New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: March 2012

March Events at META Center New York

Events at a Glance (please scroll down for more information)

3/2: “The Spiritual Shift” – Ramzi Cheety
3/3 & 3/4: “Spirit Drum” Drum Making Workshop – Olivia Olkowski/Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing
3/8 ~PRIVATE EVENT~ Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program – Jodi Serota
3/8: Siddhar Inner Beauty Level 1 – Masha Penson
3/9: Living Aquarian: A Talk and Book Signing of Surfing Aquarius – Dan Furst
3/10 & 3/11: Unleash your inner Story Teller! – Stories from the Outside Inn
Nick Kemp & Doug O’Brien
3/10: Day of HEALing – (Healing Energies of Agape Love) – Rev. Barbara
3/12: ~FREE EVENTS~ Become Healthy & Wealthy with Cellular Nutrition Products – Launch of GNLD + Superfood Cellular Nutrition – Sirve
3/14: More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop – Jodie Rufty & Deb Walker
3/14 ~PRIVATE EVENT~ Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown
3/15: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
3/15: How To Give an Inspired Intuitive Reading – Mark Mezadourian
3/16 – 3/19: Creativity Workshop – Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
3/16: Awakening Heart: Sufi Practice & Dances of Universal Peace
3/16: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev. Barbara Dominick
3/17 & 3/18: A 6-month Intensive – Peruvian Shamanic Training Apprenticeship Program – Olivia Olkowski/Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing
3/17: Komyo Reiki Shoden First Degree/Level 1/Reiki 1 Certification – Lilia V. Marquez
3/18: Komyo Reiki Chuden Second Degree/Second Level/Reiki 2 Certification – Lilia V. Marquez
3/20: Special Spring Equinox Event – Jodi Serota & Alan Steinfeld
3/22: WHY? Is Human consciousness urging to go to newer and higher realities? – Alan Steinfeld & Mystic Birinder
3/22: Voice of the One Heart Healing Workshop – Teri Merliss
3/22: KaTransformations’ Angel Circle – Kat Katsanis-Semel
3/23: ~FREE EVENT~ Free Quantum Healing – Aniruddhan & Natercia
3/23: Special Group Healing – Aniruddhan & Natercia
3/24 & 3/25: Divine Diamond® Activation & Certification Workshop – Aniruddhan & Natercia
3/24: Experience Your Intuition: A One-day Immersion Workshop – Constantina Rhodes
3/25: Violet Flame Irradiation- Practitioner Training and Certification – Anthony Citro
3/28: Journey Through the Light and Back – David Bennett
3/29: Living With Spirit & The Evolution of Consciousness – Alan Steinfeld, Starr Fuentes, Jodi Serota & Paul Selig
3/30: Earth Changes and 2012: An evening with the Founders – Sal Rachele
3/30: 64 Gifts – Starr Fuentes
3/31: Healing Works – Starr Fuentes
4/1: Streams of Light – Starr Fuentes

Friday, March 2nd
“The Spiritual Shift”
Ramzi Cheety
6:30pm – 8:00pm

We’ll be discussing the “Law of Attraction” & Goal Settings. This topic is very popular and a lot of people are not 100% sure on how to navigate its ally’s. A thought is a vibration in this universe. This vibration is usually picked up by the right people that are waiting to help us out. Just by turning into this specific…. Join me on March 2nd at “The Spiritual Shift”, an open discussion, to discuss the “The Law of Attraction” & Goal Settings.

I am available at the META Centre on Friday, March 2nd from 10am to 5pm and from 8pm & 9pm by appointment only to give energy healing sessions (The Healing Shift). If you are interested and would like to try this new modality please let me know ahead of time by sending me an email to Sessions are $110 per hour or $60 for 1/2 hour.

Event fee is $15. To register, e-mail to or pay at the door.

Saturday, March 3rd & Sunday, March 4th
“Spirit Drum” Drum Making Workshop
with Olivia Olkowski/Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing
10:00am to 5:00pm

Join Olivia Olkowski in creating a sacred medicine object, a Spirit Drum of your own. We will each vision the medicine that needs to be birthed into your life.

Create hands-on your own medicine tool with making a sacred Spirit Drum. If you wish to deepen your personal shamanic practice the drum is the heartbeat to gain insight, wisdom and profound healing and teachings. Sign-up early! Limited space. Open to all levels and traditions, no previous experience is required.

Weekend Workshop Invesment: $275. Please pre-pay online:

Supply Costs are an Additional Fee: 15″ drum $110, or 18″ drum $130, please contact Olivia for details. Please note, this workshop will have no refunds on supply costs being ordered.

Contact Olivia at 917.215.4866

Thursday, March 8th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program
A New Program for Ascending into 2012
With Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides
(Last chance for enrollment – up to March 1st)

A Channeled 12 Month Intensive Multi-Dimensional Mastery Program for those serious about living authentically on Earth with internal & external peace & knowing & manifesting your purpose through your full Creation Expressed.

Class Dates at META Center (Thurs 7pm-10pm / Sat 10am-6pm)
Thurs, Jan 12th / Thurs, Feb 9th / Thurs, March 8th
Sat, April 21st / Thurs, May 10th / Sat, June 16th
Thurs, July 12th / Thurs, Aug 9th / Thurs, Sept 13th
Sat, Oct 13th / Thurs, Nov 8th / Thurs, Dec 12th

Although the program started on January 12th, 2012, it is possible to join the program up until March 1st. Videos of Jan 12th & Feb 9th classes will be available online to allow new participants the opportunity to catch up to the rest of the class.

Count Down to Consciousness is a multi-dimensional educational, assistance program helping everyone with the ongoing planetary & inter-dimensional changes that are igniting consciousness for the Full Unification of Pure Divine Perfection in Physical Form.

This Dynamic Ascension Program throughout the year will help with healing, relieving suffering, activate, initiate, integrate and elevate for higher consciousness, transmute karmic patterning, awaken the strands of the DNA codes of consciousness in your cells, & anchor in your full “Monad or Divine Presence” into direct manifestation on Earth.

This program is created for those who are committed to moving forward in life to more expanded levels of consciousness, and for those choosing to move through karma, know why they are here on Earth at this time, carry out their original blueprint of service & purpose, and participate in the greater understanding of inter-dimensional/multi-world experience as a full being of light & love!

Count Down To Consciousness is available Online 
In order to reach a wider audience for those committed to mastery in their lives, we are making the entire program available online.

All live classes will be recorded and video downloads will be available online through a password protected site, allowing for a more flexible study schedule. This enables participants to continue staying in synch as part of the group collective energy. The group dynamic forms a frequency grid of support for everyone as part of learning and experiencing supportive 5th & 6th dimensional unity consciousness.

Cost: $1313. Pre-Paid For The Entire Year. Full payment must be received by Jan 6th. Non-Refundable.

Payment Plan: 
$1513 (In 4 Payments)
$403 Deposit (non refundable) on sign up with 3 installment payments as follows: $370 by Feb 28th, $370 by April 28th & $370 by June 28th, 2012.

Call to reserve your space – 212 736 0999 Ext.1 or email – Subject: Registration For Countdown To Consciousness 2012. Only those enrolled in the program are permitted to attend.

Thursday, March 8th
Siddhar Inner Beauty Level 1
Facilitated by Masha Penson
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Inner Beauty is a unique therapy. It combines Diksha, inner power, some physical energy applications and ancient secrets from the Siddhar tradition. Its main secret ‘ingredient’ is known as’ Inner Cell Activation’.

The Inner Beauty methodology and therapy uses the special life force energy, called the ‘Inner Cell Activation’. This system is developed by Siddha Institute based on the ancient Siddhar tradition. It will activate an inner process, through secret mantra and Diksha, which will manifest the radical inner changes and transformations to the external physical body and skin – in both appearance and condition. It is a thousand times safer, more natural and more powerful than any chemical process currently in use.

The Siddhar tradition of knowledge, however, avers that true beauty care should scratch beyond the surface and all distinct, yet parallel aspects should be addressed with the ultimate objective being the total experience of true beauty.

Module Content: All participants will be empowered by two Mantra diksha, Guassa facial self massage, inner beauty Yoga. * In-depth understanding of all the elements that control and manage the body system. * A daily routine exercise – simple but highly effective. * Special yoga asanas for body’s beautiful shape * Guasa Massage Techniques, This is an overall health and curative massage * Inner Beauty Facial massage with secret mantra and Diksha * Activation of cell regeneration and anti- ageing process…you will be amazed at the instantaneous aura results which can be achieved and observed through this ancient secret method. * Not only you need beauty, health and wealth, you also need to know how to protect it. A special teaching and activation will be given where you will be protected from physical harm.

You will be able to use all the above techniques for yourself and become an attractive personality with lots of confidence.

To register, email Course fee is $100. Each student will be provided with SD and Manual. Program starts promptly at 6:30pm.

Friday, March 9th (FREE EVENT)
Living Aquarian: A Talk and Book Signing of Surfing Aquarius
Dan Furst
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Furst’s new book Surfing Aquarius: How to Ace the Wave of Change is published by Weiser Books. Dan will be at META Center to sign his book and talk about living bravely, creatively and intentionally in the Aquarian Age in 2012 and beyond.

Surfing Aquarius is for people who see the years ahead as a time of spiritual transformation, when awakened human beings will co-create new societies based on Aquarian principles of teamwork, equality, celebration and empowered service.

Dan’s inspirational talk shows how the Aquarian Age is revolutionizing our politics, economies, families, love lives, health, spirituality, community – everything that matters to us – and empowering those who embrace the opportunity, and how we’re generating an unstoppable wave of awakening and freedom.

Cost & Registration Information: Free. No registration required. Website: To book a reading with Dan, call 941 465 7470.

Saturday, March 10th & Sunday, March 11th
Unleash your inner Story Teller!
– Stories from the Outside Inn
Nick Kemp & Doug O’Brien
10:00am – 6:00pm

This March, Nick Kemp and Doug O’Brien will present our second ever “Stories From the Outside Inn” Seminar in the United States. This is a story telling workshop. It is about how to write and how to deliver good stories effectively. This is a workshop for Corporate CEOs and this is a workshop for Kindergarten teachers. This is a workshop for therapists and a workshop for salesmen. This workshop will help anybody get better at what they do because it will help you be a more effective communicator.

It is fun. It is action packed. It is multi-media and chock full of invaluable learning and experience.

This is Nick Kemp’s favorite class to teach of all the classes he does world over. Watch this video and see why.–8&noredirect=1
This is some of what will be included in the full weekend: * The language of storytelling in change work * The power of voice and tonality in exquisite communication * Creating and using metaphors * Neo Ericksonian language patterning * Proven strategies to create an excellent recording and much more…

By the way – Five-minute stories Nick and I and guest have created are available at our free website:, I invite you to visit us there.

Tuition: $399.00: To register call 718-768-4098 (or toll free at 877-362-7436) or .

Saturday, March 10th
Day of HEALing (Healing Energies of Agape Love)
10:00am – 5:00pm

Feeling unbalanced and out of sorts? Is staying healthy a challenge of time or funds? Day of HEALing may be for you!

You’re invited to experience 40min of the wonderful, uninterrupted bliss of natural healing offered through Christ Light Healing, Reiki Healing or Reconnective Healing. As you allow the gentle Healing Energies of Agape Love to realign your body, mind and spirit to their natural rhythms, the healer within you facilitates a return to balance, harmony and a Soul-filled sense of wellness being. It’s also a great opportunity if you’ve never experienced energy healing before!

What to expect: Your private session involves you fully clothed on a massage table. You’re then gently guided into a light meditative state while listening to soft music. This helps you to relax into your healing experience; especially if this is your first time. Because we are all unique and have different requirements, healing sessions may vary. You may feel a warm or tingling sensation during hand placements on or above your body starting at your head. You may experience breezes or even see beautiful images or colors. You’re invited to simply be open to your experience and notice what happens. You’ll receive the healing that is meant for you with the energies staying with you long after your session is over.

By appointment only! $44.00 per 40min. session. For more information or to book an appointment, please contact RevB 718-863-1553. Pay in advance to hold your space:

Monday, March 12th ~TWO FREE EVENTS~
7:00pm – 10:00pm

Great New Business Opportunity – GNLD, The NY Launch of Largest Cellular Nutrition Company In The World
Mark Becker of Newlife & Sirve

Be part of this exciting company with Newlife, launching GNLD in NY. Become Healthy & Wealthy with GNLD, the pioneer of cellular nutrition since the 1950′s, backed by research of Stanford scientists & now in 56 countries. Don’t miss this opportunity to be on the ground floor of a worldwide billion-dollar company (in NY for the first time). Attend the launch of GNLD in NY.

Superfood Cellular Nutrition
with Sirve

Join Sirve as she educates everyone about the latest scientific research on nutrition and health maintenance, and about these scientifically proven “green” food based, healthy products. Research shows, these products have quick and lasting healing effects on the immune system and metabolism. They help to eliminate disease, increase energy/stamina and provide overall health benefits.

She will also share important information on eight omega-3 fatty acids essential to balance the level of fats in blood, increase carbohydrate metabolism, increase brain function and stabilize cholesterol. Learn how Carotenoids reduce risks for cancer and heart disease, and enhance immunity and tissue protection.

Sirve, from Estonia has a degree in sports nutrition and has been educating and counseling top Olympic athletes from all over the globe with the Best Super Foods Supplements from GNLD.

Interested in learning more about GNLD Super Food Products and want to join Newlife’s exciting team? Call to register (516) 897-0900.

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop
Facilitated by Jodie Rufty & Deb Walker
7:00pm – 9:30pm

A spiritual class that helps everyday people empower themselves, heal deep hurts, and awaken to a higher part of themselves. Through powerful healing energy, guided meditations, inspiring music, spiritual support and a community of friends, healing is achieved. During these classes, you are shown how to access your untapped potential, change things for the better, and see yourself in a greater light. You learn how old programs and beliefs keep you trapped and how to change these beliefs and programs with effective healing techniques. You won’t be surprised at what you learn in these workshops, you will be transformed.

The exchange is $30, with all payments to be made at the door. First time attendees welcome for free! To register, please contact

Wednesday, March 14th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm

For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at

Thursday, March 15th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:30pm

This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.

Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.

For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 212 473 6388.

Thursday, March 15th
How To Give an Inspired Intuitive Reading
Mark Mezadourian
7:30pm – 9:30pm

During this experiential workshop, you will learn and practice simple techniques that create the conditions for an inspired reading. These are: Establishing a clear space to work in; Setting a clear intention for the reading; Asking specific Divine beings (Angels, Masters and/or Guides) for guidance; Listening; and then Reporting the guidance to your client. Many people can do all of this, but it is the last step, Reporting the guidance, that makes the difference between a pedestrian reading and a inspired one. The key here is your ability to Articulate the Divine. Learn how to do just that and more at this fun and highly interactive process.

This workshop is for individuals who are interested in learning how to give readings, as well as those with an existing practice.

Cost: $20. For more information and to register, please call Mark at (310) 220-5455, or visit

Friday, March 16th – Monday, March 19th
Creativity Workshop
Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
10:30am – 1:30pm

The Creativity Workshop is an intensive 4 day class that teaches individuals in all disciplines ways to develop their unique creativity and use it in their lives and work. The Creativity Workshop achieves this through a specially designed series of techniques in creative writing, memoir, free-form drawing, collage, and storytelling.

The Workshop helps its participants tap into their muses, discover and use images from the unconscious, get over creative blocks and the fear of failure, engage the power of curiosity, use memories to spark the imagination, and develop a daily practice to accomplish these goals.

Pre-registration required. For more information and registration go to:

Friday, March 16th
Awakening Heart: Sufi Practice & Dances of Universal Peace
Whirling/Turn Class 6:45pm; Awakening Heart 7:30pm

“…I am teaching this music & dancing…to increase Joy, not awe toward another person but bliss in our own self. This is finding God within, through experience.” (Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis). With Meditation, Movement/Dance, Sacred Names, Music and Walking Meditations, this circle explores the heart-centered, in-the-world Universal spirituality brought from India to the West in 1910 by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, and of worldwide sacred traditions. Those of all paths (and no particular path) are welcome; no experience is necessary. “Although we seem to be in a world of song and dance, we are most concerned with peace on earth.” (Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis).

Turn Class $5; Dances of Universal Peace $15; (646) 924-9957;

Friday, March 16th
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara Dominick
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Kick your shoes off… relax!!! Leave your work behind, be it office work, spiritual work, home work or otherwise. Simply BE in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing on various levels of your being. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Angels, and allow yourSelf to be open to your own intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Being of light. Prophetic insight, meditation and Christ Light healing to crown and heart chakras are always a part of this beautiful circle that may open your heart and lift your spirit. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.

Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Christ Light Healer and Spiritual Counselor. She speaks and sings in Light Language, and often brings forth enlightening messages from the Beloved Council of Christ Light frequencies during circles and private healing sessions. Her commitment to healing work is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for your Soul, heart, mind and body to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.

$25.00 at the door or register online at For more info contact Rev. Barbara at (718) 863-1553.

Sat, March 17th & Sun, March 18th and ongoing
A 6-month Intensive—Peruvian Shamanic Training Apprenticeship Program:
Accelerated Path: Condor Medicine
Olivia Olkowski/Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing

Immerse yourself in traditional shamanic teachings from the high Andes of Peru. Explore the ancient teachings of the Inca’s, learn Andean “cosmology” to enrich your connection to nature, the Elementals. On this sacred path, you will explore yourself, bridge the past with the future and learn to “be” one with Nature. Learn to draw strength and connection to nature and spirit allies.

In this training you will— Learn the cosmology teachings of the Incan traditions • Learn in-depth “Mesa” (altar) teachings • Learn how to cleanse yourself and others • As part of the workshop, you will have a private 2-hr shamanic healing session with Olivia, this will help you start your teachings with renewed energy • How to work, keep & empower with “Kuyas” sacred stones • Learn to create “Despacho” blessings, building a deep connection to the cosmos • Experience Initiations and Sacred Ceremonies • Heal “patterns” that no longer serve you • Open inner vision and your third-eye • Work in nature & explore yourself in a Vision Quest weekend • Walk away with a new perspective of yourself and the world

Tentative Workshop Dates: March 17/18, April 21/22; May 13/26; June 10/30; July 8/21; Aug 3/4/5 Vision Quest Weekend

Investment: $1,080 Prepaid by Feb 15th – or – $1,350 paid within 3 months: $450 due Feb 15, $450 due March 15, $450 due April 15. Contact Olivia:, 917 215 4866

Olivia Olkowski is a powerful shamanic healer, a Peruvian Pachakuti Mesa holder (Shaman). She is initiated as a lineage holder of Mayan traditional medicine, a Curendera. Olivia transforms people’s lives through her circles, workshops, sacred teachings and private healing sessions. Olivia opens sacred space by working with her Master Teachers, Spirit Guides, the Elementals, crystals, sacred geometry and sound—to manifest healing for our souls.

Saturday, March 17th
Komyo Reiki Shoden (First Degree/Level 1/Reiki 1) Certification
Presenter: Lilia V. Marquez, RN, Komyo Reiki Shihan
9:30am – 5:30pm

This one day course will introduce you to Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method).
Key Words: me first, self-healing. Aim: To live a healthy life. Focus: Therapeutic practice of Reiki Ryoho.

Early Registration via Check $180.00. $190.00 via PayPal/Postal Money Order, $200.00 cash only on the day of the event. Register online 24/7 via PayPal. Non-refundable fee includes Komyo Reiki Shoden Manual, 4 Komyo Reiki Shoden Attunements, Komyo Reiki Shoden Certificate, and light lunch).

Contact: Lilia V. Marquez, RN Komyo Reiki Kai New York.

Sunday, March 18th
Komyo Reiki Chuden (Second Degree/Second Level/Reiki 2) Certification
Presenter: Lilia V. Marquez, RN, Komyo Reiki Shihan
9:30am – 5:30pm

Prerequisite: Reiki 1 Certificate. (Reiki Practitioners of all schools/lineages welcome to attend). Key Words: Practitioners: Healing others (YOU and I). Aim: To live healthy life. Focus: Therapeutic practice of Reiki.

What you will learn: After receiving the Chuden (Second Degree) Reiju, three “shirushi” or symbols will be given to you. With the use of the 1st symbol, the energy can be focused and strengthened. With the 2nd symbol, a habit (bad or unwanted) can be broken. With the 3rd symbol, you will be empowered to do Reiki healing on a person not physically present (distant healing).

Early Registration via Check $180.00. $190.00 via PayPal/Postal Money Order, $200.00 cash only on the day of the event. Register online 24/7 via PayPal. Non-refundable fee includes Komyo Reiki Shoden Manual, 4 Komyo Reiki Shoden Attunements, Komyo Reiki Shoden Certificate and light lunch.

Contact: Lilia V. Marquez, RN Komyo Reiki Kai New York.

Tuesday, March 20th
Special Spring Equinox Event
With Jodi Serota & Alan Steinfeld
7:00pm – 9:45pm

We are now moving into a 5th dimensional awareness where we are being shown our “higher calling” more tangibly. This heightened clarity is our ability to sense who we are beyond our limited embodiment. We have the opportunity through this 2012 Equinox to experience greater connections with ourselves, our planet and our galactic community… Now is the time for the manifestations of the dreams and goals that will propel us into a rebirth of who we were always meant to be.

This is a time of regeneration, reawakening, revival, renewal…a perfect time for new beginnings. After coming out of a more reclusive, internal gestation period, we are now entering a time of putting ideas into action that have been incubated and cultivated over the winter.

Join us this night on this energetic day where Light & Dark, the old & the new, the known and the unknown come into balance…You will a have opportunities to shift your perceptions, experience more of being multidimensional and be able to change your reality from illusion to truth.

Receive: Vibrational Sound Activations for Manifestation, Channeled Guidance, Information on 5th Dimensional Living & Creation, & More! All are welcome!

$20 paid in advance, $25 cash only @ door (non-refundable). MC, Visa, Discover, Checks & Cash accepted. To hold your space, please call & register in advance: 212 736 0999 Ext.1.

Thursday, March 22nd
Voice of the One Heart Healing Workshop
Facilitated by Teri Merliss
7:00pm – 9:15pm

It is your birthright to use the powerful tool of your voice. As you listen to your voice, you will experience a supreme purity that is inside of you. The vibration of a pure voice is a living vortex that can transmute the atmosphere within our beings into love.

Using toning, meditations and healing sound vibrations from the angelic realms, we will open up our heart and throat chakras. We will experience the power of many voices singing together and we will let go of any energetic blocks that hold us back vocally. This workshop is for all levels…it doesn’t matter if you can sing or you can’t sing.

To register: or call: 646-621-3155. Fee: $30.

Thursday, March 22nd
WHY? Is Human Consciousness Urging To Go To Newer and Higher Realities?
Alan Steinfeld & Mystic Birinder
7:00pm – 9:00pm

This special event will help define and clarify the evolution of human consciousness and the crossroads we are at. What have we gained and where do we want to go from here? Discover how to end confusion, doubt and conflict so that a New Reality is possible and lasting.

Alan Steinfeld and Mystic Birinder will dialogue on the subject, explore it deeper for more clarity, so that we can make full use of the rare time we are born in.

Questions that were only of the Mystics of the past are now arising in many minds.

Alan Steinfeld is the host of the long running television program New Realities: an ongoing search into factors that challenge and change our perceptions of the world around us. He is also the founder of a web portal for articles, videos and podcasts on mind, body and spirit.

Modern day Mystic Birinder Bhullar, author of the award winning book “The Supreme Being” was born in the Himalayas. He has lectured and taught in the U.S. and abroad sharing Truth as he clarifies and reasons with the mind of those seeking something beyond their everyday reality. Mystic Birinder has experienced and taught both the Buddhist and Sufi paths of the mind and of the heart. His teachings cast light so the Self may be True. This is freedom.

$10 in advance, $20 at the door. To register, please call Anne at 203-273-8364 or email: This event is co-sponsored by

Thursday, March 22nd
KaTransformations’ Angel Circle
Kat Katsanis-Semel
7:00pm – 9:30pm

As a participant in this KaTransformations’ Angel Circle, you will receive nurturing, guided meditations and visualizations, as well as a personalized intuitive reading, channeled by Kat, from your angels. Class size is limited to 8 participants.

Kat Katsanis~Semel, a California native, is celebrated for offering her clients accurate, intuitive guidance, that is both trustworthy & loving. Kat began providing her NYC healing sessions & meditation classes, with the blessing of Deepak Chopra @ The NY Chopra Center. Kat is delighted to share her spiritual gifts, & derives great fulfillment from her life’s work.

For further details regarding Kat’s dharma, please visit: Fee: $33.33. To reserve your KaTransformations’ Angel Circle seat, please email: Please arrive by 6:45pm.

Friday March 23rd
Free Quantum Healing – A Cellular Reprogramming Process
By the Divine Diamond® with Aniruddhan & Natercia
6:30pm – 7:25pm / recommended for participants at 7:30pm event

This is a special opportunity for everyone to learn how to work with the Divine Diamond® for Quantum reprogramming of the cellular system. As a group we will be in communication with our body’s innate intelligence. We will be instructing the cellular system in alignment with our sacred DNA to collect the best attributes for greater cellular longevity. From our own records we will bring forth our remembrance of when we where more Quantumly connected as incarnate beings, manifesting and living from our True Selves. This will directly affect our physical process of regeneration and spiritual evolution, as we become greater at taking and growing in our response-ability.

We will be sitting and standing, for 7:30pm bring pads, pillows and blankets to lay down.

Special Group Healing
E-Lybra® 9 Bio-Resonance Body Alignment & Strengthening System VortexHealing® Meta Jewel Divine Energy Healing
Divine Diamond® Quantum Star Quantum Healing Energy
By Aniruddhan & Natercia International Facilitator of the Divine Diamond®
7:30pm – 10:00pm

Working together to balance the male/female energy. Previous FREE event recommended 6:30pm – 7:25pm – A Quantum cellular reprogramming.

Bio-resonance is the ability for an external frequency/pattern to resonate with a specific item in the bio-field of the physical body. True bio-resonance is a conscious interactive exchange between the consciousness of a life form and a bio-resonance modality such as a piece of bio-resonance equipment such as the e-Lybra 9.

Many forms of spiritual practice make the energy system of a person more evolved, allowing greater movement of energy during bio-resonance therapy.

VortexHealing® is a Divine healing art from the Merlin lineage, designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body and awaken spirit within the human heart. For more information visit where you can read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more.

Fee: $45 (online registration appreciated but not required). You will be laying down, come prepared.

Saturday March 24th
Divine Diamond® Activation & Certification Workshop
By Founder / Facilitator Aniruddhan & his partner Natercia
Activation Workshops: 10:00am – 2:00pm & 3:00pm – 7:00pm

Workshops may be taken for certification, or for personal growth, quantum healing abilities and acceleration of spiritual development. Workshops also deepen our own personal healing abilities, the healing effects of other work, alternative care, or allopathic medicine.

Workshop Benefits: * Can work deeper to heal physical ailments * Heals emotional issues (trauma, grief, fear) * Soul connection to the Divine becomes stronger * Further connection to heart/Divine more love develops * Makes it easier to become more present, and to be freer from distractions * Divine presence is deeply felt and we become more connected multidimensionally * Increases the vibration on a cellular and energetic level within and around the body * Clears energetic blockages in the meridian pathways, energetic bodies & physical body * Learn ideas that can apply practically to life; learn how to maintain the Divine connection * Opens the heart to receive greater Divine love and more Quantum connectivity with all life * Become a part of a growing community of people who are on the same/similar healing paths * Harmonic frequencies permanently evolve the system-even after the first activation workshop * Experience more tranquility and a lasting sense of peace at the core of the heart, established during the workshop.

Each individual workshop is $45 (you will be laying down, come prepared). Visit where you can read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more about the Activation/Workshop, and the founder/facilitator, Aniruddhan. (online registration appreciated but not required).

Saturday, March 24th
Experience Your Intuition: A One-day Immersion Workshop
Constantina Rhodes, Ph.D.
10:00am – 3:30pm

Whether this is your first class in intuitive development or whether you are an experienced holistic practitioner seeking to enhance your abilities, this workshop will provide a safe, enjoyable environment where you’ll learn practical techniques while immersing yourself in a day of uplifting energy. You’ll learn how intuition works, how to access your intuitive capacities, and how to develop them like any other skill. The exercises — and your experiences — will be unique each time this workshop is offered, so repeat it as often as you like.

Constantina Rhodes is a certified intuitive consultant and certified teacher of intuitive development. She holds a Ph.D. in Sanskrit and South Asian Religions from Columbia University, and she is the author of several books and dozens of articles on Hindu mysticism, the Goddess, and Kashmir Shaivism.

Cost & Registration Information: Exchange: $108. Registration: Website:

Sunday, March 25th
Violet Flame Irradiation- Practitioner Training and Certification
Facilitated by Anthony Citro
11:00am – 6:00pm

This exciting, new and profoundly beneficial healing modality, (given to Humanity through the Grace of Ascended Master St. Germain) is pivotal in assisting those drawn to receive, in integrating a strong focus of the Violet Flame of Creation direct into one’s four body system, transmuting vestigial karmic debris and enhancing the Ascension Process. As the Golden Age dawns, and the 7th Divine Ray of Creation (where the Violet Flame emanates from) firmly anchors upon the planet, there is an opportunity to re-connect with the Violet Flame as a ‘leading edge’ spiritual and energetic aid.

Here you will learn all you need to know to practice this simple, effective modality and offer sessions to your clients. You will receive a powerful Alignment under the auspices of St. Germain and the angelic stewards of the Violet Flame, Archangels Tzadkiel and Holy Amethyst. As well, you will be over-lighted by the Elohim of the 7th Ray, Arcturus and Victoria, enabling a permanent encoding of the Violet Flame to register strongly, thus allowing you to hold a maximum space of the Flame’s Light for your clients in session. Included are a beautiful certificate of authenticity and a manual of technical instruction. Even if you do not wish to practice professionally, participating here will go a long way towards ensuring your own spiritual mastery and personal evolution. Please pre-register.

Investment: $333.00. Register: /

Sunday March 25th
Divine Diamond® Activation & Certification Workshop
By Founder / Facilitator Aniruddhan & his partner Natercia
Activation Workshops: 10:00am – 2:00pm & 3:00pm – 7:00pm

In 2012 the anchoring of the 5th era is passing a 50% saturation point, and the Divine Diamond® Quantum Star has further achieved the intention of reconnecting humanity to the Quantum aspect of the Heart and Earth. That allowed for the re-polarization of our systems with the Earth (Divine feminine) in balance with our (conscious masculine) energy, Earth with Solar Ray our Sun.

This Balance allows for us to do quantum reprogramming of our own cellular systems. The trinity field is part of the activation process, this profound non-polarized spiritual field of energy allows for a multidimensional communication for cellular reprogramming and access to our Divine DNA information. We can from our innate intelligence rewrite and transform all the physical and energetic bodies at once.

The Divine Diamond® is deeply connected with the (Divine) Flower of Life energy. This reawakening with our bodies trinity system, conscious communication, innate intelligence, and Sacred DNA’s True Self creates the connection of our physicality with our Divine Self and the higher evolutionary blueprints of humanity. The communication is open for us to rewrite and create the new paradigm, the Divine Diamond® is for our Quantum awakening.

Workshops are 4 hours each and may be taken individually, one at a time, according to your own pace or, you can attend the entire weekend (4 workshops). At the end of 4 workshops you will receive the activation of 01 multidimensional Sacred Star Healing structure and a facilitator’s certificate that would enable you to share the Divine Diamond® with others (friends, family).

To publicly advertise facilitated Divine Diamond® group healings with the support of our institute, you need the activation of the Physical and Spiritual Stars in the front and back of your heart. You must also agree and sign the code of ethics, and go through our free support process for facilitators by Aniruddhan in order to insure greater universal benefit for everyone. Official facilitators will receive a special Quantum Star trinity activation to more powerfully hold the stronger containment field of the new energy for their entire public group healing events.

Each individual worshop is $45 (you will be laying down, come prepared). Visit where you can read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more. (Online registration appreciated but not required).

Wednesday, March 28th
Journey Through the Light and Back
David Bennett
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Dying to Change – Why Dying is hard but returning to life can be even harder. “My physical body was gone; I was becoming formless, a sliver of light, which was like the light around me. As the intensity of the light around me increased, the intensity of my fragment of light increased, and I began to merge with it.”

Bennett drowns after being caught up in a violent storm off the coast of California. He describes in fascinating detail his death, the beings of light he experienced, his life review and the vision he is given into his future. The intensity of this incident however, leaves Bennett floundering in a mixture of doubt and skepticism so extreme he tells virtually no one about it and he candidly describes how he spends years learning how to integrate his experience into his life without any form of help.

In ‘Voyage of Purpose: Spiritual Wisdom from Near-Death back to Life’, authors David Bennett and his wife, Cindy Griffith-Bennett have delivered an extra-ordinarily absorbing read. This is the story of a regular guy, a macho engineer and diver whose life is dramatically transformed by not one, but multiple brushes with death. It reveals, for the first time, why many who have experienced near death believe that ‘dying is hard, but returning and inspiration for humanity, delivered with a joy and clarity that is refreshing.

Presented by FIONS. $15 at the door.

Thursday, March 29th
Living With Spirit & The Evolution of Consciousness
Panel & Networking
With Starr Fuentes, Jodi Serota, Paul Selig & Moderator Alan Steinfeld
7:00pm – 9:45pm

*What is the responsibility of living in your own integrity of Divine Authenticity?
*What does the presence of Spirit have to do with states of consciousness?
*How will coming into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness affect the whole world in realizing new possibilities?
* Why do some yearn to be connected and purposeful, while others are fearful to express full wholeness & truth?

These are some of the questions that Moderator Alan Steinfeld of New Realities will discuss with the panel – who live daily with an ongoing awareness of the Divine – about the presence of ‘Spirit’ and how we can all integrate, express and live these realities to uplift the planet and ourselves. We’ll also discuss how it is that some people are born awakened, some gain levels of awakening while others have awakening thrusted upon them.

Panel discussion is from 7:00pm – 9:15pm and will be followed by 30 minutes of networking opportunities with event attendees and the panel. Light refreshments will be available during the networking session.

Starr Fuentes After decades of study with shamans, healers, Curenderos and Masters, Starr Fuentes has dedicated her life to helping others with the full unfolding of their purposes, paths and destinies. A master healer, spiritual teacher and intuitive Starr teaches more than 400 subjects, and has guided countless individuals down the path of healing, self-awareness and truth.

Jodi Serota is a life-changing metaphysical educator, channel, vibrational healer and professional artist. Her in-depth intuitive abilities and her remarkable sound healing powers are used to create initiations and activations which instantly make major shifts in consciousness and healing. She holds individual sessions and teaches classes and events for personal growth and transformation. She is also the owner and creator of META Center New York. /

Paul Selig is an intuitive and an empath. His spiritual awakening happened out of a place of despair where he asked the universe for something more. This began an ongoing opening to a divine guidance, that now manifests as channeling some very advanced guides who are here to help the planet in a vibratory ascension of energies. Paul is the author of the channeled book: “I Am the Word: A Guide to the Consciousness of Man’s Self in a Transitioning Time”.

Alan Steinfeld, moderator, has been the host of the spiritually based talk show New Realities for the past 15 years. He has interviewed many of the top leaders in the human potential movement. He feels the times that we are in now are creating vast changes in consciousness. He hopes this panel will shed some light and direction on these changes. For his latest interviews go to:

Fee: $15 in advance (non-refundable). $20 at the door. Please call the META Center to register at 212 736 0999 Ext.1 – MC, VISA and Discover card accepted in advance. Cash only at the door.

Friday, March 30th
Earth Changes and 2012: An evening with the Founders
Sal Rachele
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Sal and his spirit guides will take a look at specific changes we expect in our country and the world over the next several months as we approach the end of the Great Cycle. Sal will detail the science behind the portal of 2012, the latest projections regarding the economic situation, what to anticipate in the real market, the prospects for war and peace, the specifics of safe place to live, lifestyles for thriving instead of just surviving, and much more.

Sal will channel the Founders, who are 12-th dimensional beings of pure light that come to Earth during pivotal times to bring their boundless wisdom and love.

Sal Rachele is a teacher, healer, mystic and priest, with over 35 years experience in the human potential movement, the author of “Earth Awakens: Prophecy 2012-2030”, “Earth Changes and 2012: Messages From the Founders”, “Life On the Cutting Edge”, and had produced numerous e-books, articles and channeled messages from enlightened ETs, angels, and ascended masters. Sal conducts numerous workshops around the world on the topics of healing and ascension. His “timeline healing” is a unique form of therapy.

For more information, please visit or contact Sal at

$20 cash only @ door (non-refundable). To register for the event or to schedule a personal reading with Sal Rachele while he is in NYC, contact Nina at or call 917-326-0222.

Friday, March 30th – Sunday, April 1st
Starr Fuentes in NYC

Starr Fuentes has been a force du jour in the world of healing and metaphysics for over 50 years. From her earliest experiences of traveling the world for almost two decades attending mystery schools, studying with Curandero’s, Shamans, and other Masters, Starr has steadfastly studied, practiced, and walked the walk of discipleship, ultimately rising to the station of Lineage Bearer, and her own Mastery. She has dedicated her life to easing suffering and the energies that cause chronic disease. Her vast experience and, often, hectic schedule have helped her to amass over 470 subjects on which she teaches and speaks. As a master healer and psychic, Starr still continues to teach, to enlighten, but mostly… to make a difference. Now, in addition to her own private consultations, Starr has become an author of best-selling books on healing and metaphysics. She energetically tours the country as a much sought after lecturer and teacher.

Friday, March 30th
64 Gifts
7:00pm – 9:00pm

In this class, you’ll learn that gifts are blessings of energy. They come to us through our DNA. Some of us are blessed with gifts which we do not recognize from our parents or grandparents. Starr teaches the origins of our gifts, what the gifts are, and how to identify them. An inventory is taken, and a workbook helps to focus the process of recognizing your own unique gifts, and strengthening them. Cost: $38

Saturday, March 31st
Healing Works
10:00am – 5:00pm

This class will facilitate you in working with others and yourself to get the results that are desired. You’ll learn a variety of techniques for doing things like clearings, long distance healings, and how to move the client through his/her process. Whether its changing habits, drama’s, spirit, chakra’s, cash, emotions, virtues, or matters of the heart… its sure to be covered during the day. These teachings are a forerunner to an exciting new book on this very subject which Starr will be releasing later in 2012. So, if you want to greatly increase the strength and energy of your work with others, this is the place to be on Saturday. Please join us! Cost: $110

Sunday, April 1st
Streams of Light
10:00am — 5:00pm

In this day long class, you’ll learn what the seven streams of light are, and how to attract them more powerfully and intensely into your life. Many things around you act as symbols to identify your movement towards or away from these energy streams.

You’ll see that there are literally hundreds of symbols given to us by others that we use to represent certain things in our lives which we accept unconsciously. Relationships, meanings, and even our sense of where we are and whether it’s a good place to be are all affected. Starr will help you to define a list of personal symbols that serve you best in bringing the streams of light into your life in concentrated abundance. A’ha! moments are often discovered with these teachings! You’ll leave this class with more light and energy than you ever thought possible radiating within and without. A workbook is provided to keep you in this new-found state and facilitate your work. Cost: $110

If you would like a personal reading or consultation with Starr while she is in New York, call 501-609-0660.

214 West 29th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001
(212) 736 0999 Ext.1.