/balancing treatment. He will then channel an intuitive message from his guides, followed by an inner visual journey whereby you will connect with yourself and your inner guidance.

You need bring only an open heart, mind and the intention to experience your own inner presence of light and dark, which is The Self. Tim Invites you to join this expanded group format to receive practical instruction, information and experience in the World Transition known as Ascension.

Tim utilizes the spoken word, breath and Visual Mediumship along with energy transmitting body movements to create inter-dimensional communication among the participants and their own inner guides.

Tim Chambers is an intuitive channel and meditative guide who has been leading groups through soul journeys and group based ascension experiences for over twenty years. He is an Ordained Minister, Visual Medium, Reiki Master, licensed Acupuncturist, certified Qi Gong Healing Practitioner and Soul-Life Path Counselor. Along with his private practice as a healer and counselor, he conducts weekly Group Ascension Work meetings at his Soho studio.

Donation: $30.00. Tim Chambers MSOM LAc, LMT, SOL. 646-465-1356.

Friday, February 21st – Monday, February 24th
Creativity Workshop
Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
10:30am – 1:30pm

The Creativity Workshop is an intensive 4 day class that teaches individuals in all disciplines ways to develop their unique creativity and use it in their lives and work.

The Creativity Workshop achieves this through a specially designed series of techniques in creative writing, memoir, free-form drawing, collage, and storytelling.

The Workshop helps its participants tap into their muses, discover and use images from the unconscious, get over creative blocks and the fear of failure, engage the power of curiosity, use memories to spark the imagination, and develop a daily practice to accomplish these goals.

Pre-registration required. For more information and registration go to:

Sunday, February 23rd
“Back to the Future: A Return to Lemuria & Atlantis”
With Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro
10:00am – 4:00pm

Do you have a connection, interest or maybe even a past life in the ancient civilizations of Lemuria & Atlantis?

The ancient cities of Atlantis and Lemuria inhabited two of the most advanced civilizations known to humankind. It was the last time, prior to the Ascension of 12/21/12, that LightWorkers attempted to raise the collective consciousness, as well as the planet to a higher vibrational level.

The earlier attempt failed due to a variety of man-made errors, miscalculations and several earth related natural disasters which resulted in the total destruction of both continents.

Contrary to popular beliefs, some of its people did survive. Key LightWorkers escaped to other countries- preserving many of the sacred texts, transcendental knowledge and continued on with the advanced work that they began in A&L.

Many of those same LightWorkers who contributed to the advanced spiritual and technological achievements of that time were called upon in this lifetime to apply their skills, healing abilities, and knowledge of all they learned from the mis-steps of the past to successfully launch the Ascension of 2012!

Through past life regression, group processing and lecture explore what your role was back then, what unfinished business you might have, and release any residual fears, guilt and apprehensions that are still impacting your life today – preventing you from fully stepping into your power as a 5D creator/healer in the New World!

Take the opportunity to “go back home” in a safe environment with a group of fellow Lightworkers who possibly were some of your old neighbors, friends, partners and colleagues! You might even run into a past teacher or former supervisor whom you worked with once! …You never know?

Cost: $175. Space Limited: Email or call to reserve your seat ASAP!! Register/info: contact Diane Hoffmann at NSP&A, Inc. – 718-256-2640. Send check in red envelop to: Nancy SantoPietro- 6221 Ravens Crest Drive Plainsboro, NJ 08536.

Monday, February 24th ~FREE EVENT~
6:30pm – 8:15pm

Join Naini Nakagawa and learn some important social media tips along with some powerful tools on how to become an effective public speaker for the holistic community.

Register here

Monday, February 24th
Kabbalah Reiki & Healing:
The Joining of Age Old Wisdom With New Age Technology
Robert Salvit
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Learn how to apply the universal laws to self-healing and healing others. Based on the basic principles of both Kabbalah and Reiki, we will discuss the energetic system that governs our life-force, the chakra system and our auras, while demonstrating the benefits of healing touch. Experience how healing touch promotes balance and harmony, creating a new dynamic equilibrium between body, mind, and soul.

Robert Salvit has 25 years of experience in energy healing and the study of Kabbalah with Rav Berg. He is a Reiki Master, Polarity Practitioner, a Barbara Brennen Healer, a Core Energetic Therapist, an integrative Kabbalistic Healer, and a Jin Shin Jytsu Practitioner.

Lecture: $26. Level 1 Kabbalistic Reiki Training – Sunday March 30th & April 6th, 10am – 6pm: total cost for training is $300. For more information, visit Or email or call 347-448-0911.

Tuesday, February 25th
Beginner’s Welcome to the Intuitive-In-Training
Module 1: Dowsing, Telepathy and Psychometry!
Facilitated by Zela Rodriguez
6:30pm – 9:30pm

The program is dynamic with eight modules* of metaphysical teaching for guidance and growth. It is designed so that it can be experienced as a full program or as individual classes that will support your core and higher learning as you expand. You will learn practical every-day techniques to truly manifest what you most desire and self-healing techniques that you will enjoy continuing on your own.

The first module will exercise your intuitive faculties through Dowsing, Telepathy and Psychometry! You are a walking broadcast station, and you pick up messages constantly from your community and friends. You have telepathic chords coming not only from people you know now, but also from people you will know and those you have known. It is important to know how to control the volume, the frequency, and how you receive these messages, emotionally, or mentally, for the quality of your telepathic connections determines whether your bonds will be positive and helpful or hinder you.

Zela Rodriguez, HHC, CCA, CPC is a Metaphysical Educator, Energetic Therapist, Counseling Intuitive, Certified Life Coach, and Certified Happiness and Success Coach. Through dedication and authenticity, Zela helps so many people go beyond their limited perspective of themselves and reconnect to the love, joy, and peace of their true selves.

$75 with early registration on or before February 18th, $95 thereafter and at the door. Seating is limited! Pre-registration is suggested. You will experience expansion for your personal and professional life! For more information and full flyer* or to register for this open event, please email or call 212.330.8126.

Tuesday, February 25th
Love, Sex and the Soul
David Mollon
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Love, Sex and the Soul – Learn the ancient mysteries of the evolution of consciousness through relationships. What determines whether love survives or dies? What are the laws that govern attraction, love and awakening to the truth about ourselves? How does love serve as a divine catalyst of soul awakening and lead to the birth of consciousness?

We will explore western esoteric teachings that have been taught in the mystery schools of Europe called the Six Processes of Love. Discover how these laws play out in the human and spiritual arena of our lives.

Presented by David Mollon, a teacher in the Academy of European Arts and Culture. The Academy is a non-profit organization of inner development and spiritual studies that offers classes on western art, philosophy and mysticism.

For more information about our school log onto our web site

Fee – Advanced registration is $20 payable via PayPal. Please email Fayina Cohen at to reserve your place. Payment at the door, $25 in cash or checks made out to the Academy of European Arts.

Wednesday, February 26th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm

Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.

Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.

In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.

Free Event. Please RSVP online:

Jodi Serota of META Center & Alan Steinfeld of New Realities Present:
Thursday, February 27th

7:00pm – 9:30pm

Does believing something make it happen? We are closer to answering that age-old question today than at any other time in history. An onrush of new findings in placebo studies, brain biology, psychical research, and quantum mechanics may redefine our idea of what it means to be human in the twenty-first century. Combining history, scientific analysis, and hands-on methods, this event is not to be missed.

Join award-winning author and lecturer Mitch Horowitz for a practical consideration of how and why our thoughts influence reality – in short: why positive thinking works. Exploring themes from his acclaimed new book, One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life, Mitch considers the real consequences of our thoughts, distills the most useful insights from the positive-thinking movement, and provides time-tested techniques that hold the greatest promise for us in daily life.

The evening also features New Realities television host Alan Steinfeld & META Center Founder Jodi Serota in dialogue with Mitch to consider the future outlook of positive thinking as it relates to emerging spiritual philosophies.

Mitch Horowitz is the author of One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life as well as his previous book Occult America, which received the 2010 PEN Oakland/Josephine Miles Award for literary excellence. Mitch is vice-president and editor-in-chief at Tarcher/Penguin, the division of Penguin books dedicated to metaphysical literature. He frequently writes about and discusses alternative spirituality in the national media, including CBS Sunday Morning, Dateline NBC, All Things Considered, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and He has appeared in recent mini-documentaries on the history of positive thinking; Ouija Boards; and Occult New York. Visit him at

Moderator: Alan Steinfeld. Alan has been the host of the spiritually based talk show New Realities for the past 15 years. He has interviewed many of the top leaders in the human potential movement. He feels the times that we are in now are creating vast changes in consciousness. He hopes this panel will shed some light and direction on these changes. For his latest interviews go to:

Fee: $20 in advance via PayPal or call META Center to register at 212 736 0999 Ext.1. MC, VISA & Discover Card, checks & cash accepted in advance. $25 cash only at the door. All (non-refundable).

Thursday, February 27th

Psychic Circle for Singles

Psychic Medium Milou

6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.

Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He does not ask for any information, including your name.

Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.

Friday, February 28th
The Kortum Health Assessment Technique
John Kortum
7:00pm – 9:00pm

At a young age, John Kortum discovered by blending his ordinary sense of sight with touch, he revealed a natural form or perception that detects health imbalances within the human body.

After thirty years of deciphering the body’s language of organ indicators, he approached the conventional medical community for evaluation. John had a 93% accuracy rate for identifying previously diagnosed conditions by simply looking at patients.

His seminal literary work, The Kortum Technique: How to Access the Human Body’s Natural Blueprint for Health and Healing, explains the clinical evaluation and sensory orchestration that identifies organ imbalances.

John brings the power of medical perception to New York. Through interactive lecture and experiential processes, you will introduce your senses to the body’s innate language of organ indicators.

John has demonstrated his technique in the original series “The uneXplained” on A&E Biography Channel, The Dr. Oz Show, ABC News, NBC News, and Fox News.

For information and registration go to: Tickets $50 in advance, $60 at the door.

February 28th
Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose
Jean Worth
6:30pm – 9:30pm

We all have a unique signature, one that is you and no one else. Hand Analysis can decode your most pertinent information and reveal your soul’s agenda and life’s purpose. Your fingerprints are formed five months prior to birth and they carry the blueprint of your life. Discover what it is your soul yearns to express and who you are meant to be. Learn to become your authentic self and let life flow through you.

This event begins with a dynamic lecture/demonstration followed by a personal reading. The class size is now limited to six participants to ensure in-depth work for each participant. You will leave with a profound understanding of your true purpose and tools to help you live your life on purpose with passion.

Jean Worth – Transformational counselor and healing practitioner – Graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis – Certified in Quantum Biofeedback – MA in Education from NYU

$60.00 Paid in advanced by credit card. $66.00 cash at the door. To register: Call 917-579-3050 or e-mail

Fri, February 28th, Sat & Sun, March 1st & 2nd
Dreams and Healing
A Weekend Workshop with Peeka Trenkle
Friday: 7:00pm – 9:00pm / Saturday & Sunday 10:00am – 5:00pm

Dreams are a natural function of the psyche and are one way in which we are always growing towards healing and wholeness. When we pay attention to our dreams and learn to understand what they are telling us, we can access a greater wisdom and begin to, more authentically, follow the calling of our soul. Dreams are a bridge between the consciousness of daily reality and the unconscious, a source for creativity and self-knowledge.

In this weekend workshop we will explore ways of understanding the meaning of dreams and how to work with them for healing. Friday’s evening lecture will cover the history of dreaming from the time of Asklepian temples in Ancient Greece through the present time. Through experiential work on Saturday and Sunday – including active imagination, meditation, and working energetically and creatively with symbols – you will learn ways of tapping into this vast and inexhaustible inner resource of psyche’s wisdom.

This workshop is open to all who are interested in dreams and dreaming, whether or not you remember your dreams.

Peeka Trenkle is a well-known homeopathic consultant, herbalist and energy healer in NYC and Denville, NJ. She is on the faculty of the New York Open Center where she teaches ‘Green Medicine: a 4-month training in herbalism’. She has had a long-time interest in dreams, including founding ‘The Dream Network’ in NYC in the early 80’s. She has undergone a lengthy Jungian analysis and has worked with her own dreams and the dreams of clients for many years.

$300. To register call 973-627-0877 or email

META Center New York, 214 West 29th, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001.
Tel 212 736 0999 Ext. 1