Frequently Asked Questions
1 – What is the META Center New York / What does META stand for?
META Center New York – Multidimensional Education and Transformational Arts Center has been created as a sacred establishment where we rent out conference rooms & private office space for workshops, classes, conferences and seminars geared solely for purposes of spiritual educational, metaphysical, holistic and creative endeavors. The entire space is dedicated to Consciousness Raising, Healing, Personal Growth, Transformation & Creativity.
The word META means beyond, and it signifies transformation and change. It’s also a word in Sanskrit meaning love and/or wisdom. The name “META” Identifies all that the Center represents.
2 – Does the META Center have a religious affiliation?
No. This is a spiritual/metaphysical, humanitarian center with no formalized, structured religious affiliation. The Center represents a “Unity Consciousness” with global teachings, ancient wisdoms, and visionary ideas for moving forward in consciousness.
3 – Where do I find more information about Jodi Serota?
Visit Jodi’s website at www.jodiserota.com. Ask for information at the META Center New York, 214 West 29th St. 16th Floor (Btwn.7th & 8th Aves.). Fliers & Brochures on Jodi’s work are in display racks in META Center Lobby, FaceBook, & Linkedin.
4 – What type of events take place at the META Center?
Anything to do with Consciousness Raising, Healing, Personal Growth, Transformation, Any Form of the Arts, Music, Vibrational Healing, and Scientific Research on Vibrational Medicine. We focus on Metaphysical Teachings & Healing encompassing the whole being. We always aim to address the physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual bodies including working with all time, space, all dimensions, anything passed down through the lineages, generations and ancestries. Everything we offer at the Center is to assist in purposefully & lovingly living life from a higher conscious perspective for wellness, ease and enlightenment.
5 – How do I find out about upcoming events, and how can I subscribe to the META Center Monthly Calendar?
Click on the Event Calendar link on this website for a glance of all upcoming events. Join our email mailing list and every month we’ll send you our “Monthly Calendar of Events”. Be put on our list by: going to the Contact Us page and completing the form, or by calling us at META Center 212-736-0999 ext.1 or by stopping by and signing our list provided at the Center. Feel free to tell others to be on our list…Word of Mouth is a wonderful compliment. All Are Welcome!
6 – How do I register for events at the META Center?
Registration for individual events is handled by the speaker hosting the event. Details are listed at the end of the event information in the calendar. For specific events Jodi Serota or the META Center, you can call 212 736 0999 Ext. 1.
7 – Where is the META Center located and what are the closest subways?
META Center New York, 214 West 29th St., 16th Floor, Betwn. 7th & 8th Aves. NYC, NY. 10001. Subways: #1,2,3, A & C trains at Penn. Station. (34th St & 7th Ave.) # 1 train at 28th St. & 7th Ave.
8 – Where are the nearest parking lots?
On 29th St., between 7th & 8th Avenues. *Directly across the street from our building on the right hand side of street. There are also two additional parking lots on 29th St at 8th Avenue. The larger parking lot on left side stays open later.
9 – Where are the nearest hotels?
Hotel New Yorker, 34th & 8th Ave. (ask us about our Discounted Rates). Hotel Pennsylvania 34th & 7th Ave., Holiday Inn Express 29th St, between 7th & 8th Aves.
10 – What restaurants are close by?
There are a variety of restaurants right in walking distance from the Center ranging from all different cultures, price ranges and ambiance. Ask for recommendations or for our printed list when at the META Center.
11 – Do you sell food & drinks at the META Center?
We sell bottled spring water & healthy protein & energy snack bars. Food is allowed in our Lobby Area Only.
12 – I understand that Shoes are NOT allowed In Conference/Consultation Rooms. Why is this?
This is a Sacred Space and it keeps the Center clean, the energy of the space clear, and it also helps to keep people more grounded without shoes. We sell socks for $1 and can provide shoe coverings for special needs. Ped’s are available for free.
13 – Is The META Center wheel chair accessible?
Yes. We have 2 elevators and our restrooms, hallways and rooms are regulation size.
14 – What is the META Center Lost & Found policy?
If you leave something behind at the Center, please check with the staff at the front desk. Note: the META Center is not liable for any loss or damage to personal property.
15 – Can I leave my bike at the META Center during an event?
We only have room for up to 2 (folding) bikes & only if absolutely necessary. You must make arrangements in advance. Freight elevator is available Monday – Friday, 9am-12 Noon and 1pm until 4.45pm, no exceptions, otherwise you’ll need to take the stairs. (Note: we’re on the 16th fl.) We’d prefer that you leave bikes chained below on the street as we have limited space for storage.
16 – Are pets allowed?
The META Center has a no pet policy. You must show a certificate for a Service Dog.