October Events at a Glance
10/2: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown ~Private Event~
10/2: A Night of Meditation & Messages – Tori Quisling
10/3: The Alignment Within A Documentary on the Mayan Calendar and the 2012 Cosmic & Personal Alignment – Dr Jose Jaramillo
10/3: Encoding The Divine Rays (4th Ray/Green) – Anthony Citro
10/4: Orientation for Academy of Healing Nutrition Practitioner Course – Roger Green ~ FREE EVENT~
10/4: Body Language: The Essence of Non-Verbal Communication – Megan Gouldner
10/5: Becoming Energy 3D Quantum D and Human D – Alexander Duncan Cameron
10/5: Recovering Your Inner Groove – Estella Starr Albion
10/5: Ancient Ways for Modern Days Animal Totems – Rev: Kate Meth
10/6 & 10/7: Academy Healing Nutrition Practitioner Course – Roger Green ~Private Event~
10/6: Through The Sound (Trance) – Artist Dream
10/9: The Messages within 11 Days in May – JD Messinger
10/9: “Energize Your Health” See Yourself Feeling Great! – Jaimie Arkelian
10/9: Celtic Goddess Brigit’s Flame of Illumination – Dermot O Hara
10/10, 10/11, 10/12: Uncommon Kindness Three Buddhist Meditations to Awaken the Heart – Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
10/10: Free Introductory Evening on Interfaith Ministry ISIS Interfaith – Rev. Deborah Steen Ross
10/12: An Intimate Discussion on the Afterlife – Blanca Beyar
10/13: Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program – Jodi Serota ~Private Event~
10/13: Karuna Reiki Refresher – Kathie Lipinski
10/15: Presentación del nuevo libro: “Espiritualidad para una vida más fácil, simple y abundante” – Julio Bevione
10/15: SQ Wellness Satsang – Michelle Fitch
10/16: Yoga for Your Eyes – Mier Schneider
10/16: Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers – Suzy Meszoly
10/17: Preparation For Times To Come – Jodi Serota
10/17: Psychic Circle for Singles – Milou
10/18: A Look at the Year Ahead & Beyond – Susan Miller
10/18: The Quantum Revolution: Enlightenment – Now! – Dr. Michael Wayne
10/19 – 10/22: Creativity Workshop – Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
10/19: Awakening Heart: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
10/19: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev Barbara
10/22: “Living” – Lira Wright
10/23: Sound and Light Activation, Integration & Ascension – Suzy Meszoly
10/23: Sojourns of the Soul Workshop – Dana Micucci
10/23: Meditation: Connecting to Heaven and Earth Grounding – Finding Present – Time – Susan Feinbloom
10/24: Seashell Healing: What We Knew in Atlantis & Lemuria – Zabe Barnes
10/25 – 10/28: An Advanced Craniosacral Biodynamics Workshop – Presence in Stillness – Mike Boxhall
10/25: Inter-Dimensional Sacred Geometry – Zabe Barnes
10/26: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
10/26: Soul Path Empowerment – Zabe Barnes
10/29: Full Moon Halloween Fair – Spiritualist Church of New York City
10/29: Autumn Meditation Evenings : Creative Jouneys Within
– Anita Celeste
10/30: How to Grow Your Holistic Business with Social Media – Naini Nakagawa ~FREE EVENT~
Tuesday, October 2nd ~Private Event~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop with Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more information, go to Serving Those Who Serve at www.stws.org.
Tuesday, October 2nd
A Night of Meditation & Messages
Tori Quisling
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Join Tori Quisling, Clairvoyant Practitioner, for a night of meditation and messages. Tori will guide the group in a healing meditation that will allow you to access your own clairvoyant abilities along with mini-readings for each person in the group. Space is Limited.
Fee: $35. Pre-register – call Tori 516-423-1794.
Wednesday, October 3rd
The Alignment Within – A Documentary on the Mayan Calendar and the 2012 Cosmic & Personal Alignment
Dr. José Jaramillo
7:00pm – 9:30pm
After the screening Live Q&A and Mayan Calendar Lecture with Producer & Co-Director Dr. José Jaramillo
The time has come! The Great Mayan Cycle is completing. This film presents the Cosmic and Personal Alignments that are happening NOW. It explores how you can align yourself with these changes with the Mayan Calendar.
In today’s world more and more people are using the Mayan calendar and they all conclude that there is no better system to align our consciousness with the universe than the Mayan calendar. Also they all agreed that the main purpose of the Mayan calendar is not only to align with the energies of the universe, but also to ultimately achieve an Alignment Within.
This event will go far beyond a movie screening. Dr. Jose Jaramillo will join us in person, for a live Q & A and Mayan calendar lecture. Each person who attends will receive a FREE DVD of “Between 2 Worlds” ($15 value), the prequel to The Alignment Within. You will learn your Mayan Calendar Day Sign. Those who purchase tickets in advance and provide their date of birth will receive a printed copy of their Mayan Day Sign.
Admission Fee: $25. More information and to register call : (619) 559-4493 or visit www.maya1320.com
Wednesday, October 3rd (Rescheduled from August, 2012)
Encoding The Divine Rays – (4th Ray/Green)
Facilitated by Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 10:00pm
Here in the fourth installment of this series of experiential events focusing on connecting energetically with the Divine Rays of Creation, we will explore the Green Ray, or 4th Ray. The First Ray brings us awareness of God’s Will in Action; the Second Ray allows us to accept God’s Love in Unity, and the Third Ray impels us to move forward and create into form, following the dictates of Divine Intelligence. The Fourth Ray harmonizes responsibly the Process of Creation, forging Beauty out of Chaos. Thus it is supremely the Ray of the Artist.
Aligned midway between the spectrum of ‘color’ of the Seven Major Rays, it ultimately is concerned with physical existence itself, and represents Humanity, all of our triumphs of achievement, and even our experience of Death. It focuses the Will to destroy limitation. It mirrors our sense of separation from Source, and how we eventually return to Oneness. Throughout the evening, we will be Guided and Graced with the Blessed Presence of the Elohim Purity and Astrea, who govern the Fourth Ray. As the Fourth Ray is not yet in full Incarnation in our Dimension on the Planet, calling upon and accepting It’s Light will prove very valuable a service for any Light Bearer in assisting with ushering in the Golden Age. The Elohim, along with Archangel Gabriel and His Archeia Hope (whose Magnificent Twin Presence presides over the Fourth Ray), will stimulate our Intuitive Bodies to consciously integrate the fullness of who we truly are!
As well, we will connect with the Chohan of the Fourth Ray, Paul the Venetian, who in many of His physical incarnations strove to bring into focus the ability of Art to ‘capture the moment’, thus illuminating Mankind’s journey out of darkness and into full Ascension. Here He will encode the Green Ray within us, encouraging an opening to the ‘Artful Creation’ of our own Life, our own Self Mastery. We can then fully understand and exude the qualities inherent in serving the Light, and the Divine, precipitating the Green Ray’s arrival on the Planet sooner and with more effectiveness. In raising our own Consciousness to hold this Energy, we can manifest the Ascension of the Planet with more Harmony, less stress to Mother Earth, and grow in kindness and compassion towards each other as the rule of the day, not as simply a sporadic act or an ideal.
Exchange: $33.00. Register: AscensionLightSource@live.com / 212.726.2761. www.AscensionLightSource.com
Thursday, October 4th ~ FREE EVENT~
Orientation for Academy of Healing Nutrition Practitioner Course, starting Oct 6th & 7th, 2012
Roger Green
7:30pm – 9:00pm
Are you passionate about natural healing? Are you interested in learning to use foods as medicine? Do you believe that nutrition is crucial in restoring and maintaining wellbeing? Join us this evening and find out how you can turn your passion for nutrition and natural healing into a rewarding career. Becoming a Certified Nutritional Coach will empower you to change your life and help others lead healthy, fulfilling lives.
Coming to the orientation is a great opportunity to meet AHN staff and graduates, get your questions answered, check out our one-of-a-kind curriculum guides, learn about our healing, rejuvenating Longevity Diet, and just enjoy the evening in a company of like-minded people. We look forward to meeting you!
To register for this event call: Inga at 646 812 0091. Email: inga@academyhealingnutrition.com. For more information about the course, tuition and schedule, visit us at www.academyhealingnutrition.com
Thursday, October 4th
Body Language: The Essence of Non-Verbal Communication
Megan Gouldner
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Non-Verbal communication cannot be faked. You may be familiar with information such as how to hold your body a certain way, steeple your hands or shake hands just so in order to appear confident and in control. But the truth is that such tricks aren’t likely to work unless what you are truly FEELING is confident and in charge.
You cannot control all of the signals you are constantly sending out about what you are really thinking or feeling. Our deep subconscious thoughts effect the subtle energy of our bodies sending messages much louder than what our gross movements contain.
To truly understand Non-Verbal Communication, you must become adept at sensing, FEELING, the messages your own body sends out in response to others. And to learn how to communicate most effectively you must continuously master the art of listening.
Join Megan Gouldner for an enlightening evening as she discusses the subtle keys to effective Non-Verbal Communication.
Fee: Pre- register by Sept. 24th – $30.00 – after 9/24 or at the door $45.00. – To attend and register call Maureen @215-431-8838 or maureenmalone@earthlink.net
Friday, October 5th
Becoming Energy 3D Quantum D & Human D
– The 3rd in the Series of Talks
Alexander Duncan Cameron of the Montauk Project
& The Philadelphia Experiment
7:15pm – 10:00pm
Come join us as Duncan takes us on a journey into energy fields – this plane and others through quantum mechanics.
Understand the construction/birthing of energy fields and the application for everyday living. Learn of the sponsors/archetypal energies/protectors role in our passage from the non physical into the physical.
As Duncan voices “The concept that the Natural Order is in balance and life supporting is age old. We all impute daily to these fields of energy, and do change individually, collectively- ourselves and reality. So let’s support true intimacy (closeness of exchange) so the mind is relieved of extraneous noise and can vibrate simply with this coherent unified field.”
Participate in a group dynamic energy field clearing/enhancing of a Hi-Fi sound system
Cost: $29 (cash at the door).
Friday, October 5th
Recovering Your Inner Groove
– Enchanted Guided Meditation & Healing
Estella Starr Albion
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Join in a sacred space of fun, enchantment, and journeying into your deepest spaces connecting to the divinity that you are and is all. We will gather and our energies mingling will create a sacred space where we easily and playfully reach that space where we connect with the vast truth of who we are, we commune, and we heal. There you will be guided in releasing all that does not serve your highest expression of being.
Estella Starr Albion is a vibrational healer who incorporates vibrational and subconscious shifting into fun and enchanting guided meditations ~ play and raise your vibration! We will be sitting/lying on floor. Have your water and cozy wear. Cushions provided.
$20./Online by 10/3~ $25./Door. Register by emailing VibrationalSystemsShifting@Gmail.com or going to GetYourInnerGrooveOnMeditation.Eventbrite.com
Friday, October 5th
Ancient Ways for Modern Days – Animal Totems
Rev: Kate Meth
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Learning to identify & communicate with your power animals.
The animal kingdom holds much wisdom and can be very helpful to us when we need guidance, healing and insight. Each of us comes into this life with nine power animals that represent our personal totem. These nine animals help us to understand our unique gifts, talents and abilities and how to make the most of them. In this workshop, using the wisdom and ways gathered from many native tribes, you will identify your nine power animals, learn the messages each has for you and begin to understand how to apply this information to help you in your daily life.
For thirty years Kate has worked with Fortune 100 companies as a corporate communications executive. In 2005 she embarked on a spiritual journey that took her across three continents where she learned profound life lessons from shamans, healers and spiritual leaders. She is a Shamanic Messenger, Reiki Master, EFT Practitioner, Spiritual Coach, Ordained Interfaith Minister and on the faculty of the International Seminary for Interfaith Studies (ISIS).
Fee: $50. Email isisinterfaith@gmail.com to register.
Saturday, Oct 6th & Sunday, Oct 7th
Academy Healing Nutrition Practitioner Course
Weekend 1. Days 1 & 2
(Note: This event is open only to students registered for the whole program)
Roger Green
9:30am – 5:00pm
This is the first weekend of the 10-month Certified Holistic Health Counseling practitioner course with Academy of Healing Nutrition. This weekend students will learn basic insights to the Longevity Diet Therapy, Food Energetics, 5 Elements theory, the difference between the Eastern and Western approach to healing, importance of digestion in overall health and the food-mood connection.
The module is taught by Roger Green, Academy director, and Marian Buck-Murray, Academy graduate and Healing Foods Specialist.
Academy Healing Nutrition is the only school that combines the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Macrobiotics, Weston A. Price Foundation and Western nutritional theories. Training includes cooking classes, extensive student resources, binders, intake forms and access to the online student community.
If you are interested in taking the course, call Inga, our course coordinator: 646-812-0091, or email inga@academyhealingnutrition.com. For more information about the program, faculty, payment plans and schedule visit our website: www.academyhealingnutrition.com
Saturday Evening, Oct 6th
Through The Sound (Trance )
Join Artist Dream for an evening of expansion with Didgeridoo Sound Meditation, Drumming & Mystical Trance Dance
7:30pm to 10:00pm
Don’t rush your summer, rather extend it to. Together we will tap into the original sound between heaven and earth with our collective dreaming to encourage Peace, Love and Prosperity within ourselves and our global community for the greater good. We are the change we want to experience.
Contribution: $20 online via PayPal. $25 at the door. Healthy snacks & refreshments will be provided. Contact information at www.theartistdream.com and worldwindr@yahoo.com.
Tuesday, October 9th
The Messages within 11 Days in May
With JD Messinger, with book signing and Q&A Session
6:30pm -9:30pm
11 Days in May was channeled through JD in eleven days in May 2012. As JD puts it, “The book wrote itself and named itself and wouldn’t allow me to change it.” The book is a collection of 36 short parables that answer the great questions, who am I, why am I here, what is love, war, matter, death and more (see the table of contents).
JD Messinger, former E&Y Consulting CEO, nuclear submariner officer, TV and radio host, will weave together a series of amazing stories from his near death, out of body and visions, beginning in January 2000 when he broke his neck and left his body. Over a period of twelve years he conducted extensive research in physics, theology, brainwaves, hypnosis, healing modalities, philosophy, and researched DNA and metaphysics. From over 400 books, 300 interviews from his radio show, and hundreds of research studies from some of the world’s greatest thought leaders, JD will share the essence of: thoughts, intentions, synchronicities, brainwaves, and other metaphysical phenomena.
Early Pre-Registration $33 ($44 at the door). Participants save 50 % on the hardcover at this event. For more details and early registration visit: http://www.jdmessinger.com/shop/event/nyc-meta-center-11-days-may-jd-talk-signing-and-qa
Tuesday, October 9th
“Energize Your Health” See Yourself Feeling Great!
Jaimie Arkelian ~Medical Intuitive~
6:30pm – 9:00pm
The thought is this – your body functions like a computer, the body is “on” or “off”. In other words, you are strong or weak in any given issue. Pain is a sign that something is “off” within the body energy. This method goes beyond the physical body and into the root of the issue that is preventing the bodies even energy flow. A correction is made to clear and correct the energy so that it can flow evenly and freely as it should thus letting your physical body feel better which will lead you to feeling better on all levels.
As a medical intuitive I often apply the body scan which allows me to work with the physical and emotional on many different levels, most bodies are very willing to communicate and divulge a large amount of very specific information if we learn to pay attention. My clients often describe experiencing a growing sense of wholeness and well-being and many report profound changes in sleeping patterns food cravings, emotions and more.
All corrections remove past attachments and emotions that hold us back from feeling 100% potential about our health and wellbeing Tonight Jaimie will make a connection with her audience members, questions from audience members and a demonstration of her readings. Jaimie is also a LTM, Energy Master & Psychic Healer.
Tonight’s event $35.00. Prepay $45.00 night of event. PayPal via~Jaimie Arkelian account: prosperity45@aol.com.
Tuesday, October 9th
Celtic Goddess Brigit’s Flame of Illumination
Dermot O Hara
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Explore the spontaneous creative fires of passion, fun and enlightenment. Come and embrace the flame of the ancient Celtic Goddess Brigit, daughter of the Tuatha De Danann (The Shining Ones). Discover Brigit’s sacred alchemy of the Smitty and learn how to increase your creativity, abundance, healing and passion for life as found within the Celtic lineage of Brigit’s craft: The flame of illuminating held within the ancient alchemy of the Smitty’s craft (the ancient fire craft of the blacksmith) as taught by Dermont.
Dermot’s ancestry traces back through 14 generations the lineage of his O’Hara Clan over 1000 years to a Blacksmiths forge in County Cork, Ireland. This lineage carries the flame of the Celtic Goddess Brigit. So powerful is this ancient Indigenious Pagan Goddess to the Irish People that even the Roman church in Ireland chose to adopt her as a Christian Saint. Today Dermot embraces the elements of Brigit alchemy carried through the generations of his family to the craft he practices to day as the Celtic Shaman a truly unique and original Natural born Healer.
The Celtic Healing Flame of Irelands ancient Goddess Brigit has burned brightly through all the ages awaiting the time of illumination that is 2012. To-day as a modern day Shaman Dermot now presents Brigit’s Healing craft through his 2012 Illumination Process Workshops, Private Soul Integration Sessions and Soulpath Psychic Mediumship Readings.
To register, call: 760 644 8025 or email: dermotohara@yahoo.com. www.dermotoharaonline.com. www.celticshaman.com. Twitter: rainbowspirit1. Facebook: celtic shaman Ireland.
Wed, Oct 10th, Thurs, Oct 11th & Friday, Oct 12th
Uncommon Kindness:
Three Buddhist Meditations to Awaken the Heart
Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
6:30pm – 9:00pm
“Uncommon kindness” arises when we recognize our similarity to others in seeking happiness and wishing to avoid suffering. We realize a life of empathy and kindness far exceeds the limited focus of a life lived with concern only for ourselves.
October 10th: Four contemplations on limitless kindness and love.
October 11th: The practice of tonglen for developing fearlessness in the face of suffering.
October 12th: Mindfulness and awareness meditations that form the ground of peace.
Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher who is known for his skill in communicating how Buddhist practice is relevant to our modern-day life.
Additional program and registration information can be found at www.mangalashribhuti.org/html/programs/compassion.html. Participate in any of the three evenings, or come for the entire program. Pre-register online to receive a discount. Full program: $120 online, $160 at the door. Single Talk: $45 online, $60 at the door. Students with ID Full program: $70 online, $110 at the door. Students with ID Single Talk: $25 online, $40 at the door.
Wednesday, October 10th ~FREE EVENT~
Free Introductory Evening on Interfaith Ministry
ISIS Interfaith (Int. Seminary for Interfaith Studies)
With Rev. Deborah Steen Ross
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Are you looking for a different concept in Interfaith Ministry? One that is relevant to the shifting and changing energies and times we are going through?
Are you concerned that ministry, even Interfaith Ministry, does not do enough to support peoples’ spiritual and energetic emergence on this planet?
Are you ready to become part of the solution?
Come join Rev. Deborah Steen Ross, Founder and Director of ISIS, for an exciting and informative evening of what it means to minister from a higher place inside yourself: one of wholeness, Oneness, and inclusivity, and to explore why this program might be your next step into “Ministering Into the Shift”.
To RSVP, please call 212 864 2243.
Friday, October 12th
An Intimate Discussion on the Afterlife
Blanca Beyar
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Spend a healing evening with Blanca Beyar, a Spiritual Guru, author and Intuitive Channeler, as she shares her insights on the Afterlife and how we all can experience the loving presence of beloved souls, who continue to live in another state of experience but wish for us to know that they are still with us. Blanca will take questions and open a field to the afterlife to see if any messages are presented to the audience. Feel the love of the Hereafter! This will be an unforgettable event, full of healing energy!
Cost of Seminar is $44.00 per person. Limited seating; must register to attend. To register, please go to: http://blancabeyar.eventbrite.com/. http://blancabeyar.org
Saturday, October 13th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program
– A New Program for Ascending into 2012
With Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides
10:00am – 6:00pm
A Channeled 12 Month Intensive Multi-Dimensional Mastery Program for those serious about living authentically on Earth with internal and external peace & knowing & manifesting your purpose through your full Creation Expressed.
For more information, call 212 736 0999 Ext.1 or email events@metacenterny.com. Only those enrolled in the program are permitted to attend.
Saturday, October 13th
Karuna Reiki Refresher
Kathie Lipinski
9:30am – 5:30pm
Karuna is the Reiki of compassion and the development of the divine feminine, the intuitive, the receptive, the allowing energy. With all the craziness of today’s world, Karuna is so needed now to balance all the outer/masculine world events.
Come back to the energy of the Divine Feminine. Come refresh your spirit. Join me for a day of renewal, balancing and healing for your spirit!
This day includes: * Questions and answers * Review of the Karuna symbols Meditation with the Karuna symbols * Re-attunement * Lots of hands on table work * Chanting and much more
This refresher class is only for those that have already completed Karuna Practitioner/Master class. You will need to send me your certificate of completion if you did not already take Karuna class with me.
Fee $100. Class size limited so register early. Contact Kathie Lipinski to register. Email: kathiekaruna95@aol.com. Tel: 631-360-6722. www.reikihypnosis.com
Monday, October 15th
Presentación del nuevo libro: “Espiritualidad
para una vida más fácil, simple y abundante”
Julio Bevione
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Todo lo creado en nuestro universo tiene un diseno perfecto. Nuestra tarea es darnas cuenta que somos mucho mas que este cuerpo que habitamos y comenzar a vivir desde esa nueva concienca.
La naturaleza nos muestra como los procesos de la vida son faciles, simples y abundantes. Una aparene perdida no es mas que el anticipo de algo nuevo y todo lo que ocurre en ese proceso tiene una razon de ser.
Asi puede ser nuestra vida, si lo permitimos. Mas facil, de procesos simples y con experiencias de abundancia constantes. Hay una parte de nosotros que seimpre supo estas verdades. Y esa es el alma.
Este libro esta escrito para ayudar a reconectarnos con el alma. Porque solo asi la vida puede ser mas facil, simple and abundante.
Julio Bevione, maravilloso comunicador, motivador y coach, propone en sus conferencias, libros y retiros maneras faciles de vivir y sentirnos mejor.
Tickets $35 – incluye el libro de regalo. Para mas informacion llama al 201-951-6042. Email: Silvia Nielsen – silvianielsen-906@hotmail.com. Website: Juliobevione.com
Monday, October 15th
SQ Wellness Satsang
Facilitated by Michelle Fitch
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Through the ages, people have sought the wisdom, support and connectedness of community – particularly during challenging times.
Join us each month as we come together to explore ancient teachings, techniques, and tools to navigate life as taught by Master Teacher, Derek O’Neill. Each gathering begins by listening to one of Derek’s discourses on topics as varied as “Looking at Your Life Patterns”, “The Root Cause of Suffering”, “The Art of Manifestation” and the Bhagavad Gita. The night concludes with a group discussion of the evening’s discourse, and an opportunity to share life’s challenges, seek support and perhaps walk away with a fresh perspective. All are welcome as there is truly something here for everyone, all you need to bring is an open mind and heart.
For more information on Derek O’Neill and SQ Wellness, please visit us at: www.SQ-Wellness.com.
Exchange for this event is on a by donation basis. To register, please contact Michelle Fitch at Premalight@gmail.com.
Tuesday, October 16th
Yoga for Your Eyes
Meir Schneider
6:00pm – 7:30pm
Learn how to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness through basic, yoga-like exercises with Dr. Meir Schneider who healed himself of congenital blindness and developed his own original holistic approach to health.
This unique method involves progressive yet practical instruction that will enable you to prevent eye disease. You will also receive an introduction to Meir’s new book, Vision for Life, which explores connections between the visual system and the body and will teach you how to sharpen your vision. Discover a new way to see well without glasses or contacts and correct eyestrain by developing healthy new habits. Be the master of your health today and you just might improve your vision permanently.
To register call WBAI at 212-209-2826 or 415-665-9574. He will be available for sessions at the META Center on Oct 14-17, but only in the mornings on the 16th & 17th.
Tuesday, October 16th
Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers
Channeled by Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm
With this activation, the Master Teachers, Beings of Light, will come and spend 40 days inside your physical bodies bringing you back to vital physical, emotional and mental health. They will create a healing bridge with each person starting with this session and offer a powerful meditation and lifestyle protocol. This is a deeply physical experience during the channeled meditation, which realigns imbalances, addresses chronic and “incurable” illness and tunes individuals’ frequencies to a higher resonance. Over the past few months of presenting this program several participants have reported “miracle” healing, so please bring your open mind and prepare for a quantum leap in consciousness.
Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly, performs the psychic surgery channeled program, acting as the nurturing bridge that holds the Light and radiates this divine high frequency to participants. Suzy’s teachings are grounding and practical, offered joyously with empathy and humor.
$25 prepaid, $35 at the door. To register and pay for your ticket, please go to www.crystalclearmasterteachers.com/the-events.
Wednesday, October 17th
Preparation For Times To Come
With Jodi Serota
7:00pm – 9:45pm
As we gather together with 2 or more and the Divine, with pure intentions…We make wonderful miracles happen for ourselves & the highest of all.
Come co-create with us; renewing hope, and making a difference knowing we truly do have a magical, mystical world to continue to live in.
Join us as we prepare ourselves for the upcoming months of global and personal shifts.
Experience: * Channeled messages * Transmissions of Sound Resonance from the Councils & Hierarchies of Light, * Re-define your alignment with fuller recognition of the truth of your Divine Essence.
$20 in advance (MC, VISA, Discover, Checks accepted – all non-refundable). $25.00 cash only at the door. To register, call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext. 1. Seating is limited!
Wednesday, October 17th
Psychic Circle for Singles
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.
Price $20 at the door, or call Milou for reservation at (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.
Thursday, October 18th
“A Look at the Year Ahead and Beyond
with Astrologer Susan Miller”
6:30pm – 10:00pm
Astrologer Susan Miller, founder of AstrologyZone.com, will conduct a lively interactive talk about the year 2012 and the years beyond. Three major outer planets are changing signs in 2012: Neptune has just entered Pisces for a 14-year stay, Jupiter will enter Gemini in June for 1 year, and in October, Saturn will move into Scorpio for nearly 3 years.
This means that many of the toughest planetary placements of recent years are rapidly dissolving, and new, gentler, and more encouraging planetary placements will replace them. These planetary movements, as well as the year’s coming eclipses, will usher in a new, exciting environment and much opportunity, allowing you to finally bolt the door on the past and shape a better future.
Susan will explain how you can take advantage of the changes that lie ahead. Susan’s talk will be drawn from her new 640-page book, “The Year Ahead 2012 and Beyond” that debuted April 17.
Ticket price, pre-reserved: $35.00. At the door: $40.00. RSVP/For more information, please call my publisher, Arthur, at America Direct Books: 914 271 3640 x 12. Sorry, no cancellations after October 15th, 2012 midnight EDT.
Thursday, Oct 18th
The Quantum Revolution: Enlightenment – Now!
Dr. Michael Wayne
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Calling All Revolutionaries or Evolutionaries: Are you ready to help take our crisis-filled world and help transform it into a new, enlightened, sustainable, open, loving, compassionate and holistic society?
Now more than ever, a shift is needed. We cannot continue on the path we are on. We have it within our midst to do something.
And if you have it within you, if there is a spark looking to be awakened and triggered, or if you are already awakened, then be ready to join the Quantum Revolution!
The collective dream of humanity for many millennia has been to create a peaceful and enlightened world. At first it was just mystics who dreamed of it, but the numbers now are growing exponentially. This collective dream has entered the realm of the mind sphere – the noosphere – and is ready to be unleashed.
Come to this program and be ready to be enlightened, to see what many are now seeing, and to dream the dream. It will change your life, and the lives of many others, all for the better – you owe it to yourself.
Dr. Michael Wayne is a practitioner of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and Integrative Medicine, and is the author of three books. His forthcoming book The Quantum Revolution, is due out later this year. He has been featured in numerous publications, including Whole Living, the New York Post, and Alternative Medicine. Marianne Williamson has said of him, “Michael Wayne has brought us closer to the understanding we need in order to heal ourselves, each other, and the world.”
Fee: $25. For more information or to register, (518) 210-1557, mwayne2@mac.com, or http://www.quantumrevolution.net/events-2/
Friday, Oct 19th – Monday, Oct 22nd
Creativity Workshop
Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
10:30am – 1:30pm
The Creativity Workshop is an intensive 4 day class that teaches individuals in all disciplines ways to develop their unique creativity and use it in their lives and work.
The Creativity Workshop achieves this through a specially designed series of techniques in creative writing, memoir, free-form drawing, collage, and storytelling.
The Workshop helps its participants tap into their muses, discover and use images from the unconscious, get over creative blocks and the fear of failure, engage the power of curiosity, use memories to spark the imagination, and develop a daily practice to accomplish these goals.
Pre-registration required. For more information and registration go to: www.creativityworkshop.com
Friday, October 19th
Awakening Heart: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
Turn Class/Whirling 6:45pm
Dances of Universal Peace 7:30pm
“Although we seem to be in a world of song and dance, we are most concerned with peace on earth.” (Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis).
As a circle, we co-create an atmosphere of Heart with Meditation, Movement/Dance, Sacred Names, Music and Walking Practices based upon the in-the-world, Universal spirituality brought from India to the West by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, and of worldwide sacred traditions. Those of all paths (and no particular path) are welcome; no previous experience is necessary.
…I am teaching this music & dancing…to increase Joy, not awe toward another person but bliss in our own self. This is finding God within, through experience.” (Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis).
Space Contribution: Turn Class $5; Dances of Universal Peace $15; Information (646) 924-9957; halway@comcast.net.“
Friday, October 19th
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Kick your shoes… relax!!! Simply BE in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing on various levels of your BEING. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Archangels and allow yourSelf to be open to your own intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Beings of light. In addition, loving messages are channeled for each individual and the circle as a whole, and is offered to support your own insights as well as for your continued growth and enlightenment. The evening concludes with a lovely guided meditation and energy healing to crown and heart chakras. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.
Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Christ Light Healer and Spiritual Counselor. She speaks Language of Light and often channels enlightening messages from the Beloved Rainbow Council during healing circles and private healing sessions. She also offers a monthly ‘Day of HEALing” that provides affordable private healing sessions at META Center. Her commitment to healing work is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for your Soul, heart, mind and body to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.
$25.00 at the door or register online at http://www.sanctuaryofdivinelight.com/exchange. For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553 or bdominick55@hotmail.com.
Monday, October 22nd
Lira Wright
6:30pm – 9:30pm
In her works called “Living,” Lira will share some of her authentic experiences of her sacred journey of 17 years with Earth/Sky co-creations. Her calling came seemingly out of the blue and her initiations were activated, demanded and realized through ever deeper rabbit holes.
“Sacred journeys” called her around the world often alone and sometimes requesting groups. Her voice is to inspire and encourage others to follow their intuition and to keep going through the storms and bliss, peaks and valleys. She will share in depth her recent mission to co-create with Earth’s Moon & Saturn’s Moon, and also how this may effect evolution in upcoming months.
In the second part of the evening, she will share “Discovery Groups.” She allows Spirit’s expression in multi-dimensional formats such as tonal frequencies, channeling, meditations and emptiness as gateways to personal and collective awakening.
Website bio. www.livingshaman.com. Exchange: $30 RSVP: email. liranow@gmail.com or call 951 765-7507.
Tuesday, October 23rd
Sound and Light Activation. Integration and Ascension: Divine Light Activation with Himalayan Bowls, Metatron and the Master Teachers
Suzy Meszoly
7.00pm – 9.00pm
While acting as a bridge for the Metatronic energy field, Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly plays the Himalayan bowls, creating an integration sound field while channeling the Divine Light. Suzy has been playing the bowls for nearly 15 years in her energetic healing practice with private clients, where she combines sound healing with healing touch and channeled light.
Bringing bowls back from her pilgrimages to Nepal, she has selected those which are hand made from seven metals and which have been blessed by her Tibetan teachers. The metal bowls have the simple power of creating a unifying energetic field, allowing for the integration of human experience without judgment, without fear; with this integration there is a great expansion into the “I AM” awareness.
(Participants will be lying down for these activations, please bring your own blankets and cushions).
Suzy creates a powerful energetic space, acting as a bridge for this Divine Energy to enter participants of the workshop, to help them align with their Divine Heart, remember their Source and become active in the ascension process. By integrating all human experience, we become vehicles of Divine Light and are prepared for the activation of the Light Ascension Body.
$35 with pre-registration, $40 at the door. http://www.crystalclearmasterteachers.com/. To pre-register purchase your tickets using Paypal from the website under events.
Tuesday, October 23rd
Sojourns of the Soul Workshop
Dana Micucci
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Celebrated journalist Dana Micucci’s workshop, based on her latest book, Sojourns of the Soul: One Woman’s Journey around the World and into Her Truth (Quest Books), takes you on a transformative journey through the chakras towards enlightenment.
Dana will weave together teachings and experiential practices from the diverse/spiritual wisdom traditions explored in her book through visits to seven of the most sacred places on earth—from the Australian Outback to Angkor in Cambodia, Egypt, Tibet, the Yucatan, New Mexico and Peru.
Balance and activate your chakras with meditations, energy work, shamanic practices and more. There will also be time for questions and dialogue. Come and empower your heart, mind and soul, and be inspired to live the life you’ve imagined!
Dana Micucci has enjoyed a decades-long career as a journalist and author writing about culture, travel and spirituality. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Town & Country, Harper’s Bazaar, Architectural Digest, Art & Antiques and many other well-known publications. Sojourns of the Soul is her fourth book. For more information, visit www.danamicucci.com. She is also trained in a variety of healing modalities.
Fee: $33. Register at dmicucci@earthlink.net. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a pillow or mat.
Tuesday, October 23rd
Meditation: Connecting to Heaven and Earth
Grounding – Finding Present – Time
Susan Feinbloom, Rev., LCSW, CMT, CHom
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Meditation is a time we go inward to infinity and cosmic consciousness to discover who we truly are. It’s when we experience stillness and begin to listen to our Higher Self.
Until we align vertically, to Heaven and Earth, we exist horizontally. Here we are oriented sideways – always listening to other people’s opinions and living their point of view. Our first 3 chakras (survival, emotions, and personal power) operate on external commands and imprints. At some point the question arises “Where do I fit into my own life?” Meditation is a time we awaken to who we truly are and find our pathway home.
In this workshop we will learn a pattern of meditation connecting to Heaven – our spiritual nature and guidance – Earth – our natural body – and Grounding – the ability to release the past, release imprints, thoughts and programs of others – and come into Present – time.
Susan Feinbloom is a gifted psychotherapist infusing clairvoyance and meditation into the psychotherapeutic process uncovering the truths revealed through the spiritual anatomy. She teaches clairvoyance, Shamanism, meditation and the chakras. www.susanfeinbloom.com
To register call (707) 326-7321 or email twilight@sonic.net.
Wednesday, October 24th
Seashell Healing: What We Knew in Atlantis & Lemuria
Zabe Barnes, Seashell Shaman
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Increase your healing potential with this blend of ancient and cutting-edge wisdom that can be used for self-healing and for working with others. Spirals embody the cosmic flow of creation and carry very strong healing energies. Using the various spirals found in seashells (crystals from the sea), we can create specific energetic vortexes and portals to facilitate deep healing and rapid transformation physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
During the evening you will receive powerful energy transmissions to open within you a profound remembering of ancient Lemurian and Atlantean healing wisdom. Advanced practitioners are struck by the strength, speed, and precision of this work; those new to working with energy learn to access the spiral energies almost immediately.
Investment: $35.00. Space limited-pre-registration recommended. To register contact Andre at info@allcanheal.com or call 501-318-4560. www.AllCanHeal.com. Zabe is available for private sessions at the META Center on Friday, Oct. 26th. All sessions include channeled messages, activations, healing, and more. To schedule an appointment, e-mail: info@allcanheal.com or call Andre at 501-318-4560.
Thursday, Oct 25th – Sunday, Oct 28th
Stillpoint Presents: An Advanced Craniosacral Biodynamics Workshop – Presence in Stillness
Mike Boxhall
9:00am – 6:00pm
Stillpoint is proud to present this post-graduate workshop in Presence in Stillness with Mike Boxhall. Mike will explore the premise that spirituality is not something that is acquired but is the essence of who we are-intrinsically at the heart of our embodied beings. Mike proposes that Craniosacral Therapy teaching is a perfect modality for embarking, in safety, on a journey of the spirit towards its source.
A major part of this work is to receive without judgment, and unencumbered by the limitations of the intellect, the truth of who we are, not of just being a reaction to our habituations. Mike will talk about the meaning of stillness and the importance of the recovery of the feminine principle in our work and in our lives. This receiving in stillness can be considered to be a re-balancing of the feminine and masculine principles. He will discuss the expansion of awareness, and the surrender of intellectual conceptualization in favor of just receiving without judgement.
According to Mike, a relevant description of BCST might be “Craniosacral Therapy at its tenderest is a journey taken by two or more people in company to a level of being where there is no pathology”. This workshop will consist of daily meditations, talks, table exchanges, group discussion and sharing.
Mike has been doing this work for the last 40 years and teaches in several countries. His new book, The Empty Chair-The Teaching not the T-Shirt is now available at Amazon.com. We are privileged to have Mike here in New York City for the first time in many years.
4-Day workshop fee: $700. For more information, prerequisites, and to request an application please contact: Clara Favale e-mail: cfavale@stillpointcst.com, Tel: 212.532.8539.
Thursday, October 25th
Inter-Dimensional Sacred Geometry
Zabe Barnes
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Prepare to be blown away by the powerful energy of this class. Discover how to navigate multiple levels of reality using advanced geometric light constructs. Discover how to travel between worlds, remaining fully rooted here and now as you expand out into the cosmos to harness energies that support you in all aspects of your life.
During the evening you will receive profound teachings and energy transmissions to open within you a deep inner knowing of the building blocks and movement of creation. Anyone can learn to harness these amazing energies.
Investment: $35.00. Space limited-pre-registration recommended. To register contact Andre at info@allcanheal.com or call 501-318-4560. www.AllCanHeal.com. Zabe is available for private sessions at the META Center on Friday, Oct. 26th. All sessions include channeled messages, activations, healing, and more. To schedule an appointment, e-mail: info@allcanheal.com or call Andre at 501-318-4560.
Friday, Oct 26th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:30pm
This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.
Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.
For more info go to: www.PaulSelig.com. Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 212 473 6388. A@NewRealities.com
Friday, October 26th
Soul Path Empowerment
Zabe Barnes
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Join master teacher Zabe Barnes for an evening of expansive awareness and increased clarity of direction. Zabe brings through powerful energy downloads for each member of the group in a way that is graceful, uplifting, and life-changing. Gain insights about your purpose and your path as you make profound internal shifts to ignite soul-driven actions and purposeful achievements.
During the evening you will receive profound teachings and energy transmissions to open you up to the full unfoldment of your soul path as you come to know your true divinity within the flow of creation.
Investment: $35.00. Space limited-pre-registration recommended. To register contact Andre at info@allcanheal.com or call 501-318-4560. www.AllCanHeal.com. Zabe is available for private sessions at the META Center on Friday, Oct. 26th. All sessions include channeled messages, activations, healing, and more. To schedule an appointment, e-mail: info@allcanheal.com or call Andre at 501-318-4560.
Monday, October 29th
Full Moon Halloween Fair
Sponsored by the Spiritualist Church of New York City
Readings: 6:30pm – 9:30pm
Healings: 6:30pm – 8:10pm
Spirit Message Circle: 8:30pm – 9:30pm
Come visit us at 2012’s most exciting Halloween Fair in the city, sponsored by the Spiritualist Church of NYC.
Featuring Psychic/Mediumistic Readings, Astrology and Tarot Readings, as well as various modalities of Energy Healing. Between your reading and healing hopping, mingle with our members and friends, and get to know who we are! At the end of the event, join us from 8:30pm – 9:30pm for a special Spirit Message Circle, enhanced by the energy of the FULL MOON, conducted by our President Emeritus, Rev. Stephen C. Robinson.
$40 for 20 min. Reading ($35 with coupon)
$25 for 20 min. Healing ($20 with coupon)
$20 for Spirit Message Circle
No advance appointment is necessary. For more information and coupon* download: http://www.spiritualistchurchnyc.com/Events.html * Printable one time use coupon. Limit one per person.
Monday, October 29th & Wednesday, November 14th – EVENT POSTPONED TO DEC 5TH
Autumn Meditation Evenings : Creative Jouneys Within
Anita Celeste
7:00pm – 8:30pm
As we move into Autumn, it is a good time to reconnect to ourselves, release what’s no longer serving us and set our intentions for the upcoming year. Anita will be offering two wonderful meditation evenings for recharging or realigning on a deeper level. Meditating with a group offers a powerful and supportive way to do that plus it reminds us that we are journeying here together and not alone. This will be a creative guided meditation focusing on our heart dreaming while connecting to Mother Earth and Source. Open to everyone at all levels. Feel free to bring notepads or sketchbooks.
Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design at School of Visual Arts and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. In addition she is a Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Healer (IET®), and Level One in Advanced Alchemy. View her website at www.anitaceleste.com.
$25 per meditation. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or anita@anitaceleste.com.
Tuesday, October 30th ~FREE EVENT~
Social Media & Email Marketing
Naini Nakagawa
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Enjoy this fun and exciting class with Naini Nakagawa, social media expert and founder of spiritual dating and holistic networking website called matchmyspirit.com. Naini is also a social media expert for email marketing giant Constant Contact and will present a workshop on Social Media and Email marketing. Learn about social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Pinterest. Come learn the importance of marketing using social media.
For questions, please email matchmyspirit@gmail.com. Register Here.
(212) 736 0999 Ext.1. info@metacenterny.com
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