New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: July 2013

Upcoming July Events at META Center New York

July Events at a Glance (Please scroll down for more information.)

7/1: Message Circle – Calise Simone ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
7/2: El Poder De Una Decision – Julio Bevione
7/5: Receiving A Refueling of your Heart Chakra & A Heart Connection to Your Higher Self – Sri’ama Qala & Jodi Serota
7/6: A Unique One Day Quantum Shift Training – Sri’ama Qala
7/6: Healing Sessions: Energy Healing Temple: Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers, Sound Healing & Crystals – Suzy Meszoly
7/7: Inspiration Through Consciousness Mastery – Sri’ama Qala & The Enlightened Masters
7/8: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr Richard Brown ~PRIVATE EVENT~
7/8, 7/18, 7/26: An Evening with an Oracle – ANDHEISTMTM Oracle Christopher William
7/9, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30: Devotion in Motion – A Sacred Breath, Movement & Soundscape Journey –
Maryanne Savino
7/9: Meet Your Spirit Guides & Learn to Communicate with them through Strength in Numbers – Adam Bernstein
7/10: The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals – Crystals for Transformation & Creation – Cephora
7/10: How To Hear Your Angels – Connect with your Angels & Hear Them Speak! – Jaesa Momin 7/11: More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop – Jodie Rufty
7/12 – 7/14: BreakThrough-From Becoming to Being – Linda Evans
7/13: Spirit Circles – Thomas John ~SOLD OUT~
7/14: And So It Is In Heaven – Stewart Pearce
7/16: Psychic Message Circle – Psychic Medium Milou
7/17: The Power of Intention – Lynne McTaggart
7/17: The Violet Flame Gatherings – Preparing Your Aura For the New Lightbody – Anthony Citro ~FREE EVENT~
7/19: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev. Barbara
7/20: Summer Psychic Healing Fair
7/24: The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals – Core Crystals & Elemental Grid – Cephora
7/24: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
7/25: A Day Out of Time – A Galactic Celebration – Jodi Serota & Alan Steinfeld
7/25: Psychic Circle for Singles – Psychic Medium Milou
7/26: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energy of the Word – Paul Selig
7/26: Heal With Your Angels – Jaesa Momin
7/27: Hand Analysis Intensive – Jean Worth
7/27: Spiritual Dating & Friendship Evening with
7/28: “Intuition at Work: Empowering Leaders to Go with the Gut” – Emilah Dawn DeToro and Kelley Joyce
7/29: Social Media & Standing Ovation Presentations! – Public Speaking Coach Robyn Hatcher
7/29: An evening with Rev. Barbara & Dana Marie
7/30: Alchemy of the Soul: Karma & Embracing Our Soul’s Greatest Potential – James Philip ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
7/31: Atlantean Temple: Metaphysics for Purification & Empowerment! – Skydin Zeal

Monday, July 1st ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
Message Circle
With Psychic Medium Calise Simone
7:00pm sharp, latecomers will not be admitted

At this circle Calise Simone will deliver participants with psychic messages and messages from loved ones on the other side.

The circle will open with a short prayer and group meditation to invite spirit guides and loved ones to join us with messages. Following this meditation, Calise will give psychic and spiritual messages to individuals in the circle. Once the energy in the room begins to wane the circle will conclude.

Calise Simone is a Psychic Medium and Intuitive Consultant who comes from a lineage of Mediums, Intuitives and Seance Conductors dating back many generations. She serves an international clientele and has been featured on FUSE TV. NB: Calise will deliver as many messages as possible within the allotted time, however not everyone is guaranteed to receive a message.

Cost: $25. This event is sold out – to be added to the waiting list please email /

Tuesday, July 2nd
El Poder De Una Decision
Julio Bevione
7:00pm – 9:00pm

En esta charla, Julio nos hablará sobre lo que ocurre energéticamente cuando tomamos una decisión y propondrá pasos concretos para ir de la indecisión a la certeza que necesitamos para dar el paso.

Si estamos transitando un momento de desorden o indefinición, esta charla nos permitirá tener la claridad e inspiración que necesitamos para tomar la decisión que nuestra vida nos pide.

“Todos tenemos suficiente energía para poder crear, transformar y cambiar lo que queramos”

“…y en esto no excluye a ninguno de nosotros. !Todos lo tenemos! Eso es lo que nos hace hermanos e hijos de Dios”. (Abundancia, Julio Bevione)

Costo $25 Para obtener más información, por favor llamar (201) 951-6042.

Friday, July 5th
Receiving a Refueling of your Heart Chakra
& a Heart Connection to Your Higher Self
with Sri’ama Qala & Jodi Serota
7:00pm – 9:45pm

Your soul is invited to receive “liquid love”, a special energy that is gifted by the Holy Mother directly into the heart chakra. Your heart chakra is the house of your soul and spirit and when it is filled with Liquid Love, your soul and spirit can come to rest in your heart chakra in peace, and your consciousness or light can flow through your heart. To have this special spark in life, or jump in your step as you walk through your life can make the difference many are seeking as they work to support all in their life, their families and friends, and themselves to be at peace.

Sri’ama Qala is travelling to be in New York to offer this special evening with Jodi Serota, in response to a request made to her by the Holy Mother, to bring support to as many New Yorkers, so they may feel more at peace in their hearts. As you enter the sacred space we will be gathering in, you will receive through sacred sound, the blessings as prayers are sung and the Holy Mother and emissaries of love, enlightened presences fill you with liquid love, and prepare your primary 7 chakras to receive a new connection to your higher consciousness.

Within this evening, you will also receive a new heart connection. This new heart connection that will be opened is to your higherself, that simply lay as a pure consciousness inside of your being, carrying clearer guidance and knowing for your daily life experience. Sri’ama Qala will gift you three simple tips of how to establish this higherself connection and use it, so as you move through your day, you can establish this within 5 minutes to make any important decision or pave the pace of your day. Each time you establish this simple higher-self connection, you will also receive more light and energy.

Seminar fees: Evening Seminar $33. For Evening & 2 One Day Seminars $333. Contact: Janice Amaraya or Kathryn El’qui’eeshah for registrations and more information. Janice Amaraya: Kathryn El’qui’eeshah:


Saturday, July 6th
A Unique One Day Quantum Shift Training
– Learning How to Access Your Divine Energy & Move It Through You For the Alignment & Activation of Your Life Purpose
with Sri’ama Qala
10:00am – 6:00pm

Over this day, Qala will share 3 simple yet profound understandings that may change your life. The divine energy for you to feel on path with your purpose in your life is available to you. Learning how to access this, when life can be very busy and so much seems to be wanting your energy can seem almost impossible. These 3 understandings offer you the freedom in your life to receive divine energy specifically so you may feel aligned and on path with your life purpose.

Your state of mind, the state of your soul and the state of your body are important for any human being to feel that special spark in their step and that life is flowing and supporting them to do their very best.

Over the day, each will be shown how to attune their energy to the special frequency they need for their mind, body and soul to grow together and activate the feeling within of being on one’s path and moving towards their life purpose or manifestation of a life with greater meaning.

If you wish to attend, this one day Quantum Shift Experience, to receive these 3 understandings and how to activate: * your energy levels needed to ignite greater meaning in your life – this feeling of being on your path your life purpose * your life purpose – this greater meaning to bless you and your daily life experience and you wish to learn in a very simple way, how you can live everyday of your life with this activated energy, for this greater meaning – your life purpose to flower and grow….. You will also receive the recordings of this one day seminar, and have it to return to over and over again. All you need to do is bring a usb memory stick to the workshop with you to receive this beloved.

Seminar fees: $200 per day. Special rate for Friday evening 7/5 & 2 One Day Seminars 7/6 & 7/7: $333. Contact: Janice Amaraya: Kathryn El’qui’eeshah:

Saturday, July 6th
Healing Sessions: Energy Healing Temple: Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers, Sound Healing & Crystals
With Suzy Meszoly
12:00pm – 4:00pm

Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher and master healer, Suzy Meszoly, channels the Divine Light healing energy in this special day of semi-private healing sessions, together with healing sound, crystals and the profound energy of the Master Teachers. Suzy will set-up a crystal grid and calibrate a special frequency with various minerals she has collected from all over the world to support deep miracle healing. She will be channeling the Master Teachers throughout the day to provide quantum healing to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of all participants.

Clients will be asked to enter the room and sit quietly in chairs in mediation surrounded by crystals for the first 20 mins, acclimatizing with the high frequency field. Then Suzy will do energetic hands on healing with each person for 20 mins as they lay supine on a massage table; she will be activating the Divine Light Healing with the Master Teachers. Suzy will also be occasionally playing the Himalayan bowls to assist clients in grounding and integrating the frequencies. For a further 20 mins people will be asked again to sit in another section of the room, surrounded by crystals that support the graceful integration of these experiences and the peaceful ascension to a higher frequency, while the etheric healing continues into the higher realms, working on the ancestral and future DNA platform. The complete session is 60 mins and costs $125.

Book early to ensure your appointment as these days fill up immediately. Please book your appointment by email: Crystals charged with the Divine Light Healing energy of the Master Teachers will also be for sale, as well as Suzy’s CDs and book. For more information see or see Suzy channeling on Youtube: SuzyChannel and catch her radio show on BlogTalkRadio at SuzyChannel.

Sunday, July 7th
Inspiration Through Consciousness Mastery
– Offers Profound Yet Simple Understandings That Are the Enlightened Keys to Grounding & Accessing the Higher Consciousness of Your Spirit
with Sri’ama Qala
9:00am – 5:00pm

This one day seminar will gift you the inspiration and simple mastery keys for you to propel yourself forward, live in the moment and develop your consciousness mastery.

Every soul has brought a level of consciousness in with them as they incarnated and developed this, as they have grown through their life experience. This workshop offers profound yet simple understandings that are the enlightened keys to grounding and accessing the higher consciousness of your spirit.

For many on earth, this higher consciousness is not accessed in daily life, due to the chakra development being limited. Consciousness when it is free and flowing and illuminated offers a soul to experience of direct contact with their higher awareness. Higher awareness, leads to self realization and through using the simple keys offered in this workshop, you will begin to experience the higher awareness of your soul and bring in the higher consciousness held by your spirit.

Within this one day experience, you will receive clarity regarding your path in regards to how you can easily develop your consciousness to live the life that is in divine resonance with your heart. Many dream of life being different, and from this are not present in the moment. When one is fully present in the moment, one has full access to one’s consciousness and it is your consciousness and how you share it, expand it and use it that creates your reality beloveds.

The mastery of consciousness involves three simple learnings: * learning how to be fully conscious in every moment with all that is happening * learning how to access your awakened state of higher awareness * learning how to develop your consciousness, the consciousness held in each of your chakras.

Over this day you will not only receive the simple yet profound understandings regarding this but you will also receive an easy to use map of what consciousness is stored in each of your chakras. This will a very practicaltool you walk away with, that you will be able to use for the development of your consciousness. So when you wish to increase your finances, you can simply refer to this map, and follow the simple mastery keys given and open the flow of higher consciousness that needs to flow through the specific chakras to manifest your financial consciousness to increase in its light vibration. Every aspect of your life is experienced and guided by the consciousness you presently hold within your energy beloveds.

To create what you need in your life, your higher awareness can be accessed easily through the simple process of centering of your consciousness in the present moment and following these simple yet profound mastery keys.

Seminar fees: $200 per day. Special rate for Friday evening 7/5 & 2 One Day Seminars 7/6 & 7/7: $333. Contact: Janice Amaraya or Kathryn El’qui’eeshah for registrations and more information. Janice Amaraya: Kathryn El’qui’eeshah:

Monday, July 8th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm

For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at

Mon, July 8th
An Evening with an Oracle
ANDHEISTM & Oracle Christopher William
7:00pm – 8:30pm

An Oracle is an ancient doorway to higher wisdom from the eternal. Since the beginning of time, Oracles have guided people to access this wisdom that enriches their lives and brings indescribable joy and peace.

Christopher William is Oracle for ANDHEISTM, a highly evolved energy with an equally high vibration. With fun and enjoyment ANDHEISTM will empower you to be your most authentic self and how to live an enthusiastic, fulfilled and remarkable life.

Through group sessions and private consultations ANDHEISTM offers life-changing coaching through spiritual Oracle Christopher William.

Join us as we receive guidance and healing energy from ANDHEIS.

ABOUT ANDHEISTM: ANDHEIS is becoming a sought after Healing Life Coach and Spiritual Guide by people worldwide because of the higher wisdom and healing physical energy people experience.

Regular contact with ANDHEISTM has a measurable cumulative effect—helping to heal all participants mentally, emotionally, and physically—while raising their own spiritual vibration. The experience includes dramatically increased happiness, joy and general contentment with life and all relationships—including relationship with the self and others at home and work.

Christopher William is one of the only true working Oracles in the world. He is willing to give up part of his conscious life to allow ANDHEIS’ to bring healing messages and energy for those who seek help.

$28 Reserve you place now at or by calling (888) 400-3979.

Tuesdays, July 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th
META Center & Maryanne Savino Present:
Devotion in Motion
– A Sacred Breath, Movement & Soundscape Journey
With Maryanne Savino
7:00pm – 9:00pm

You will be divinely guided to move through inhibitions & release limitations to awaken inner passion, unleash your authentic power and celebrate ecstatic pleasure in body!

Each class begins with an activation that I transmit to the group as a “Prayer in Motion”. You will receive this sacred transmission of the Divine Mother “Shakti Force” to dissolve old programming & belief systems. The natural flow of Qi (life force) is restored, so that a new sense of liberation can be experienced.

Although there are some guided movement sequences to help build a foundation, it is mostly organic in nature and birthed in the moment. The body temple’s innate wisdom will guide you through Devotion in Motion as a prayerful dance, to ground, center and expand your own unique vibration.

The evening is completed with a soothing soundscape meditation from Alchemy Crystal Bowls, Ocean Drum, Vocal Alchemy and Gong.

*Please wear comfortable attire. You may bring a yoga mat or small blanket, cushions will be available.

To view my bio, please visit:

Cost: $100 for all 4 classes. Register via PayPal or call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register. $30 per drop in class – cash at the door. No refunds after payment. *It is recommended that you pre-pay in advance as class size is limited. This class is open to both women and men.


Tuesday, July 9th
Meet Your Spirit Guides & Learn to Communicate with them through Strength in Numbers
Adam Bernstein
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Adam Bernstein is an internationally renowned Psychic Medium, Teacher and Spiritual Life Coach. Adam is the co-founder and charter member of the International Medium’s League and has been featured in the book Psychic New York which profiles 60 of New York’s best psychics and has been highlighted on Court TV’s Psychic Detectives as well as Fox 5 News .

You have a “Spiritual Team” or “Soul Group” that works with you and helps you on this journey called life. This includes your own higher self as well as deceased family members/friends, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Angels and of course The Divine One, which we, as well as all of our Guides are a part of. This class will help you learn who they are and how to connect with them. Throughout my years of training and practice I have learned and invented many powerful techniques to connect with, identify and get information from Spirit.

As a teacher and practitioner of Evidential Style Mediumship I am able to connect with the Spirit world and bring through factual information as well as messages from your Guides. I will also teach you a daily process and repetitive exercise to start tapping into the energetic quality of numbers. Once you have established an intuitive link with the numeric scale your Spirit Guides can use this connection to deliver powerful messages that are rich in both symbolic and literal content. Everything in our universe is based upon numbers and therefore they can be used as powerful symbols unto themselves. If you are able to establish an energetic link with the inner essence of them they will become a valuable tool which will assist you immeasurably in both your psychic and Spirit Guide work alike.

$35/person. Please RSVP to 845-687-3693 or

Wednesday, July 10th
The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals –
Crystals for Transformation & Creation
7:00pm – 9:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)

Upcoming Dates: Aug 14th & 28th, Sept 25th, Oct 23rd, Nov 6th & 20th, Dec 11th

The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals: Discover How, By Integrating Healing Crystals into Your Life, You Could Reach the Next Level

Do you know that you have more to live, express, give, enjoy?! Don’t stay stuck! Learn how stones can help you find the courage to powerfully transform your experience and unlock your creativity and expression of Self.

Meet crystals such as Moldovite, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Citrine, Carnelian, Rutilated Quartz, Orange Calcite, yellow Apatite & more… We will talk about meditation with the crystals, affirmations to support you in the next phases of your life creation.

Crystals and minerals help connect, see and release energetic blocks and ‘programming’. Be the creator of your experience!

You will learn how stones can help release stress and stuck emotions or habits. You will understand how to connect to the minerals and their vibrations which can support your physical, emotional and spiritual healing process. Q&A and crystals sales at the end of workshop.

Exchange: $25. Reservations Walk-in welcome but seating is limited + crystal gifts is not guaranteed if not pre-registered. Please sign up. Questions and reservations: All workshops are from 7-9pm ~ Doors open at 6:30pm

Wednesday, July 10th
How To Hear Your Angels
– Connect with your Angels & Hear Them Speak!
With Jaesa Momin
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Jaesa will be speaking about different methods how to receive angel messages. How to recognize if it is a message from an angel and when it is our ego speaking.

Angels are with us all and they have wonderful messages to tell us! On how to improve our daily lives, healthy changes in our diet, guidance on your spiritual path and many other helpful topics!

In this class you will learn; * How to recognize it is angels speaking * How to recognize when it is your ego * Ways on how angels are delivering a messages to us * Healthy changes in your diet that will enable you to hear your angels better * Learn about various Angels and Archangels to call upon for certain issues.

I will be answering any questions you might have regarding angels and connection with them. Jaesa will be offering FREE angel readings during the class!

Jaesa Momin is: an Angel Therapy Practitioner® Certified by Doreen Virtue Ph.D * Certified Angel Card Reader by Doreen Virtue Ph.D, * IET Advanced Level Practitioner Certified by Tina Marie Bertoli * Spiritual Teacher.

Admission fee $35 (cash only at door). Space is limited (9 seats only) Registration required, please email

Thursday, July 11th
More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop
Facilitated by Jodie Rufty
7:00pm – 9:30pm

A spiritual class that helps everyday people empower themselves, heal deep hurts, and awaken to a higher part of themselves. Through powerful healing energy, guided meditations, inspiring music, spiritual support and a community of friends, healing is achieved. During these classes, you are shown how to access your untapped potential, change things for the better, and see yourself in a greater light. You learn how old programs and beliefs keep you trapped and how to change these beliefs and programs with effective healing techniques.

You won’t be surprised at what you learn in these workshops, you will be transformed. For more information, please visit us at:

The exchange is $30, with all payments to be made at the door. First time attendees welcome for free! To register, please contact

Friday, July 12th ~FREE Evening Presentation~
Class: July 12th – July 14th
BreakThrough-From Becoming to Being
Instructor: Linda Evans
Friday 7pm – 9pm, Sat 9am – 6pm & Sun 9am – 5:30pm

Is someone other than you living at the center of your life? The BreakThrough System is a form of shadow work that unearths the gold within conflict. This weekend workshop will set you on a path of self-enquiry unlike any you have experienced before.

Working with current life conflicts, you will weed out old rules for living that no longer serve you and step onto a path of lovingly transforming reactionary living into full, conscious living.

Pre-requisite: The yearning to take your own life into your own hands.

Cost: $650 w/course manual. Contact Gregory Madden @ 203-629-8262 or Please RSVP if you plan to attend the Friday presentation.

Saturday, July 13th
Spirit Circles
Thomas John
10:00am -11:30am – SOLD OUT
3:00pm – 4:30pm – SOLD OUT

For a one day session of messages and meditations in an intimate setting. After a brief introduction, Thomas will guide seminar participants through a meditation, and then deliver messages to each participant from spirit guides and loved ones in spirit. An excellent opportunity to experience the work of celebrity psychic medium Thomas John in an intimate setting! Each session will be limited to 15 participants.

No tickets available. For more information visit:

Sunday, July 14th
And So It Is In Heaven
Stewart Pearce
10:30am – 5:30pm

Stewart facilitates an inspirational workshop when we will be enchanted by the Angels of Atlantis, using the refined vibrations of sound healing and the song of your soul to inspire well-being and sustained joy, and to transmute mortal disharmony into divine transcendence.

This workshop will help you to: * Meet your Guardian Angel * Hear stories of human encounters with the Angels * Receive leading edge teachings from the Angels * Comprehend why Angels are here now for the great shift * Chant Angelic Sonic Meditations that create divine connection * Use Stewart’s newly published Angel Heart Sigils Oracle deck hands-on * Ways of increasing the light force of your Energy Field * Receive training in the transparent well-being.

Stewart Pearce is a legendary Master of Voice, Sound Healer and Angel Medium with a career spanning four decades, working with Diana Princess of Wales, Vanessa Redgrave, Simon Callow, Shakespear’s Globe Theatre and the London 2012 Olympic Bid to name just a few. Stewart has published The Alchemy of Voice, The Hearts Note, The Angles of Atlantic Book and Oracle, and the Angel Heart Sigils Oracle.

Stewart will also be available for Private Readings from July 9th -18th.

Special Early Bird Rate: $130 offered until June 14th. $150 after June 14th. Please contact Mellie via 717 215 2473 or email to reserve your place or to schedule your appointment (sessions have already begun to book out!). Referrals are gladly welcomed, so feel free to pass along this email.

Tuesday 16th
META Center & Maryanne Savino Present:
Devotion in Motion
– A Sacred Breath, Movement & Soundscape Journey
With Maryanne Savino
7:00pm – 9:00pm

You will be divinely guided to move through inhibitions & release limitations to awaken inner passion, unleash your authentic power and celebrate ecstatic pleasure in body!

Each class begins with an activation that I transmit to the group as a “Prayer in Motion”. You will receive this sacred transmission of the Divine Mother “Shakti Force” to dissolve old programming & belief systems. The natural flow of Qi (life force) is restored, so that a new sense of liberation can be experienced.

Although there are some guided movement sequences to help build a foundation, it is mostly organic in nature and birthed in the moment. The body temple’s innate wisdom will guide you through Devotion in Motion as a prayerful dance, to ground, center and expand your own unique vibration.

The evening is completed with a soothing soundscape meditation from Alchemy Crystal Bowls, Ocean Drum, Vocal Alchemy and Gong.

*Please wear comfortable attire. You may bring a yoga mat or small blanket, cushions will be available.

To view my bio, please visit:

$30 – to register, call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register. No refunds after payment. Cash only at the door. *It is recommended that you pre-pay in advance as class size is limited. This class is open to both women and men.


Tuesday, July 16th
Psychic Message Circle
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, find a new job, or receive a message from departed love ones? You are invited to bring a pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you names, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He does not ask for any information, including your name.

Price $25 at the door. For reservations contact Elizabeth Mills at (201) 264 4651 or via email Seats are limited.

Wednesday, July 17th
The Power of Intention – And Connection
Lynne McTaggart
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Lynne is an award winning author of The Field and The Intention Experiment comes to New York City to offer this special class on the science of intention. She will offer a radical new blueprint for bringing intention into your life and relationships. This evening you will receive a tool kit for using and receiving the power of your own mind. This is based on Lynne’s unique research into the hard science combined with her work with the life-transforming techniques of many ‘intention masters’: Qigong masters, Buddhist monks, and healers.

You will learn to: Identify what it is you really want and send specific instructions about these dreams to the world. * Use intention as a lightening rod — to attract positive people and situations * Focus by turning off the mind and receive raw data beyond your five senses * Reprogramming the negative messages you broadcast to the world * Tap into the powerful healing force of intention to heal yourself.

Lynne will also demonstrate one of her greatest breakthrough discoveries, the extraordinary ‘Power of Eight’: How to create a ‘superorganism’ of collective brain-wave resonance and instant closeness, quickly transforming a group of strangers into a potent healing circle. Lynne will share the way that everyday acts of kindness create giant waves of transformation in your life, workplace or community.

You will leave this evening with abilities to enable you to: * make deep connections in your relationships * create immediate harmony in your life and your community * share powerful brain-training techniques to see the world holistically * know how to transform your world.

$30 in advance, $35 at the door. For advance tickets call 917 553-5294. Or go to:

Wednesday, July 17th ~FREE EVENT~
The Violet Flame Gatherings –
Preparing Your Aura For the New Lightbody
Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 10:00pm

Please join spiritual teacher and healer Anthony Citro for this ongoing and organic series of experiential events focusing on connecting to and exploring the Violet Flame Energies. The Violet Flame is one of the most important of the Divine Dispensations Humanity has been gifted with by Source, and as we move ever closer to the Planetary Ascension, Its Presence in our lives and consciousness is paramount in transmuting any residual karma we may still be carrying.

Indeed, Its very nature is to accelerate the “burning” away of negative patterning within the subconscious, clearing the way for us to accept more Light and Love into our lives. Here we will be Graced and Blessed with the Presence of St. Germain, the esteemed Ascended Master who stewards the Violet Flame for Humanity. As Chohan of the 7th Divine Ray of Creation, where the Violet Flame emanates from, He will strongly infuse the Consciousness of the Flame (in all of Its aspects) into our four body system, encouraging as well our acceptance of the 7th Ray’s influence. Indeed, the Violet Flame is the key to ‘wiping the slate clean’ of any past misalignment so that the 7th Ray can usher in the Golden Age of Light, that which we all unconsciously yearn for.

Through committed usage of the Violet Flame, one can accelerate their Ascension Process, opening many channels within to receive ever more levels of Light. Each time we will delve deeper into the Violet Flame and Its various applications, and much healing will occur with increased participation. We will also, as a group, ‘intention’ the Flame to those areas of the Planet that need assistance, thus contributing in service to the Divine Plan. You will also have ample opportunity to invoke the Flame to ignite transformation in your personal life for any problem you may be facing.

This is an excellent event to participate in remotely if you cannot attend in person. Please pre-register if you intend to join in etherically. You may prepare for this workshop by viewing the following YouTube video ‘Igniting the Violet Flame’:

Register: or 212.726.2761

Thursday, July 18th
An Evening with an Oracle
ANDHEISTM & Oracle Christopher William
7:00pm – 8:30pm

An Oracle is an ancient doorway to higher wisdom from the eternal. Since the beginning of time, Oracles have guided people to access this wisdom that enriches their lives and brings indescribable joy and peace.

Christopher William is Oracle for ANDHEISTM, a highly evolved energy with an equally high vibration. With fun and enjoyment ANDHEISTM will empower you to be your most authentic self and how to live an enthusiastic, fulfilled and remarkable life.

Through group sessions and private consultations ANDHEISTM offers life-changing coaching through spiritual Oracle Christopher William.

Join us as we receive guidance and healing energy from ANDHEIS.

ABOUT ANDHEISTM: ANDHEISTM is becoming a sought after Healing Life Coach and Spiritual Guide by people worldwide because of the higher wisdom and healing physical energy people experience.

Regular contact with ANDHEISTM has a measurable cumulative effect—helping to heal all participants mentally, emotionally, and physically—while raising their own spiritual vibration. The experience includes dramatically increased happiness, joy and general contentment with life and all relationships—including relationship with the self and others at home and work.

Christopher William is one of the only true working Oracles in the world. He is willing to give up part of his conscious life to allow ANDHEIS’ to bring healing messages and energy for those who seek help.

$28 Reserve you place now at or by calling (888) 400-3979.

Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Begin your weekend in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing that supports a return to the wholeness of your being. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of the Archangels and allow yourself to open your intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Beings of Light.

In addition, Rev Barbara channels loving messages from her spiritual guides for each person in the circle as well as the circle as a whole. These messages are offered to support your own insights, and for your continued growth and enlightenment. The evening includes a lovely guided meditation and activations to crown and heart chakras. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.

Rev. Barbara is an energy healing practitioner (Reiki, Christ Light Healing, Reconnective Healing) with a commitment to healing service that is grounded in her passion for providing a gentle, loving conduit for your soul, heart, mind and body to realign with Divine Light within you that promotes a return to the wholeness of being and oneness with all life. In addition the Angelic Circles of Peace, Rev. Barbara also offers private healing sessions, private consultations with her guides and she teaches the Usui System of Natural Healing.

$25.00 at the door or on line at For more information please contact RevB at 718-863-1553.

Saturday, July 20th
Summer Psychic & Healing Fair
12pm – 6pm

Join us on Saturday, July 20th for our Summer Psychic & Healing Day Event and enjoy affordable Mini Readings & Healings with some of New York’s best practitioners.

Healings & Readings are $25 each for 20 minutes CASH ONLY


Channeled, Psychic, Angel, Tarot & Medium Readings
Milo * Jaesa Momin * Isabella Randazzo * Cher Elyse Carden * Christopher WIlliam * Elise Stone * Calise Simone

Clairvoyant / Pet Reading / Flower Reading – Patricia Jamison

Hand Analysis – Jean Worth

Soul Readings – Kate Anjahlia Loye

Aura Photography (includes report) – Ala

En Espanol & English Readers

Psiquico / Medium
– Blanca Beyar

Mensajes con el Oraculo de Feng Shui – Analisis de su Dormitorio
Feng Shui Oracle Message – Bedroom Analysis
– Maria Elena Nunez

Tarot / Astrología / I-Ching
(Para la consulta de astrología traiga su fecha, lugar y hora de nacimiento)
Tarot / Astrology / I-Ching
(For astrology reading, bring date, location & time of birth)
– Orlando Rodriguez

Tarot / Goddess / Angel Readings
Robert Alvarez


Neck & Shoulder Massage – Lindai’s Body Work

Energy Healing & Angel Message – Rev. Barbara Dominick

Deep Core Healing Therapy – Simone Braga

En Espanol

Mini Limpiezas Energéticas – Jacky Harmony


Rising Star / Mahatma Infusion Therapy / Violet Flame Irradiation – Anthony Citro


(En Espanol / Translated in English)
1:00pm – 1:50pm Atraer el Amor & Abundancia con Shamanism & Feng Shui

Incluye ritual Andino de velas y limón

Attract Love & Abundance with Shamanism & Feng Shui
Event will include Andean candle & lemon ritual
Maria Elena Nunez

(En Espanol)
2:15pm – 2:50pm Activa, Sana y Prospera con el Símbolo Dum Swaha

Jacky Harmony

(En Espanol / Translated in English)
3:15pm – 4:05pm Del Sufrimiento a la Paz
From Suffering to Inner Peace

Carmen Vasquez

(En Espanol)
4:30pm – 5:15pm
Cominedo Saludable con Quiona, el Grano de Oro de los Incas

Cristina Camacho

DOORS OPEN at 11:15am. REGISTRATION STARTS at 11:30am. No advance appointments. Join us for a fun day of healings and readings.

Tuesday, July 23rd
META Center & Maryanne Savino Present:
Devotion in Motion
– A Sacred Breath, Movement & Soundscape Journey
With Maryanne Savino
7:00pm – 9:00pm

You will be divinely guided to move through inhibitions & release limitations to awaken inner passion, unleash your authentic power and celebrate ecstatic pleasure in body!

Each class begins with an activation that I transmit to the group as a “Prayer in Motion”. You will receive this sacred transmission of the Divine Mother “Shakti Force” to dissolve old programming & belief systems. The natural flow of Qi (life force) is restored, so that a new sense of liberation can be experienced.

Although there are some guided movement sequences to help build a foundation, it is mostly organic in nature and birthed in the moment. The body temple’s innate wisdom will guide you through Devotion in Motion as a prayerful dance, to ground, center and expand your own unique vibration.

The evening is completed with a soothing soundscape meditation from Alchemy Crystal Bowls, Ocean Drum, Vocal Alchemy and Gong.

*Please wear comfortable attire. You may bring a yoga mat or small blanket, cushions will be available.

To view my bio, please visit:

$30 – to register, call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register. No refunds after payment. Cash only at the door. *It is recommended that you pre-pay in advance as class size is limited. This class is open to both women and men.


Wednesday, July 24th
The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals
– Core Crystals & Elemental Grid – Experiential
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Upcoming Dates: Aug 14th & 28th, Sept 25th, Oct 23rd, Nov 6th & 20th, Dec 11th

Discover how, by integrating healing crystals into your life, you could reach the next level.

Honor & connect with your Core and Mother Earth within a highly vibrational elemental grid! Join us for a powerful evening where Cephora will explain the connection between the 5 elements and stones. Experience Fire, Earth, Water, Air & Ether stones & crystals… 5 elements and their crystalline energetic matches. Enjoy 4 short meditations. Meet 2 stones for each elements.

You will learn how stones can help release stress and stuck emotions or habits. You will understand how to connect to the minerals and their vibrations which can support your physical, emotional and spiritual healing process. Q&A and crystals sales at the end of workshop.

This class is for everyone attracted to the mineral kingdom

Exchange: $25. Reservations Walk-in welcome but seating is limited + crystal gifts is not guaranteed if not pre-registered. Please sign up. Questions and reservations: All workshops are from 7-9pm ~ Doors open at 6:30pm

Wednesday, July 24th
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Begin your weekend in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing that supports a return to the wholeness of your being. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of the Archangels and allow yourself to open your intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Beings of Light.

In addition, Rev Barbara channels loving messages from her spiritual guides for each person in the circle as well as the circle as a whole. These messages are offered to support your own insights, and for your continued growth and enlightenment. The evening includes a lovely guided meditation and activations to crown and heart chakras. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.

Rev. Barbara is an energy healing practitioner (Reiki, Christ Light Healing, Reconnective Healing) with a commitment to healing service that is grounded in her passion for providing a gentle, loving conduit for your soul, heart, mind and body to realign with Divine Light within you that promotes a return to the wholeness of being and oneness with all life. In addition the Angelic Circles of Peace, Rev. Barbara also offers private healing sessions, private consultations with her guides and she teaches the Usui System of Natural Healing.

$25.00 at the door or on line at For more information please contact RevB at 718-863-1553.

Wednesday, July 24th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.

Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.

We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.

The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City Our meeting times are every other Wednesday Night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.

Fee is $20. Register via or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).

Thursday, July 25th
A Day Out of Time – July 25th – A Galactic Celebration
With Jodi Serota & Alan Steinfeld
7:00pm – 9:45pm

The Mayan Calendar, known by the Maya as the Tun Uc or Moon Count is a 13-Moon Calendar and was devised by the Mayan Time-keepers, the Jaguar Priests. The calendar measures the year in 13 even months of 28 days each; a perpetual calendar of 52 perfect weeks, making a total of 364 days. With this Mayan Harmonic Time Standard, we usher in Galactic New Years Day on July 26th, and the day before that, JULY 25th, is the 365th day of the year on this 13-Moon Calendar. That day actually falls between the end of one calendar year and the beginning of the next, so July 25th is known as THE DAY OUT OF TIME as it literally is not a day of the week or day of the month at all.

The Day Out Of Time has been celebrated worldwide since 1992 as part of a growing World Peace Movement. For this reason, this special day is observed as the day to cancel all debts, pardon and forgive and to celebrate life through art and nature. It‘s a day to experience true freedom…a time to ground the consciousness of and truly manifest unlimited prosperity and abundance as we usher in Galactic New Years Day on July 26th!!

On this day, honored by both the Egyptians & Mayan cultures, the Star Sirius rises with the Sun & a portal of creative potential is activated as we cross the Galactic Equator. What did they know that we have yet to learn?

This very special event will include:

Ceremonies of Forgiveness, Healing Through Vibrational Sound, Art, & Integrating through Physical Pyramids (Sacred Geometry), Working with Multidimensional Realms, Cancelling Debts so that all beings can have the opportunity of Beginning the New Time Unburdened, & Re-Harmonizing with Natural Time. In addition, there will be Guided Experiences Unveiling Creative Potentials for Divine Life Missions.

Please join us for this very special Global Peace Through Culture Event.

$25 in advance. Register via PayPal or call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext. 1. (MC, VISA, Discover accepted – all non-refundable). $33 cash only at the door.

Thursday, July 25th
Psychic Circle for Singles
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.

Price $25 at the door. For reservations contact Elizabeth Mills at (201) 264 4651 or via email Seats are limited.

Friday, July 26th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:00pm

This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.

Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.

For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 917 553 5294.

Friday, July 26th
An Evening with an Oracle
ANDHEISTM & Oracle Christopher William
7:00pm – 8:30pm

An Oracle is an ancient doorway to higher wisdom from the eternal. Since the beginning of time, Oracles have guided people to access this wisdom that enriches their lives and brings indescribable joy and peace.

Christopher William is Oracle for ANDHEISTM, a highly evolved energy with an equally high vibration. With fun and enjoyment ANDHEISTM will empower you to be your most authentic self and how to live an enthusiastic, fulfilled and remarkable life.

Through group sessions and private consultations ANDHEISTM offers life-changing coaching through spiritual Oracle Christopher William.

Join us as we receive guidance and healing energy from ANDHEIS.

ABOUT ANDHEISTM: ANDHEISTM is becoming a sought after Healing Life Coach and Spiritual Guide by people worldwide because of the higher wisdom and healing physical energy people experience.

Regular contact with ANDHEISTM has a measurable cumulative effect—helping to heal all participants mentally, emotionally, and physically—while raising their own spiritual vibration. The experience includes dramatically increased happiness, joy and general contentment with life and all relationships—including relationship with the self and others at home and work.

Christopher William is one of the only true working Oracles in the world. He is willing to give up part of his conscious life to allow ANDHEIS’ to bring healing messages and energy for those who seek help.

$28 Reserve you place now at or by calling (888) 400-3979.

Friday July 26th
Heal With Your Angels
With Jaesa Momin
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Let your angels help you heal!

Jaesa Momin is: * Spiritual Teacher * Angel Therapy Practitioner® Certified by Doreen Virtue Ph.D * Certified Angel Card Reader®by Doreen Virtue Ph.D * IET Advanced Level Practitioner Certified by Tina Marie Bertoli

In this class Jaesa will be speaking and teaching about how you can heal with your angels on many levels. Physically, emotionally, spiritually.

Your angels are always there to help you with any kind of issue, big or small.

We will discus also various Archangels and their precious wonderful and powerful abilities which can help you on your path to happy spiritual life and living.

In this class you will learn about; *Various Archangels their abilities and powers *How to call upon your angels *How to recognize when it is an angel speaking and when it is your ego *How can angels help you heal any situation you find yourself in and more!

Jaesa will be providing FREE angel readings during the class!

Admission fee $35 (cash only at door). Space is limited (9 seats only). Registration required, please email:

Saturday, July 27th
Hand Analysis Intensive
Jean Worth
10:00am – 6:00pm

You have been asking me and waiting for more …..and now here it is.

Join me for a transformational workshop of self-discovery and an in-depth learning of all the elements in the hands that show personality, character, strengths, challenges and gifts. as well as your emotional makeup and the ways in which you are navigating through life.

We will be reviewing your life’s purpose and covering the major and minor lines, mounds, color, texture, hand and finger shape. We will explore who we truly are and learn ways of being authentic. After eight hours of learning and practicing you will be amazed at the depth of understanding you will possess and how well you will be able to read hands. Workbook included.

A HAND ANALYSIS support group will be formed after the workshop to support you and help you to continue your and learning and personal transformation.

Jean Worth – Transformational counselor and healing practitioner – Graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis – Certified in Quantum Biofeedback – MA in Education from NYU

The cost: $225.00 (Early registration by July 15th – $195). For reservations call 917-579-3050 or e-mail For more information, please visit

Saturday, July 27th
Spiritual Dating & Friendship Evening with
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Join us for this special evening of friendship and fellowship sponsored by Naini Nakagawa founder of spiritual dating site Enjoy making new friends or even meet your spiritual soul mate! Be pampered by our holistic experts in Healing sessions. Massages and bodywork, Spiritual Music, Aromatherapy, Spiritual Art, Organic Coffee and Raw Chocolate!

Price – $20.00. RSVP Here

Sunday, July 28th
“Intuition at Work:
Empowering Leaders to Go with the Gut”
Emilah Dawn DeToro & Kelley Joyce
10:00am – 4:00pm

Do you take pride in “shooting from the hip” or “going with your gut” – but don’t understand why you’re successful doing it?

Are you embarrassed to admit where your best ideas come from?

Do you know exactly what to do next but you don’t do it because you can’t justify it to your boss (or yourself)?

If you answered YES!, join us and other business leaders for Intuition at Work. Learn how to cultivate your intuition and apply it in the workplace for better business results.

Emilah Dawn DeToro, intuitive life coach, and Kelley Joyce, executive and career coach, will team up for this one-day insightful event.

Intuition at Work is for YOU if: * You’re ready to uncover what’s behind your intuition at work * You want competitive edge in cutting deals, hiring/firing, and crisis * You’re ready to own and apply your intuition on the spot * You need to improve decision-making skills and don’t know where to turn * You’re curious, creative and innovative and want more validation

Space limited to 35 participants. Register at: Early Bird: $95 through July 12th.


Monday, July 29th ~FREE EVENT~
Social Media & Standing Ovation Presentations!
with Public Speaking Coach Robyn Hatcher
6:30pm – 8:00pm

Very exciting new event! We are proud to invite Public Speaking Coach and Expert Robyn Hatcher of SpeakEtc to share with us her expertise on how to become a better speaker.

In this presentation learn how to: * How to confidently deliver engaging, dynamic presentations * How to shape and organize a compelling message * Strategies to grab (and keep) a listener’s attention * Non-verbal skills body language, posture and gestures * How to improve vocal tone for a more powerful speaking voice * How to identify their unique presentation style and learn to let it work for them

Register here

Monday, July 29th
An Evening with Rev Barbara and Dana Marie
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Join healing practitioner Rev. Barbara and psychic Dana Marie for a wonderful evening of Divine Light and Love which promotes deep relaxation and an overall sense of wellbeing as you receive energy healing and enlightening spirit messages for your continued personal and spiritual growth.

Rev. Barbara begins with a lovely guided meditation that is accompanied by healing touch to your heart and crown chakras. Dana Marie then channels Omnipotent presence through connecting to Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and random visits from departed loved ones.

Rev. Barbara is an energy healing practitioner with a commitment to healing service that is grounded in her passion for providing a gentle, loving conduit for your soul, heart, mind and body to realign with Divine Light within you that promotes a return to the wholeness of being and oneness with all life. In addition to private healing sessions, Rev. Barbara facilitates Angelic Circles of Peace and teaches Usui System of Natural Healing at the META Center.

Dana Marie is a gfted Clairvoyant, Spirit Messenger, Tarot Intuitive. Uncanny visions since early childhood along with natural ability to communicate between physical and astral realms best describe Dana’s profound talents. Her devoted attention to matters of the heart effectively transforms circumstantial hindrances into boundless opportunities, renewed faith and unlimited abundance. Although predictions are never etched in stone due to freewill choices, Dana provides necessary tools for choosing paths to increase awareness and reveal the unexpected.

Admission $30 in advance or $40 at the door. To reserve your space online, go to Because of limited seating, advanced reservations are highly recommended no later than July 27. Doors open at 6:45pm and no one will be permitted after 7:15pm so please arrive ON TIME. Questions or further information contact

Tuesday, July 30th
META Center & Maryanne Savino Present:
Devotion in Motion
– A Sacred Breath, Movement & Soundscape Journey
With Maryanne Savino
7:00pm – 9:00pm

You will be divinely guided to move through inhibitions & release limitations to awaken inner passion, unleash your authentic power and celebrate ecstatic pleasure in body!

Each class begins with an activation that I transmit to the group as a “Prayer in Motion”. You will receive this sacred transmission of the Divine Mother “Shakti Force” to dissolve old programming & belief systems. The natural flow of Qi (life force) is restored, so that a new sense of liberation can be experienced.

Although there are some guided movement sequences to help build a foundation, it is mostly organic in nature and birthed in the moment. The body temple’s innate wisdom will guide you through Devotion in Motion as a prayerful dance, to ground, center and expand your own unique vibration.

The evening is completed with a soothing soundscape meditation from Alchemy Crystal Bowls, Ocean Drum, Vocal Alchemy and Gong.

*Please wear comfortable attire. You may bring a yoga mat or small blanket, cushions will be available.

To view my bio, please visit:

$30 – to register, call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register. No refunds after payment. Cash only at the door. *It is recommended that you pre-pay in advance as class size is limited. This class is open to both women and men.


Tuesday July 30th ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
Alchemy of the Soul: Karma & Embracing Our Soul’s Greatest Potential
James Philip
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Join James, channel, healer & alchemist for a transformative & magical healing evening totally immersed in our deepest energetics of karma, soul, ancestors & past lives.

As a conduit of White Eagle and “Divine Alchemy Energetics”, James brings through an evening channelled information & energetic interventions, divine attunements, with live channeled guidance to the group and individuals in a down-to-earth, compassionate and captivating manner.

James Philip, is a high impact spiritual channel. An inspirational teacher and alchemist with 15 years experience of transformational healing, shamanism, psychic development and mediumship. He is founder and lead faculty of Celestial Earth institute, London and has supported the profound growth of thousands of people internationally.

Brought to you by SacredNY. SacredNY is a collective of practitioners, seekers and sharers of wisdom dedicated to elevating hearts and minds through activities in sacred spaces and around New York City, the Hamptons, and Hudson Valley. Like us at:

$40, $35 in advance via Paypal. Pre-registration and advanced payment to secure your attendance is highly recommended as seating is limited to 25 people. For more information: email:

Wednesday, July 31st
Atlantean Temple: Metaphysics for Purification & Empowerment!
Skydin Zeal
7:00pm – 9:30pm

In this Month’s Atlantean Metaphysics Join us for Atlantean Temple and be Purified & Empowered! Learn the Ancient Norse Sigils used also by the Atlanteans that Increase Abundance, Increase Psychic Defense & Heal the body! Experience unusual Sound Healing Instruments, Rich Herbal Aromatic Metaphysics & the Presence of Benevolent Sentient Beings & Nature Spirit Guides!

Part 1-Purifying & Healing: Skydin Zeal will begin by offering a sophisticated blend of Shamanic Herbal Magic to balance, cleanse & spiritually energize all in attendance. You will also experience fFabulous original Atlantean sound healing instruments created by Skydin!

Part 2-Norse Solar Energization: Energetic Transmission from Solar Norse chants & empowering Icelandic yogic stances called Staddhagaldr, additionally clearly explained so that you can utilize them.

Claircognizant Channeling from Aesir & Anunnaki Gods: Skydin Zeal will share with everyone extremely profound truths, the likes of which have not likely been heard before!

Part 3-Readings for everyone attending: Everyone receives a brief powerful Rune reading! Skydin answers one question & instructs you in the use of an archetypal Symbol that will personally benefit you best!

Q & A Segment & Much Much More!

Skydin Zeal is a professional instructor for Scandinavian Shamanic Techniques, and a Claircognizant Reader in Manhattan, NY. He currently lectures at the top spiritual events such as the New Life Expo.

RSVP Encouraged to Ensure seating via E-mail: Exchange: $25 accepted at the door.

214 West 29th, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001.