New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: December 2013

Upcoming December Events at META Center New York

December Events at a Glance

11/30 & 12/1: Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop – Divine Diamond with Aniruddhan and Gautami
12/3: Networking & Social Media For Your Holistic Business ~FREE EVENT~
12/3: Profound Healing Activation of the 8th Galactic Chakra & Message Circle – Suzy Meszoly
12/4: An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center ~FREE EVENT~
12/4: Spiritual Initiation: Self-Healing Unresolved Agreements, Contracts and Cords – Zela Rodriguez ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
12/5: Holiday Holistic Bazaar with Matchmyspirit ~FREE EVENT~
12/5: ‘The New Sacred Symbols’ – Rising Star Teacher Anthony Citro ~FREE EVENT~
12/5: Psychic Message Circle – Psychic Medium Milou
12/6: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word – Paul Selig
12/6: Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose – Jean Worth
12/11: Sacred Relationship/Divine Christ Transmission – Paramahansa Jagadish
12/11: The Genesis Spiral (Andara Crystals) & Light Language Activations – Deb McComas & Holly Celiano
12/11: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
12/12: Nurturing the Spirit of Your Child: A Holistic View of Development & Parenting – Dr. Palevsky
12/12: Psychic Circle for Singles – Psychic Medium Milou
12/13: A Musical Celebration for Angels of New York – The Book – Special Book Launch Event – Sylvia Moss, Jodi Serota, Maryanne Savino and Kate Loye ~FREE EVENT~
12/13: Ascension Work – Group Meditation Intensive!! – Rev. Tim Chambers – Science of Light
12/14: Oh! Olivia Jewelry & Gemstone Holiday Fair – Olivia Olkowski
12/17: Talk Fusion Internet Video Communication Tools – Share Your Holistic Brand with the World – Minh Ho & Julie Ho
12/17: Sound Healing – Integration & Ascension – Suzy Meszoly
12/18: Spiritual Initiation – Seeking Clarity through Spiritual Awareness – Zela Rodriguez
12/19: Introduction to the Knowledge Book – Learn how to reach your Real Self – Marge Ptaszek
12/19: Spirit Circles – Thomas John ~SOLD OUT~
12/20: Jodi Serota & Mark Becker present The Illumination Ball – The Winter Solstice Celebration of Light
12/20: Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Winter Solstice – Rev. Barbara
12/27: “Release The Old And Receive The New ” – Kat Katsanis-Semel and Shari Shea

Saturday & Sunday, November 30th & December 1st
Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop
By the Divine Diamond with Aniruddhan and Gautami
10:00am – 7:00pm

Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop recalibrates your system and anchors you into the earths new energetic’s improving your overall health. Saturday morning is all about physical and energetic healing, the afternoon is focused on our consciousness, Sunday morning is the spiritual Oversoul connection and Sunday afternoon is integration and a Oversoul healing process. Unblocking, releasing & recalibrating all our bodies on all levels, a concise up to our present day energetics, a synopsis of the past 6 yrs of the evolutionary work of the Divine Diamond.

This ability to be able to access and come to our Hearts Trinity center brings the empowerment to us of being in the universal creative flow, the source of synchronicities and our intuition, where everything comes to us. We will receive the powerful Sacred Star Trinity activations, and the development of our fifth dimensional mer-ka-ba body. The Oversoul connection is a profound deepening of our energetic systems, from the dualistic imprint of a duality reality into a Trinity reality.

To support the weekend creating a fuller integration of the process! Each person will work with a Terra Tachyon Heart, we will have a Tachyon philosophers stone and also a special Tachyon energy grid will be set up in and around the room.* e-Lybra 9 bio-resonance energy balancing system treatments and programs will be utilized for the group at specific times. * VortexHealing Divine Energy Healing structures & treatments will be given at different times with Omega and Merlins Grace. * Young Living essential oil treatments will be individually administered during the deep activation transmission times. * Specialized structural alignment postures and breathing techniques for a deeper emotional release and clearing. * Pineal Tone activations, crystal singing bowls, sound healing frequencies, music therapy with some visual projections, to awaken and further evolve the sensory systems and our DNA. * Gautami and Aniruddhan will be both touching and transmitting healing to everyone individually both Saturday and Sunday and are available as needed for personal counseling during the workshop and for private appointments contact us.

$180.00 in advance and $240.00 at the door. The new energetics allow people who cannot make the entire weekend to come in on Sunday for $100.00 in advance or late payment at the door on Sunday morning $120.00. Visit where you can register and pay in advance, read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more. For information contact Or Call 925-640 5433 after Nov. 17th. Online registration required.

Tuesday, December 3rd ~ FREE EVENT~
Networking & Social Media For Your Holistic Business
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Join us for this special seminar on social media for your holistic business. Learn some great tricks on how to use social media to your advantage and grow in the holistic world. Educate yourself in this workshops especially designed for you!

Join experienced holistic networker Naini Nakagawa, founder of holistic site Matchmyspirit Inc

To register click here.

Tuesday, December 3rd
Profound Healing Activation of the 8th Galactic Chakra
& Message Circle
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm

The Master Teachers and Metatron will offer transmissions of LOVE and LIGHT and provide a profound Healing Activation of the 8th Chakra to propel you into your highest potential, into the integrated experience of the full self. The Master Teachers will talk about Earth Changes, our Galactic neighbors, Truth Disclosure and the birthing of the New 5th Dimensional earth sharing information on what is going on now in our world and what we can be doing to bring in more LIGHT into our lives. Suzy will be creating a powerful energetic activation with Metatron to allow us the ground and find inner peace before offering individualized messages for folks in the group from the Master Teachers about life path and how to overcome any restrictions. These messages involve a personalized energetic activation and support people coming into their full liberated power.

More about Suzy see youtube: Love Now Movement with Suzy. SuzyChannel Wednesday nights 8pm

$25 Pre-registration up until the day before the event. (The day of the event and at the door $35) Please contact Suzy on cell 845.616-0860 or email or pay with credit card/Paypal and pre-register at

Wednesday, December 4th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm

Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.

Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.

In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.

Free Event. Please RSVP online:

Wednesday, December 4th ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
Spiritual Initiation:
– Self-Healing Unresolved Agreements, Contracts and Cords
Facilitated by Zela Rodriguez
6:30pm – 9:00pm

There are programs that are written into your history and the history of our families. You will take on the task of self-healing whichever of the programs are present (known or unknown), either now or in the past (karmic). This is possible no matter how difficult or painful your family relationships have been.

The Spiritual Initiation program offered as a 5-class series includes advanced spiritual healings and teachings. The two remaining classes include spontaneous upgrades necessary for your energy system. You will experience profound learning, insights, integration and a lightness of being with your spiritual awakening.

You will self-heal any ‘programs’ as follows:
December 4: Outstanding Agreements, Contracts, Cords; Unresolved Individual Life Lessons, and any Genetic Kinks
December 18: The Absence of any Positive Emotions in family dynamics, such as Joy or Unconditional Love, etc. Any limiting beliefs like feeling unlovable or not good enough, etc. We will go deeper in your ‘Spiritual Initiation’ according to your Divine Plan.

Previous classes included self-healing any programs of Abuse, Addiction, Illness; Violence, Poverty, Infidelity; and Archetypal wounds of Abandonment, Betrayal & Shame.

Your means of service in your life is being awakened, strengthened, and blessed; and you are being challenged to accept this spiritual initiation because you are an Earth pioneer with important work to do.

Zela Rodriguez, HHC, CCA, CCI, CPC is a Metaphysical Educator, Energetic Therapist, and Intuitive Life Coach. Through dedication and authenticity, Zela helps so many people go beyond their limited perspective of themselves and reconnect to the love, joy, and peace of their true selves.

Registration: please email and/or call 212.330.8126. $55 paid at door. Pre-registration is required – seating is limited.

Thursday, December 5th
‘The New Sacred Symbols’ ~FREE EVENT~
Facilitated by Rising Star Teacher Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 9:30pm

During this experiential seminar, you will have the opportunity to learn all about the new Symbols that hold space for the opening of the heart and the fulfillment of the human spirit, at this time of Ascension. You will learn how to utilize them practically in your daily life, as well as how to send them in service as a healing (for the world or for an individual)!

There will be a focus on the ‘Rising Star’ symbol (pictured here), It’s history, and connection to and with the other major sacred symbols, the ‘Prema Agni’ (Fire of Divine Love) and the ‘Prema Dharmadhatu’ (Seed of Truth). We will explore the inherent sacred geometry which comprises each symbol, and how this mirrors our own Divine human mission to hold and spread Light – and Love!

There will be guided meditation, demonstrations and immediately following the program, each participant will receive an individual mini Rising Star Healing, should they so choose!

For more information, please log onto the source website for the Rising Star – You may also view the following YouTube video on the Rising Star –
You may also like the Facebook Page –

Please register at

Thursday, December 5th
Psychic Message Circle
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, find a new job, or receive a message from departed love ones? You are invited to bring a pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you names, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He does not ask for any information, including your name.

Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.

Thursday, December 5th ~FREE EVENT~
Holiday Holistic Bazaar with Matchmyspirit
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Celebrate the Holidays with Us!

Do make sure you register as space is limited. If you want to exhibit for free just email me at We have an excellent program for exhibitors.

Enjoy this fun evening with Matchmyspirit – filled with massages, Reiki treatment & more. Also sign up for free coaching with Naini Nakagawa founder of Meet our wonderful vendors and enjoy beautiful holistic products and delicious raw food and chocolates. Email at if you want to exhibit

Register here.

Friday, December 6th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:00pm

This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.

Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.

For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 917 553 5294.

Friday, December 6th
Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose
Jean Worth
6:30pm – 9:30pm

We all have a unique signature, one that is you and no one else. Hand Analysis can decode your most pertinent information and reveal your soul’s agenda and life’s purpose. Your fingerprints are formed five months prior to birth and they carry the blueprint of your life. Discover what it is your soul yearns to express.

The event begins with a dynamic lecture/demonstration followed by a personal mini-reading. You will leave with a profound understanding of your true purpose and tools to help you live your life on purpose with passion.

Jean Worth – Transformational counselor and healing practitioner – Graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis – Certified in Quantum Biofeedback – MA in Education from NYU

$35.00 Paid in advanced by credit card. $40.00 cash at the door. To register: Call 917-579-3050 or e-mail

Saturday, December 7th
Reiki Shoden – First Degree
Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN-BC, CCRN
9:30am – 5:30pm

This class is about YOU. This program is geared towards all individuals who are interested to learn Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method), a healing modality that originated in Japan. Reiki is easy and simple to learn. Reiki Ryoho has twofold purposes: healing and spiritual.

Reiki is a healing practice that originated in Japan. Reiki practitioners place their hands lightly on or just above the person receiving treatment, with the goal of facilitating the person’s own healing response. In the United States, Reiki is part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Reiki is generally practiced as a form of self-care. Reiki can be received from someone else and may be offered in a variety of health care settings, including medical offices, hospitals, hospices and clinics. It can be practiced on its own or along with other CAM therapies or conventional medical treatments.

Program Objectives: By the end of this one day intensive program, participants will be able to: * Explain the meaning of Reiki * Explain the mission of Usui Reiki Ryoho * Discuss and explain the original Reiki Principles written by Usui Sensei * Explain Komyo Reiki Kai Purpose * Describe the different levels of Komyo Reiki Kai * Discuss Komyo Reiki Kai Motto * Identify the Benefits of Reiki * Identify the Characteristics of Reiki * Discuss the history of Reiki Ryoho 10.Demonstrate the 12 Reiki Hand Positions * Demonstrate Traditional Reiki Hand Positions * Describe what Reiju is and demonstrate how to receive Reiju * Identify the three ways to raise your Reiki Energy Level * Differentiate the difference between Shudan Reiki and Mawashi Reiki

Early registration fee: $200.00 Register Online 24/7 via PayPal: Komyo Reiki Kai New York – Featured on the list of 101 Best Sites for Nurses 2012.

Sunday, December 8th
META Center Holiday Healing & Reading Fair
12pm – 6pm (Registration starts at 11:30am)

Join us as we celebrate the Season at our Annual Holiday Fair. Treat yourself and others to the gift of a Mini Intuitive Reading or Healing Session with one of our amazing readers and healers.

Each session $25 for 20 minutes.
Signup for sessions on day of the event only.


Channeled, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Angel, Tarot & Medium Readings
Isabella Randazzo * Milou * Tori Quisling * Cher Elyse Carden * Christopher William
Calise Simone * Patricia Jamison * Jesse Bravo

Hand Analysis
Jean Worth

Soul Readings
Kate Anjahlia Loye

Divine Messenger Readings
Maryanne Savino

Intuitive Readings / Medium / Chakra Scanning
Elise Stone

Scandinavian Readings, Purification, Egyptian Numerology & Atlantean Jewelry
Skydin Zeal

En Español & English Readers

Tarot / Astrología / I-Ching
(Para astrología traiga su fecha, lugar y hora de nacimiento)

Tarot / Astrology / I-Ching
(For astrology, bring date, location & time of birth)

Orlando Rodriguez

Tarot / Goddess / Angel Readings / Psychic
Tarot / Lecturas de Diosas / Lecturas de ángeles / Psiquico

Robert Alvarez


Mini-Limpia and Mayan Electromagnetic Rebalancing Hands-on Energy Healing,
Removes Dense Energy & Rebalances Chakras

Olivia Olkowski

Energy Healing w/Light Language
Barbara Dominick

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Abel Costa

Shiatsu, Face/Neck Sculpting & Seitai (Posture Alignment)
Toshiyuki Endo

Universal Rays/IET/Healing with Angelic & Ascended Masters,
Balance & Resolution to Emotional & Physical Challenges

Anita Celeste

Green Tara Healings
Ida Longobardi

En Español & English Healers

Mini Limpiezas Energéticas (En Español)
Jacky Harmony

Mini Quantum Healing Hypnosis /Past Life Regression
Mini Hipnosis Regresión & Vida Pasada

Martin Hernandez


Rising Star / Mahatma Infusion Therapy / Violet Flame Irradiation
Anthony Citro

Food for Sale

“David Hall vegan chef” will be making a delicious healthy meal with something for everyone.

Gifts for Sale

Oh! Olivia Jewelry & Gem Stones / Light of Source – Personalized Spiritual Candles

Registration starts at 11:30am. No advance appointments. Bring your friends and experience and enjoy a wonderful day of readings and healings.

Tuesday, December 10th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm

For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at

Wednesday, December 11th
Sacred Relationship/Divine Christ Transmission
Paramahansa Jagadish
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Cleansing personal relationships to transform them. Opening up and enhancing Sacred Relationship to live and act in a more Sacred Way on the Earth and evolving spiritually through the direct Transmission and Divine Blessing from the CHRIST Energy transmitted through the mind/body of Paramahansa Jagadish. This Transmission advances us ever further to the realization of our Sacred Identity of inconceivable Happiness and Well-being leading to great Wisdom.

Paramahansa Jagadish Bio:

To schedule your rare, in-person private Karma Clearing session with Jagadish call Mel- 877-838-1133. About Karma Clearing Sessions:

To pre-register and to follow all events: Pre-register or cash at the door.

Wednesday, December 11th
The Genesis Spiral (Andara Crystals) & Light Language Activations
By: Deb McComas & Holly Celiano
Special guest appearance Carlos Valencia
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Come and experience Andara crystal energy gathered in a geometric spiral formation, named The Genesis Spiral. This Spiral formation activates all the levels of the human body, physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental to create transformation, acceleration, activation and ascension.

The Andara Genesis spiral is a very powerful tool to facilitate the ascension process that we are all participating in at this time. Deb McComas has been guided by the Andara’s to create this spiral which takes it’s name from the book of Genesis in the Bible. The verse reads: “and the earth was without form and void; and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Each time you sit with the Genesis Spiral it clears more and more of your old programs and beliefs and activates your 12 strand DNA potential. We come to sit with the Genesis Spiral holding a clear intention, one for ourselves and one for the world.

Click here: Andaran Lemurian | Home

Holly Celiano has been guided by spirit to speak Light Language bringing in the higher dimensional energies. This sound awakening language will create transformation on all your bodies as well. What is being brought forth opens up and reconstructs thru the light language to reconfigure dormant patterns of DNA to manifest into the co-creators that we once were. This language is turning on the switches to our DNA. Using the Light Language along with the Genesis Spiral acts as a blasting machine stripping away the emotional and physical blocks to unearth our true human potential. Truly a moving experience, you will leave completely transformed.

Carlos Valencia has been blessed with a truly amazing gift from spirit to channel and pulsate healing energies through his body. Once he connects with spirit, he able to stream those energies into you to facilitate healing within your body. Along with the gift of sight he is able to remove blockages and to balance and reconnect you with source.

To register email: Cost for pre-registration: $25.00 or $30.00 at door.

Wednesday, December 11th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.

Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.

We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.

The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.

Fee is $20. Register via or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).

Thursday, December 12th
Nurturing the Spirit of Your Child:
A Holistic View of Development & Parenting
Dr. Palevsky
6:30pm – 9:30pm

You’ve heard Dr. Palevsky speak about nutrition, vaccines, how to allow children to experience their symptoms so they can be well, and preparing your children for winter. In this new talk on Nurturing the Spirit of Your Child, attendees will be treated to some rarely presented information about children’s development, optimal ways to connect to children and help them feel safe, new insights into how children learn, and important tips on making parenting less stressful and more pleasant.

In this lecture, you will learn how to optimally nurture the spirit of your child so he/she can thrive in today’s world, and individuate into the best children they can be. Attendees will leave with tips they can immediately implement in their daily lives. Your children are waiting for you to learn these new and exciting parenting skills. Time will be provided for parents to ask questions about their own family experiences, so everyone can hear first-hand how to handle real-time issues with their children.

$25 per ticket. Early Reservations Advised. Click to purchase tickets. Please note: Tickets will NOT be mailed. Sadly we cannot accommodate young children. Babies-in-arms are welcome.

Thursday, December 12th

Psychic Circle for Singles

Psychic Medium Milou

6:30pm – 8:30pm

Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.

Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.

Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.

Friday, December 13th

A Musical Celebration for Angels of New York – The Book
Special Book Launch Event ~FREE EVENT~
With Sylvia Moss, Jodi Serota, Maryanne Savino and Kate Loye
7:30pm – 9:30pm

Sylvia Moss’s exquisite new photography meditation book, Angels of New York, invites us to bask in the healing powers of New York’s many beautifully crafted Angels. Tonight’s profound interweaving of sounds will transport you to another dimension where the Angels impart their wisdom to you, stimulating deep transformation while offering you comfort and peace.

In this evening we will have an: * Angel Invocation & Activation * Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls & the Gong * Guided Meditation with the Archangels * Special Message from Archangel Michael for NYC * Celestial Chamber Orchestra Blessing

RSVP: or 917.650.3841. Tonight Only: Visit for a gift free download of music for the book.

Friday, December 13th
Ascension Work – Group Meditation Intensive!!
Rev. Tim Chambers – Science of Light
7:00pm – 9:00pm

The Session: “Engaging Universal Love and Order Within”

Using a group meditation format, Rev Tim will begin by giving each person a brief energetic reading and clearing/balancing treatment. He will then channel an intuitive message from his guides, followed by an inner visual journey whereby you will connect with yourself and your inner guidance.

You need bring only an open heart, mind and the intention to experience your own inner presence of light and dark, which is The Self. Tim Invites you to join this expanded group format to receive practical instruction, information and experience in the World Transition known as Ascension.

Tim utilizes the spoken word, breath and Visual Mediumship along with energy transmitting body movements to create inter-dimensional communication among the participants and their own inner guides.

Tim Chambers is an intuitive channel and meditative guide who has been leading groups through soul journeys and group based ascension experiences for over twenty years. He is an Ordained Minister, Visual Medium, Reiki Master, licensed Acupuncturist, certified Qi Gong Healing Practitioner and Soul-Life Path Counselor. Along with his private practice as a healer and counselor, he conducts weekly Group Ascension Work meetings at his Soho studio.

Donation: $30.00. Tim Chambers MSOM LAc, LMT, SOL. 646-465-1356.

Saturday, December 14th
Oh! Olivia Holiday Fair
10:00am – 6:00pm

GIVE A GIFT THAT HEALS! Join Olivia Olkowski, Shamanic Healer and Jewelry Designer, to guide you for your special HOLIDAY SHOPPING, and learning about crystals and healing. We invite you to bring your friends and family, to find or create a custom gift for your loved ones.

All of Olivia’s handcrafted jewelry and gemstones have healing energies. Many creations are one-of-a-kind PowerPieces© that carry healing energy to aid disease states, chronic conditions and are beautiful to wear. There are many new creations this season, not yet listed on the website, so come see if there is a special one, just for you. We can help find, or create, the perfect gift to aid people on their path to healing.

FREE Mini-lecture presentations (10 minutes) — (Please arrive on time, each presentation will not be repeated)
11am: How-to Basics: Space Clearing yourself, home and jewelry
1pm: Working with your Intuition and Crystals
2pm: Disease States and Healing with Gemstones
3pm: Learn How to Empower a stone

With every purchase, you will receive information on “How To Clear Your Crystals”. You can bring your previous Oh! Olivia purchases for a free annual cleaning, or just stop by to say hi!

Also Available: Gift Certificates for Oh! Olivia Custom Creations / Shamanic Healing Sessions / Special Crystals / Healing Tools, Space Clearing & Shamanic Supplies / Vintage, Antique, newly crafted indigenous items / Medicine Pouches

For more information, please email Olivia at or call 917 215 4866.

Tuesday, December 17th ~FREE EVENT~
Talk Fusion Internet Video Communication Tools
– Share Your Holistic Brand with the World
Minh Ho & Julie Ho
Presentations: 5:30pm & 7:30pm

Coaches! Trainers! Teachers! Holistic Practioners! Everyone who has a message to communicate!

Talk Fusion connects you to the world with the latest cutting-edge video communication products! video email, video newsletters, video conferencing, live broadcasting, the Fusion On The Go mobile app, e-subscription forms, video auto responders, Fusion Wall, video Blog, video share and much more!

Many holistic practitioners use our service for promoting their causes and businesses and for teaching classes online. Make a personal statement or brand your business. It’s your look, your style and your message, delivered anywhere. Communicate with your clients through video and touch the hearts and minds of your viewers.

Registration not required. For details, contact or visit

Tuesday, December 17th
Sound Healing – Integration & Ascension
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly, has been playing the Himalayans for nearly 15 years in her energetic healing practice with private clients, where she combines sound healing with channeled light. Suzy has brought bowls back from her pilgrimages to Nepal; these have been blessed by her Tibetan teachers. The Himalayan bowls have the simple power of creating a unifying energetic field, allowing for the integration of human experience without judgment, without fear. While acting as a bridge for the Metatronic energy field, Suzy plays the bowls, creating an integration sound field while channeling the Divine Light.

(Participants will be seated for these activations, please bring blankets and cushions if you need them.) Space is limited at these popular sold –out events, so please book early to ensure your sound healing!

More about Suzy see youtube: “Love Now Movement with Suzy” and at look for the SuzyChannel Wednesday nights 8pm.

$25 Pre-registration up until the day before the event. (The day of the event and at the door $35) Please contact Suzy on cell 845.616-0860 or email or pay with credit card/Paypal and pre-register at

Wednesday, December 18th
Spiritual Initiation
– Seeking Clarity through Spiritual Awareness
Facilitated by Zela Rodriguez
6:30pm – 9:15pm

You may feel that the choices you are being asked to make seem too hard and the solutions too obscure. You may feel unprepared to do what life seems to be leading you toward and that the problems you face are too complex to even solve and/or that depression and unsettledness are becoming too-familiar emotional and spiritual companions. All these feelings may also be mixed with a sense of impatience, an impression that you are ready to create the life you want but that the means of achieving or uncovering this new direction seem obscured.

Seeking spiritual awareness, the emergence of love within, is a hollow enterprise unless you can see each and every thought and action as contributing to the transformation of life already underway within you. Your true potential and power through love are mere shadows unless you recognize that love is the process that, used daily, will draw right people and the most beneficial opportunities into your life.

Your means of service in your life is being awakened, strengthened, and blessed; and you are being challenged to accept this spiritual initiation because you are an Earth pioneer with important work to do.

Zela Rodriguez, HHC, CCA, CCI, CPC is a Metaphysical Educator, Energetic Therapist, and Intuitive Life Coach. Through dedication and authenticity, Zela helps so many people go beyond their limited perspective of themselves and reconnect to the love, joy, and peace of their true selves.

$55 paid at door. Pre-registration is required – seating is limited. Registration: please email and/or call 212.330.8126.

Thursday, December 19th ~FREE EVENT~
Introduction to the Knowledge Book – Learn how to reach your Real Self
Marge Ptaszek
6:30pm – 9:30pm

If you can imagine a better self and a better world and if you want that to happen: Come – Come – Come to learn about a Cosmic Technology unknown to modern Science that enables you to reach your inner powers, your Real Self, in an accelerated way with a minimum of discomfort It is the Light – Photon – Cyclone Technology of The Knowledge Book Topics Covered: Why the age we live in is called the resurrection; the meaning of the golden age and what precedes it; how The Knowledge Book appeared on our planet; The characteristics and the purpose of The Knowledge Book and how to link the United States to the Kozmos. Everyone age 18 and over is welcome – no pets please. The Main Center of The Knowledge Book is in Istanbul, Turkey Main Center website: USA website:

Free – to register email (preferred) or call 972-787-7035.

Thursday, December 19th ~SOLD OUT~
Spirit Circles
Thomas John
7:00pm – 8:30pm

After a brief introduction, Thomas will guide seminar participants through a meditation, and then deliver messages to each participant from spirit guides and loved ones in spirit. An excellent opportunity to experience the work of celebrity psychic medium Thomas John in an intimate setting! Each session will be limited to 8 to 10 participants.

To purchase tickets, contact Thomas at or call 347-637-8592. Tickets are $75 per seminar. No refunds after time of purchase.

Jodi Serota & Mark Becker Present:

The Illumination Ball
The Winter Solstice Celebration of Light
Friday, December 20th
7:00pm – 12:30am

We invite you to join us on this festive occasion, celebrating The Winter Solstice with like-minded people. This year’s theme is “Contemporary Renaissance”, a time of enlightenment and major change, through all forms of creativity, culture and the arts.

You’ll feel the glow of your light ignited through Inspirational Presenters, Visual Art & Sound Transmissions, Sacred Shamanic Ceremonies, World Music Performances, Dancing, Powerful Kirtan Singing, and more. Experience and embrace greater passion, purposefulness, balance and feeling fulfilled.

Presenters Include:

Jodi Serota * Mark Becker * Alan Steinfeld * Laraaji * Jonathan Sherrill
* Dalien – AKA 13 Hands * Kevin Nathaniel, Evan Worldwind & Friends * Maryanne Savino
* AJ Block * Golden Drum * Jehan Belly Dancing

* Attire: Party Clothes with a creative flair * Food & beverages will be available for purchase

$45 pre-paid by Dec. 20th at 4pm or $55 at the door. Payment through or call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext.1. (MC, Visa, Discover, cash & checks accepted). Doors open 6:00pm.

Venue: Hotel Pennsylvania, 18th Floor, 401 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001. Across from Penn Station.

Friday, December 20th
Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Winter Solstice
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Winter approaches! And, “just as the trees do not clutch onto their leaves….., we learn to open our hands and surrender to change.” This is a season that helps us to rest and reflect on the things we must let go of in order to move forward.

In this last circle of 2013, we celebrate the Winter Solstice and honor the changes we’ve made toward our own growth and ability to be more grounded in the truth of who we really are. So, join us for an experience of healing that supports a return to the wholeness of your being as you share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Archangels and other magical beings of light. Loving messages for your continued growth and enlightenment are channeled for each person in the circle as well as the circle as a whole. And as we set new intentions or re-energize our original intent, let’s continue to be centered in our hearts with the knowledge that we are the infinite Light of OneLOVE.

Feel free to bring your crystals or other personal items to place on the altar for a blessing.

Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Energy Healing Practitioner, committed to healing services that is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for your Soul, heart, mind and body to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.

$25.00 donation in advance is preferred online at Or cash at the door. For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553 or

Friday December 27th
“Release The Old And Receive The New”
Facilitated by Kat Katsanis-Semel and Shari Shea
7:00pm – 9:00pm

A Special Healing Service. Bring greater hope, healing and harmony into your New Year through an evening of guided meditation, hands on healing, sacred invocations and angelic messages.

Shari Shea is a devoted healer, light worker, teacher of truth principals and ordained monk through Celebrating Life Ministries. Shari has traveled nationally and internationally for fifteen years to deepen her spiritual practices. She has had the opportunity to study in-person with modern mystics, such as John of God and the late Ron Roth. Through her healing work, Shari emanates light, love and inner joy with her free spirited nature and zest for life.

Reverend Kat Katsanis-Semel is an ordained spiritual healer through Celebrating Life Ministries. Kat has had the opportunity to study in-person with some of the leading spiritual pioneers of our time, including Deepak Chopra, Doreen Virtue, and the late Ron Roth. With over a decade of private healing practice work under her belt, Kat brings not only enthusiasm but experience to her offerings of sacred service. In January of 2013, Kat was also selected to serve at the NYU Center for Spiritual Life, as the Chaplain Affiliate for “The Mindfulness Project at NYU.” To learn more about Rev. Kat and her services, please go to:

Fee: $22.22 in advance, $25 at the door. Please contact Shari Shea for pre-payment information at

META Center New York, 214 West 29th, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001.
Tel 212 736 0999 Ext. 1