Friday, March 1st
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:00pm
This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.
Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.
For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 917 553 5294.
Saturday & Sunday March 2nd & 3rd
Divine Diamond® Sacred Star Activation
Facilitated by Aniruddhan and Natercia
10:00am – 7:00pm (please arrive by 9:45am)
This weekend process accesses multidimensional calibration frequencies that an individual could not energetically anchor, this directly develops our intuitive guidance and abilities to internally sense. The room will be energetically prepared as a sacred space and there will be minimal speaking so as to support our inner energetic journey process.
Saturday morning we will write in a trinity certificate that has past, present and future statements, where we sign and pledge to transform our old patterns in order to bring in the new patterns. Through out the weekend is a visual projection of dimensional activation tone artwork with music, we will also do internal visualizations, tones and meditation. Workshop is also an inner Quantum activation journey with theta and calibration music, some internal and external guided processes, meditations, initiation postures and tones.
Sunday afternoon we will be guided with test forms to see our telepathic abilities, also splitting up into two groups to send and receive the test information on cards back and forth as we fill out the correlating answers, we will grade ourselves and be given the practices and techniques to further strengthen our abilities.
Workshop Benefits: Increased sensory and intuitive perception * Empowering us with personal experience of purpose * Opens up greater trust and confidence in our abilities * Direct heart felt understanding of the Divine attributes * The ability to consciously manifest becomes understood * Relaxes our linear need to know through direct perception of truth
You will be lying down, come prepared and please bring a bottle of water and crystals if you have them.
All day Saturday/Sunday Workshop is $180.00 paid in advance. Registration is required, anyone showing up Saturday morning the fee is $240.00. Visit where you can register and pay in advance, read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more. For information contact (Online registration appreciated but not required).
Monday, March 4th
Hand Analysis Workshop – The Chakras
Jean Worth
7:00pm – 9:30pm
In this workshop you will learn about the major chakras and how to read them in your own hands. Knowing shapes and how they are built in your hands can help you understand how they reflect the choices you are making and the impact they have on your daily life.
The workshop will include a mini chakra reading for each participant. Everyone will learn how to do a fuller hand analysis for themselves and for others.
The attendees will leave the workshop with a heightened awareness of their innate gifts and will have techniques for their own work. In addition you will be given guidance on tools and techniques such as healing stones, colors, aromatherapy, exercises, affirmations, etc, to strengthen each chakra. Come & enjoy! All are welcome.
$30.00 paid in advanced by credit card. $35.00 cash at the door. Space limited to 14. To register call 917-579-3050 or email For more information, please visit
Mondays: March 4th, 11th & 18th
Awaken Your Creative Power: Discover Your Hidden Gifts
Anita Celeste
6:45pm – 9:30pm
Many of us want to bring more creativity into our everyday lives but experience resistance along the way. Often times it is our own fears, negative thought patterns or belief systems that get in the way of fully expressing and embracing our unique creative gifts. “Awaken your creative power” is a series of three transformative classes on connecting to these fears and uncovering their hidden message or teachings.
When we acknowledge our fears and discover what they really mean to us, we begin to open ourselves up to a greater awareness. In this course we will journey inward to uncover these fears and discover the infinite source of creative potential through guided meditations and exercises. As we learn to awaken our creative power with love and compassion we will pave the way to a more creative life experience.
How you will benefit:
March 4th: Heal and Clear Your Fears * Identify the fears that keep you in resistance * Connect and dialogue with these fears using exercises and techniques * Heal and forgive the parts of you that hold fears * Art/writing exercises
March 11th: Nurture and Feed Your Fears * Create a deeper connection/dialogue with your fears * Identify the gifts and teachings * Learn to feed the fears with love and compassion * Art/writing exercises
March 18th: Expand and Ground * Embrace and integrate the wisdom * Transform the fears into deeper resolution * Expand and align to your full creative potential * Art/writing exercises
Join us for this series of transformation and discovery. Through art-making or writing, you will learn to express that which resonates in your heart. No art or writing experience is required. This is open to everyone at all levels.
Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design at School of Visual Arts and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. In addition she is a Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Healer (IET®) and trained in Advanced Alchemy.
$195 for the series of three. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or
Tuesday, March 5th
Dance Around The World – ZUMBA AFRICAN, INTERNATIONAL RHYTHM with Francesca Santangelo
12:15pm – 1:15pm
Authentic for each genre set to music, guaranteed to improve cardiovascular endurance while having tons of fun.
Join us in our lunchtime dance and movement series as we commune deeper with our physical bodies through the use of various dance and movement modalities along with music from all different cultures. We’ve gathered a host of talented, spiritually minded, gifted, professional dance and movement instructors who will guide and encourage us as we explore our bodies as sacred temples in motion.
Francesca Santangelo – 25 years experience in movement and personal training. She is a certified ZUMBA instructor in multiple trainings.
Price: $20. Please call META Center on 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register and pre-pay (Master Card, Visa & Discover, checks and cash in advance). Cash only at the door. Non-refundable. Arrive 15 minutes early to start promptly at 12:15pm. Please be prompt, as we have limited time for our jam-packed sessions.
Tuesday, March 5th
Happiness is a Choice! Learning to Guide Your Emotions
Marcia Blau
7:00pm – 9:00pm
The very notion of choosing a feeling state goes against the relationship many of us have with our emotions. We are more likely to feel bullied by our fear, anger or sadness. And it may seem that there is no way out of these often torturous feelings.
The good news is that happiness is a choice! This class will teach you how to guide your emotions and bring yourself into a more comfortable state of mind. You can get relief despite your current circumstances or how you happen to have woken today. Learn how to focus your thoughts, step out of pain, and move into a more joyful life.
Marcia Blau, LCSW is a holistic psychotherapist who practices in NYC. For over 23 years she has been working with individuals, couples and families.
Fee: $35. Seating is limited. Register at Cash only at the door. Call (212) 666-2715 for info.
Thursdays, March 7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th
Thomas John Presents Psychic Boot Camp ~EVENT SOLD~
7:00pm – 9:00pm
In this four part session, psychic medium Thomas John will teach you how to tap into your own psychic powers and enhance your ability to connect with your guides. Everybody has psychic abilities – it’s just a matter of actually learning how to use this part of our brain and spirit.
Whether you are a veteran mind-reader looking to develop your abilities further or brand new to the metaphysical world, this course is for you! The course will teach you all of the basics needed to connect with your guides, receive psychic messages, and develop your “clairs” – like clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. In addition, Thomas John will teach you the very meditations that he uses to connect with his own guides.
Enrollment includes access to all course materials, four 2 hour sessions with Thomas John in the classroom, and a private consultation with Thomas at the end of the seminar.
Event Sold Out – Please call 347 637 8592 for further information on the Fall Psychic Boot Camp webinar. Pre-registration required.
Thursday, March 7th
Angels of Atlantis & The Alchemy of Voice
Stewart Pearce
7:00pm – 9:00pm
During the ‘Harmonic Convergence’ of 1987 Stewart was given divine transmission from Twelve Archangels. These wondrous Beings gave inspirational information about the vast planetary and cosmic changes at the dawning of Aquarius, and subsequently Stewart created a Temple of Sound Healing known as The Alchemy of Voice.
During this talk, Stewart will inspire you with the song of your soul, connecting you with the Angels of Atlantis, your own Guardian Angel, and their quintessential teaching about Atlantis & Egypt.
Stewart is a legendary Sound Healer, Seer & Angel Medium, who has published The Alchemy of Voice, The Heart’s Note, Angels of Atlantis Oracle and The Angels of Atlantis and is also a world renowned Master of Voice. Stewart was Head of Voice at the Webber Douglas Academy, London from 1980-1997, and Master of Voice at Shakespeare’s Globe from 1997-2008. He has coached Vanessa Redgrave, Diana Princess of Wales, Dame Anita Roddick, and Margaret Thatcher.
Tickets: $25. Pre-register with Mellie on: 717 215 2473 or &
Friday, March 8th
Delicious Dating 101: Is Mr. Right Still
Out There? A Single Ladies’ Event
Trenia Parham
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Delicious Dating 101 is a fun and interactive two-hour seminar designed to get you ready for love and to give you the dating tools, tips and strategies you need to make love happen.
We will spend the evening learning the keys to dating and how to fill your own heart’s cup so that you can have relationships and interact with men with confidence instead of anxiety, lack, frustration and desperation.
I am committed to getting you ready for love. Because when you feel loved, your own needs will be met and you will be able to create the life you desire.
If you: Are frustrated with being single? Ever asked yourself why he never called you back? Want to know if a man is right for you in 3 dates or less. Join me on Friday, March 8th!
Cost $15 per ticket. Website: Email:
Monday, March 11th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at
Monday, March 11th
Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis: An Introduction
Andy Sway
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Andy Sway, a certified Advanced Practitioner of Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis, will be describing this revolutionary method of past life regression hypnotherapy and answering your questions. We will also do a group regression to give attendees a taste of what a full Quantum Healing Hypnosis session is like. Also, anyone attending will receive a $50 discount on any private hypnotherapy session by Andy that is done within the 60 days following this event.
Dolores Cannon has become widely known in spiritual circles lately for her groundbreaking books including the Convoluted Universe series and books such as Conversations with Nostradamus. This 81 year old grandmother from the hills of Arkansas has a five year waiting list for her sessions and tirelessly travels the world instructing healers and hypnotherapists in her method. Her books read like a combination of the wisdom of the SETH, Abraham and other metaphysical books and fantastic accounts reminiscent of science fiction. The books are not about believing in incredible realities but about stretching the mind to the possibilities we are slowly waking up to.
Dolores’ latest work, The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, has brought our understanding of the current ascension process to a new level on a mass consciousness level as well as for individual clients who have found a lot of meaning and healing in the discovery of their role on Earth at this momentous time.
Andy Sway is a Consultant, Wizard, Healer and practitioner of Quantum Healing Hypnosis He has had a healing practice in New York for the last fifteen years and is the founder of Transformatology(R), a method of personal and collective transformation.
$25 in advance/$40 at the door. RSVP/prepay at:
Tuesday, March 12th
Dance Around The World – DANCE THE BODY TEMPLE with Maryanne Savino
12:15pm – 1:15pm
We will tap into spiritual energy as we move and journey through the Chakras to empower our Body Temple. Breathe, ground, awaken, open, align and be danced by spirit in body!
Join us in our lunchtime dance and movement series as we commune deeper with our physical bodies through the use of various dance and movement modalities along with music from all different cultures. We’ve gathered a host of talented, spiritually minded, gifted, professional dance and movement instructors who will guide and encourage us as we explore our bodies as sacred temples in motion.
Maryanne Savino – Temple Dancer. Charmtress.
Price: $20. Please call META Center on 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register and pre-pay (Master Card, Visa & Discover, checks and cash in advance). Cash only at the door. Non-refundable. Arrive 15 minutes early to start promptly at 12:15pm. Please be prompt, as we have limited time for our jam-packed sessions.

Tuesday, March 12th
Jodi Serota Presents: Healing The Harmonics Of The Heart with The Green Jadeite Crystal Skull, “Greenie”
7:00pm – 9:45pm
This Special Evening will consist of frequency downloads with channeled guidance initiating an even greater awakening within, as we’re coming more fully into an all inclusive consciousness or 5th dimensional living. Experience a re-booting & healing of the Heart Chakra to align with the accelerated vibrational changes on the planet.
Through the use of The Green Jadeite Crystal Skull “Greenie”, along with multidimensional vibrational light language transmissions, you’ll experience a further expansion, healing & re-harmonizing of the Heart. This integration of the heart is essential for embracing 5th Dimensional Unity Consciousness or Love. The awakening & grounding of these frequencies is necessary for the higher evolution of the entire grid of all beings, including the Earth herself.
Receive Channeled Guidance for the group that will assist in the stabilization of this current vibrational shift to embody our Divinity. Vibrational Sound Transmissions channeled from the Higher Councils of Light, The Ascended Masters and the Celestial Realms will help heal the past, and awaken innate codes of consciousness.
Get ready for the influx of a more refined and intensified vibration of love. Be initiated, activated, and introduced to a more multi-dimensional experience of life, & be more balanced for the full co-creation of God, Earth & Humans. All Are Welcome!
$20 paid in advance via PayPal or call META Center NY at 212-736-0999 Ext.1 to pre-pay & register. (MC, Visa, Discover accepted) $25 cash only at the door. (All payments non refundable).
Tuesday, March 12th
Master Teachers: Sacred Teachings and Profound Energetic Activations
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher and healer, Suzy Meszoly, channels the Master Teachers who provide a deeply physical experience during the profound sessions that bring people into their full potential, helping them resonate at higher frequencies.
The Master Teachers come from a higher dimension and provide information about our universe from their non-judgmental, expanded point of view. They offer energetic shifts to live in Oneness, in peace without fear or obstacles. They offer guidance on how to deal with personal and global issues as they open our minds, and deepen our experience. They remind us that we are all powerful, that we are self-creating, and that we are One.
Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. Also call META Center on the day or check website in case of cancellation. $25 pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845 616 0860 or or purchase your ticket using PayPal at
Wednesday, March 13th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at
Wednesday, March 13th
More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop
Facilitated by Michelle Fitch
7:00pm – 9:30pm
A spiritual class that helps everyday people empower themselves, heal deep hurts, and awaken to a higher part of themselves. Through powerful healing energy, guided meditations, inspiring music, spiritual support and a community of friends, healing is achieved. During these classes, you are shown how to access your untapped potential, change things for the better, and see yourself in a greater light.
You learn how old programs and beliefs keep you trapped and how to change these beliefs and programs with effective healing techniques. You won’t be surprised at what you learn in these workshops, you will be transformed. For more information, please visit us at:
The exchange is $30, with all payments to be made at the door. First time attendees welcome for free! To register, please contact
Thursday, March 14th
An Introduction to ‘The Secret Language of Your Body’
Inna Segal
7:00pm – 9:00pm (2-hour workshop)
9:00pm – 9:30pm Book Signing
Renowned healer and international speaker Inna Segal from Australia is the creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing® and the author of the bestselling book “The Secret Language of Your Body’.
Join Inna Segal for an inspiring 2-hour evening workshop based on her ‘Visionary Intuitive Healing®’ and ‘The Secret Language of your Body’ programs.
You may be familiar with the obvious ways your body communicates with you, through aches, pains and discomfort. But what if were is a deeper way that your body communicates with you? Discover the mental and energetic causes of physical ailments and learn how to heal them.
This workshop is followed by a book signing of ‘The Secret Language of Your Body’.
Special Appearance by Singer/Songwriter Kaya
Canadian multi-platinum recording artist Kaya will be joining Inna Segal’s workshop to perform songs from his latest CD ‘Born Under the Star of Change’.
A former Pop Star in Canada, Kaya walked away from fame to pursue a deep inner spiritual calling. His profound angelic encounters and intensive dream work led to his emergence as an international spiritual teacher presenting in more than 12 countries around the world, a renowned dream interpretation specialist, he has spent over 17 years researching the topic and his books have been sold in over 31 countries. Considered by many to be a modern Sage, Kaya now infuses his gifts as a performer and spiritual teacher to bring his transcendent message to the world
Cost: $25 advance registration, $35 at the door. Registration: In Light Events
Thursday, March 14th ~FREE EVENT~
Free Introductory Evening –
ISIS Interfaith (International Seminary for Interfaith Studies)
With Rev. Deborah Steen Ross
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Are you looking for a different kind of Interfaith Seminary? One that is relevant to the shifting and changing energies and times we are going through?
Have you ever thought that ministry, even Interfaith Ministry, does not do enough to support the spiritual and energetic awakening that is taking place OR pay enough attention to crisis situations that are occurring on this planet?
Are you ready to become part of the solution?
We invite you to join Rev. Deborah Steen Ross, Founder and Director of ISIS, for an exciting and informative evening of what it means to learn to minister from a place of wholeness, Oneness, and inclusivity, and explore why this program might be your next step into a new era of ministry and service to the world.
To RSVP, please call 212 864 2243.
Friday, March 15th
Heart to HEART: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
“Although we seem to be in a world of song and dance, we are most concerned with peace on earth.” (Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis)
As a circle, we co-create an atmosphere of HEART with Meditation, Simple Movement/Dance, Sacred Names, Music and Sacred Walk. These practices are based upon in-the-world, Universal spirituality brought from India to the West by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, and of worldwide sacred traditions.
This circle is guided by Sufi Murshida Khadija, a senior mentor teacher. Dance Leadership mentoring, Tar drum instruction, and individual appointments are also available, by permission. Those of all paths (and no particular path) are welcome; no previous experience is necessary.
…I am teaching this music & dancing…to increase Joy, not awe toward another person but bliss in our own self. This is finding God within, through experience.” (Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis).”
Space Contribution: Dances of Universal Peace $15; For information call (646) 924-9957;
Friday, March 15th
Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Spring Equinox
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm
“Spring reminds us that the energy of germination is so powerful, anything will grow.”
Join us in the Angelic Circle of Peace for an experience of healing that supports a return to the wholeness of BEING. As we celebrate the Spring Equinox let’s embrace the seedlings that are now beginning to sprout in our lives while we open our hands, our hearts, our minds, and surrender to the change that spring brings to us. As always loving messages from the Archangels as well as channeled messages are offered for your continue growth and enlightenment. A beautiful guided meditation and energy healing to crown and heart chakras concludes an evening that may open your heart and lift your spirit.
Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Christ Light Healer and Spiritual Counselor. She speaks and sings Language of Light and often channels enlightening messages during healing circles and private healing sessions. Her commitment to healing work is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for your Soul, heart, mind and body to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.
$25.00 at the door or register online at For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553 or
Monday, March 18th
Learn Your Life’s Purpose
Hand Analysis / Soul Agenda Reading
Jean Worth
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Come and learn about the healing science of Hand Analysis. Experience a lecture/demonstration and a mini reading for each participant.
Hand Analysis, a unique tool used for self-mastery, reveals innate gifts, life’s purpose and challenges. Fingerprints are formed 5 months prior to birth revealing your life path for this incarnation while the lines on the palms are the blueprint of how one thinks, feels and responds to life’s circumstances and situations.
You will leave with pertinent information for personal growth, direction, joy and manifestation.
Jean Worth, a transformational counselor and healing practitioner, a graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis, certified in Quantum Biofeedback, and holds an MA in Education from NYU.
$30.00 paid in advanced by credit card. $35.00 cash at the door. Space limited to 14. To register call 917-579-3050 or e-mail For more information, please visit
Monday, March 18th ~FREE EVENT~
New Generation Empowerment & Support Course
Angela Aim
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Welcome to our new program designed for parents and children! Many parents and school teachers have noticed that children are becoming increasingly more sensitive, aware and psychic. They demand more attention and may have trouble adjusting to their classmates.
This is a new generation of children, which is very special and need to be understood!
Our Mission is to help teens overcome peer pressure, develop self mastery techniques to stay in balance, and create a healthy self esteem by practicing daily meditation and self empowerment exercises. We truly believe that happy parents equal happy children. This is group work. Parents and teens will have separate sessions. Step I of this course will include six sessions, so we will meet on a weekly basis.
Some of the subtopics of this course include: * Working with colors and energy to restore Focus and Balance * Identifying Personal Limits * Comfort Zone or What do I really, really Want * School Survival Tools * Facing My Worse Fear * Creating My Sacred Space * Expecting the Unexpected
Please note, that the parents’ course is optional, though it is preferred. Come join us to address all of your questions at this Open House on 3/18/13 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
To register, please contact Angela Aim at 646-963-5321 or
Releasing the Core Fear
Angela Aim
6:30pm – 8:00pm
How many times has the shadow of fear stopped you? Are you ready to speak your truth, take risks, reclaim your power and go after what you want most in life? Finally, if you are taking a leap of faith and looking for some solid ground this workshop is for you!
At this workshop we will use different kinds of techniques to *strengthen the flow of your root chakra and *activate your pineal gland, which is a dormant organ in telepathic communication with the higher realms of consciousness. *Finding your Spirit voice and create a vision and potential opportunities for your personal journey!
This workshop includes gentle body movements, please wear comfortable cloth and bring your journal to take some notes. At the end of the workshop everyone will receive channeled guidance in regards to your current situation.
Angela Aim is Graduate of Kairos institute of Sound Healing, Light Workers Association of Las Vegas, Sedona Shamanic School, and Power Brain Center of NY, she also has a Master Degree in Education and Psychology. Website:
Fee: $45.00 To register, please contact Angela Aim at 646-963-5321 or via email:
Tuesday, March 19th
Dance Around The World – SAMBA with Mariana de Costa Pinto
12:15pm – 1:15pm
Move your hips to Latin rhythms, as you bring the beat of Brasil into your heart and move the sound throughout your body.
Join us in our lunchtime dance and movement series as we commune deeper with our physical bodies through the use of various dance and movement modalities along with music from all different cultures. We’ve gathered a host of talented, spiritually minded, gifted, professional dance and movement instructors who will guide and encourage us as we explore our bodies as sacred temples in motion.
Mariana de Costa Pinto – is a Brazilian actress who loves to dance and she feels that dancing feeds her soul and connects her with God. She teaches samba, bellydance, jazz & free dance. She’s also a wonderful DJ. Music is in her blood.
Price: $20. Please call META Center on 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register and pre-pay (Master Card, Visa & Discover, checks and cash in advance). Cash only at the door. Non-refundable. Arrive 15 minutes early to start promptly at 12:15pm. Please be prompt, as we have limited time for our jam-packed sessions.
Tuesday, March 19th ~CANCELLED DUE TO SNOW~
Metatron & Merkaba: Sacred Teachings & Profound Energetic Activations
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher and healer, Suzy Meszoly, has been recognized by several international spiritual masters as one of the major energetic channels of Metatron. This energetic field of Metatron, essentially Divine Lights, allows for deep grounding, centering and integration. Metatron explains that our world is fragmented and it is time to come into deep integration with all aspects of ourselves. Also during this session, Metatron provides a powerful activation of the Merkaba- Light Ascension Vehicle and we will activating the personal as well as global Merkaba, increasing our frequencies and understanding our Divineness in relationship to the world in which we now live.
Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. Also call META Center on the day or check website in case of cancellation. $25 Pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or or purchase your ticket using PayPal at
Wednesday, March 20th
Special Spring Equinox Event
with Jodi Serota
7:00pm – 9:45pm
The Spring Equinox is a time of regeneration, reawakening, revival, and renewal…a perfect time for new beginnings. After coming out of a more reclusive, internal gestation period, we are now entering a time of putting new or refined ideas into action that have been incubated and cultivated over the winter.
Join us on this energetically charged evening where light and dark, the old and the new, the known and the unknown come into balance. This day of equal amounts of light and darkness on the first day of Spring awakens innate wisdom of the universal processes of attaining spiritual enlightenment. By working with polarities of light and dark, we find balance and come into wholeness.
You’ll have opportunities to shift deeply as the vibrational activations take you through the death and resurrection of patterns, as in all sacred teachings, symbolizing what an initiate must go through in an important stage of self-realization. Experience being multidimensional and change your reality from illusion to truth.
Receive: Channeled Vibrational Sound Activations and Initiations for embodying more of your Divine Self, and to know, embrace and bring forth your innate gifts. Enjoy channeled guidance, information on 5th dimensional living and creation, and more! All are welcome!
$20 in advance via PayPal or call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext. 1 to register (MC, VISA, Discover accepted – all non-refundable). $25.00 cash only at the door. All are welcome!
Wednesday, March 20th
Accessing The Higher Rays – Humanity’s ‘Next Step’
Facilitated by Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 10:00pm
Here, at the time of the Spring Equinox, on the cusp of the dawning New Age, (and having come through the ‘fire’ of 2012), we can now turn our spiritual attention towards accessing and connecting with, the 5 Higher Divine Rays of Creation.
A quarter of a century has passed since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, which brought forth a profound resurgence of the Divine Feminine Principle, establishing the Mahatma Energy’s infiltration onto the Mass Consciousness. The Human Race shifted more profoundly into the Fourth Dimension, generating a radical ‘unraveling’ of all past patterns of behavior, both collectively and individually. As a Divine Dispensation from Source, the 5 Higher Rays (or streams of God’s Consciousness) were also manifested on the Planet during this important moment in Humanity’s history, largely to ‘mirror’ our collective evolution and the unfolding of the Divine Plan.
Working with the Higher Rays is quite simply, the most powerful and profound way with which to navigate the current chaotic transition the world is going through. Tonight, you will receive easy instruction on how to incorporate the Higher Rays into your daily practice – and into your life, forever transforming the way you perceive, and create your reality, in the New Paradigm of Love and Light-Filled Living before us.
You may prepare for the workshop by viewing the following videos on YouTube:
8th Ray:
9th Ray:
10th Ray:
11th Ray:
12th Ray:
Exchange: $33.00 Register: / 212.726.2761.
Thursday, March 21st
“Connecting With Your Guardian Angel” Workshop & Angel Meditation
Judy Toma
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Wouldn’t you love to have a personal relationship with your Angel and know your Angel on a 1st name basis? Now you can – Join Judy Toma for this special intimate up-close and personal event! Only 9 seats available!
This class is geared toward connecting with and communicating your needs, wants and desires to your very own Angel. Your Angel will never leave you and is there to guide you to your highest good!
This is an interactive class which will include: * Meditations: Learn to focus the mind & develop a direct personal relationship with your Angels (Judy will also share individual messages for you from your Angels & Ascended Masters) * An in depth exploration of who the Angels are and their purpose * Knowing the difference between True Guidance vs False Guidance * Automatic Writing * Getting to know your Clair * Using your body as a pendulum * Understanding Signs.
You will walk away, knowing your Angel and knowing you are not alone!
The Angels are here to help you in every area of your life…You just need to ask!
$45 per person. Call now to get in on this excellent opportunity to meet renowned Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Healer, and Medium Judy Toma. 732-713-3407.
Sunday, March 24th
“The Art of Energetic Healing” Year Long Certificate Course
Suzy Meszoly
10:00am – 5:00pm
This course is full for the year.
Please contact Suzy if you are interested to take the course in 2014. Tel: 845.616-0860 or email
Sunday, March 24th
Reiki Chuden (Second Level/Second Degree/Intermediate Teaching)
Lilia V. Marquez, RN
9:30pm – 5:30pm
Prerequisite: Reiki 1 Certificate regardless of your Reiki School/Reiki Style. Repeat students welcome to attend.
What you will learn: After receiving the Chuden (Second Degree) Reiju, three “shirushi” or symbols will be given to you. With the use of the 1st symbol, the energy can be focused and strengthened. With the 2nd symbol, a habit (bad or unwanted) can be broken. With the 3rd symbol, you will be empowered to do Reiki healing on a person not physically present (distant healing).
Contact: Lilia V. Marquez, RN Komyo Reiki Kai New York Komyo Reiki Kai New York is featured on the list of 101 Best Sites for Nurses 2012.
March 25th, April 1st, April 8th & April 15th
Meditation and Message Mondays
with Thomas John
Sessions: 10:00am -11:30 am & 6:30pm – 8:00 pm
(8-10 participants per session)
Attend all or just one of these seminars
Join Thomas John for a four week series of messages and meditations in an intimate setting. After a brief introduction, Thomas will guide seminar participants through a meditation, and then deliver messages to each participant from spirit guides and loved ones in spirit. An excellent opportunity to experience the work of celebrity psychic medium Thomas John in an intimate setting! Each session will be limited to 8 to 10 participants!
Fee: $60 per seminar or attend all four seminars – either morning or evening session for $200. To register, e-mail or call 347-637-8592.
Tuesday, March 26th
Dance Around The World – TRIBAL FUSION BELLY DANCING with Luz Milagros
12:15pm – 1:15pm
Explore the ancient feminine language of spirals, circles & infinity signs, the percussive movements of hip drops, lifts, the shimmy, and the beauty of strong carriage and graceful expressive arms & hands.
Join us in our lunchtime dance and movement series as we commune deeper with our physical bodies through the use of various dance and movement modalities along with music from all different cultures. We’ve gathered a host of talented, spiritually minded, gifted, professional dance and movement instructors who will guide and encourage us as we explore our bodies as sacred temples in motion.
Luz Milagros – is a group fitness instructor & personal trainer with 25+ yrs. experience in varied modalities including yoga, belly dancing, and healing through free movement in sacred space. She is a Pachakuti Mesa holder, Spirit Drum Carrier, Reiki & Mayan Hands-on-Healer, Artist & Musician, and leads healing journey dance workshops.
Price: $20. Please call META Center on 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register and pre-pay (Master Card, Visa & Discover, checks and cash in advance). Cash only at the door. Non-refundable. Arrive 15 minutes early to start promptly at 12:15pm. Please be prompt, as we have limited time for our jam-packed sessions.
Tuesday, March 26th
‘Into the Wormhole 2013’
Starr Fuentes
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Do you feel like you’re in limbo? Are you stuck, waiting for something to happen, but you don’t know what it is? Visionary Starr Fuentes will channel a message on the strange new vibrations coming in for 2013 and a whole new energetic environment. She will teach you What to DO and What to BE about it!
$38. For more information, visit and Contact: (501) 609 0660. Starr Fuentes will be available for private consultations from 12-6pm on March 26th and from 10-5pm, March 27th-29th.
Tuesday, March 26th
Psychic Circle for Singles
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.
Price $25 at the door, or call Milou for reservation at (201) 264 4651. Seats are limited.
Wednesday, March 27th
‘Re-Inventing Yourself’
Starr Fuentes
7:00pm – 9:00pm
True reinvention is an internal process. Have you asked yourself “Who do I want to BE?” Master Teacher Starr Fuentes will guide you through a powerful process for inner transmutation to Let Go of the old and create space for the NEW. You will receive tools, techniques, and action steps for manifesting major shifts in your life!
$47. For more information, visit and Contact: (501) 609 0660. Starr Fuentes will be available for private consultations from 12-6pm on March 26th and from 10-5pm March, 27th-29th.
Wednesday, March 27th
Psychic Self-Defense & Healing with Runic Symbols
Skydin Zeal
7:00 pm – 9:30pm
In this month’s Atlantean Metaphysics we combine psychic self defense & healing techniques. Have you created some unwanted experiences? Discover the Sigils used by the Ancient Atlanteans that simply remove anything unwanted from your life! Healing & shielding are one and the same!
Part 1: Purifying & Healing. Skydin Zeal will start by offering a sophisticated blend of herbal magic to balance, purify & spiritually energize all in attendance. Atlantean sound healing instruments channeled & created by Skydin will be also be utilized.
Part 2: Norse Solar Energization. Solar chants & empowering Norse yogic stances called Staddhagaldr.
Part 3: Thor’s Hammer Blessing. Individual healing for all in attendance.
Part 4: Skydin Zeal & his spirit guides will instruct you on the use of Norse Runic symbols that you will use to create order, health & self-defense in your life & those you love.
Part 5: Readings for Everyone: Receive a short yet powerful psychic Rune reading on where you are in life & suggestions on your best course of action. Q & A Segment
Exchange: $25 accepted at the door. RSVP via e-mail or facebook. If via Facebook you will be entered to win a prize in March!!/events/144519165708778/?context=create Or via E-mail:
Wednesday, March 27th
Meditation Evening : Creative Journeys Within
Anita Celeste
7:00pm – 8:30pm
As we move into Spring, it is a good time to reconnect to ourselves, release what’s no longer serving us and set our intentions for our heart dreaming. Anita will be offering a wonderful meditation evening for recharging or realigning on a deeper level. Meditating with a group offers a compassionate and supportive way to do that. This will be a creative guided meditation focusing on our heart dreaming while connecting to Mother Earth and Source. Open to everyone at all levels. Feel free to bring notepads or sketchbooks.
Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design at School of Visual Arts and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. She offers creative workshops to help people connect to their creative spirit through meditation and exercises. In addition she is a Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Healer (IET®) and Intuitive Energy Healer. View her website at
$25 per meditation. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or
Thursday, March 28th
Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing Circle
with Olivia Olkowski
12:30pm – 2:30pm
Join us monthly at the META Center, to explore ourselves through the ancient practice shamanic drumming and journey work. Indigenous cultures worldwide have practiced shamanism as a way to gain wisdom, healing, and information, to bring healing and balance to the community.
March – Awakening The Serpent Within
This month remove the sheath of dead layers from your energetic fields and awaken the serpent fire energy within yourselves. Our passion and sensual energies need to awaken after the winter months of solitude. Invite in healing and gain a fresh look and new beginning for Spring.
Upcoming Circle Dates: April 18th: Branching Energy Grids of Healing; and starting Outdoors in the parks May 16th!
Wear comfortable clothes, bring a pen and notepad. No previous experience is necessary, all traditions welcome. Limited space available. RSVP is required! This way I can plan our time.
Energy Exchange: $20. Contact: Olivia at
Thursday, March 28th
Jodi Serota of META Center & Alan Steinfeld of New Realities Present:
Sex & The Evolution of Consciousness
Lisa Carrillo, Richard Anton Diaz, Rachel Cherwitz, Carla Tara & Moderator, Alan Steinfeld
7:00pm – 9:45pm
Are our modern day approaches to sexuality changing?
How can we become more conscious, more functional & more aware of the pleasure that awaits each one of us?
Can we bring sex and love together in non traditional ways?
Can men & women have new ways of interacting with each other that evolve conscious evolution?
These are some of the questions that moderator Alan Steinfeld will ask our panel who are opening the road to new ways of sexuality.
Lisa Carrillo’s – Loving Our Love Life approach integrates 5 years of intensive study and practice of psychology, spirituality, and sexuality research. Her exercises include cultivating connectedness, reading and responding to your partner, and using sensual pacing, resulting in easily-accessible pleasure, more vibrancy, a sense of abundance, and deeper orgasm.
Richard Anton Diaz – is the founder of Sexy Spirits in New York City, Co-Producer of the Sacred Sex Round-Up, and former Ballroom dance champion. His training in both the physical and psychological aspects of partnership dancing led him to appreciate the powerful dance between the sexes and the necessary integration of cultivated sexual energy and sensual love through conscious practice in order to achieve greater health, happiness, and longevity. He is a certified Taoist Instructor under Master Mantak Chia, creator of Taontric Massage, and offers courses in Sexual Energy Cultivation, Orgasmic Providers, and Sensual Loving Touch.
Rachel Cherwitz – is passionate about bringing consciousness to areas where people most commonly shut down – from sex and food to anger and lust. Drawing on her personal experience of addiction and recovery, she received her B.S in rehabilitative studies, substance abuse, and addiction. Profoundly moved by the discovery of how to live a turned on life, she decided to pursue a career as a coach and OM trainer to give other people the same opportunity.
Carla Tara is a member of the American Association of Sexual Practitioners. She enjoys sharing her passion for deep and vibrant love with her clients and maintains a successful private practice helping individuals and couples attain their highest potential for intimacy, passion, and spiritual connection. Her wisdom offers a sacred space for transformation to occur as she uses sexual/spiritual energy and intention to help clients expand beyond the constricting beliefs that impede their development, to create a juicy, new life full of abundance, deep connection, and fulfillment in all relationships.
Alan Steinfeld, moderator, has been the host of the spiritually based talk show New Realities for the past 15 years. He has interviewed many of the top leaders in the human potential movement. He feels the times that we are in now are creating vast changes in consciousness. He hopes this panel will shed some light and direction on these changes. For his latest interviews go to:
The event will include the panel discussion and networking, along with light refreshments.
Fee: $20 in advance. $25 cash only at the door. To register, please call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext.1. MC, VISA & Discover Card, checks & cash accepted in advance. All (non-refundable).
Friday, March 29th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:00pm
This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.
Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.
For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 917 553 5294.
Friday, March 29th
‘Numeric Healing’
Starr Fuentes
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Each number carries a specific healing energy and vibration. Master Healer Starr Fuentes will reveal sacred teachings on how to use numbers and sequences of numbers in a healing process. Short, sweet energetic healing techniques that can be learned in just two hours!
$74. For more information, visit and Contact: (501) 609 0660. Starr Fuentes will be available for private consultations from 12-6pm on March 26th and from 10-5pm March 27th-29th.
Saturday, March 30th
‘Getting Out of Limbo’
Starr Fuentes
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Explore your options for coming out of a suspended state and unleash your True Potential! Visionary Starr Fuentes will guide you through transformational prayers, processes and meditations for removing the barriers that keep us there. She will share her secrets for energetic alignment once we come out.
$47. For more information, visit and Contact: (501) 609 0660.
Sunday, March 31st
‘Touch the Divine, Learning Psychometry’
Starr Fuentes
12:00pm – 6:00pm
World renowned psychic Starr Fuentes will teach you how to read the history of an object just by touching it. Receive intuitive information interpreted through five experiential senses of vision, feeling, hearing, taste and smell.
$110. For more information, visit and Contact: (501) 609 0660.
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