New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: July 2012

META Center Monthly Calendar

META Center has become home to renowned speakers, lecturers and practitioners in the consciousness raising and metaphysical community from around the globe. It is the ‘#1’ destination in New York City for cutting edge spiritual events, workshops, lectures and programs. META Center is a safe and supportive environment that vibrationally catalyzes spiritual awakenings, multi-level healing, truth and a full sense of peace.

Check out our Monthly Calendar and Special Events and be a part of the Growing Population of Conscious People.

July Events at a Glance

7/10: A Look at the Year Ahead and Beyond – Susan Miller
7/11: ReConnective Therapy – Herwig Schoen Treatment Group – Herwig & Kerstin Schoen
7/12: Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program – Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides ~ PRIVATE EVENT~
7/12: Why is That Person in My Life? Discover Your Soul Contracts with Friends, Relatives, Coworkers & Pets – Danielle Mackinnon
7/13: More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop – Donna Marie Alir & Sherri Greene
7/16: SQ Wellness Satsang – Michelle Fitch
7/17: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown ~PRIVATE EVENT~
7/17: Free Introductory Evening on Interfaith Ministry – ISIS Interfaith (Int. Seminary for Interfaith Studies) – Rev. Deborah Steen Ross ~FREE EVENT~
7/18: Voice of the One Heart Healing Workshop – Teri Merliss
7/19: The BE Seen Event – Joanna Lindenbaum
7/19: Sound Healing for Ascension: Gong Song for the Soul – Kate Anjahlia Loye
7/19: KaTransformations’ Angel Circle – Kat Katsanis
7/20: Hear the Galactic Council Tell the True Story of Why We Came Here to Earth – Judy Satori
7/20: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev. Barbara
7/21: META Center’s 2012 Summer Psychic & Healing Day Event ~FREE ADMISSION~
7/24: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
7/24: The Intuitive Games Workshop – Tori Quisling
7/25: A Day Out of Time – A Galactic Awakening – Jodi Serota
7/25: The Violet Flame Gathering – Anthony Citro
7/26: ET Contact & the Evolution of Consciousness – Alan Steinfeld, Marc Brinkerhoff, Marcy Gordon, Alan White & Susan Kornacki
7/27: “A Mind Altering Perspective” – Alexander Duncan Cameron
7/28 & 7/29: Let Your Happiness Happen: Introduction to The Option Method – Wendy Dolber & Frank Mosca, PH.d
7/28: Countdown to the 6th Sun: Sharing Mayan Wisdom – Anita Garr, Guest Shaman & other Speakers with live music by In Lak’ech

Tuesday, July 10th
“A Look at the Year Ahead and Beyond
with Astrologer Susan Miller”
6:30pm – 10:00pm

Astrologer Susan Miller, founder of, will conduct a lively interactive talk about the year 2012 and the years beyond. Three major outer planets are changing signs in 2012: Neptune has just entered Pisces for a 14-year stay, Jupiter will enter Gemini in June for 1 year, and in October, Saturn will move into Scorpio for nearly 3 years.

This means that many of the toughest planetary placements of recent years are rapidly dissolving, and new, gentler, and more encouraging planetary placements will replace them. These planetary movements, as well as the year’s coming eclipses, will usher in a new, exciting environment and much opportunity, allowing you to finally bolt the door on the past and shape a better future.

Susan will explain how you can take advantage of the changes that lie ahead. Susan’s talk will be drawn from her new 640-page book, “The Year Ahead 2012 and Beyond” that debuted April 17.

Ticket price, pre-reserved: $35.00. At the door: $40.00. RSVP For more information, please call my publisher, Arthur, at America Direct Books: 914 271 3640 x 12. Sorry, no cancellations after July 3rd, 2012 midnight EDT.

Wednesday, July 11th
ReConnective Therapy developed by Herwig Schoen
Treatment Group
with Herwig & Kerstin Schoen

All we need for healing is already in our energy body. The only reason we do not experience this at times, is, when this information is not connected to the physical body. ReConnective Therapy (RCT) is a healing art that facilitates connection of these aspects of the energy body all the way into the physical body.

An RCT Treatment Group is an opportunity to receive this work in a group setting. The advantage is that through the resonance effect the efficiency of the work is significantly amplified. ReConnective Therapy can facilitate healing of all kinds of conditions from physical to emotional and spiritual.

Cost: $70. For more information or prepay for the Treatment Group, please, visit our website at or contact our office at 360-321-1207.

Thursday, July 12th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program
– A New Program for Ascending into 2012
With Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides
7:00pm – 9:45pm

A Channeled 12 Month Intensive Multi-Dimensional Mastery Program for those serious about living authentically on Earth with internal and external peace & knowing & manifesting your purpose through your full Creation Expressed.

For more information, call 212 736 0999 Ext.1 or email Only those enrolled in the program are permitted to attend.

Thursday, July 12th
Why is That Person in My Life? – Discover Your Soul Contracts with Friends, Relatives, Coworkers & Pets
Danielle MacKinnon
7:00pm -9:00pm

Ever wonder why certain people are in your life? Learn how to recognize your soul contracts to discover what they are there to teach you. You might find out that a tumultuous relationship is actually helping your personal and spiritual growth. You might learn that your pet’s bad behavior is there to teach you something and you can stop it by changing yourself (not your pet).

You might even recognize a soul contract that’s blocking you (and then learn how to break free of it). Part of the evening will be reserved for audience “soul contract” readings where Danielle will help you understand your relationships at a deeper level. She’ll also lead everyone through a powerful prayer for breaking soul contracts.

Registration $29. Link:

Friday, July 13th
More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop
Facilitated by Donna Marie Alir & Sherri Greene
7:00pm – 9:30pm

A spiritual class that helps everyday people empower themselves, heal deep hurts, and awaken to a higher part of themselves. Through powerful healing energy, guided meditations, inspiring music, spiritual support and a community of friends, healing is achieved. During these classes, you are shown how to access your untapped potential, change things for the better, and see yourself in a greater light. You learn how old programs and beliefs keep you trapped and how to change these beliefs and programs with effective healing techniques. You won’t be surprised at what you learn in these workshops, you will be transformed. For more information, please visit us at:

The exchange is $30, with all payments to be made at the door. First time attendees welcome for free! To register, please contact

Monday, July 16th
SQ Wellness Satsang
Facilitated by Michelle Fitch
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Through the ages, people have sought the wisdom, support and connectedness of community – particularly during challenging times.

Join us each month as we come together to explore ancient teachings, techniques, and tools to navigate life as taught by Master Teacher, Derek O’Neill. Each gathering begins by listening to one of Derek’s discourses on topics as varied as “Looking at Your Life Patterns”, “The Root Cause of Suffering”, “The Art of Manifestation” and the Bhagavad Gita. The night concludes with a group discussion of the evening’s discourse, and an opportunity to share life’s challenges, seek support and perhaps walk away with a fresh perspective. All are welcome as there is truly something here for everyone, all you need to bring is an open mind and heart.

For more information on Derek O’Neill and SQ Wellness, please visit us at:

Exchange for this event is on a by donation basis. To register, please contact Michelle Fitch at

Tuesday, July 17th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm

For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at

Tuesday July 17th
Free Introductory Evening on Interfaith Ministry
ISIS Interfaith (Int. Seminary for Interfaith Studies)
With Rev. Deborah Steen Ross, Director
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Are you looking for a different concept in Interfaith Ministry? One that is relevant to the shifting and changing energies and times we are going through?

Are you concerned that ministry, even Interfaith Ministry, does not do enough to support peoples’ spiritual and energetic emergence on this planet?

Are you ready to become part of the solution?

Come join Rev. Deborah Steen Ross, Founder and Director of ISIS, for an exciting and informative evening of what it means to minister from a higher place inside yourself: one of wholeness, Oneness, and inclusivity, and to explore why this program might be your next step into “Ministering Into the Shift”.

To RSVP, please call 212 864 2243.

Tuesday, July 18th
Voice of the One Heart Healing Workshop
Facilitated by: Teri Merliss
7:00pm – 9:15pm

It is your birthright to use the powerful tool of your voice. As you listen to your voice, you will experience a supreme purity that is inside of you. The vibration of a pure voice is a living vortex that can transmute the atmosphere within our beings into love.

Using toning, meditations and healing sound vibrations from the angelic realms, we will open up our heart and throat chakras. We will experience the power of many voices singing together and we will let go of any energetic blocks that hold us back vocally. This workshop is for all levels…it doesn’t matter if you can sing or you can’t sing.

To register: or call: 646-621-3155. Fee: $30

Thursday, July 19th
The BE Seen Event
Joanna Lindenbaum – Soulful Coaching for Busy Women
1:00pm – 5:00pm

Being seen and valued in the world for your sacred work and message is your birthright. It is also a foundational key to prosperity. In this powerful afternoon, you will: receive a step-by-step process for creating marketing that will get you noticed as an authority in your field; learn my powerful method for getting crystal clear on your sacred message and your ideal client; Deepen and heal the part of yourself that (despite any fears and anxieties) deeply and fully wants to be seen, heard, and valued by many; Connect with a community of like-minded women who are committed to bringing their brilliance forward to help heal the world; Experience the power of learning in-person from a mentor who helps create quantum leaps.

Fee: $47. To register visit:

Thursday, July 19th
Sound Healing for Ascension: Gong Song for the Soul
Group Healing with the Gong
Kate Loye
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Join Kate Anjahlia Loye in a Celestial Shamanic Gong and Guided Trance Journey to experientially find your vibrational identity, your Soul Song.

Experience the silence of your Shushuma, your Central Channel and rest in the innate safety of the Divine Father, Divine Mother, and Yamala, Earth Essence Principal.

After the journey, we will journal our revelations, learn to bookmark, and acknowledge our “Song”, and it’s vibratory field. Develop heightened listening skills to hear your “Song”, and use it as an anchor and neutral port to return to in times of stress and strife.

We will invite questions and answers by the Ascended Masters and Archangels, to assist you in your ascension, channeled by Kate.

Kate Anjahlia’s practice of over 20 years, combines her Cherokee lineage with training in Master Level Intuitive Healing, somatic emotional release, and spiritual guidance. She channels the Loving Mother Wisdoms, Archangels, Wisdom teachers and Healers. Kate combines age-old traditions, Dharma, and modern psychologies. Sound healing with the Cosmic Gong, Crystal Chakra Bowls, Tuning Forks, Light Language and vibrational resonance repatterning for Soul advancement.

‘The vibratory tones of the Symphonic Gong is a reflection of our inner cosmos in relation to our outer cosmos. That which our Soul longs for is found and mirrored in the Sound Naad; the sound current of the Universe. It is an ancient tool of extraction, and blessing …bringing us into our remembrance of whole. Our Holiness.

Fee: $40 in advance via PayPal or $45 cash only at the door: Pre-registration strongly encouraged. Kate will be available for private sessions on July 19th & 20th, 2012.

Thursday, July 19th
KaTransformations’ Angel Circle
Kat Katsanis
6:45pm – 9:15pm

As a participant in July’s KaTransformations’ Angel Circle, you will receive guided meditations and visualizations, as well as individual energy healing work. You will also receive personal messages from either your angels or a deceased loved one (you choose). This will be a nurturing, relaxing and inspiring evening! Class size is limited to 8 participants.

Kat Katsanis~Semel, a California native, is celebrated for offering her clients accurate, intuitive guidance, that is trustworthy and loving. Kat began providing her NYC healing sessions & classes, with the blessing of Deepak Chopra @ The NY Chopra Center. Kat is delighted to share her spiritual gifts, and derives joy from her life’s work. For details regarding Kat’s dharma, please visit:

Fee: $34.44. To reserve your KaTransformations’ Angel Circle seat, please email: Arrival begins at 6:45pm. Doors close by 7pm. Event ends at 9:15pm.

Friday, July 20th
Hear the Galactic Council tell the true story of why we came here to Earth
Introducing Judy Satori’s new book, Sunshine Before the Dawn
Judy Satori
7:00pm – 9:30pm

This book reads and appears like a work of fiction, but it’s not! Every word was telepathically transmitted to Judy Satori by beings of light. These loving, extraterrestrial star beings contributed an aspect of their own DNA to the creation of a new, more evolved species of hu-man for Earth. This new hu-man, or man and woman created in the image and likeness of God, has the inherent capacity within their DNA to move beyond the confines of a third-dimensional Earth. In previous cycles on this planet, spiritual Masters have demonstrated this and have ascended. This story has been brought through from Spirit at this time, to prepare you for Earth ascension. With Earth’s ascension, the inherent DNA coding within us will be activated. This is both a physical and a consciousness upgrade. The day has come. We are the ones from the stars. Sunshine Before the Dawn is our story. The words are coded. Your heart will respond, and you will begin to remember why you are here on Earth. Book Price: $22.00. Event Fee: $10.00

Registration: Go to PAYMENTS on website home page. Enter event code NYSSBD in code data space. Pay through Pay Pal. You may pre-purchase and pre-pay for ’Sunshine Before the Dawn’ and have Judy sign it at this event, or purchase on the night. Suggested Fee, $10.00.

Friday, July 20th
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Leave the workweek behind… Kick your shoes off and simply BE in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing on various levels of your BEING. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Archangels and allow yourSelf to be open to your own intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Beings of light. Prophetic insight and/or channeled messages, meditation and Christ Light healing to crown and heart chakras are always a part of this beautiful circle. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.

Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Christ Light Healer and Spiritual Counselor. She speaks and sings Language of Light and often channels enlightening messages from the Beloved Council of Christ Light frequencies during healing circles and private healing sessions. Her commitment to healing work is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for your Soul, heart, mind and body to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.

$25.00 at the door or register online at For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553 or

Saturday, July 21st
META Center’s 2012 Summer
Psychic & Healing Day Event
Intuitive Readings & Mini Healings
$25 for 20 minutes

Free Admission

Join in the Summertime Festivities and enjoy affordable Mini Readings & Healings with professional practitioners bringing through guidance to get ready for the completion of 2012 and life continuing. Jonathan Sherrill will be playing music from his new album in the lounge and celebrating the CD release!

Readings & Healings include:

Channeled, Psychic, Tarot & Medium Readings

Jodi Serota • NYC Psychic Jesse Bravo • Lisa’s Listening • Isabella Randazzo

Scandinavian Magic: Readings, Numerology, Sonic Healing & Original Angelic Jewelry


Angel Readings

Mark Mezadourian • Chernise Spruell


Rebecca Gordon

Reiki & Reconnective Healing

Rev. Barbara Dominick

Aura Photos with Reading

Nicole Napoli

Indian Head Massage

Denise Gallon

Emotional Feng Shui Medicine Card Readings

Marise Hamm

SQ Wellness Practitioners

Mini Rising Star Healings

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & Matrix Re-Imprinting

Gail Mae Ferguson-Maceda

Shiatsu, Face/Neck Sculpting & Seitai (Posture Alignment)

Toshiyuki Endo

Intuitive Transformational Soul Mate & Soul Purpose Coach

Annette Charite

Psychic Reader of Grinds & Handwriting Analysis


Tuesday, July 24th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:30pm

This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.

Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.

For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 212 473 6388.

Tuesday, July 24th
The Intuitive Games Workshop
With Tori Quisling
7:00pm – 10:00pm

The Intuitive Games Workshop is designed to explore the following psychic abilities in a fun and playful way:
Psychometry – reading someone by holding an object in your hands
Telepathy – communicating with your inner voice
Clairvoyance – seeing someone’s aura and seeing the future
Remote Viewing – seeing an object or situation that is hidden or far away
Mediumship – your ability to get messages from spirits around you and others

You will learn to experience what these abilities feel like for you and how you can practice them in your daily life. The workshop is open to beginners as well as those who have experienced my clairvoyant development courses. Bring your friends and have a great evening.

“Tori’s workshop opened me up to a myriad of new possibilities and a more expanded perspective. I now am looking at life as a fun game that I am playing with a greater child-like curiosity. I had a great time!”- Bari Schlosser, Brooklyn, NY

$150 includes 3 hours of training and Tori’s Clairvoyant Games Workbook. Pre-registration required.; 516-423-1794.

Wednesday, July 25th
A Day Out of Time – A Galactic Awakening
Jodi Serota
7:00pm – 9:45pm

The Mayan Calendar, known by the Maya as the Tun Uc or Moon Count is a 13-Moon Calendar and was devised by the Mayan Time-keepers, the Jaguar Priests. The calendar measures the year in 13 even months of 28 days each; a perpetual calendar of 52 perfect weeks, making a total of 364 days. With this Mayan Harmonic Time Standard, we usher in Galactic New Years Day on July 26th, and the day before that, JULY 25th, is the 365th day of the year on this 13-Moon Calendar. That day actually falls between the end of one calendar year and the beginning of the next, so July 25th is known as THE DAY OUT OF TIME as it literally is not a day of the week or day of the month at all.

The Day Out Of Time has been celebrated worldwide since 1992 as part of a growing World Peace Movement. For this reason, this special day is observed as the day to cancel all debts, pardon and forgive and to celebrate life through art and nature. It‘s a day to experience true freedom…a time to ground the consciousness of and truly manifest unlimited prosperity and abundance as we usher in Galactic New Years Day on July 26th!!

This very special event will include: Ceremonies of Forgiveness, Healing Through Vibrational Sound, Art, & Integrating through Physical Pyramids (Sacred Geometry), working with Multidimensional Realms, Cancelling Debts so that all beings can have the opportunity of beginning the new time unburdened, and re-harmonizing with natural time.

Please join us for this very special global peace through culture event. Advance reservations are highly recommended.

$20 in advance via PayPal: $25.00 cash only at the door. To register, call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext. 1.

Wednesday, July 25th
The Violet Flame Gathering
Facilitiated by Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 10:00pm

Please join spiritual teacher and healer Anthony Citro for this ongoing and organic series of experiential events focusing on connecting to and exploring the Violet Flame Energies. The Violet Flame is one of the most important of the Divine Dispensations Humanity has been gifted with by Source, and as we move ever closer to the Planetary Ascension, Its Presence in our lives and consciousness is paramount in transmuting any residual karma we may still be carrying. Indeed, Its very nature is to accelerate the “burning” away of negative patterning within the subconscious, clearing the way for us to accept more Light and Love into our lives.

Here we will be Graced and Blessed with the Etheric Presence of St. Germain, the esteemed Ascended Master who stewards the Violet Flame for Mankind. As Chohan of the 7th Divine Ray of Creation, where the Violet Flame emanates from, He will strongly infuse the Consciousness of the Flame (in all of Its aspects) into our four body system, encouraging as well our acceptance of the 7th Ray’s influence. Indeed, the Violet Flame is the key to ‘wiping the slate clean’ of any past misalignment so that the 7th Ray can usher in the Golden Age of Light, that which we all unconsciously yearn for.

Through committed usage of the Violet Flame, one can accelerate their Ascension Process, opening many channels within to receive ever more levels of Light. Each time we will delve deeper into the Violet Flame and Its various applications, and much healing will occur with increased participation. We will also, as a group, ‘intention’ the Flame to those areas of the Planet that need assistance, thus contributing in service to the Divine Plan. You will also have ample opportunity to invoke the Flame to ignite transformation in your personal life for any problem you may be facing.

This months’ theme is: ‘Preparation for Ascension’. Remote Attendance Possible / Please pre-register! You may connect with the Violet Flame Energy before this event by viewing the following meditation video on YouTube. Click link here:

Exchange: $33.00. Register: / 212.726.2761.

Thursday, July 26th
META Center & New Realities Present:

ET Contact & the Evolution of Consciousness
With Marc Brinkerhoff, Marcy Gordon, Alan White, Susan Kornacki
& Moderator Alan Seinfeld
7:00pm – 9:45pm

* What do ET’s have to do with spirituality?
* Why are they here and why are they so elusive?
* What will it take on the part of humans to have the ET brought out into the open?
* How is our conscious evolution connected to ET contact?

Join moderator, Alan Steinfeld and a panel of contactees that will enlighten the audience about the true nature of ET realities. They will talk about why the most important moment in human history will be the revelation that “We are not alone.”

The evening will include the panel discussion, networking and light refreshments.

Marc Brinkerhoff is a rare Contactee who is able to often call in inter-dimensional Extraterrestrial Craft to be witnessed and photographed. He is a cogent reminder that ‘We Are Not Alone’ and never have been. His ongoing ‘contact’ with Benevolent ETs was documented in the late 70’s when his amazing prolific UFO Photography attracted multiple UFO organizations. His ET Contact and UFO Photography continues to this day. Marc brings a message to all ‘Galactic Souls’ that it is time for the ‘Sleepers to Awaken’. If you think you are a ‘Star Seed’, ‘Wanderer’, ‘Experiencer’, or extremely interested in the Positive Aspects of Extraterrestrial Contact, Marc’s incisive knowledge of ET’s can be the spark you need to put it all into perspective. He believes its time to ‘shift’ into your ‘Galactic Self’ and will explain why it’s important to do so now.

Marcy Gordon is a songwriter, comedian and attorney with a history of contact experience. She is also a member of S.P.A.C.E (Search Project for Aspects of Close Encounters), an organization formed as support group for those who have experienced off world encounters. Marcy is also a popular musician in New York and she plays regularly around the city.

Alan White is a musician/composer and a UFO experiencer since a teenager. He is also a S.P.A.C.E (Search Project for Aspects of Close Encounters) newsletter columnist and composer of the hit song “After the Lights Go Down Low,” and “Signal To Space”. For three years he gave shelter to a female Venusian named Viv, that had landed in Central Park in 1960. This alien, he called “Viv from Venus” is also the title of a musical that he later wrote about the time he spent with this strange and enlightened being from another planet.

Susan Kornacki works with science and spirituality to merge together for the advancement of our human civilization and Earth’s sustainability as well as the expanding Cosmo’s. She says: “We are connected to the Cosmo’s. Above the skies is as diverse as every life form on our planet. It’s a big Universe and to think otherwise is not well…thinking. Seeing life exist beyond ourselves on this planet is part of the current transformation. We are truly living in exciting times.” Susan also works as an emotional intelligence consultant and works with organizations to create spiritually intelligent organizations which benefit the person, community and planet.

Alan Steinfeld, moderator, has been the host of the spiritually based talk show New Realities for the past 15 years. He has interviewed many of the top leaders in the human potential movement. He feels the times that we are in now are creating vast changes in consciousness. He hopes this panel will shed some light and direction on these changes. For his latest interviews go to:

Fee: $15 in advance (non-refundable). $20 cash only at the door. Please call the META Center to register at 212 736 0999 Ext.1 – MC, VISA and Discover Card accepted in advance.

Thursday, July 26th
The Quantum Revolution: Creating a Scenius
Dr. Michael Wayne
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Friday, July 27th
“A Mind Altering Perspective” – the 2nd in a series of talks
with Alexander Duncan Cameron of
“The Montauk Project & the Philadelphia Experiment
7:00pm – 9:30pm
9:30pm – 10:000pm Networking

Come join us as Duncan takes us on a journey into our mind(s) via his expanded psyche.

Learn of the 19 ½ different levels of the mind – their structure, purpose, content, and why we all stay in the familiar parts.

Understand more fully the role of sexuality in the adjustment / clearing of patterns and thoughts.

Duncan states “my interpretation of the mind? A storage facility to house events, whether in transit or stationed. Most people are told what to do (by their minds) and have forgotten the true purpose (of the mind) – an intelligence that orders events sequentially so we don’t collide with them. What an incredible service!

Learn of the mind’s relationship to 2012 and those who are literally bridging reality from 2013 to 2033.

Cost: $27 cash at the door.

Saturday, July 28th & Sunday, July 29th
Let Your Happiness Happen:
Introduction to The Option Method
Wendy Dolber and Frank Mosca, PH.d
10:00am – 6:00pm

Explore your potential for genuine happiness in this empowering, experiential workshop. Learn the fundamentals of the most efficient, effective method for unraveling any unhappiness, from the slightest annoyance to the deepest fear.

Topics include: * Your vision of happiness and how it affects the way you feel about your life * The demystification of unhappiness * The dynamic connection between beliefs, judgments and feelings * How to tap into the wellspring of joyous motivation that we all share * How to listen to yourself and others with unconditional love and acceptance * How to use The Option Method to get to the true source of any unhappiness every time.

Tuition: $250 for two days / $150 for one day. Use promotional code: META for a 40% discount ($150 for 2 days / $75 for one day). To register, please go to

Saturday July 28th (evening)
Countdown to the 6th Sun:
Sharing Mayan Wisdom
Anita Garr, Guest Shaman & other Speakers with live music by In Lak’ech
7:00pm – 11:00pm

During the final moments of the Mayan long cycle calendar, the human race is called to unite and ascend its consciousness collectively. December 21st, 2012 is around the corner. What has been prophesized about this most special time? Who are the Mayan Wisdom-Keepers and Day-Keepers? What is the true meaning of the end of the Mayan Calendar? How can we best prepare to embrace this powerful new era of enlightenment, marking the collapsing of time/space as we know it and the beginning of a new cycle of being? Join us for an inspiring evening of Mayan wisdom sharing with Anita Garr, a surprise guest Shaman and other speakers, with live music by In Lak’ech!

Anita Garr is a researcher, teacher and expert in Mayan tradition. She has traveled extensively in Mexico and Guatemela, studying with numerous elders and priests; co-founded or participated in many cultural preservation and humanitarian projects in Guatemala; spent much of the past ten years in Momostenango, Guatemala, living with the traditional K’iche’ Maya, acting as an international liaison for them, translating their messages and getting them out to the world; and was Elder Don Rigoberto’s interpreter at the Ascension 2012 conference in Kyoto, Japan. Anita has received extensive training in ceremonial traditions and the intricate workings of the K’iche Ritual and Solar calendars as well as Mayan art, folklore and other ancient spiritual traditions. Her knowledge of the Maya is truly vast!

100% of the proceeds of this event will go towards funding the visit of Mayan Elder and Wisdom-Keeper Don Pedro Pablo Chuc Pech.

Don Pedro Pablo Chuc Pech is the President of the Mayan Itza Grand Council of Elders and will bring an extraordinary message to us about this important time in human evolution. During a unique 5 hour event in September, including a Mayan Ceremony and other live entertainment, Don Pedro Pablo Chuc Pech will share very ancient wisdom that will help us reconnect with the Cosmos, Mother Earth, our Ancestors and one another.

This event is created by Mario Bojorquez, founder of The Mayan Elder Speaks, whose mission is to raise awareness and educate people about the current shift in consciousness, by bringing ancient Mayan knowledge to the US. Members of the Council of Elders like Don Pedro Pablo rarely leave the land of Yucatan in Mexico to share their wisdom to the world and his visit in NYC this fall is an opportunity not to be missed.

Join us for an eye-opening and fulfilling evening and help us bring Don Pedro Pablo to NYC in September! $40 pre-registered; $50 at the door (cash only). For more info/pre-register:


214 West 29th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001
(212) 736 0999 Ext.1.