New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: August 2012

August Events at META Center New York

August Events at a Glance

8/1: A Celebration of Divine LOVE – Victoria of Light from Aoteoroa, New Zealand
8/9: Count Down to Consciousness – Jodi Serota ~PRIVATE EVENT~
8/9: Free Introductory Evening on Interfaith Ministry ISIS Interfaith (Int. Seminary for Interfaith Studies) – Rev. Deborah Steen Ross ~FREE EVENT~
8/13 – 8/14: Akashic Record Mulitdimensional Channeled Readings/Vibrational Healings – Jodi Serota
8/14: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
8/14: Free Introductory Thai Massage Seminar – Christopher Totaro ~FREE EVENT~
8/15: Encoding The Divine Rays – (4th Ray/Green) – Anthony Citro
8/17 – 8/20: Creativity Workshop – Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
8/17: The New Moon Healing Ritual Powers of Intentions – Oscar Mokeme
8/17: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev. Barbara
8/20: The Alchemy of Dance – Leslie Zehr
8/21: Pineal Gland, Metatron & Suzy fresh from Lake Titicaca! – Suzy Meszoly
8/22: “A Look at the Year Ahead and Beyond” – Astrologer Susan Miller
8/23: Jodi Serota Channels a Powerful Vibrational Sound, Light & Color Concert – Unveiling the Ascension Codes of Consciousness
8/24: Psychic Message Circle – Psychic Medium Milou
8/25: Olivia Olkowski/Rock Exchange – Join to celebrate 10 Years of Oh! Olivia Healing Jewelry ~FREE EVENT~
8/29: Clairvoyant Workshop: Exploring Your Past Lives – Tori Quisling
8/30: How to Grow Your Holistic Business with Social Media – Naini Nakagawa ~FREE EVENT~

Wednesday, August 1st
Victoria of Light from Aoteoroa, New Zealand
A Celebration of Divine LOVE
7:00pm – 9:30pm

An invitation to you, a Celestial One, to Celebrate in the Oneness and LOVE….. as that of what the ones of us have been prepared for, have awaited for has entered into the Consciousness of the Now… “It is all about LOVE, nothing but LOVE”

Channeled messages will be shared with you to free you into the realization of who you are, what it is all about….Gifts and keys will be presented to attune you into the pure essence of your Godself through the consciousness of Goddess Hathor, Christ, Metatron and the Intergalactic Council of Light.

Travel through the multi dimensional realms as light beings transmit love messages and be in receivership of a message from your star system. Through channeled Aramaic messages, Celestial Light Languages, Sacred Sounds and Songs you will be elevated and recalibrated to a higher light frequency and there will be the further unlocking of your sacred soul encodement. Your physical temple will be healed, your divine heart opened and soul enlightened in readiment for Ascension and the Homecoming to the Paradise of the 13th Dimensional Star of pure LOVE.

Entry: $25 Visit.

Thursday, Aug 9th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program
– A New Program for Ascending into 2012
With Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides
7:00pm – 9:45pm

A Channeled 12 Month Intensive Multi-Dimensional Mastery Program for those serious about living authentically on Earth with internal and external peace & knowing & manifesting your purpose through your full Creation Expressed.

For more information, call 212 736 0999 Ext.1 or email Only those enrolled in the program are permitted to attend.

Thursday, August 9th
Free Introductory Evening on Interfaith Ministry
ISIS Interfaith (Int. Seminary for Interfaith Studies)
With Rev. Deborah Steen Ross, Director
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Are you looking for a different concept in Interfaith Ministry? One that is relevant to the shifting and changing energies and times we are going through?

Are you concerned that ministry, even Interfaith Ministry, does not do enough to support peoples’ spiritual and energetic emergence on this planet?

Are you ready to become part of the solution?

Come join Rev. Deborah Steen Ross, Founder and Director of ISIS, for an exciting and informative evening of what it means to minister from a higher place inside yourself: one of wholeness, Oneness, and inclusivity, and to explore why this program might be your next step into “Ministering Into the Shift”.

To RSVP, please call 212 864 2243.

Monday, August 13th & Tuesday, August 14th
Jodi Serota Presents
2 Full days of back-to-back ½ hr. Affordable Mini Sessions of…
Akashic Record Mulitdimensional Channeled Readings/Vibrational Healings
½ hr by appointment only – $65 Non-refundable.
11:00am – 8:00pm

I have been guided at this time to offer special assistance from The Hierarchies of Light as we have all been moving into accelerated times for our evolution & consciousness. Our systems are being rebooted, upgraded, redefined, and fine-tuned physically and vibrationally.

My Master Guides have strongly suggested that I offer affordably priced ½ hr. mini sessions for more availability to activate or initiate personal codes of consciousness for the truth of the Divine Presence to be recognized and anchored for the manifestation of purpose and happiness on the planet.

This experience of their loving information and healing support, will serve to assist with cleansing karmic residue still lingering, and triggering suffering from energetic charges stemming from past memories from all time, space and dimensions.

This preparation of refinement, awakening and recalibration will help to enable the fuller opening of the heart center connecting directly to the Unified Field of “The Absolute” of Light & Love. The result of this will be a stepping up of personal resonance and frequency enabling a true feeling of being consistently connected and supported by The All.

These activations and initiations are for transmuting lingering miasms in the etheric field that keeps one in perception of limitation, suffering, sabotage, fear, separation and loss. This vibrational alignment and unveiling of the codes is required & essential for shifting consciousness and for direct connection to all that exists, to feel who you are in relation to the greater whole.

Allow for receiving and enjoying greater love, loving and to know you’re lovable and not alone. Enjoy the dispensations from the Hierarchies of Light to assist you in this necessary inner work that is essential for enlightenment as the ascension process is currently happening within us all and on the Earth.

Mini ½ hr. Sessions: $65. By appointment only. For Reservations: Call META Center on 212 736 0999 Ext.1. Sessions may sell out, so call immediately to hold your space.

Tuesday, August 14th ~FREE EVENT~
Free Introductory Thai Massage Seminar
Deep Root Yoga & Massage
With Christopher Totaro, LMT
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Experience how Thai Massage creates deep relaxation while releasing areas of tension and increasing energy levels. Developed by a physician in India and influenced by the healing properties of yoga, Thai Massage’s benefits include increased flexibility, improved circulation, improved neurological function, and relief from pain and degenerative disease and illness.

All are welcome to sample the offerings of Deep Root Thai Massage with Christopher Totaro, trained in Thailand and certified by The Thailand Ministry of Public Health. As a New York State Licensed Massage Therapist, Christopher works from a perspective of anatomical precision and tailors each session to accommodate clients’ various physical conditions. Come join us whether you’ve heard of Thai Massage but know little about it or if you’re experienced and are looking to explore further.

Arrive wearing loose-fitting clothing; leave with an understanding of how Thai Massage restores balance to your entire mind—body organism.

For more information, please visit: Admission is FREE. To register, please contact

Wednesday, August 15th
Encoding The Divine Rays – (4th Ray/Green)
Facilitated by Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 10:00pm

Here in the fourth installment of this series of experiential events focusing on connecting energetically with the Divine Rays of Creation, we will explore the Green Ray, or 4th Ray. The First Ray brings us awareness of God’s Will in Action; the Second Ray allows us to accept God’s Love in Unity, and the Third Ray impels us to move forward and create into form, following the dictates of Divine Intelligence. The Fourth Ray harmonizes responsibly the Process of Creation, forging Beauty out of Chaos. Thus it is supremely the Ray of the Artist.

Aligned midway between the spectrum of ‘color’ of the Seven Major Rays, it ultimately is concerned with physical existence itself, and represents Humanity, all of our triumphs of achievement, and even our experience of Death. It focuses the Will to destroy limitation. It mirrors our sense of separation from Source, and how we eventually return to Oneness. Throughout the evening, we will be Guided and Graced with the Blessed Presence of the Elohim Purity and Astrea, who govern the Fourth Ray. As the Fourth Ray is not yet in full Incarnation in our Dimension on the Planet, calling upon and accepting It’s Light will prove very valuable a service for any Light Bearer in assisting with ushering in the Golden Age. The Elohim, along with Archangel Gabriel and His Archeia Hope (whose Magnificent Twin Presence presides over the Fourth Ray), will stimulate our Intuitive Bodies to consciously integrate the fullness of who we truly are!

As well, we will connect with the Chohan of the Fourth Ray, Paul the Venetian, who in many of His physical incarnations strove to bring into focus the ability of Art to ‘capture the moment’, thus illuminating Mankind’s journey out of darkness and into full Ascension. Here He will encode the Green Ray within us, encouraging an opening to the ‘Artful Creation’ of our own Life, our own Self Mastery. We can then fully understand and exude the qualities inherent in serving the Light, and the Divine, precipitating the Green Ray’s arrival on the Planet sooner and with more effectiveness. In raising our own Consciousness to hold this Energy, we can manifest the Ascension of the Planet with more Harmony, less stress to Mother Earth, and grow in kindness and compassion towards each other as the rule of the day, not as simply a sporadic act or an ideal.

Exchange: $33.00. Register: / 212.726.2761.

Friday, August 17th – Monday, August 20th
Creativity Workshop
Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
10:30am – 1:30pm

The Creativity Workshop is an intensive 4 day class that teaches individuals in all disciplines ways to develop their unique creativity and use it in their lives and work.

The Creativity Workshop achieves this through a specially designed series of techniques in creative writing, memoir, free-form drawing, collage, and storytelling.

The Workshop helps its participants tap into their muses, discover and use images from the unconscious, get over creative blocks and the fear of failure, engage the power of curiosity, use memories to spark the imagination, and develop a daily practice to accomplish these goals.

Pre-registration required. For more information and registration go to:

Friday, August 17th
The New Moon Healing Ritual Powers of Intentions
With Oscar Mokeme
6:30pm – 9:30pm

The theme for August is Manifesting your desires! How to clearly define your desires in order to manifest your intentions!!!

Step One: We enter into silent walking meditation by invoking the seven spirits of Chineke: The spirit of Lordship, the spirit of Wisdom, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of Understanding, the spirit of Counsel, the spirit of Might and the spirit of Respect. This process will explore your dreams, prophecies, discovering with moves you, and what is holding you back, your passion and envisioning.

Step two: Defining our ultimate desire in order to manifest it by the next full moon.

Step three: Sowing our desire with faith and trusting in its manifestation.

In many ancient cultures the phases of the moon are celebrated and honored. The new moon is recognized as a sign of new beginnings while the full moon is a sign of completion.

We will conclude the evening by witnessing an African Spirit mask come to life.

The presentation will make African masks and art from Oscar’s collection come alive in a powerful learning experience. The Spirit mask will bless and help each participant release whatever holds him or her back from manifesting their intentions. It is our dream that these intentions will be realized by the next full moon. An experience of a lifetime! The idea is to interpret and translate traditional Igbo principles and values into a Western concepts.

Oscar Mokeme comes from a long Igbo lineage of healers, Umu-Dibia, from Nigeria with over 35 years of experience. He was awarded Traditional Healer Master by The Maine Arts Commission. His workshops have touched millions of people world wide.

Space is limited to 25 participants: Sponsored by the College of Arts & Sciences and the Office of Multicultural Affairs. Cost: $75. To register call: 347-855-1325.

Friday, August 17th
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Leave the workweek behind… Kick your shoes off and simply BE in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing on various levels of your BEING. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Archangels and allow yourSelf to be open to your own intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Beings of light. Prophetic insight and/or channeled messages, meditation and Christ Light healing to crown and heart chakras are always a part of this beautiful circle. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.

Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Christ Light Healer and Spiritual Counselor. She speaks and sings Language of Light and often channels enlightening messages during healing circles and private healing sessions. Her commitment to healing work is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for your Soul, heart, mind and body to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.

$25.00 at the door or register online at For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553 or

Monday, August 20th
The Alchemy of Dance
Leslie Zehr
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Reconnect to the ancient secrets of the Divine Feminine through Sacred Dance.

The last card of the Tarot, the Universe, is often referred to as the Universal Dancer. It is co-creation, the point where we are fully integrated with all of life and dance with the Universe. The Alchemy of Dance is the ancient dance of the Serpent Goddess. She teaches us the ancient ways of transmuting energy through our bodies using rhythm and primordial movements. In this interactive workshop women will learn how to reconnect with the earth’s rhythm using dance as a spiritual practice. Various methods such as initiation, kinetics as well as transmission are used to achieve this connection. Because the movements themselves are very basic to our nature anyone can learn them, you need not be a dancer or have any dance experience.

Leslie Zehr is an Esoteric Dance teacher from Egypt and author of The Alchemy of Dance: Sacred Dance as a Path to the Universal Dancer. After becoming initiated in Upper Egypt in 2002, she developed a simple method of teaching sacred dance and esoteric wisdom that has taught many women from all over the world how to reconnect with the Divine feminine aspect within them. She uses energy work, archetypes, and alchemic principles in her teaching.

*This class is only open to women.

Cost $60 paid in advance Paypal, $75 at the door (cash) (Includes a copy of Leslie’s book The Alchemy of Dance). $50 for those repeating the workshop (does not include book). Contact info: Leslie;

Tuesday, August 21st
Pineal Gland, Metatron & Suzy fresh from Lake Titicaca!
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Suzy will be just returned from her journey to the Andes and Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia. She will have received the final element of the Metatronic key at the Island of the Sun. Suzy will be receiving this powerful key during an inter- dimensional ceremony held at the ancient temple led by her Peruvian shamanic mentor on Lake Titicaca, where as legend has it, the Sun was born. She will be returning there in July after ten years. When first there she received the “Golden Ball of Light” in the solar-plexus from the Lake, which was the beginning of this ten year multidimensional process.

According to the Akashic Records Suzy is one of the major energetic channels on the planet now for what is known as the Metatronic energetic field – Divine Light. This field is one of grounding, centering and integrating energy which is especially important now in our fragmented three dimensional plane. The Akashic Records speak of Metatron as simply Divine Love/Light and the necessity for the major human channels to stabilize the new portals into the fifth dimension for the benefit of all Beings as we transform on mass, together with the Earth, into a higher form of consciousness.

In this session we will be activating the Pineal Gland and allowing for us to become more stable beacons of Light for this very crucial period of gestation June 5- Dec 12, 2012. During the next few months the Master Teachers will be working with us to activate various energetic centers in our Light Body so that they are integrated and whole for the birth of our new global/cosmic consciousness. Suzy will also be doing a Merkaba activation during this session for all participants to step into their Light Ascension Vehicle and go for a joy ride!

Suzy creates a powerful energetic space, acting as a bridge for this Divine Energy to enter participants of the workshop, to help them align with their Divine Heart, remember their Source and become active in the ascension process. By integrating all human experience, without judgment, with fearlessness and unconditional love, we become vehicles of Divine Light and are prepared for the activation of the Light Ascension Body, the Merkaba. The Master Teachers provide instruction on activating this light body responsibly and its use in our lives and the extended life of our planet now.

$25 with pre-registration, $35 at the door.

Wednesday, August 22nd
“A Look at the Year Ahead and Beyond
with Astrologer Susan Miller”
6:30pm – 10:00pm

Astrologer Susan Miller, founder of, will conduct a lively interactive talk about the year 2012 and the years beyond. Three major outer planets are changing signs in 2012: Neptune has just entered Pisces for a 14-year stay, Jupiter will enter Gemini in June for 1 year, and in October, Saturn will move into Scorpio for nearly 3 years.

This means that many of the toughest planetary placements of recent years are rapidly dissolving, and new, gentler, and more encouraging planetary placements will replace them. These planetary movements, as well as the year’s coming eclipses, will usher in a new, exciting environment and much opportunity, allowing you to finally bolt the door on the past and shape a better future.

Susan will explain how you can take advantage of the changes that lie ahead. Susan’s talk will be drawn from her new 640-page book, “The Year Ahead 2012 and Beyond” that debuted April 17.

Ticket price, pre-reserved: $35.00. At the door: $40.00. RSVP/For more information, please call my publisher, Arthur, at America Direct Books: 914 271 3640 x 12. Sorry, no cancellations after August 17th, 2012 midnight EDT.

Thursday, August 23rd
Jodi Serota Channels a Powerful Vibrational Sound, Light & Color Concert
Unveiling the Ascension Codes of Consciousness
7:00pm – 9:45pm

Come Enjoy A Powerful Evening Channeled Concert guided specifically for those present.

Experience: • Transmissions of Audible Frequencies of Channeled Vibrational Light Languages for DNA Awakening & Karmic Clearing. • Healing, Cleansing & Initiations through Varied Vocal Octaves of Sound Resonance from the Music Of The Spheres. • Activations by Viewing Visual Vibration of Coded Sacred Artwork.• Infusions of Vibrational Light Transmissions & Guided Information For the Group, for Expansion & Higher Conscious Living.

We are currently going through a re-awakening, integration & embodiment of our Star Seeded Codes of Consciousness within, while in Physical Form as Humans on Earth. It is our time for our individual gifts of brilliance to be brought forth and fully expressed in full acknowledgement & service for the goodness of the whole.

Don’t miss this high resonance evening catalyzed by visual, audible & kinesthetic vibration.

$27 paid in advance, non-refundable by PayPal. $33 cash only at the door. To register, call META Center on 212-736-0999 Ext.1

Friday, August 24th
Psychic Message Circle
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, find a new job, or receive a message from departed love ones? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.

Price $20 at the door or call Milou for reservation at (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.

Saturday Aug 25th ~FREE EVENT~
Olivia Olkowski/Rock Exchange
Join to celebrate 10 Years of Oh! Olivia Healing Jewelry
11:00am – 5:00pm

A festive day of service and gratitude, as a thank you for your multiple purchases over the years, Olivia will be offering FREE Service for your Oh Olivia items, come clean, fix, shop, trade, and learn.

• FREE Jewelry Cleaning for 2 qty Oh! Olivia pieces • 1 fixing of minor repair (onsite only) • Exchange Oh! Olivia items with other attendees (You may have completed your work with a stone and may want to have something new) • Opportunity to trade-up for a new Oh Olivia creation • Shop for new creations for yourself, family and friends • Featuring Special Crystals, Gemstones and PowerPiece© items • As always, come by to learn more about the healing property of the stones

Please know that all cleaning, repairs, and exchanges, are for solely Oh! Olivia creations, no other maker will be worked on due to limited time offered.

Contact: Olivia Olkowski, 917 215 4866,,

Wednesday, August 29th
Clairvoyant Workshop: Exploring Your Past Lives
Tori Quisling
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Do you feel you have lived before? Is there a relationship or condition in your life that feels deeper than just this lifetime? Do you have a yearning or affinity for a certain time period or place? Learn about your past lives and how you can heal your fears, relationships and health in this current life in Tori Quisling’s upcoming workshop on August 29 from 7-9:30pm.

Tori, a master clairvoyant practitioner, will lead you in a meditation and technique that will allow you to access your own past lives. Tori and her clairvoyant students will also be available to give past life readings to participants. The workshop is open to beginners as well as those who have experienced my clairvoyant development courses. This workshop can serve as an introduction to Tori’s Clairvoyant Development Course. Bring your friends and have a great evening.

Fee: $95 – includes materials, training and readings. Contact or 516-423-1794; website:

Thursday, August 30th ~ FREE EVENT~
How to Grow Your Holistic Business with Social Media
Naini Nakagawa, Social Media Expert
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Enjoy this fun and exciting class with Naini Nakagawa, founder of spiritual dating and holistic networking website called Naini is also a social media expert for email marketing giant Constant Contact and will present a workshop on how to use simple but efficient techniques to grow your holistic business on social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Pinterest bringing in fresh new business.

Even if you are just thinking of starting a holistic business, come learn the importance of marketing using social media”

Naini will speak from 6:30pm until 7:30pm followed by networking and guest speakers until 9:30pm.

For questions, please email Register Here For Free.

214 West 29th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001
(212) 736 0999 Ext.1.