New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: June 2013

Upcoming June Events at META Center New York

June Events at a Glance (Please scroll down for more information.)

5/31, 6/1 & 6/2: Weekend with Paul Selig Channeling The Guides
6/1: Cosmic Chalice – Ascension Temple – Dona Ho Lightsey
6/2: “How To Find Your Soul Mate” Workshop – Judith Costa
6/3: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr Richard Brown ~PRIVATE EVENT~
6/4: LOVE NOW! Archangel Metatron Merkaba Activation – Suzy Meszoly
6/4: Angel Gathering – Jaesa Momin
6/5, 6/12, 6/19 & 6/24 Sensual Alchemy ~ Sacred Womb Dance of the Divine Feminine – Maryanne Savino
6/5: I’m Ready for Love…Now What? – Lori Ostenfeld & Zela Rodriguez ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
6/5: Spiritual Branding: Branding for Spiritually-based Businesses & Holistic Entrepreneurs – Anita Celeste
6/6: Intimate Channeled Gathering – Jodi Serota & Her Guides
6/7 – 6/10: Creativity Workshop – Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
6/7: Spiritual Dating & Friendship –
6/8: Pleidian Pineal Gland Activation with the POD Crystal – Suzy Meszoly
6/11: Moving Beyond Survival & Suffering – Jodi Serota & The Hierarchies of Light
6/11: Dream it: Do it! She Creates Change ~FREE EVENT~
6/12: The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals – Cephora
6/13: Childhood Chronic Illness: A Holistic Approach to Prevention & Treatment – Lawrence B. Palevsky M.D.
6/13: “Communicating with the Other Side” – Miss Ruth
6/13: Free Introductory Evening – ISIS Interfaith (International Seminary For Interfaith Studies) – Rev. Deborah Steen Ross ~FREE EVENT~
6/14: Summer Psychic & Healing Fair – Sponsored by the Spiritualist Church of New York City
6/17: “Planetary Trends and Eclipses of 2013: June through December” – Susan Miller ~EVENT CANCELLED~
6/17: Adam’s Rib – Healing the Divine Feminine Within – Jeri Cohen
6/18: Sound and Light Activation. Integration & Ascension: Divine Light Activation with Himalayan Bowls, Metatron and the Master Teachers – Suzy Meszoly
6/19: Finding Balance Through Metabolic Typing – Mark Anthony ~FREE EVENT~
6/20: Honoring The Divine Father Within – Anthony Citro ~FREE EVENT~
6/20: Nordic-Atlantean Techniques for Spiritual Power & Healing – Skydin Zeal
6/21: Summer Solstice – Celebration of Light – Jodi Serota and The Guardians of Light, with Maryanne Savino & Special Musical Guests
6/21: Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Summer Solstice – Rev. Barbara
6/23: “Soul Talk” Series #2 Presents: Who Heals The Healers? – Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro
6/24: Calling in Your Baby: Learn Clairvoyant Tools for Getting Pregnant – Tori Quisling
6/25: Holistic Business and Social Media Tips! – Naini Nakagawa
6/25: An Evening of Chant: Become a Light to the World – Jeri Cohen
6/25: Divine Origins – Divine, Spiritual Awakening of the Soul, Mind & Heart! – Jaesa Momin
6/26: An Evening with an Oracle – Small Group Sessions with ANDHEISTM & Oracle Christopher William
6/27: The Keys to the Occult & The Evolution of Consciousness – Pam Grossman, Curtis Davis, Mark Passio, Gary Jansen & Moderator, Alan Steinfeld
6/27: Psychic Circle for Singles – Psychic Medium Milou
6/28: Awakening Our Souls to Their True Purpose – Andy Tomlinson
6/29: Body Therapy in Past Life Regression – Andy Tomlinson
6/30: Reiki Okuden (Inner Teaching) – Lilia V. Marquez, RN

Fri, May 31st, Sat, June 1st & Sun, June 2nd
Weekend with Paul Selig Channeling The Guides
Fri, 7pm – 9pm, Sat, 10am – 5.30pm & Sun, 10am – 1pm

This is the first weekend intensive Paul has done in New York City. It is designed to take people deeper into their own process of awakening. These intensives are highly energetic and transformative. The information is of a higher more integrated order. They deal with the attunement and integration to the frequencies of the Word, which is the Christ (our divine aspect) in action.

The Guides say: “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.”

Cost: $275 by May 10th. $300 afterwards. (If you register, you must attend all three days). You can register at the website: For more information call: 917 553-5294, email:

Saturday, June 1st
Cosmic Chalice – Ascension Temple
Dona Ho Lightsey
6:30pm – 10:00pm

Come experience one of the best kept secrets in the world of Sound Healing and Channeling, as Dona Ho Lightsey (Ama’zjhi Anjelique Kumara) makes her Debut offering in NYC.

Enter the Sword and Chalice Temple, as we join together to receive the activations of the Cosmic-Crystaline-Ascension body. Creating new mythologies through direct transmission as we heal collective & individual programs and unwanted themes. Transmission, Healing, Sound Codes, Activations, Dispensations and Integration with Ascended Masters Sananda, St. Germaine, Beloved Magdalen and Mother Isis, Archangel Michael and the Elohim. Music and Sacred Space held by Dona Ho Lightsey (Ama’zjhi Anjelique Kumara), Violet Alchemy Priests and Priestesses & Guest Musicians.

Dona Ho Lightsey (Ama’zjhi Anjelique Kumara) has been developing a relationship with these Ascended masters, Arch Angelic, Divine, Earth and Cosmic energies over the last 25 years. She serves as a pure divine voice and channel for the Ascended Masters and the Divine Mother, holding sacred space with full presence and care. She is the creator of Violet Alchemy® Multi-dimensional Healing and Sacred Mystery school, is a Sonic Alchemist Sound Healer, and is a keeper of the Temple Mysteries of Isis and the Divine Mother’s Breath.

Join us for this unique opportunity and Soul Enhancing experience.

Space is limited to 108 participants to preserve the intimacy of this experience. Self Investment $50 online $65 at the door Facebook RSVP :

Sunday, June, 2nd
“How To Find Your Soul Mate” Workshop
Judith Costa
10:00am – 6:00pm

Do you wish to find your Soul Mate? Have you ever experienced a relationship of this kind? What is stopping you to experience the real love? What would you do to find the one? Enroll in the workshop and learn some techniques which will definitely help you to find your Soul Mate. Find out what you need to do to create the Love Life you are seeking, and to attract your Soul Mate.

Enroll in the Workshop and you will learn: * The meaning of a Soul Mate relationship. * How to prepare yourself to be with your Soul Mate. * The 3 Steps to attract your Soul Mate. * The tools and techniques to Manifest Love. * How to release past patterns that are not allowing you to attract the kind of relationship you are seeking.

Judith Costa is a certified Relationship & Life Coach, Master in Psychology and Psychotherapy, MBA, Speaker and Seminar Leader. She works with groups and individuals, both online and in person, to help them to overcome their inner blocks to Love and to know themselves better. She uses different techniques such as Coaching, Dream Interpretation, Astrology and Past Life Regression Therapy, in all of which she is certified. She has been researching about Soul Mates for more than 15 years, and her work involves teachings about what is a real Soul Mate connection, how to improve Self-Love, and how to Manifest the kind of Relationship all of us want and deserve.

Price: $125. Manual, journal, and material will be provided. Dress comfortably. 1 hr Lunch Break. To register, follow this link: For questions call at 646-204-4535 or email Find more information in my website

Monday, June 3rd ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm

For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at

Tuesday, June 4th
LOVE NOW! ArchAngel Metatron Merkaba Activation
with Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm

According to the Akashic Records Suzy is one of the major energetic channels on the planet now for what is known as the Metatronic energetic field. This field is one of grounding, centering and integrating energy which is especially important now in our fragmented three dimensional plane.

The Akashic Records speak of Metatron as simply Divine Love and the necessity for the major human channels to stabilize the new portals into the fifth dimension for the benefit of all Beings as we transform on mass, together with the Earth, into a higher form of consciousness.

Suzy creates a powerful energetic space, acting as a bridge for this Divine energy to enter participants of the workshop, to help them align with their Divine Heart, remember their source and become active in the ascension process. By integrating all human experience, without judgment, with fearlessness and unconditional love, we become vehicles of Divine light and are prepared for the activation of the light ascension body, the merkaba. The Master Teachers provide instruction on activating this light body responsibly and its use in our lives and the extended life of our planet now.

Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. $25 Pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845-616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website:

Tuesday, June 4th
Angel Gathering
With Jaesa Momin
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Jaesa Momin is: an Angel Therapy Practitioner® Certified by Doreen Virtue Ph.D * Certified Angel Card Reader by Doreen Virtue Ph.D, * IET Advanced Level Practitioner Certified by Tina Marie Bertoli * Spiritual Teacher.

Jaesa will be offering Free angel readings during class! During The Angel Gathering she will focus on: * Spiritual guidance * Discussion about angels and guides * Answering questions you might have about Angels * Find out names of your Angels * Learn about your life purpose * Easy steps to meditate * Discussion on Soul, meeting God within and more!

You will have a chance to personally interact with Jaesa, so that you can maximize and gain valuable insight!

Admission fee $30 (cash only at door). Space is limited. For registration, please email

Wednesdays, June 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th
META Center & Maryanne Savino Presents:
Sensual Alchemy ~ Sacred Womb Dance of the Divine Feminine
Maryanne Savino
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Sensual Alchemy is a moving meditation practice – a pathway that opens us to connect with the divine energies of the Goddess. This sacred dance of devotion is a “prayer in motion” – rooted in ancient ways for embodying our divinity through Sensual/Spiritual union. It is womb heart centered – grounding, spontaneous, contained, supportive and healing. As we tap into the subtle energies circulating deep within, we begin to awaken our radiance to feel and experience authentic pleasure. Opening the womb-heart space allows sensation to flow through for greater awareness and is wonderfully transformative. The power of this sacred dance breaks through body armor of limiting belief structures, old programming and stagnant energy. As the flow of Qi is restored, we then have the ability to feel liberated and ecstatic!

“Our deepest yearning is to feel oneness with the Divine Feminine in our bodies. This is creational energy known as Shakti/ Shekinah vibration – it has the power to transform us like nothing else and is waiting to be awakened and celebrated through sacred dance. Allow your wild nature to move you into infinite bliss!” – Maryanne Savino

*Please wear comfortable/loose fitting attire to move in

To view my bio, please visit:

*It is recommended that you pre-pay in advance as class size is limited. $100 for all 4 classes. $30 per drop in class – cash at the door. RSVP via PayPal or call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext. 1. No refunds after payment.

Wednesday, June 5th ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
I’m Ready for Love…Now What?
Facilitated by Lori Ostenfeld & Zela Rodriguez
6:30pm – 9:00pm

In this experiential workshop you will deepen your capacity to love and be loved. Connecting with joy, you will cultivate intimacy without fear.

You will learn: * What’s holding you back from meeting or fully committing to marriage/life partner * How to be open and honest about your feelings in an intimate relationship * How to be a ‘love magnet’ and let go of being a fishing pole * How to release your limiting beliefs and believe in yourself

Lori Ostenfeld, CPC is an Inspirational Speaker, Author, Certified Life Coach, and Certified Happiness and Success Coach. With a mutual covenant of safety, Lori brings her intuition, wisdom, compassion and an occasional touch of “sassiness” to her clients evoking an extra-ordinary opportunity for growth.

Zela Rodriguez, HHC, CCA, CCI, CPC is an Educator and Intuitive Life Coach. Through dedication and authenticity, Zela helps so many people go beyond their limited perspective of themselves and reconnect to the love, joy, and peace of their true selves.

$38 by May 28th, $45 thereafter. Pre-registration is suggested-seating is limited. Registration: please email and/or call 212.330.8126.

Wednesday, June 5th
Spiritual Branding: Branding for Spiritually-based Businesses & Holistic Entrepreneurs
Anita Celeste
6:45pm – 9:15pm

Does your spiritually-based small business have a brand definition problem? Is your paradigm-shifting holistic service lacking direction? If so then this class is for you! Just as in the main teachings of spirituality, branding your company or practice is about looking within.

Your business or BRAND is a vehicle to express your core essence, your mission and your vision. Perhaps you have a name, business card or even a website, yet have you really differentiated yourself from your competition? Once you have clear direction with your brand strategy then design becomes inspired rather than the other way around.

Are you conflicted about your own ambition? Do you sometimes think that your desire to be more successful somehow makes you a less “spiritual” person? If so then this workshop will help transform your guilt and fear into happiness and abundance.

This class is for entrepreneurs, small business owners and start-ups looking to define what makes you unique in order to attract the right customers for you.

In this focused workshop, participants learn to: Understand basic branding principles. * Clarify who your customer is and identify opportunities to connect to them. * Understand your competition and identify your niche. * Identify your core essence by looking inward. * Learn to draft a creative brief and chose the right designers to translate your core essence into a visual representation of your brand.

Anita Celeste is a Brand Expert, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches branding design at School of Visual Arts and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. In addition she is a Reiki Master and Integrated Energy Healer (IET®). View her website at

$50 per class. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or

Thursday, June 6th ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
Intimate Channeled Gathering
with Jodi Serota & her Guides
6:30pm Sharp – 9:45pm

At this time, I’ve been guided to gather small groups of up to 10 people, to channel pertinent information and healing for those present. During these evenings, as part of the collective dynamic, special channeled messages/readings will be given for each individual in the group.

These Channeled Evenings will assist everyone through this time of massive transition to live more consciously from a much higher conscious perspective. We’re all witnessing and experiencing major shifts on our planet and our individual & collective consciousness is being heightened, expanded and refined.

Many are going into old patterns of fear, limitation, illness, confusion, and separation. Others are growing rapidly and expanding their intuitive abilities, with their innate gifts being revealed.

Some have little understanding of how to utilize their fuller knowing in a world where not everyone embodies, understands, or accepts these heightened experiences and gifts.

Join us in these very special evenings assisting in re-calibrating & re-aligning the physical & etheric systems, & anchoring “The Divine Presence” more fully into the body. Embrace the All Inclusive Frequency of Love & Live the Sacredness of the Divine, Always! All are welcome!

$65 per class – non-refundable. Pre-register and pay in advance as these groups are limited to only 10 people. Call META Center 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register.

Friday, June 7th – Monday, June 10th
Creativity Workshop
Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
10:30am – 1:30pm

The Creativity Workshop is an intensive 4 day class that teaches individuals in all disciplines ways to develop their unique creativity and use it in their lives and work.

The Creativity Workshop achieves this through a specially designed series of techniques in creative writing, memoir, free-form drawing, collage, and storytelling.

The Workshop helps its participants tap into their muses, discover and use images from the unconscious, get over creative blocks and the fear of failure, engage the power of curiosity, use memories to spark the imagination, and develop a daily practice to accomplish these goals.

Pre-registration required. For more information and registration go to:

Friday, June 7th
Spiritual Dating & Friendship
sponsored by
6:45pm – 9:30pm

Join us for a special event at the beautiful META Center. Meet like minded holistic singles.

Connect with other holistic singles in a fun and friendly way * Get a head massage or a body massage (we invited some body workers!) * Relax and enjoy organic coffee, vegetarian appetizers and desserts * Come and discuss your spiritual life with like minded New Yorkers * Join in on a short workshop from holistic counselors and coaches * Shop some holistic items from our vendors and sponsors * Dive deep in our meditation from an experienced meditation teacher

*** Light appetizers and drinks will be served ***

Price $20 For information, email

Saturday, June 8th
Pleidian Pineal Gland Activation with the POD Crystal
Intensive with the Master Teachers & powerhouse Australian spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly
12:00pm – 4:00pm

Suzy has acquired a profound new crystal from a recently discovered Brazilian POD. It is jammed with information downloads and energetic portals and ready to perform activations on the Pineal and Crown Chakras for those that are ready to raise their frequencies into the Christed Consciousness.

In this intensive Suzy will be channeling the Pleidian contingent of the Master Teachers, and especially the Dolphin energies. We will be learning about the new cosmic energy fields, activating the third eye, and receiving powerful teachings from our 5th dimensional Pleidian family. This POD crystal is from a family of crystals that grew in a Fibonacci spiral in cave on the coast of Brazil; they have grown in sea water over thousands of years and emanate very powerful celestial Dolphin frequencies that people are now ready to integrate. The information contained in this crystal has very much to do with the history and future of humankind.

Suzy recommends that people coming to this workshop have attended at least one of her sessions before.

Due to the nature of these activations, the workshop is limited in size, please register to hold your spot. $80 Pre-registration and payment is required by Friday June 7. $125 on the day. Please contact Suzy on 845-616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website:

Tuesday, June 11th
Moving Beyond Survival & Suffering
With Jodi Serota & The Hierarchies of Light
7:00pm – 9:45pm

This evening will be channeled for the group present to assist in making the appropriate shifts for higher conscious living with more ease, awareness, stability and peace. It appears to be a difficult time on the planet for most, as we’re embodying our higher frequencies of light and we’re being directed toward making necessary changes to fulfill our own destinies.

We’re on what feels to be a precipice, where we’ve got to shift to go forward without knowing the outcome that would help us to feel stable and at ease. Trusting in a higher Divine Orchestration is essential now and it’s a time where we have opportunities for awakening to feel clear knowing & connectedness while letting go of illusions and confusion.

As we are “dwellers on the threshold” not being able to go backward to familiarity, it can feel like being in a holding pattern of fear, stifled but still having to make new decisions to refine our lives. Change is inevitable!

We will address these themes: Where do we go from here? How do we trust new directions? How do we move from past identification with survival, struggling and suffering in order to be in current and future living, maintaining full satisfaction and true happiness? What lessons do we need to learn to evolve and live in enlightenment? What does love have to do with it all?

Join us and experience channeled guidance for the group, vibrational sound frequency transmissions, light language infusions for activations, initiations, deep healing, alchemy & fine tuning to embrace pure Divinity as we Ascend in body, as God Consciousness on Earth in Human Form. Everyone Welcome!

$20 in advance via PayPal or call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext.1. to register. MC, VISA & Discover Card, checks & cash accepted in advance. $25 cash only at the door. No refunds after payment.

Tuesday, June 11th
Dream it: Do it! ~FREE EVENT~
She Creates Change – Pop-UP event for S.H.E. SUMMIT
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Do you feel stuck in a job that is unsatisfying but don’t know what you’d do if you left? Do you have an idea or dream that stays with you but never gets acted upon? Are you ready for a life that includes loving what you do and feeling fully engaged in life?

If you can answer “Yes” to any of these questions then please join She Creates Change for a transformative evening, Dream it, DO IT!, where we promise a renewed sense of energy and excitement about your work and life!

REFLECT: In the first part of the workshop we will review the journey thus far help you uncover some old passions and dreams and create more clarity around what engaging, fulfilling work might look like for you. Reflect on your current relationship to your goals and dreams.

INTERRUPT: In the second part of the day we will support you to identify limiting beliefs and fears that hold you back. You will be given the opportunity to transform these fears into positive thoughts and beliefs that will help you to move forward in a more empowered way. Interrupt patterns that no longer serve you.

IGNITE: Finally we will spend the last part of the day helping you create a RADICAL plan of action that will support you to move toward your dreams with momentum and velocity! Ignite the possibilities of a self-created and passionate future!

To register go to: For information, please visit

Wednesday, June 12th
Crystals for Meditation & Connection to Higher Realms – Experiential Workshop with Higher Consciousness Stones
Cephora from Crystal Connection
7:00pm – 9:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)

Upcoming Workshops:
Wednesday July 10: Creation & Manifestation
Wednesday July 24: Crystals & Elemental Connections
Wednesday August 14: Basic Crystal Healing Layouts – Experiential.
Wednesday August 28: Crystal Grids & Elixirs
Wednesday September 25: TBA

Experience the natural, mystical & universal powers of crystals: Discover how, by integrating healing crystals into your life, you could reach the next level.

Feel & meditate with High Consciousness Stones such as new Lemurians, Azeztulite, Phenacite, Anandalite, Auralite 23… If you love stones, this experiential workshop is THE space to be in on Wednesday evening 6.12.13! Cephora shares techniques and will guide you into meditating and accessing important information!

Experience how stones can help release stress and stuck emotions or habits. Feel how to connect to the minerals and their vibrations which can support your physical, emotional and spiritual healing process.

Exchange: $25. Reservations 12 people max per class.
Cephora brings down powerful stones to sell before and after the workshop. If you have a request, please call 845.888.2547 or email Doors open at 6:30pm

Thursday, June 13th
Childhood Chronic Illness: A Holistic Approach to Prevention & Treatment
Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D.
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Chronic illness in children has become an acceptable way of life, affecting more than 40% of US children. 1 in 6 children has some form of neuro-developmental delay, 1 in 10 children has asthma, an incidence rate that has tripled in the last 30 years, and US children have allergies at a rate higher than children anywhere else in the world. Most of these illnesses can be prevented, and many of them can be relieved without pharmaceutical medicines.

In this 3-hour lecture, attendees will hear what dietary, lifestyle and medical decisions we can make to avoid the development of these illnesses, and safely treat them so our children can be more optimally well. Much of the lecture will focus on childhood asthma, allergies, eczema, and neuro-developmental delays, but the information is helpful for any parent or practitioner who cares for a child with a chronic illness.

$25 per person. Please click here for more details and to purchase tickets:

Thursday, June 13th ~EVENT CANCELLED~
“Communicating with the Other Side”
Miss Ruth Cooper – Medium
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Miss Ruth is a psychic, medium and clairvoyant and has been doing spiritual work for 30 years.

She likes to keep her groups small for mediumship this way she can tune into everyone and everyone gets a message from their loved ones on the other side. She always says out of all the gifts God has blessed her with this is the one she loves the most because she gets to see healing right before her eyes. Check out Ruth Cooper Medium on to read some of her reviews.

If you are hurting, grieving and missing a loved one come and get a message from your loved one. Peace and blessings.

The fee is $75 and seating is limited so please make your reservation ASAP by calling 347-740-6185. Payment will be accepted by PayPal or money order to

Thursday, June 13th ~FREE EVENT~
Free Introductory Evening –
ISIS Interfaith (International Seminary for Interfaith Studies)
With Rev. Deborah Steen Ross
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Are you looking for a different kind of Interfaith Seminary? One that is relevant to the shifting and changing energies and times we are going through?

Have you ever thought that ministry, even Interfaith Ministry, does not do enough to support the spiritual and energetic awakening that is taking place OR pay enough attention to crisis situations that are occurring on this planet?

Are you ready to become part of the solution?

We invite you to join Rev. Deborah Steen Ross, Founder and Director of ISIS, for an exciting and informative evening of what it means to learn to minister from a place of wholeness, Oneness, and inclusivity, and explore why this program might be your next step into a new era of ministry and service to the world.

To RSVP, please call 212 864 2243.

Friday, June 14th
Summer Psychic & Healing Fair
Sponsored by the Spiritualist Church of New York City (SCNYC)

Readings: 6:30pm — 9:30pm
Energy Healings: 6:30pm — 8:10pm
Message Circle: 8:30pm — 9:30pm

Experience New York’s most exciting summer psychic and healing fair and support the Spiritualist Church of NYC (SCNYC).

The SCNYC is bringing together some of the city’s top psychic/mediums, Tarot readers, astrologers and energy healers for the event. The fair is also a great opportunity to make connections with SCNYC members and friends, and get to know more about our organization.

At the end of this special Friday night, there will be a Spirit Message Circle, which will bring forth powerful energies to give participants detailed messages from the Spirit World.

There is no need to make appointments in advance of the event. Follow this link and receive $5 off your reading or healing. Fair participants also do not need to bring printed coupons—they can present an image of the coupon via Smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.

READINGS: Psychic / Mediumistic / Astrology / Tarot
6:30pm – 9:30pm
20 Minute Reading: $40.00 ($35 with online coupon)

ENERGY HEALING: Various Modalities
6:30pm — 8:10pm
20 Minute Healing:
$25.00 ($20 with online coupon)

MESSAGE CIRCLE: 8:30pm—9:30pm
$20 per person (There are no discounts for the message circle.)

The SCNYC is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization and is affiliated with the Holistic Studies Institute of New York (HSI). Please visit this page for more details about this event.

Get to know the church at

Monday, June 17th ~EVENT CANCELLED~
“Planetary Trends and Eclipses of 2013: June through December”
With Susan Miller
6:30pm – 10:00pm

By now it’s clear that we are all adjusting to a new normal. The economy is gently improving, but many readers still report that things are not easy. This talk will center on the three coming eclipses this year: a lunar full moon eclipse on May 25 in Sagittarius, a full moon lunar eclipse on October 18 in Aries, and new moon solar eclipse on November 3, 2013 in Scorpio.

Everyone will feel these eclipses in different ways, and eclipses are always important to watch, for they bring fast moving events and often the biggest news of the year. Susan will also discuss the challenging aspects due early July and late December 2013, and the year’s bright spots. She will also discuss the impending Venus and Mars retrogrades and what this means for you.

In a year like 2013, brilliant days and difficult ones lies side by side, so it will be important to plan your key initiations on the very best periods of the year. With this lecture, you will leave armed with all the information you need to strike at the right time for you. You will have lots of opportunity to interact with Susan and others in the audience – Susan’s lectures are always lively and fun.

Ticket price $45 in advance, $49 at the door. Tickets at: Doors open at 6pm. This event will be in an intimate space that holds only 100 guests. All Susan’s events sell out, so please reserve your space early. Send a message to Susan on her Twitter account, @Astrologyzone. Doors open at 6pm.

Monday, June 17th
Adam’s Rib – Healing the Divine Feminine Within
Jeri Cohen
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Jeri Cohen is a highly respected Magdalene channel, medical intuitive, and healer with direct access to the Akashic Hall of Soul Records. She teaches The Way as taught by Jesus: the Mysteries seen through the Enochian Fire Flame Languages, the Mystical Path of Love, the original religion of the Jewish people, and the Essene Way.

Explore layers of meaning in the Shri Yantra of the Divine Mother, apply Kabbalah and Magdalene practice to manifest Shekinah, the Dove of the Holy Spirit, and enter her Heart of Compassion to instantly heal and rebalance.

Exchange: $33. Please contact Jeri Gale Cohen via FaceBook to register or call 718-662-6776.

Tuesday, June 18th
Sound and Light Activation. Integration & Ascension: Divine Light Activation with Himalayan Bowls, Metatron and the Master Teachers
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Suzy has been playing the Himalayan Bowls for nearly 15 years in her energetic healing practice with private clients, where she combines sound healing with healing touch and channeled light. Bringing bowls back from her pilgrimages to Nepal, she has selected those which are handmade and which have been blessed by her Tibetan teachers.

The Himalayan bowls have the simple power of creating a unifying energetic field, allowing for the integration of human experience without judgment, without fear. While acting as a bridge for the Metatronic energy field, Suzy plays the Tibetans, creating an integration sound field while channeling the Divine Light.(Participants will be lying down for these activations, please bring blankets and cushions if you need them. Some will be provided there as well).

Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. $25 Pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845-616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website:

Wednesday, June 19th ~FREE EVENT~
Finding Balance Through Metabolic Typing
Mark Anthony
6:30pm – 8:00pm

All health complications and disease is caused through a loss of balance. Whether you suffer from headaches, depression, or a lack of energy, the root cause can be traced back to some form of imbalance. However, finding the right balance for you can be more difficult than just taking “the finest supplements” or “eating a balanced diet”. Metabolic Typing will help you gain a greater understanding of your uniqueness and creates a personalized health building program focused solely on you to let the innate healing of your body express its true potential.

Please join Mark Anthony as he shares how simple dietary and lifestyle changes can create your perfect balance to help you live a happier and healthier life.

Free Email:

Thursday, June 20th ~FREE EVENT~
Honoring The Divine Father Within
Facilitated by Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 10:00pm

As we head ever more fluidly into the dawning New Age, our awareness of the Divine Feminine can finally come to the fore, doing much to heal and transform lifetimes of severity and dogmatic oppression, by releasing often intensely traumatic karmic memories of abuse at the hands of authority, or through participation in war activity. Indeed, even having been forced into arranged marriages (in past female incarnations) and treated as an object or commodity rather than a living, thinking feeling and reasoning human being.

All of this and more can easily be attributed to misalignment of the Divine Father Energy which, inevitably, has created a plethora of ‘Father Issues’, running rampant throughout all segments of society and throughout the ages. Yet, evolving into the fullness of WHO WE ARE…our Ascension, involves the healing and merging of all aspects of our being, including our oft misunderstood and misinterpreted relation to the Divine Father Energy – and whether or not, It is “real” and indeed, is ‘there for us’!

Here, through the grace and etheric Presence of many aspects of the Divine Father Energy, who will gather with us, you will have an opportunity to address and heal any lingering issues surrounding lack of empowerment…and feelings of abandonment that you may still be operating from, limiting the scope and capacity of your life unnecessarily. True mastery, must first and foremost include embracing all of ourselves – the Feminine, the Masculine, the Androgynous…and not in ascribing dominance or superiority to one over another, which can only lead to further separation from Source.

Through music and guided meditation, you will be taken on a journey of forgiveness and redemption with your birth father at the level of your soul, closing the gaps within which say “you can’t” – into the shining, energetic outpicturing and manifestation of your highest good…and greatest joy!

Register: or 212.726.2761. Remote attendance possible – please pre-register. Please let us know how many will be attending to secure seating.

Thursday, June 20th
Nordic-Atlantean Techniques for Spiritual Power & Healing
Skydin Zeal
7:00pm – 9:20pm

In this Month’s Atlantean Metaphysics we expand on the techniques for healing, attracting spiritual power and psychic protection. Join us as we create our Atlantean Church, with sound, rich herbal aromatic magic, and the presence of benevolent extraterrestrial & nature spirit guides!
And discover the Sigils used by the Ancient Atlanteans that simply attract what you desire and repel what you don’t desire. Skydin Zeal is a professional Instructor of Scandinavian Shamanic techniques, and claircognizant reader in Manhattan, NY.

Part 1: -Purifying & Healing: Skydin Zeal will Begin by offering a Sophisticated Blend of Shamanic Herbal Magic to Balance, Cleanse & Spiritually Energize All in Attendance. Atlantean Sound Healing instruments Channeled & Created by Skydin will be also be experienced!

Part 2: Norse Solar Energization: Solar Norse Chants & Empowering Norse Yogic stances called Staddhagaldr.

Part 3: Skydin Zeal will show you how to Utilize the best Metaphysical Techniques from a Multitude of Ancient Cultures, some before history.

Part 4: Readings for Everyone Attending: Everyone receives a brief powerful Rune Reading! Skydin answers one question or instructs you in the use of an archetypal Symbol that will personally benefit you best!

Q & A Segment & Much Much More!

RSVP encouraged to ensure seating via email: Exchange: $25 accepted at the door.

Friday, June 21st
Summer Solstice – Celebration of Light
With Jodi Serota & The Guardians of Light, along with Maryanne Savino, & Special Musical Guests
7:00pm – 10pm

We as Beacons of Light, on a journey of enlightenment, are now ready to embody more of our Divine Presences, clarifying all illusions & embracing genuine love without fear. We can now magnetize toward us opportunities for living with fuller expression and satisfaction.

As our Light is ignited, embraced and emanating fully, we attract life experiences as nutritious food for the soul.

As in Shakespeare’s play, Midsummer Night’s Dream, many of the major themes coming up are; love out of balance, the quest for internal stamina and equilibrium, dreams, magical intervention and the spiritual power of love.

The Summer Solstice is known in many cultures as a time for celebrating the feminine. Festivities have always been held, honoring the sun/solar deity at its highest point in the sky…the apex of light upon the world.

Gather with us in a guided channeled ceremony, on this “lit up” experiential evening, utilizing these longest days of light to clarify what has been obscured by shadow. We will spend this mystical evening in Ceremony experiencing vibrational sound & light infusions, healing and initiations through dulti-dimensional light languages, sacred dance/prayer activations, alchemical crystal bowl transmissions and uplifting music, dancing, drumming and more.

As we allow our hearts to open with love in the air, we will renew our original commitments with the Divine, those made before we birthed here, to accept and remember how to live in harmony, peace and partnership with ourselves, and all relations.

Reclaim, embody, and experience being beautiful beacons of light of absolute divine brilliance! Everyone welcome!

$25 in advance via PayPal, $33 cash only at the door. No refunds after payment.

Friday, June 21st
Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Summer Solstice
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Summer is a time when we sing our song of nature and align more easily with our natural rhythms. It’s a time of blossoming, a time of tremendous energy, and of rapid expansion! Are you ready?

Begin your weekend in this tranquil space that brings deep relaxation and an overall sense of well being as you share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of the Archangels and other loving beings of Light. The evening begins with a lovely guided meditation and activations through light language that assists you in using your own intuitive abilities, if you choose. Inspirational ArchAngel messages and channeled messages are offered for your personal and spiritual growth as well as channeled messages for the entire circle. As we celebrate the Summer Solstice with intentions for manifesting all that we desire, we also ground ourselves in alignment with Gaia, and center ourselves in our hearts with the knowledge that We are the Infinite Light of OneLOVE.

You’re invited to bring a crystal or other personal item to place on the altar for a sacred blessing!

Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Christ Light Healer and Spiritual Guide. She speaks and sings Language of Light and often channels enlightening messages from the Beloved Council of Christ Light frequencies during healing circles and private healing sessions. Her commitment to healing work is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for your Soul, heart, mind and body to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.

$25.00 at the door or register online at For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553 or

Sunday, June 23rd
“Soul Talk” Series #2 Presents:
Who Heals The Healers?
with Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro
10am – 4:00pm

Calling All Nurses, Body Workers, Acupuncturists, Therapists, Healers, Counselors, Teachers, Caregivers, Helping Professionals and those of us who are here in the service of others…

Although it’s a most incredible time to be alive on the planet… in creating this new world today we also have had to walk through, what has felt like at times, unbearable shifts and very confusing changes! But for those of you who have been on the front lines and held specific lifelong “service contracts” to assist others – its been especially challenging! For years, you had to put your own personal work (and life) on the back burner while first making sure that “everyone else got safely on to the lifeboat”! As you each begin to turn the focus on yourself – many are wondering if the… boat has left without them? After the big shift of Dec. 2012 – the old manual on “how things work”… just doesn’t apply anymore!

Awakening to a new world without the “new tools” needed to navigate it – has inadvertently created much fear, confusion, lack of direction, financial stress and a silent questioning if your own beliefs, intuition and “usually dependable” guides have abandoned or betrayed you! Well..nothing is further from the truth! You have come to this planet with a VERY high frequency “soul contract”… to be of service to others! The universe has not forgotten you. Your life is exactly where it should be and you have never been more needed than now!

Are you questioning your life’s work as a service provider and trying to figure out your new role on the planet today?

This workshop will address: the “bigger picture” of what is happening on the planet and how it is impacting you directly; the tools needed to function in this new reality; how to re-purpose your work; check for expirations dates on your original service contracts and help you transmute the belief systems that are limiting and gumming up the works! Learn how to shift out from the craziness and find your new place in this rapidly changing landscape!

If you are feeling called to join this very special “Soul Group” community of like-hearted people who are also seeking a clearer understanding of all that is happening around them and why they have chosen to be here during this most important time in the Evolution of Human Spiritual Development then…. Welcome Home!!!!

$125 Register: email or call NSP&A. Inc. – 718-256-2640 –

Monday, June 24th ~EVENT CANCELLED~
Calling in Your Baby: Learn Clairvoyant Tools for Getting Pregnant with Author/Clairvoyant, Tori Quisling
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Participants will learn powerful, proven, clairvoyant techniques that will allow clear communication with the spirit of the your baby, release blocks and make a clear way for a pregnancy miracle. All participants receive copies of Tori’s workbook “Calling In Your Baby” and a copy of Tori’s book “The Clairvoyant Practitioner.” Pre-registration is required by 6/23/13. Space is limited.

$95/ person; $145 / couple Please call Tori at 516-423-1794.

Tuesday, June 25th
Holistic Business and Social Media Tips!
Naini Nakagawa
6:45pm – 8:00pm

Join Naini Nakagawa founder of on a fun and relaxing evening and learn some practical social media tips . Take your business to a whole other level with just these 5 tips on how to use Facebook, Linkedin and Email Marketing to grow your business and reach a larger audience .

For more information, contact Naini at 646-420-9990 or email

To register go to:

Tuesday, June 25th
An Evening of Chant: Become a Light to the World
Jeri Cohen
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Jeri Cohen is a highly respected Magdalene channel, medical intuitive, and healer with direct access to the Akashic Hall of Soul Records. She teaches The Way as taught by Jesus: the Mysteries seen through the Enochian Fire Flame Languages, the Mystical Path of Love, the original religion of the Jewish people, and the Essene Way.

The Ancient Science of Sound infuses Light. A song composed by Yeshua did just this in its original Aramaic. We will learn his song and then apply his methodology by using Sanskrit chant to fill the body with Light, Hebrew chant to enter the Heart of God within and Tibetan chant to rend the veils to free the World of duality and heal Mother Gaia.

Exchange: $33. Please contact Jeri Gale Cohen via Facebook to register or call 718-662-6776.

Tuesday, June 25th ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
Divine Origins – Divine, Spiritual Awakening of the Soul, Mind & Heart!
Jaesa Momin
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Jaesa Momin is a * Spiritual Teacher, * Angel Therapy Practitioner® Certified by Doreen Virtue Ph.D, * Certified Angel Card Reader® by Doreen Virtue Ph.D, * IET Advanced Level Practitioner Certified by Tina Marie Bertoli

You are not a human being having a spiritual experience – you are spiritual being having human experience! Create the world around you in your personal life that you would like to see all around the world. It is The Divine Force or Life Force within you that you need to pay attention to. YOU are the spiritual force, the Soul.

Come and join Jaesa for an exciting, spiritual discussion, teachings, guidance and awaken to your True Self with the help of your angels and guides!

In this class you will learn: * About your divine origins * Who you truly are and where do we come from here, what is the purpose of being here * Thought forms, learn what is really going on when you send out a thought and what you’re creating * How to combine your spiritual life in your daily living and situations you are dealing with on daily basis * How to recognize when you are coming from your ego and when it is your Higher Self that is speaking out * Learn about relationship between you and The Universe * Get to know relationships between your physical body and etheric bodies and how they affect each other and what it means to you in your daily life * Learn how to live consciously and override your ego with Love, so your life is peaceful and harmonious and no longer be “enslaved” by your ego * You and healthy diet on your spiritual path and it’s great benefits and more! !

Jaesa will be providing FREE readings during the class!

Admission fee $30 (cash only at door). Space is limited (9 seats only) Registration required, please email

Wednesday June 26th
An Evening with an Oracle
Small Group Sessions with
ANDHEISTM & Oracle Christopher William
7:00pm – 8:30pm

An Oracle is an ancient doorway to higher wisdom from the eternal. Since the beginning of time, Oracles have guided people to access this wisdom that enriches their lives and brings indescribable joy and peace.

Christopher William is Oracle for ANDHEISTM, a highly evolved energy with an equally high vibration. With fun and enjoyment ANDHEIS will empower you to be your most authentic self and how to live an enthusiastic, fulfilled and remarkable life.

Through group sessions and private consultations ANDHEIS offers life-changing coaching through spiritual Oracle Christopher William.

Join us as we receive guidance and healing energy from ANDHEIS. ABOUT ANDHEISTM:

ANDHEIS is becoming a sought after Healing Life Coach and Spiritual Guide by people worldwide because of the higher wisdom and healing physical energy people experience.

Regular contact with ANDHEIS has a measurable cumulative effect—helping to heal all participants mentally, emotionally, and physically—while raising their own spiritual vibration. The experience includes dramatically increased happiness, joy and general contentment with life and all relationships—including relationship with the self and others at home and work.

Christopher William is one of the only true working Oracles in the world. He is willing to give up part of his conscious life to allow ANDHEIS’ to bring healing messages and energy for those who seek help.

$28 Reserve you place now at:

Thursday, June 27th
Jodi Serota of META Center & Alan Steinfeld of New Realities Present:
The Keys to the Occult & The Evolution of Consciousness
Pam Grossman, Curtis Davis, Mark Passio, Gary Jensen & Moderator, Alan Steinfeld
7:00pm – 9:45pm

What is the difference between the occult and spirituality?
Do the occult sciences still have value?
Is there a reason for their secrecy?
Why is this knowledge now emerging and how can we use?
Is it to activate a higher potential in ourselves?

The Occult has long been known for its secret knowledge. In today’s digital age it is now time to reveal this ancient wisdom and understand how it can be used to evolve consciousness. Join Alan Steinfeld of NewRealities as he asks these and other timely questions to a panel of leading experts who share their wisdom about the most mystical of Western traditions. The event will include the panel discussion and networking.

Pam Grossman is an independent curator, writer, and lifelong student of magical practice and history. She is the creator of Phantasmaphile, a blog which specializes in art and culture with an esoteric or fantastical bent, and the Associate Editor of Abraxas International Journal of Esoteric Studies. As co-founder of the Brooklyn arts & lecture space, Observatory, her programming aims to explore mysticism via a scholarly yet accessible approach.

Curtis Davis began his study of the occult sciences at the age of 18. “After learning the truth about self examination, I could no longer turn back to the world of organized distorted doctrine”. His studies took him into the works of Dr Connie Zweig and Aleister Crowley, as well as the Kemetic Sciences. In the age of digital content Curtis took his knowledge of the occult sciences at the next level and founded The Occult Network, Inc. He has interviewed many of the biggest names in the esoteric genre such as John Anthony West, Robert Bauval, Dr Carmen Boulter, Lon Milo DuQuette and many others.

Mark Passio – has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies. In 2007, Mark began presenting this information to greater public awareness in the series entitled What On Earth Is Happening. In 2010, Mark began hosting his own weekly internet radio show, also called What On Earth Is Happening, which is now broadcast live every Sunday on the Oracle Broadcasting network.

Gary Jansen is the senior editor of religion and spirituality at the Crown Publishing /Random House. He is the author of Exercising Your Soul: Fifteen Minutes a Day to a Spiritual Life and Holy Ghosts: Or How a (Not So) Good Catholic Boy Became a Believer in Things that Go Bump in the Night. His forthcoming book is A Supernatural History of the World from Tarcher/Penguin. A frequent lecturer and a contributor to the Huffington Post, he has appeared on national public radio,, Coast to Coast AM, A&E, the Sundance Channel and the Travel Channel.

Alan Steinfeld, moderator, has been the host of the spiritually based talk show New Realities for the past 15 years. He has interviewed many of the top leaders in the human potential movement. He feels the times that we are in now are creating vast changes in consciousness. He hopes this panel will shed some light and direction on these changes. For his latest interviews go to:

Fee: $20 in advance via PayPal or call META Center to register at 212 736 0999 Ext.1. MC, VISA & Discover Card, checks & cash accepted in advance. $25 cash only at the door. All (non-refundable).

Thursday, June 27th

Psychic Circle for Singles

Psychic Medium Milou

6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.

Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264 4651 or email Seats are limited.

Friday, June 28th
Awakening our Souls To Their True Purpose
Andy Tomlinson
7:00pm – 9:00pm

How energy blockages that are affecting our soul progress can be transformed. Traumas from our past-lives and distressing childhood experiences can create blocked energy that keep the soul in a state of mental inertia, which in turn curtails our ability to be truly happy and fulfilled. Awakening our souls and clearing these energy blockages is the foremost challenge of our time to dealing with a whole range of pressing problems that threaten humanity and allow us to move to new levels of consciousness.

Andy Tomlinson is from the UK and is internationally known for his absorbing and entertaining talks. He has been a psychotherapist and past life explorer for over 20 years and is the director of training for the Past Life Regression Academy – coming to the US in September 2013. Andy is the author of the pioneering books, Healing the Eternal Soul and Exploring the Eternal Soul that covers his personal research working with past lives, body therapy and the soul memories between lives. He is also the editor of Transforming the Eternal Soul a new book explaining the different ways regression helps people overcome personal problems.

$20. For more information on the workshops and to register: or

Saturday, June 29th
Body Therapy in Past Life Regression
Andy Tomlinson
10:00am – 5:00pm

Discover the therapeutic ways past lives can be transformed, see demonstrations of body therapy and a group experiential past life regression.

Past life regression helps us understand the events and memories of past lives. A migraine, chronic lower back pain or knee problem may be telling a story from an old accident or wound. Regression therapy combines a wide range of therapeutic techniques – clearing energy blockages, past and current life regression, psychodrama, body therapy, transpersonal and energy techniques. Most importantly it allows the client’s feeling heart to be actively involved in the healing process for true soul transformation.

Andy Tomlinson is from the UK and is internationally known for his absorbing and entertaining talks. He has been a psychotherapist and past life explorer for over 20 years and is the director of training for the Past Life Regression Academy – coming to the US in September 2013. Andy is the author of the pioneering books, Healing the Eternal Soul and Exploring the Eternal Soul that covers his personal research working with past lives, body therapy and the soul memories between lives. He is also the editor of Transforming the Eternal Soul a new book explaining the different ways regression helps people overcome personal problems.

$150. For more information on the workshops and to register: or

Sunday, June 30th
Reiki Okuden (Inner Teaching)
Lilia V. Marquez, RN
9:30am – 5:30pm

Prerequisite: Reiki 2 Certificate regardless of your Reiki School/Reiki Style. Repeat students are also welcome to attend.

Komyo Reiki Okuden (Inner Teaching) is intended for Reiki practitioners who want to deepen an understanding of Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art) and develop the inner growth. * You will explore the inner teaching of Reiki Ryoho and begin to thread on a spiritual path to “Anshin ritsumei” or “Satori” (enlightenment). * You will be given the fourth shirushi or symbol after receiving Reiju (initiation/attunement). * You will learn to use the fourth shirushi (symbol).

Contact: Lilia V. Marquez, RN Komyo Reiki Kai New York Komyo Reiki Kai New York is featured on the list of 101 Best Sites for Nurses 2012.

META Center New York, 214 West 29th, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Tel: 212 736 0999 Ext. 1.