New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: May 2013

Upcoming May Events at META Center New York

Wednesday, May 1st ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm

Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.

Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.

In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.

Free Event. Please RSVP online:

Wednesday, May 1st

Psychic Circle for Singles

Psychic Medium Milou

6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.

Price $25 at the door, or call Milou for reservation at (201) 264 4651. Seats are limited.

Awaken Your Creative Power: Discover Your Hidden Gifts
Weekly Course, May 1st & 8th
Anita Celeste
6:45pm – 9:30pm

Many of us want to bring more creativity into our everyday lives but experience resistance along the way. Often times it is our own fears, negative thought patterns or belief systems that get in the way of fully expressing and embracing our unique creative gifts. “Awaken your creative power” is a series of six transformative classes on connecting to these fears and uncovering their hidden message or teachings. When we acknowledge our fears and discover what they really mean to us, we begin to open ourselves up to a greater awareness. In this course we will journey inward to uncover these fears and discover the infinite source of creative potential through guided meditations and exercises. As we learn to awaken our creative power with love and compassion we will pave the way to a more creative life experience.

Heal and Clear Your Fears: Identify the fears that keep you in resistance * Connect and dialogue with these fears using exercises and techniques * Heal and forgive the parts of you that hold fears * Art or writing exercises.

Nurture and Feed Your Fears: Create a deeper connection/dialogue with your fears * Identify the gifts and teachings * Learn to feed the fears with love and compassion * Art or writing exercises.

Expand and Ground: Embrace and integrate the wisdom * Transform the fears into deeper resolution * Expand and align to your full creative potential * Art or writing exercises

Join us for this series of transformation and discovery. Through art-making or writing, you will learn to express that which resonates in your heart. No art or writing experience is required. This is open to everyone at all levels. Writers bring your notepads, artists bring your sketch books, pastels, markers, colored pencils.

Anita Celeste is a Creative Director/Graphic Designer as well as a Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She has been teaching graphic design at School of Visual Arts since 2005. Anita is a Reiki Master and certified Integrated Energy Healer (IET®). She has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. Linking the two has been key to her success in her chosen field of graphic design. This success has inspired her to share these teachings and principles with others so they too can enjoy a more creative life experience. View her website at:

Fee: $65 per individual class (drop in). RSVP with Anita at:

Thursday, May 2nd
Let the Universe Be Your Coach!
Laura Dainelli & Lori Ostenfeld
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Life is a playground that is meant to be enjoyed. Live your purpose and manifest your dreams.

From the moment you set your intentions in writing in the direction of your desires, the Universe will align the people, places and things to support you in your success.

You have the ability to coach yourself and access your true potential as the Creator of your own life. Let us show you how!

Laura Dainelli is a Certified Transformational Coach, Gestalt Counselor and Expert in Autobiographical Healing Methodology.

Lori Ostenfeld is a teacher, writer, Certified Transformational Coach and Certified Happiness and Success Coach.

To register: Price: $35 in advance /$40 at the door (cash only).

Friday, May 3rd ~FREE EVENT~
In Celebration of (GPAD) – Global Prema Agni Day
Co-facilitated by Anthony Citro and Teri Merliss
7:00pm – 10:00pm

Please join us for a complementary evening of heart centered sharing for the third annual GLOBAL PREMA AGNI DAY! On Friday, May 3rd, we will gather to kick-off this yearly weekend celebration of the Prema Agni, actually occurring worldwide on Saturday, May 4th at 3:33 p.m. At this time, people all across the planet will come together, wherever they may be, to increase world unity by focusing on the Prema Agni symbol (pictured above).

Universal and non-denominational, this powerful, healing symbol opens the heart to the infinite possibilities of love, in every area of life. From workshops, to offering mini-healings at fairs and expos, to simply drawing the symbol in the air and sending it out with pure intention, worldwide synchronous intention to stimulate the opening of the heart can serve to greatly shift collective consciousness at this time of Ascension.

Here, you will receive instruction in how to utilize this powerful symbol (‘Prema Agni’ in Sanskrit translates to ‘Fire of Divine Love’), as well as send it out to loved ones, animals in distress, and people and places in need of spiritual protection and love. Through music and guided meditation, you will have the opportunity to heal any unresolved wounds and concerns of the heart you may be dealing with. Embracing the Prema Agni can significantly assist you in this regard.

To prepare for this event, you may view the following YouTube video from last years GPAD event:

This event is free of charge. Please pre-register at / 212.726.2761 to let us know how many will be attending. Bring a friend!

Mondays, May 6th (SOLD OUT) or May 20th (SOLD OUT)
Intimate Channeled Gatherings
with Jodi Serota & her Guides
6:45pm Sharp – 9:45pm

At this time, I’ve been guided to gather small groups of up to 15 people, to channel pertinent information and healing for those present. During these evenings, as part of the collective dynamic, special channeled messages/readings will be given for each individual in the group.

These Channeled Evenings will assist everyone through this time of massive transition to live more consciously from a much higher conscious perspective. We’re all witnessing and experiencing major shifts on our planet and our individual & collective consciousness is being heightened, expanded and refined.

Many are going into old patterns of fear, limitation, illness, confusion, and separation. Others are growing rapidly and expanding their intuitive abilities, with their innate gifts being revealed.

Some have little understanding of how to utilize their fuller knowing in a world where not everyone embodies, understands, or accepts these heightened experiences and gifts.

Join us in these very special evenings assisting in re-calibrating & re-aligning the physical & etheric systems, & anchoring “The Divine Presence” more fully into the body. Embrace the All Inclusive Frequency of Love & Live the Sacredness of the Divine, Always! All are welcome!

$65 per class – non-refundable. Pre-register and pay in advance as these groups are limited to only 15 people.

Tuesday, May 7th
Master Teachers & Metatron: Sacred Teachings & Energetic Activations
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly, channels the high frequency energy vibrations and wise, compassionate teachings of the Master Teachers, a group of enlightened beings from our infinite universe, especially the teachings of our Pleidian brothers and sisters.

Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. $25 Pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website: under events.

Wednesday, May 8th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm

Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.

Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.

In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.

Free Event. Please RSVP online:

Thursday, May 9th
Are Vaccines Safe and Effective?
An Educational Opportunity for Parents and Practitioners.
Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D.
6.30pm – 9.30pm

Come hear the renowned board certified pediatrician and sought-after lecturer, present his research on the safety and efficacy of vaccines and offer his experience on using a holistic approach to child care. Bring your questions!

In this workshop, you will hear discussions on vaccine science: * What is current vaccine science and who is funding it and doing it? * How do vaccines work, and have they done, and do they do what we’re told they do? * What role do vaccine ingredients play when injected into infants and children? * What do the ingredients do to our children once they’re injected? * Do vaccines contribute to the development of chronic illnesses in children? * How do our children get into school if they’re not vaccinated?* How does the immune system work in babies and children?

Attendees will hear some of the answers to these questions, along with the research that questions whether vaccines are safe and effective, and whether the scientific process is even at work to prove the answers to these questions.

Attendees will also be asked to look at the issues that drive us to make the decisions we make, many of which come to us through fear, bullying, uncertainty, and a lack of knowledge, and to perhaps think alternatively about how illnesses occur and disappear.

$25 per ticket For more information and to purchase tickets:

Thursday, May 9th
Crystal & Gemstone Tarot Extravaganza!
Adrienne Gammal & Friends
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Come and explore the beauty and magic of Crystals!

Brand new summer collection shopping party, sparkling clusters, healing wands, 30 different types of pocket stones, spheres, hearts, jewelry, pendulums and more!

Tarot Card Readings: 15 minutes/$ 20.00

Please sign up when you arrive, first come first serve. Come and join the fun! (This is a cash only event: Crystals purchases and Readings).

Adrienne Gammal is a Certified Crystal Master teacher and healer. She created the crystal department for East West Living and she holds monthly workshops on crystals and energy healing both in NYC and NJ.

Questions or comments:

Thursdays, May 9th, 16th, 23th & 30th
Experience Your Intuition: An Advanced Course
Constantina Rhodes, Ph.D.
7:00pm – 8:45pm

This four week course has been designed to take you deeper into your intuitive development with advanced practices and techniques. In each class you’ll experience a different meditation and method of accessing guidance about real-life issues. Topics include: Deepening connection with spirit guides; shamanic journeying; pranayama (breathwork) and the spiritual power of mantras; visualization and manifestation. Prerequisite: At least one course or workshop with Constantina. Space is limited, so register early!

Constantina Rhodes is a certified intuitive consultant and certified teacher of intuitive development. She holds a Ph.D. in Sanskrit and South Asian Religions from Columbia University.

Registration: $165 by April 30, $175 thereafter.

Friday, May 10th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:00pm

This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.

Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.

For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 917 553 5294.

Friday, May 10th
More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop
Facilitated by Linda Drost & Sherri Greene
7:00pm – 9:30pm

A spiritual class that helps everyday people empower themselves, heal deep hurts, and awaken to a higher part of themselves. Through powerful healing energy, guided meditations, inspiring music, spiritual support and a community of friends, healing is achieved.

During these classes, you are shown how to access your untapped potential, change things for the better, and see yourself in a greater light. You learn how old programs and beliefs keep you trapped and how to change these beliefs and programs with effective healing techniques. You won’t be surprised at what you learn in these workshops, you will be transformed. For more information, please visit us at:

The exchange is $40, with all payments to be made at the door. First time attendees welcome for free! To register, please contact

Join us on Saturday, May 11th for our Spring Psychic & Healing Day Event and enjoy affordable Mini Readings & Healings with some of New York’s best practitioners. This is the perfect gift for yourself and for your mom for Mother’s Day.

Healings & Readings are $25 for 20 minutes


Channeled, Psychic,Tarot & Medium Readings
Milo * NYC Psychic Jesse Bravo * Patricia Jamison * Isabella Randazzo * Constantina Rhodes

Hand Analysis – Jean Worth

Astrology – Rebecca Gordon

Psychic Reader of Grinds & Handwriting Analysis – Saba

Scandinavian Magic: Readings, Numerology, Technology & Sonic Healing & Original Angelic Jewelry – Skydin Zeal


Shamanic Healing – Olivia Olkowski

Angelic Reiki Healing – Rev. Barbara Dominick

Deep Core Healing Therapy – Simone Braga

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & Matrix Re-Imprinting – Gail Mae Ferguson-Maceda

Shiatsu, Face/Neck Sculpting & Seitai (Posture Alignment) – Toshiyuki Endo


Group Channeled Vibrational Sound & Light Language Ceremony ($30) – Jodi Serota


Rising Star / Mahatma Infusion Therapy / Violet Flame Irradiation – Anthony Citro

Registration starts at 11:30am. No advance appointments. Bring your mom and your friends and enjoy a fun day of healings and readings.

Sunday, May 12th
Second Life Institute (sli) Know Yourself Workshop
Facilitated by Say Sheppard
10:00am – 6:00pm

Western life coaching meets the Tao of the East introducing this new approach to becoming who you really are.

What do I really want to do in my life? * What is it that I am looking for?

People are precious. They have endless inner power, but when they encounter a change they feel frustrated, angry, and lose their way…but it can be different.

How can you become a loving person who accepts and believes in your self? How can see yourself more clearly from every angle so you have a greater awareness of your thoughts, beliefs and talents?

“I have been given practical tools on how to neutralize my negative emotions, balance them, identify the false value systems by looking at the four factors of life.”

Price: $200, includes lunch. Call: Paula at 917-533-8026. Limted seats. Book early. Email: Visit:

Monday, May 13th
Learn Your Life’s Purpose: Hand Analysis & Soul Agenda Reading
Jean Worth
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Come and learn about the healing science of Hand Analysis. Experience a lecture, demonstration and a mini reading for each participant.

Hand Analysis, a unique tool used for self-mastery, reveals innate gifts, life’s purpose and challenges. Fingerprints are formed 5 months prior to birth revealing your life path for this incarnation while the lines on the palms are the blueprint of how one thinks, feels and responds to life’s circumstances and situations.

You will leave with pertinent information for personal growth, direction, joy and manifestation.

Jean Worth – Transformational counselor and healing practitioner – Graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis – Certified in Quantum Biofeedback – MA in Education from NYU.

Space limited to 14. $30 paid in advance via credit card. Call the 917-579-3050 to pre-pay & register. $35 cash only at the door. (All payments non refundable).

Monday, May 13th
Guided Meditation Evening : Creative Journeys Within
Anita Celeste
7:00pm – 8:30pm

As we move into Spring, it is a good time to reconnect to ourselves, release what’s no longer serving us and set our intentions for our heart dreaming. Anita will be offering a wonderful meditation evening for recharging or realigning on a deeper level. Meditating with a group offers a compassionate and supportive way to do that. This will be a creative guided meditation focusing on our heart dreaming while connecting to Mother Earth and Source. Open to everyone at all levels. Feel free to bring notepads or sketchbooks.

Anita Celeste is a Creative Director/Graphic Designer as well as a Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She has been teaching graphic design at School of Visual Arts since 2005. Anita is a Reiki Master and certified Integrated Energy Healer (IET®). She has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. Linking the two has been key to her success in her chosen field of graphic design. This success has inspired her to share these teachings and principles with others so they too can enjoy a more creative life experience. View her website at:

Fee: $25 Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or

Tuesday, May 14th
with Mariana Costa Pinto
12:15pm – 1:15pm

Explore your sensual self while learning BellyDancing… move and find your groove. Jingle scarves will be available to borrow or purchase. Women, please wear or bring a long skirt.

Join us in our lunchtime dance and movement series as we commune deeper with our physical bodies through the use of various dance and movement modalities along with music from all different cultures. We’ve gathered a host of talented, spiritually minded, gifted, professional dance and movement instructors who will guide and encourage us as we explore our bodies as sacred temples in motion.

Mariana Costa Pinto is a Brazilian actress who loves to dance and she feels that dancing feeds her soul and connects her with God. She teaches samba, bellydance, jazz & free dance. She’s also a wonderful DJ. Music is in her blood.

Price: $20. Please call META Center on 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register and pre-pay (Master Card, Visa & Discover, checks and cash in advance). Cash only at the door. Non-refundable. Arrive 15 minutes early to start promptly at 12:15pm. Please be prompt, as we have limited time for our jam-packed sessions.

Tuesday, May 14th ~BY DONATION~
Enhance Your Intuition To Heal Yourself & Others
with ancient Mah Boundlotus® & Sat Nam Rasayan®
with Mahankirn Kaur
6:00pm – 9:00pm

Learn how anyone can heal and be healed!

Using two powerful healing modalities linked with the Kundalini Yoga tradition, this workshop will help you stabilize your projective meditative mind. You will experience a state of Shuniya, or stillness, where one is able to release the attachment to the mind, the ego and maya. From this meditative place within you, your capacity is infinite!

Mah BoundLotus® is a restorative posture that engages the entire body and provides many physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. You will be guided into your own personal version of this posture so that your presence alone may have the capacity to change another person and, using Sat Nam Rasayan®, heal different aspects of the mind and body.

No previous yoga or meditation experience necessary!

Mahankirn started doing Kundalini Yoga before she was 2 and was trained personally by Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, in Mah BoundLotus®. He appointed her as his personal healer for 10 years. Mah BoundLotus helped her overcome debilitating nerve damange and paralysis that had her bed-ridden for a year. It is her life passion to teach others to heal within and without.

Event by Donation. Private healings sessions available, contact (917)912-4468 or

Tuesday, May 14th
Psychic Message Circle
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, find a new job, or receive a message from departed love ones? You are invited to bring a pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you names, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He does not ask for any information, including your name.

Price $25 at the door, or call Milou for reservation at (201) 264 4651. Seats are limited.

Wednesday, May 15th

Join Mama’s Relaxation Revolution for Mama’s Total Wellness Workshop: Lifestyle, Wellness, & the Pelvic Core
Eliza Siegler, Susan Gala & Stephanie Bittle
9:30am – 12:30pm

A fun morning with other Moms interested in developing strategies to enhance the experience of being a mother, learning restorative techniques for wellbeing and optimal energy, and connecting with your core of femininity and strength.

During this powerful and uplifting workshop, you will explore creative solutions to better managing the challenges of being a mother today. An overview of the most recent research-supported wellness recommendations and specific relaxation skills that you can use immediately to reduce stress and optimize your health will be demonstrated. The importance of the inner core and seat of well-being, posture and a better post-pregnancy posture will be explored and addressed in a relaxed and supportive environment.

Stephanie Bittle, LCSW is a coach and counselor for women who specializes in stress management, confidence building and personal marketing. Her practice is called Two Steps Forward because she helps women take those difficult first steps that lead to positive change in their lives. She is a longtime advocate for women and has been helping women professionally for over a decade.

Eliza Siegler is a Reiki Master Practitioner, a Certified Urban Zen Integrative Therapist, a Registered Yoga Therapist and the founder of Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy. She holds a Masters in Fine Arts and completed the Urban Zen Integrative Therapy (UZIT) Program. She offers Integrative Therapy Relaxation & Wellness Programs based on a personalized combination of Restorative Yoga, Reiki, Essential Oil Aromatherapy, Contemplative Care, Meditation, & Creative Expression.

Susan Gala is the founder of Feminine Fitness Within®, She helps women embody their pelvic power for physical, emotional and spiritual vitality. Susan is trained as a Licensed Massage Therapist, Stott Pilates practitioner and Certified in Integrative Therapy for healing the pelvic core. She provides preventative programs in Women’s Health and participates in the inspirational successes of her patients by offering Holistic pelvic-core programs, guiding women to heal their pelvic-core, improve their posture, tone their belly, reclaim their personal strength, sensuality and vitality.

Wednesday, May 15th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm

For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at

Wednesday, May 15th ~EVENT CANCELLED~
The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals
7:00pm – 9:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)

June 12th, July 10th & 24th, Aug 14th & 28th, Sept 25th, Oct 23rd, Nov 6th & 20th, Dec 11th

Discover how, by integrating healing crystals into your life, you could reach the next level.

This monthly gathering is THE place if you love stones and want to deeply connect with them. Cephora shares secrets and techniques about the multiple uses of stones and crystals to enhance your well-being.

EXPERIENCE! how to connect to the minerals and their vibrations which can support your physical, emotional and spiritual healing process.

FEEL! how stones can help release stress and stuck emotions or habits & so much more!

Each month a theme will be highlighted such as Crystals for Love, Protection, Higher Realm, Manifestation, Crystal Grids, Elixirs…. Q&A and crystals sales at the end of workshop.

This class is for everyone attracted to the mineral kingdom. Everyone will be gifted a powerful crystal. Feel free to bring a stone you would like deepen your connection with.

Exchange: $25. Reservations Walk-in welcome but seating is limited + crystal gifts is not guaranteed if not pre-registered. Please sign up. Questions and reservations: All workshops are from 7-9pm ~ Doors open at 6:30pm.

Wednesday, May 15th ~FREE EVENT~
Free Introductory Evening –
ISIS Interfaith (International Seminary for Interfaith Studies)
With Rev. Deborah Steen Ross
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Are you looking for a different kind of Interfaith Seminary? One that is relevant to the shifting and changing energies and times we are going through?

Have you ever thought that ministry, even Interfaith Ministry, does not do enough to support the spiritual and energetic awakening that is taking place OR pay enough attention to crisis situations that are occurring on this planet?

Are you ready to become part of the solution?

We invite you to join Rev. Deborah Steen Ross, Founder and Director of ISIS, for an exciting and informative evening of what it means to learn to minister from a place of wholeness, Oneness, and inclusivity, and explore why this program might be your next step into a new era of ministry and service to the world.

To RSVP, please call 212 864 2243.

Thursday, May 16th
Jodi Serota of META Center & Alan Steinfeld of New Realities Present:

New Mythologies for Living For Evolution & Consciousness
Kevin Sachs, H. Stephen Larsen & Tricia McCannon with Moderator, Alan Steinfeld

What are the new myths of our digital age?
How can new stories define us in this new time?
Is the human race changing in unforeseen ways?
How can we emerge as a new species with our new technologies?
Is the idea of non ordinary reality changing?

Join Alan Steinfeld of NewRealities as he asks these and other timely questions to a panel of leading experts in the fields of myth, magic and transformation.

Kevin Sachs, PhD supports people going through psycho-spiritual crisis, helps others to integrate deep, transformative inner experiences and helps spiritual practitioners to integrate shadow material that arises in the course of their practices. He has trained with Stanislav Grof, Ann Weiser Cornell, C. Michael Smith (Mikkal) and others. He offers individual sessions in NYC or by phone.

H. Stephen Larsen is a psychologist and author who, with his wife Robin Larsen, was on the founding board of advisors of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, and also founded the Center for Symbolic Studies, to carry on with the work of Joseph Campbell.

Tricia McCannon is an American clairvoyant, speaker and “bridge” teacher for thousands worldwide. She has been a Keynote speaker at conferences around the world for 20 years and a guest on over 150 radio and TV shows, including “Unsolved Mysteries” and “Strange Universe.”

Alan Steinfeld, moderator, has been the host of the spiritually based talk show New Realities for the past 15 years. He has interviewed many of the top leaders in the human potential movement. He feels the times that we are in now are creating vast changes in consciousness. He hopes this panel will shed some light and direction on these changes. For his latest interviews go to:

The event will include the panel discussion and networking.

Fee: $20 in advance. $25 cash only at the door. Please register via PayPal or call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext.1. MC, VISA & Discover Card, checks & cash accepted in advance. All non-refundable.

Thursday, May 16th
Psychic Readings and Healings,
Healing & Chanting with Crystal Bowls
Deborah Graham & Jessica Richman
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Deborah Graham, nationally renowned psychic, teacher and healer to the stars will be in NYC a short time for personal sessions and this one workshop, where you can:

Ask personal questions and get immediate psychic readings * Enjoy guided meditation and energy work. * Cut cords that bind you to fear, grief, anger and isolation. * Release any attached negative entities. Deborah calls in Master Healers and channels your specific healing needs. She also creates custom painted silk scarves to heal your spiritual, emotional and physical body.

Jessica, a Color, Light and Sound healer performs with crystal bowls of semi precious gems. She has 12 years training in cross cultural healing with Debra, Hawaiian Shamans & Shawna Carol.

We’ll have a healing concert of: Songs, chanting & color healing, * Re-attune chakras & organs. * Exercises to change your relationship with yourself, your life and your Guardians.

$20. To register, please contact Jessica at or 718-863-6955. Please visit Deborah’s website at

Friday, May 17th
Heart to HEART: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice

“…I am teaching this music & dancing…to increase Joy, not awe toward another person but bliss in our own self. This is finding God within, through experience.” Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis

This circle, co-creates an atmosphere of HEART with Meditation, Simple Movement/Dance, Sacred Names, Music and Sacred Walk. These practices are based upon the in-the-world, Universal spirituality brought from India to the West by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi and of worldwide sacred traditions. Guided by Sufi Murshida Khadija and friends, dance leadership mentoring (by permission), tar drum instruction, and individual appointments are offered. Those of all paths (and no particular path) are welcome; no previous experience is necessary. “But in reality we are accompanied by the whole dancing universe.” Ruth St. Denis

“Although we seem to be in a world of song and dance, we are most concerned with peace on earth.” Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis

Space Contribution $15; Information (646) 924-9957;

Friday, May 17th
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Begin your weekend in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing that supports a return to the wholeness of your being. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Archangels and allow yourself to open your intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Beings of Light. Loving messages are also channeled for to support your insights, and for your continued growth and enlightenment. The evening concludes with a lovely guided meditation and energy healing to crown and heart chakras. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.

$25.00 at the door or on line at For more information please contact RevB at 718-863-1553.

Sunday, May 19th
Access Consciousness Bars Workshop
with Madeline Michaels LMT, LDHS
10:00am – 5:00pm

Learn a Dynamic Hands-on Body Process that can Change & Transform Your Body and Life!

Are you ready for new possibilities? Searching for tools and techniques to expand your awareness to make your life easier and more fun? Then this class is for you!

Access Bars® is a fast, effective and easy way of releasing limitations that keep you stuck from enjoying your life!

The Bars is an energetic body process that contains 32 different points on your head that when gently touched the electromagnetic charge of limiting beliefs, decisions, and points of view about any area of your life that you have made solid will become released.

Whatever is no longer working for you, compatible with where you’d like to go in life, and whatever is slowing you down, all of this energy begins to discharge through accessing your Bars.

In this class you will learn all 32 energetic points and how to facilitate a session as you gift and receive the Bars twice while becoming a Certified Bars Practitioner who can in turn work on others.

Exchange: $200 / $100 to repeat. Manuals, head charts and light snacks will be provided. Dress comfortably. Lunch Break 45 min. To register contact: Madeline Michaels, Access Bars Facilitator 212-369-1992.

Sunday, May 19th
Shinka Reiki 1: Certification Workshop
Lumié Aino
10:00am – 2:30pm

Reiki is a gift from the universe and leaning Reiki (natural healing system) is amazingly simple and pure. Shinka Reiki 1* is the first, gentle yet effective step of the four Reiki degrees.

During this workshop, you’ll receive four Reiki 1 attunements. Between the attunements, you will learn the practical usage of Reiki including the simple and effective hand positions, self-treatment, and group Reiki. You will also learn how to apply Reiki to objects and space, and the simple Reiki way of breathing & meditation exercise (“Hatsurei-ho”).

In the form of hands-on healing with Reiki 1, you and your Reiki receivers may gradually and profoundly remember their healthy, balanced state of being.

* Shinka Reiki has been transferring an integrated way of Western & Japanese traditional Usui Reiki since 2002.

Cost & registration information. Register at: Tuition: $205 in advance via PayPal or $220 ($20 deposit + $200 on the day). (Please receive your Reiki 1 preview by making a deposit or prepay the tuition.) Contact: Lumié Aino,, 212-845-9653.

Sunday, May 19th
Parallel-Dimensional – Traveling – Meditation
(Shinka Matrix Group session)
Lumié Aino
3:30pm – 5:15pm

In the style of a guided meditation, you are guided to experience some time-traveling, parallel & multi-dimensional traveling, and parallel universal shifts in your unique way.

It was very experimental when we started this in Tokyo in 2011 and it has been evolving in many ways. We are guided by the vast field of infinite possibilities and played by it as our new doors to the new realities (that we might be choosing) keep opening and our vision keeps expanding.

As we play with the field of infinite possibilities, your view or patterns of some of the key elements in your life may transform so profoundly. The effect may include deep healing but not limited.

Please come join and experience if you are curious! Everyone is welcome- bring your friends!

Cost & registration information: Cost: $33 (in advance via PayPal or $39 (cash at the door).Contact: Lumié Aino, 212 845 9653.

Monday, May 20th ~FREE EVENT~
Free Workshop on Linkedin & Email Marketing
Naini Nakagawa, Social Media Expert
6:45pm – 8:00pm

Join Naini Nakagawa and her team for this amazing free workshop on the intricacies of Linkedin . Learn how to quickly grow your profile and your business with these tips.

For more information, please email, To register, go to:

Tuesday, May 21st
Energy Healing Temple: Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers, Sound Healing & Crystals with Suzy Meszoly
(1.5 hour Healing Sessions)
1:00pm – 6:00pm

Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher and master healer, Suzy Meszoly, channels the Divine Light healing energy in this special day of semi-private healing sessions, together with healing sound, crystals and the profound energy of the Master Teachers. Suzy will set-up a crystal grid and calibrate a special frequency with various minerals she has collected from all over the world to support deep miracle healing. She will be channeling the Master Teachers throughout the day to provide quantum healing to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of all participants.

Clients will be asked to enter the room and sit quietly in chairs in mediation surrounded by crystals for the first 15 mins, acclimatizing with the high frequency field. Then Suzy will do energetic hands on healing with each person for 20 mins as they lay supine on a massage table; she will be activating the Divine Light Healing with the Master Teachers.

Suzy will also be occasionally playing the Himalayan bowls to assist clients in grounding and integrating the frequencies. Clients will remain laying down for the next 40mins while the etheric healing continues into the higher realms, working on the ancestral and future DNA platform. After one hour, people will be asked again to sit in another section of the room, surrounded by crystals that support the graceful integration of these experiences and the peaceful ascension to a higher frequency. The complete session is 1.5 hours.

Suzy is offering this session at a reduced rate of $125 for META Center friends in May. Book early to ensure your appointment as these days fill up immediately. Please book your appointment by email: charged with the Divine Light Healing energy of the Master Teachers will also be for sale, as well as Suzy’s CDs and book.

Tuesday, May 21st
“Planetary Trends and Eclipses of 2013: May through December”
With Susan Miller
6:30pm – 10:00pm

By now it’s clear that we are all adjusting to a new normal. The economy is gently improving, but many readers still report that things are not easy. This talk will center on the recent lunar eclipse of April 25 in Scorpio and the solar eclipse of May 9 in Taurus, as well as the three coming eclipses this year: a lunar full moon eclipse on May 25 in Sagittarius, a full moon lunar eclipse on October 18 in Aries, and new moon solar eclipse on November 3, 2013 in Scorpio. Everyone will feel these eclipses in different ways, and eclipses are always important to watch, for they bring fast moving events and often the biggest news of the year. Susan will also discuss the challenging aspects due early July and late December 2013, and the year’s bright spots. She will also discuss the impending Venus and Mars retrogrades and what this means for you.

In a year like 2013, brilliant days and difficult ones lies side by side, so it will be important to plan your key initiations on the very best periods of the year. With this lecture, you will leave armed with all the information you need to strike at the right time for you. You will have lots of opportunity to interact with Susan and others in the audience – Susan’s lectures are always lively and fun.

Ticket price $45 in advance, $49 at the door. Tickets available at: Doors open at 6pm. This event will be in an intimate space that holds only 100 guests. All Susan’s events sell out, so please reserve your space early. Send a message to Susan on her Twitter account, @AstrologyzoneDoors open at 6pm. This event will be in an intimate space that holds only 100 guests. All Susan’s events sell out, so please reserve your space early. Send a message to Susan on her Twitter account, @Astrologyzone

Tuesday, May 21st
Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly, channels the Master Teachers who will provide instruction on how to perform psychic surgery on oneself for healing physical illness. They will create a healing bridge with each person for 40 days starting with this session and offer a powerful meditation and lifestyle protocol. This is a deeply physical experience during the channeled meditation, which realigns imbalances, addresses chronic and “incurable” illness and tunes individuals’ frequencies to a higher resonance.

Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. $35 Pre-registration is required. $45 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website: under events

Tuesday, May 21st
Clairvoyant Cafe: An Evening of Psychic Topics & Messages
with Tori Quisling
7:00pm – 8:30pm

Clairvoyant Cafe: An Evening of Psychic Topics & Messages with Tori Quisling, founder of the NY Center for Clairvoyant Development.

Tori will be teaching and demonstrating skills and techniques from her book The Clairvoyant Practitioner. Topics include psychic abilities, relationships, career, spiritual path, energy protection, dreams, mediumship and more. Tori has been offering deep, insightful readings and classes for over 25 years.

Fee: $35. Space Limited. Pre-register to get a spot. Contact Tori at 516-423-1794 or Please see her website:

Wednesday, May 22nd ~FREE EVENT~
Healing The “Mother Issue”
Facilitated by Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 10:00pm

At this time of great cosmic momentum, our ability to embrace the ‘New Paradigm’ can be predicated on how significantly we have individually made peace with our past, both in a karmic context and consciously in this lifetime. Much of what we still “hold onto” in life can readily be attributed to our relationship with our birth mother, and by extension the Divine Mother. Here, through the Grace and Presence of many aspects of the Divine Mother, who etherically will gather with us, you will have an opportunity to heal any lingering trauma and pain surrounding your connection to your birth mother.

Through music, guided meditation, healing and sharing, the Mother’s present will work to transform your relationship with your birth mother, at the core level, enabling the personality self to move beyond the illusory wounds of ongoing lack of nurturance, or stubborn feelings of low self-esteem. Being safely and lovingly enfolded in the energetic arms of the Divine Mother can instantaneously shift our reality to a more loving and loved place. As we head into the Golden Age, the time has come to look back at our past ‘one last time’, let go with love and forgiveness, and accept that our parents were only doing ‘the best that they could do’.

It is a part of our journey as conscious beings of light to break the patterns of projection, and inhibition that a “mother issue” can stimulate. As you come to recognize the love of the Divine Mother for you, you can easily recalibrate with simple intention to enjoy and experience a life filled with love!

Register at: (remote attendance possible; please pre-register!) / 212.726.2761.

Wednesday, May 22nd
Creative HeART Journeys: Night of Inspirational Art & Writing
Anita Celeste
6:45pm – 9:30pm

If you are looking to tap into your well of creativity during your everyday life then this class is for you. Creative HeART Journeys will nurture and reconnect you to that creativity in each of us. In this class we will journey inward and to rediscover this well of infinite source and inspiration through guided meditations and exercises. With every journey inward we will express oursleves through art or writing exercises. As we learn to trust our inner artist we will pave the way to a more creative life experience.

How you will benefit: * Receive guidance and inspiration more easily. * Obtain a stronger connection to your creative spirit. * Release and flow through parts of you that hold fear and resistance. * Experience inspirational techniques.

Join us for an evening of inspiration and fun. Through art-making or writing you will learn to express that which resonates in your heart. No art or writing experience is required. This is open to everyone at all levels.

Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. In addition she is a Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Healer (IET®), and Level One in Advanced Alchemy. View her website at

$45 per class. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or

Thursday, May 23rd ~FREE EVENT~
David Lynch: Meditation, Creativity, Peace Screening Series (71 minutes)
Presented in Collaboration with the David Lynch Foundation
7:00pm – 9:00pm

“This is a donut. It is very sweet, and very good. But if you’ve never tasted a donut, you wouldn’t really know how sweet and how good a donut is… Transcendental Meditation is like that. Transcendental Meditation gives an experience much sweeter than the sweetness of this donut. It gives the experience of the sweetest nectar of life, pure bliss consciousness.”

This fascinating documentary follows David Lynch on a 16-country tour of Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America to spread the word about the individual and global impact of meditation. With equal parts wit and passion, Meditation, Creativity, Peace, shows the director’s commitment to TM as way of changing the world, starting from within. The film also offers rare insight into Lynch’s creative process, through interviews and revealing moments from the tour.

2012, 71 mins. [Director’s name TK] Digital projection. Director: There is no one credited as director. The footage was shot by film students, DLF, and institutions where the events were held. Noriko Miyakawa is the Editor. Adam Pressman and Sam Lieb are the Field Producers.


Event is free: You must pre-register at

Thursday, May 23rd

Psychic Circle for Singles

Psychic Medium Milou

6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.

Price $25 at the door, or call Milou for reservation at (201) 264 4651. Seats are limited.

Friday, May 24th
Protective Shield
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Some individuals have the mistaken belief that if they wish to protect themselves energetically, they can simply visualize a wall, mirror or other physical structure to keep negative energies out. Although this may work for a while, there is always someone or something energetically stronger that can bypass these obstacles. However, protective shields, which function as energetic fields, often prevent unwanted energies from adversely affecting individuals. These shields protect individuals and spaces by transmuting, neutralizing, harmonizing, repelling or rejecting chaotic energies.

Learn to create energetic shields and protect your physical body, energy field and space from others at home, work and other situations.

Workshop fee in advance $35, At door $40. Reserve your place – Call Lyra 646 872-4473.

Saturday, May 25th
Gemstones & Chakra Kits
10:00am – 12:00 noon

Experience the healing properties of gemstones as they impact the flow of energy in your physical body and energy field. Mix and match high quality tumbled gemstones and faceted crystals to create a custom chakra kit using some of the following crystals and gemstones: aventurine, fire agate, amethyst, aquamarine, green/black tourmaline, carnelian, citrine, garnet, jade, lapis lazuli, kyanite, lepidolite, mahogany obsidian moonstone, morganite, clear, rose, smoky and rutilated quartz, ruby, sodalite, sugilite, topaz, zoisite and more. Some chakra kits clear, align, protect, ground, strengthen or expand individuals’ personal energies.

Workshop Fee in advance $50, At door $55 – Includes a Custom Chakra Kit. Additional stones may be purchased. Reserve your place – Call Lyra 646 872-4473.

Saturday, May 25th
Energetic Summer Jewelry (Especially Crafted Anklets & Bracelets)
12:30pm – 2:30pm

Experience a full line of energetic gemstone jewelry; featuring tanzanite, amber, sugilite, Ethiopian opal, moldavite, turquoise, coral and blue lace agate necklaces and a collection of anklets and bracelets with sterling silver charms. Energize in style with high vibrational gemstone jewelry that:

Energizes and balances personal energies. * Completes and corrects the flow of energy in the physical body and energy field. *Assists individuals in projecting or releasing energies, emotions and thoughts. * Works to protect personal energies.
Learn how gemstones energize and project a new you.

Workshop Fee in advance $30, At door $35. Reserve your place – Call Lyra 646 872-4473.

Saturday, May 25th ~Free Lecture/Demonstration~
Biofeedback Frequencies
3:00pm – 4:00pm

Come participate in a one-hour biofeedback presentation. Ayodele Moore, a certified Biofeedback Technician, will lead this demonstration. Ayodele is a SCIO (now Indigo Technologies) practitioner. Experience the tremendous health and wellness benefits of the latest products and services from Matrix Health Line. This will be an excellent opportunity to learn about biofeedback and the numerous ways this revolutionary technology can assist you in maintaining health and achieving well-being.

Find out about Matrix neutralizer shields that harmonize electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones, computers and TVs. Witness the latest advancements in skin care and anti-aging regimens using Matrix Bio and Ice products. You will get hands-on experience utilizing some biofeedback and bio-recording tools. Join Ayodele to learn more.

Saturday, May 25th
Releasing Stuck Energies
4:30pm – 6:00pm

Often, individuals claim to be exhausted and lacking energy. However, there is an abundance of energy; it is simply stuck, giving individuals the impression that they are low on energy. Releasing stuck energy may alleviate discomfort, low energy, physical and mental tension. By releasing stuck energies, individuals will feel more relaxed and energized. Discover simple movements to dissipate stuck energy and recycle healing energies throughout the body. Learn how working with your own personal release valves allows you to let go of stuck energy and makes you feel lighter, more energetic and fluid. Give yourself an energy treatment in minutes.

Workshop Fee in advance $40, At door $45. Reserve your place – Call Lyra 646 872-4473

Tuesday, May 28th
with Francesca Santangelo
12:15pm – 1:15pm

International Rhythms…Authentic for each genre set to music guaranteed to improve cardiovascular endurance while having tons of fun!

Join us in our lunchtime dance and movement series as we commune deeper with our physical bodies through the use of various dance and movement modalities along with music from all different cultures. We’ve gathered a host of talented, spiritually minded, gifted, professional dance and movement instructors who will guide and encourage us as we explore our bodies as sacred temples in motion.

Francesca Santangelo has 25 years experience in movement and personal training. She is a certified ZUMBA instructor in multiple trainings.

Price: $20. Please call META Center on 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register and pre-pay (Master Card, Visa & Discover, checks and cash in advance). Cash only at the door. Non-refundable. Arrive 15 minutes early to start promptly at 12:15pm. Please be prompt, as we have limited time for our jam-packed sessions.

Tuesday, May 28th
ReConnective Therapy Developed by Herwig Schoen
Treatment Group with Herwig and Kerstin Schoen
7:00pm – 9:30pm

All we need for healing is already in our energy body. The only reason we do not experience this at times, is, when this information is not connected to the physical body. ReConnective Therapy (RCT) is a healing art that facilitates connection of these aspects of the energy body all the way into the physical body.

An RCT Treatment Group is an opportunity to receive this work in a group setting. The advantage is that through the resonance effect the efficiency of the work is significantly amplified. ReConnective Therapy can facilitate healing of all kinds of conditions from physical to emotional and spiritual.

Cost: $70. For more information or prepay for the Treatment Group, please, visit our website at or contact our office at 360-321-1207.

Tuesday, May 28th
Healthy Relationships 101 – No Relationship Left Behind
Michael Jascz
7:30pm – 9:00pm

Based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication and Harville Hendrix’s Getting the Love You Want, the workshop focuses on developing and using an approach to repair or enhance any relationship.

* Practice expressing needs and feelings without blaming others. * Practice listening without thinking what you’ll say in response.

Tired of settling for scraps of love? Frustrated by “fumbling in the dark” for what to say or how to be heard? Join me for Healthy Relationships 101 and gain the skills and confidence to cultivate and fortify every relationship in your life.

Michael Jascz is relationship coach and educator. He works with couples and singles and teaches his program in New York City high schools.

Price: $12. RVSP email: website: paypal: Maximum 35 people.

Wednesday, May 29th
Nordic-Atlantean Techniques for Spiritual Power & Healing
Skydin Zeal
7:00pm – 9:20pm

In this Month’s Atlantean Metaphysics we expand on the techniques for healing, attracting spiritual power and psychic protection. Join us as we create our Atlantean Church, with sound, rich herbal aromatic magic, and the presence of benevolent extraterrestrial & nature spirit guides!

And discover the Sigils used by the Ancient Atlanteans that simply attract what you desire and repel what you don’t desire. Skydin Zeal is a professional Instructor of Scandinavian Shamanic techniques, and claircognizant reader in Manhattan, NY.

Part 1: -Purifying & Healing: Skydin Zeal will Begin by offering a Sophisticated Blend of Shamanic Herbal Magic to Balance, Cleanse & Spiritually Energize All in Attendance. Atlantean Sound Healing instruments Channeled & Created by Skydin will be also be experienced!

Part 2: Norse Solar Energization: Solar Norse Chants & Empowering Norse Yogic stances called Staddhagaldr.

Part 3: Skydin Zeal will show you how to Utilize the best Metaphysical Techniques from a Multitude of Ancient Cultures, some before history.

Part 4: Readings for Everyone Attending: Everyone receives a brief powerful Rune Reading! Skydin answers one question or instructs you in the use of an archetypal Symbol that will personally benefit you best!

Q & A Segment & Much Much More!

RSVP encouraged to ensure seating via email: Exchange: $25 accepted at the door.

Wednesday, May 29th
Crystal Meditation: An Evening of Guided Meditation Using Crystals
Anita Celeste & invited Crystal Healer & Guest, Aliza Musleah
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Have you always been curious about crystals and their powerful healing energy? Do you have a basic understanding but want to experience a deeper connection? Anita will be offering a transformative crystal healing meditation with invited guest and crystal healer, Aliza Musleah (

Come join us as we learn to connect to the crystals through a guided chakra meditation. We will be working with specific crystals that will assist us to heal and balance our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. This will be a journey of reconnection with your true self through the power of crystals.

Feel free to bring your own crystals to add to the alter. If time permits we will also do quick crystal readings.

Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. In addition she is a Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Healer (IET®), and Level One in Advanced Alchemy. View her website at

$40 per class. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or

Thursday, May 30th
Heart to Heart – Create the Partner of a Life Time
Jean Worth
7:00pm – 9:30pm

What would it take to make your heart sing? Become aware of your individual emotional makeup, temperament, needs and desires. Learn how to read your heart line and other significant relationship markers in your hands in order to manifest the perfect relationship for you.

This event will begin with a lecture/demonstration followed by a transformational and dynamic mini-reading for each participant to educate, enlighten, and inspire you.

Come in on your own or with a friend and go home with tools for manifesting the relationship that fits your authentic being and makes your heart sing.

$30.00 Paid in advanced by credit card or $40.00 cash at the door.To register: Call 917-579-3050 or e-mail Class is limited to 14.

Fri, May 31st, Sat, June 1st & Sun, June 2nd
Weekend with Paul Selig Channeling The Guides
Fri, 7pm – 9pm, Sat, 10am – 5.30pm & Sun, 10am – 1pm

This is the first weekend intensive Paul has done in New York City. It is designed to take people deeper into their own process of awakening. These intensives are highly energetic and transformative. The information is of a higher more integrated order. They deal with the attunement and integration to the frequencies of the Word, which is the Christ (our divine aspect) in action.

The Guides say: “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.”

Cost: $275 by May 10th. $300 afterwards. (If you register, you must attend all three days). You can register at the website: For more information call: 917 553-5294, email:

Friday, May 31st ~FREE EVENT~
Eastern Interpretation of How to Love and Heal Yourself:
It Starts with Looking Inside Yourself (Developed in S. Korea)
Master Say Sheppard
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Come and experience a specific way of looking at what’s held in your consciousness. It leads to a deeper knowledge of your life journey, your life patterns and a healing of the negative perceptions that we have in our lives. After doing this interpretation, many people have experienced inner peace, happiness and clarity.

What you will discover: Through drawing a visual picture of your life’s journey, your emotional patterns will come to light, and from this you will see what creates your success or fail. Through realization of the imbalance of your emotions from an Eastern perspective (what is over-flowing and under-flowing), you will have tools to create a life of independence and freedom.

Through an introduction of the Four Factors that make up your life program, you will find an amazing new way of looking at yourself.

Master Say Sheppard’s biography (who, after spending fifteen years in S. Korea, has returned to the US to share this knowledge with the West) * Director and Coach, Second Life Institute(SLI) America * Master of the Seon Tradition featuring Seon Five Element Exercises, Danjeon Breathing Meditation and Seon Philosophy * Author of FeelBetteronYourOwn Video Series and Symptoms Handbook (to be released in June 2013) * M.A., International Relations

Call: Paula at 917-533-8026. Limited seats. Pre-register. Email: Visit:

214 West 29th, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001.