Upcoming February Events at META Center New York
February Events At A Glance
1/31, 2/1 & 2/2: Spiritual Film Festival – Spiritual Biographies
2/1: Calling All Empaths – Understanding Your Sensitivity and Letting It Work For You – Rev. Deborah Steen Ross
2/5, Earth Dance – Zen Marie Holmes – Lunchtime Dance Series
2/6: An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center
2/7: Are Vaccines Safe and Effective? – Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky
2/7: Neuro Cell Re-Birth Process – Masha Penson
2/8: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word – Paul Selig
2/8: Back to the Rice Field – Introductory Hands-on Workshop About Helping Yourself & Others to Relieve Pain, Stress & Fatigue with Eastern Healing Methods – Maria Gorens
2/9: All Day Workshop with the Master Teachers – Suzy Meszoly
2/10: Back to the Rice Field – A Life-Transforming, Hands-on Approach to Helping Yourself & Others Relieve Pain, Stress & Fatigue Based on Asian Healing Methods – Maria Gorens
2/11: More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop – Teri Merliss & Sondra Shaye
2/12: Sacred Movement – Luz Milagros – Lunchtime Dance Series
2/12: Making Love: Finding Your True Soulmate from the Inside Out! – Thomas John
2/12: Master Teachers: Sacred Teachings and Energetic Activations – Suzy Meszoly
2/13: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown ~PRIVATE EVENT~
2/13: Free Introductory Evening – ISIS Interfaith (International Seminary for Interfaith Studies) – Rev. Deborah Steen Ross ~FREE EVENT~
2/14: Find the Love of Your Life – You!! A Valentine’s Evening Event – Suparna Bhasin
2/14: Opening the Heart Through Soul Awareness – Lorenzo Ford
2/15: Heart to Heart: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
2/15: Deepening Your Spiritual Practice – Rev. Anthony Farmer
2/17: Memorial Service for Gail Ann Hickoff
2/19: Hawiian Ka Lele – The Flight – Maryanne Savino – Lunchtime Dance Series
2/19: Clairvoyant Cafe: An Evening of Creative Conversation & Messages with Tori Quisling
2/20: Ascension Tools for Galactic Souls – Marc Channels Ascended Master ETs from the Alsyglion Group – Marc Brinkerhoff
2/20: Psychic Circle for Singles – Milou
2/20: Meditation Evening: Creative Journeys Within – Anita Celeste
2/21: Kundalini Awakening & The Evolution of Consciousness Panel & Networking
2/21: Self-Healing with One Light Healing Touch – AnnE O’Neil
2/21 & 2/28: US Siddha Center presents: Siddha Turiya Meditation – Masha Penson
2/22: Spaces: How to Create Phenomenal Realities for Your Life in 2013 Workshop & Medi-Healing – Mas Sajady
2/22: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev Barbara
2/23: Living Here And Now Workshop – Claes Lilja & Benjamin Seaman
2/24: The Art of Energetic Healing One Year Certificate Course, Jan – Dec, 2013 – Suzy Meszoly
2/24: Reiki Shoden (First Level/First Degree) – Lilia V. Marquez
2/25: Full Moon Event – Expanding & Letting More Light In! – Jodi Serota
2/25: Optimization With Meditation – You have the right to remain silent! Dr. Brian Blatt & Mel Finnerty
2/26: Sound and Light Activation. Integration and Ascension: Divine Light Activation with Tibetan Bowls, Metatron and the Master Teachers – Suzy Meszoly
2/26: Dance Jam to World Grooves – Lunchtime Dance Series
2/26: Learn Your Life’s Purpose Hand Analysis / Soul Agenda Reading – Jean Worth
2/26: Meditation: Connecting to Heaven and Earth Grounding – Finding Present – Time – Susan Feinbloom
2/28: Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing Circle “Divine Balance of the Goddess/God Within” – Olivia Olkowski
2/28: Quantum Healing Cellular Reprogramming By the Divine Diamond® with Aniruddhan & Natercia
2/28: Group Healing using the Divine Diamond®, Vortexhealing® & E-Lybra®9 Bio-Resonance Body Alignment & Strengthening System With Aniruddhan & Natercia
2/28: Releasing the Core Fear – Angela Aim
New Realities & META Center NY present:
3rd Annual Spiritual Film Festival
Theme: Spiritual Biography
Thurs, Fri & Sat – Jan 31st, Feb 1st & 2nd
Curated by Alan Steinfeld
Alan Steinfeld of NewRealities.com and Jodi Serota, owner of META Center NY, the creators and presenters of our 3rd Annual Spiritual Film Festival, would like you to join us as part of our creative, conscious community, attending and celebrating with us, this year’s wonderful event.
We feel that it’s important to present the current trends in spirituality to an emerging conscious seeking population. Film, being one of our most sophisticated and appraised mediums of communication, delivers messages that affect the body, mind and soul.
It is with great pleasure that we present in our festival, specifically selected films to assist the public in the transformation of our local community and the collective awakening of the planet.
Alan Steinfeld & Jodi Serota
$15 for Thursday, Jan 31st Full Program (1 Short + 1 Movie)
$20 for Friday, Full Program (2 Movies)
$25 for Saturday (3 Movies + 1 Short)
$50 for Full Festival Admission
The opening film of this year’s festival will be a memorial tribute to writer and director, Emily Squires. Emily was a great humanitarian, as seen in her work with The Friends of the Noetic Institute, The OneVoice Coalition and the Evolutionary Leaders with Deepak Chopra. She was a six time Emmy award winning director for Sesame Street. Her film “Visions of Perfect Worlds, is a conversation with the Dalai Lama”. Her other films involve Anti-Fracking and Occupy Wall Street subjects.
We invite anyone who knew Emily, to come forth and share a brief experience of their interactions with her. Music by Ellen Weiss
7:30pm – 8:00pm
The Art of Being Human: A Portrait of Frederick Franck
(Doc. 28 minutes)
In this film, Emily was exceptionally excited about the work of artist Frederick Franck, author of “The Zen of Seeing”. She felt his life’s work, whether it was painting, sculpture, or books, was to help people see the humanity in others.
She felt his art was geared toward the idea that we must not in any way tolerate or be involved in violence towards others. People such as Rhena Schweitzer Miller, daughter of Albert Schweitzer, have said about Franck: “His words and drawings make us see the world as a place where, with more understanding and tolerance, we could all live together in harmony”.
8:15pm – 9:25pm
Finding Joe – Based on the Teachings of Joseph Campbell
(Doc. 80 minutes)
The film explores the legacy of the great mythologist Joseph Campbell’s “hero’s journey.” Director Patrick Solomon provides a narrative of how to live a fully realized life by taking us on an inspirational quest of self-discovery.
According to Campbell, when you slay dragons and uncover treasures, you just may find the holy grail you seek is closer than you think. He would simply say: “follow your bliss.”
9:35pm: Music by Phil Robinson and the Bliss Jockeys
Music inspired by Campbell’s work.
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Kumaré – A True Story About a False Guru
(Doc. 84 minutes)
This documentary follows so called enlightened Guru Kumaré from the East. As he builds a faithful following of loyal disciples in Arizona he reveals his greatest teaching: His true identity as American filmmaker named Vikram Gandhi.
Vikram transformed himself into Kumaré as a social experiment designed to explore and test one of the world’s most sacred taboos: spiritual faith. http://kumaremovie.com/
The film’s producer Bryan Camel will be present after the screening to answer questions.
8:45pm – 10:15pm Decoding Depak
(Doc. 83 minutes)
The whole world knows the public side of Deepak Chopra, but Decoding Deepak is a look at the private Deepak.
Journalist and filmmaker Gotham Chopra spends a year traveling the world decoding his father Deepak Chopra, resolving the spiritual icon he is to the world with the real man known to his family.
This is a beautiful portrait of a son looking to connect with his father to find relationship, love and intimacy. What starts as an intimate biopic becomes a deeper plunge into the meaning of identity itself.
4:00pm – 5:15pm
Dear Governor Como (Doc. 75 minutes)
With the news that Governor Andrew Cuomo might lift the four-year moratorium against hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in New York state any day a concert/protest was organized on his doorstep in the state capitol of Albany. The event brought together scientists, musicians, activists and actors in a scripted night onstage inviting the governor to join the anti-fracking majority in his home state.
Written and directed by Jon Bowermaster, with musical direction by Natalie Merchant, and “starring” Mark Ruffalo, Melissa Leo, Joan Osborne, Citizen Cope, Medeski Martin and Wood and many more – the filem is a cross between “The Last Waltz” and “An Inconvenient Truth,” equal parts message and music. www.dear-governor-cuomo.com
5:30pm – 7:00pm
Crazy Wisdom – The Life & Times of Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
(Doc. 87 min.)
Crazy Wisdom explores the life of Chogyam Trungpa. Not the typical monk, this brilliant “bad boy of Buddhism,” was pivotal in bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West. But Trungpa shattered our ideas about how an enlightened teacher should behave.
Recognized as an exceptional reincarnate lama and trained in the rigorous monastic tradition he escaped Tibet, under Chinese rule. Living in Britain he soaked up Western culture like a sponge, completely immersing himself in it. He said that living as a westerner would help him to better connect the two cultures. In the U.S. he smoked, drank to excess, took lovers, married a 16-year-old follower and had intimate relations with students. But was he showing us something? Was this crazy wisdom?
8:00pm – 8:20pm The Overview Effect
(Doc. 18 min.)
On December 7th 1972 the crew of Apollo 17 took the first photo ever of the whole Earth seen from space, now referred to as ‘Blue Marble’. On the 40th anniversary of that occasion Planetary Collective has made a short film documenting the transformation of the astronauts who have witnessed that historic vision. The common features of their experiences were a profound understanding of the interconnection of all life and a renewed sense of responsibility for taking care of our beautiful shining home.
Anahita Moghaddam, partner of Planetary Collective will present the movie.
Director Guy Reid of Planetary Collective is the winner of the 2013 New Realities & META Center NY – Best New Conscious Filmmaker of the Year Award.
8:30pm – 9:35pm
The Road to Peace:
Ancient Wisdom of the 14th Dali Lama
(Doc. 64 min.)
This new film brings you the Dalai Lama and his spiritual, humanitarian message of Universal Responsibility. This is a call to action where we all have a duty to look after the planet, as our future depends on it.
We are all responsible, it’s not about the one, it’s about the many. Us. You! On the practical side, if many people unite to solve the problems we face, the task is shared. Even more practically, he calls for us to develop ourselves first, then family, then on a community level. Director and Producer: Leon Stuparich.
Friday, February 1st
Calling All Empaths – Understanding Your Sensitivity and Letting It Work For You
Rev. Deborah Steen Ross
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Have you ever been called ‘too sensitive’? Have you ever wondered why some people’s energies stick with you and you can’t get rid of them? Have you ever tried to heal or counsel someone and ended up with their energy or their problems? Many of us believe we are just too vulnerable to the world around us, or we just can’t adjust to people or energies. Perhaps it is not that at all. Perhaps you are an Empath and you don’t know it.
In this workshop we will focus on what it means to be empathic, how to use it to help people and the world, and how to help yourself stay balanced and not affected by all the energies you come in contact with. We will do exercises and meditations to help each of us connect with that empathic, intuitive being inside of us and learn how to release the unwanted energies that we take on.
Reverend Deborah Steen Ross has been in the Holistic Health field for more than 30 years with certifications in Nutritional Counseling, Applied Kinesiology, Hypnotherapy and Counseling and holds Masterships in four styles of Reiki including The Radiance Technique©. She has studied many forms of energy healing and has created her own technique called Release® which works with concepts of Issue Therapy and energetic release work. She teaches workshops in energy healing and has a private practice in spiritual counseling and healing work. She is the Director of the International Seminary for Interfaith Studies (ISIS).
Fee: $50. Please RSVP at ISISinterfaith@gmail.com.

Join us in our lunchtime dance and movement series as we commune deeper with our physical bodies through the use of various dance and movement modalities along with music from all different cultures. We’ve gathered a host of talented, spiritually minded, gifted, professional dance and movement instructors who will guide and encourage us as we explore our bodies as sacred temples in motion.
We invite men and women to gather with us, connecting to world rhythms and matching the body’s resonance with Global Earth beats for pleasure, exercise, flexibility, sensuality, health and the simple fun of movement. A great way to jumpstart the physical body for the New Year.
Tuesday, Jan 29 – FIRE IN THE BELLY with Mariana Costa Pinto
Belly Dancing – Explore your sensual self while learning Belly Dancing…move & find your groove. Jingle scarves will be available to borrow or for sale. Women, please wear or bring a long skirt.
Mariana – an actress who loves to dance who she feels that dancing feeds her soul and connects her with God. She is now in NY improving her skills in Musical Theatre. She teaches samba, bellydance, jazz & free dance. She’s also a wonderful DJ. Music is in her blood.
Tuesday, Feb 5 – EARTH DANCE with Zen Marie Holmes
West African Dance – Come and learn basic African dance movements and let the rhythm of live drumming move your body and your soul. Connect deeply with your physical body to the sacredness of Mother Earth. The Earth connection is imperative for physical healing & to become grounded and fully in your (animal) power.
Zen – has 25 years of African dance experience and her class is a great way to have fun and exercise at the same time.
Tuesday, Feb 12 – SACRED MOVEMENT with Luz Milagros
Learn how to align your body, stretch, and allow your Spirit to soar like the wind. Connect with your physical body more fully, through free-form journey dance movement. Please wear comfortable clothes.
Luz – is a group fitness instructor & personal trainer with 25+ yrs. experience. Through varied modalities including yoga & belly dancing, she explores ways of healing through free movement in sacred space, & leads healing journey dance workshops. She’s a Pachakuti Mesa holder, Spirit Drum Carrier, Reiki & Mayan Hands-on-Healer, Artist & Musician.
Tuesday, Feb 19 – HAWAIIAN KA LELE – THE FLIGHT with Maryanne Savino
Ka Lele – The Flight is an Ancient Hawaiian Shamanic Temple Dance that shifts consciousness from deep within the DNA. It’s a beautiful heart-opening and transformational sacred dance that aligns us with all of the cosmos.
Maryanne – Temple Dancer. www.sacreddanceandsound.com
Come “dance your booty off” to music that inspires you to move. Let your Mind, Body & Spirit flow with the rhythms, be free, lose yourself in dance and enliven your entire being.
Price: $20 single class; $80 for the series of 5. Please call META Center on 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register and pre-pay (Master Card, Visa & Discover, checks and cash in advance). Cash only at the door. Non-refundable. Arrive 15 minutes early to start promptly at 12:15pm. Please be prompt, as we have limited time for our jam-packed sessions.
Wednesday, February 6th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm
Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.
Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.
In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.
Free Event. Please RSVP online: www.newyorkmeditationcenter.com/getting-started/
Thursday, February 7th
Are Vaccines Safe and Effective?
An Educational Opportunity for Parents & Practitioners
Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D.
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Come hear the renowned board certified pediatrician and sought-after lecturer, present his research on the safety and efficacy of vaccines and offer his experience on using a holistic approach to child care. Bring your questions!
In this workshop, you will hear discussions on vaccine science: What is current vaccine science and who is funding it and doing it? * How do vaccines work, and have they done, and do they do what we’re told they do? * What role do vaccine ingredients play when injected into infants and children? * What do the ingredients do to our children once they’re injected? * Do vaccines contribute to the development of chronic illnesses in children? * How do our children get into school if they’re not vaccinated? * How does the immune system work in babies and children?
Attendees will hear some of the answers to these questions, along with the research that questions whether vaccines are safe and effective, and whether the scientific process is even at work to prove the answers to these questions.
Attendees will also be asked to look at the issues that drive us to make the decisions we make, many of which come to us through fear, bullying, uncertainty, and a lack of knowledge, and to perhaps think alternatively about how illnesses occur and disappear.
$25 per ticket. For more information and to purchase tickets: www.drpalevsky.com/events.asp
Thursday, February 7th
Neuro Cell Re-Birth Process
Masha Penson
7:00pm – 9:00pm
NCRP is a profound healing therapy taking place on the molecular level of each and every cell of the body, allowing for a deep emotional release at the cellular level which triggers a powerful transformative and regenerative process affecting body, mind and soul. NCRP is an energy-based therapy process using ancient Siddha technology which is modified to be assimilated by modern-day people.
It brings the receiver to the “zero point,” or induces Samadhi in body, mind and spirit. The result is that you may feel sleepy. This is natural. You may actually reach a deep meditative state where it feels similar to sleep but is not actual sleep. At the zero point, this sound acts to dig deep and bring to the surface all emotional trauma or any other psychological problems from the present or past, so it is natural for you to experience visions or emotions that are unfamiliar to you as these deep mental and emotional issues surface.
This energy-activated sound functions as a powerful healer at the DNA and cellular level. Accept it, and it will heal you. It cleanses on many levels, not only releasing deep-rooted patterns and issues, but also helping to remove those superficial imprints that we casually acquire throughout life, such as negative comments from people about ourselves and so on.
Classes will be held by Acharya of Pranashakty International, Director of US Siddha Center, Sri Deepa Jothi Ma (Masha Penson)
We can accept only limited number of people, registration is required. Class fee is nominal, just to cover rental space. $27. For registration, please email: team-us@pranashakty.org.
Friday, February 8th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word ~
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:00pm
~Event Cancelled~
This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.
Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.
For more info go to: www.PaulSelig.com. Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 917 553 5294. A@NewRealities.com
Friday, February 8th
Back to the Rice Field: Introductory Hands-on Workshop About Helping Yourself & Others to Relieve Pain, Stress & Fatigue with Eastern Healing Methods
Maria Gorens
7:00pm – 9:30pm
~Event Cancelled~
(NOTE: complete full-day workshop will take place on Sunday, February 10th)
Join our introductory workshop about several ancient methods of immediate pain relief, face and body reading, cupping, gua sha, massage, and other healing modalities mastered by Maria in her extensive journeys through Asia and South America.
Come to learn about ways to help yourself and others overcome pain, distress, and chronic fatigue without using medications. The workshop is beneficial for health professionals as well as the general public.
Maria Gorens, L.Ac., a Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Spiritual Counselor, is a New York State and Nationally Board Certified Acupuncturist. She holds a Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in NYC, a certificate in Onnetsu Therapy from Japan, a certificate in Japanese medicine from New York, and a three-year degree from the BTB Professional School of Feng Shui.
Tickets: $25 pre-registered guests / $35 at the door. Admission includes free gift. Space is limited, so please register early. To reserve your space, email: mgorens@verizon.net or call Danielle Travali at 203-450-1426. Note: Full-day workshop ($135) will take place on Sunday, February 10th.
Saturday, February 9th
All Day Workshop with the Master Teachers:
Sacred Teachings and Energetic Activations – Expanding Reality Super Heroes Series/TIME
Suzy Meszoly
10:00am – 5:00pm
~Event Rescheduled Sat, Feb 23rd~
Time is the great big illusion that limits us, creates our linear understanding and makes huge stress for a lot of people. The Master Teachers work with us to expand our understanding of “reality”; they will be working on the energetic structure of our brains, pineal glands and show us how to become remote viewers, time travelers, super psychics and essentially super heroes.
$125 General public (AEH 2013 Apprentices $80). Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. Also check website in case of cancellations due to weather during the winter months. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email suzysgp@gmail.com or purchase your ticket using paypal at: www.crystalclearmasterteachers.com/the-events/
Sunday, February 10th
Back to the Rice Field: A Life-Transforming, Hands-on Approach to Helping Yourself & Others Relieve Pain, Stress & Fatigue Based on Asian Healing Methods
Maria Gorens
10:00am – 6:00pm
The workshop is beneficial for health professionals as well as the general public. Please dress in yoga-style clothing to be able to practice cupping and gua sha on each other.
Maria Gorens has traveled throughout Asia and South America, learning the best methods of bringing people back to health with thousand-year-old healing techniques. In her New York City practice, she uses natural Asian methods to immediately relieve pain, discomfort and stress in her patients.
Join Maria’s life-transforming, hands-on workshop to learn and use ancient methods of immediate pain relief, face and body reading, cupping, gua sha, massage as well as other effective healing modalities Maria has been using successfully on her patients for many years.
Come to learn how to instantly help yourself and others overcome pain, chronic fatigue, stress and other discomforts without using medications.
Maria Gorens, L.Ac., a Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Spiritual Counselor, is a New York State and Nationally Board Certified Acupuncturist. She holds a Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in NYC, a certificate in Onnetsu Therapy from Japan, a certificate in Japanese medicine from New York, and a three-year degree from the BTB Professional School of Feng Shui.
Tickets: $135 pre-registered guests / $155 at the door. Admission includes free gift and handout. Space is limited, so please register early. To reserve your space, email mgorens@verizon.net or call Danielle Travali at 203-450-1426.
Monday, February 11th
More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop
Facilitated by Teri Merliss & Sondra Shaye
7:00pm – 9:30pm
A spiritual class that helps everyday people empower themselves, heal deep hurts, and awaken to a higher part of themselves. Through powerful healing energy, guided meditations, inspiring music, spiritual support and a community of friends, healing is achieved.
During these classes, you are shown how to access your untapped potential, change things for the better, and see yourself in a greater light. You learn how old programs and beliefs keep you trapped and how to change these beliefs and programs with effective healing techniques. You won’t be surprised at what you learn in these workshops, you will be transformed. For more information, please visit us at: www.SQ-Wellness.com
The exchange is $30, with all payments to be made at the door. First time attendees welcome for free!
To register, please contact MoreTruthTeachersNYC@gmail.com
Tuesday, February 12th
Making Love: Finding Your True Soulmate from the Inside Out!
Hosted & Presented by Celebrity Psychic Thomas John
With Kim Allen, John Keegan, Dr. Diana Kirschner, Karen Salmansohn & moderator Laura Smith
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Everyone is fascinated by love. Where to find, how to keep, when to leave it. Is she the one? Is he coming back? Will I ever find it? These are all questions we need to know the answer to-and we need to know NOW!
In this special pre-Valentine’s Day Panel, join veteran radio TV personality Laura Smith as she moderates a fascinating panel about love, life, and the spiritual meaning behind it all. Each presenter will give a brief talk based on his/her area of expertise and there will then be plenty of time to ask questions!
LAURA SMITH, is a radio personality in the tri-state area for 16 years. Laura can currently be heard on New York’s 77 WABC Radio with two programs, “Living Better with Laura Smith” and “The Saturday Night Café.”
KIM ALLEN, dubbed “The Love Psychic” is one of New York City’s most sought after astrologers. Kim has appeared weekly as the resident astrologer on BET’s Black Carpet providing insightful astrology predications about the stars and on numerous other television shows including: MTV, The Maury Povich Show, The Rikki Lake Show, Entertainment Tonight, CNN, and Good Day New York. www.kimallen.com.
JOHN KEEGAN is an internationally renowned dating coach and a foremost expert on values-based communication. He has helped clients from New York to Los Angeles, Paris to Rio de Janerio to fully understand their own value system and how to use that unique self-awareness to be more attractive to others. His contributions to the fields of personal development and lifestyle coaching have been recognized in publications ranging from The New York Times to Marie Claire. www.theawakenedlifestyle.com.
DR. DIANA KIRSCHNER is the author of the bestselling book Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love, which is the basis for her one-woman PBS Pledge Show “Finding Your Own True Love.” Dr. Diana is a frequent guest on The Today Show and has appeared on: Oprah, Good Morning America, Nightline, and Access Hollywood. www.lovein90days.com.
THOMAS JOHN, with his roster of celebrity clients and accurate world predictions, twenty-eight year-old psychic to the stars Thomas is quickly becoming a household name in the New York City psychic scene. He regularly appears on local and national TV shows, and appears regularly on the “Above and Beyond Show with Laura Smith” on WFAS and “Living Better with Laura Smith” on WABC. His work has been profiled in Gotham Magazine, OK! Magazine, HollywoodLife.com, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post. www.mediumthomas.com.
KAREN SALMANSOHN is the best-selling author and life coach of 27 books. Journalists call her “Deepak Chopra meets Carrie Bradshaw.” Titles include: How To Be Happy, Dammit, Enough Dammit; The 7 Lively Sins; How to Enjoy Your Life Dammit; and How to Change Your Entire Life by Doing Absolutely Nothing. www.notsalmon.com.
$30 in advance & $35 at door. To register, call 347-637-8592 or email info@mediumthomas.com. For more information, visit www.mediumthomas.com
Tuesday, February 12th
Master Teachers: Sacred Teachings and Energetic Activations
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Master Teachers provide a deeply physical experience during the channeled meditations, realigning imbalances, addressing illness and tuning individuals’ frequencies to a higher resonance. The Master Teachers come from a higher dimension and provide information about our universe from their non-judgmental, expanded point of view. They offer guidance on how to deal with personal and global issues, and meditations, instruction and individual messages to those seeking to become more conscious and in tune with their life’s purpose. The Master Teachers open our minds, and deepen our experience. They remind us that we are all powerful, that we are self-creating, and that we are One.
Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. Also check website in case of cancellations due to weather during the winter months. $25 Pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email suzysgp@gmail.com or purchase your ticket using paypal at: www.crystalclearmasterteachers.com/the-events/
Wednesday, February 13th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop with Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more information, go to Serving Those Who Serve at www.stws.org.
Wednesday, February 13th ~FREE EVENT~
Free Introductory Evening –
ISIS Interfaith (International Seminary for Interfaith Studies)
With Rev. Deborah Steen Ross
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Are you looking for a different kind of Interfaith Seminary? One that is relevant to the shifting and changing energies and times we are going through?
Have you ever thought that ministry, even Interfaith Ministry, does not do enough to support the spiritual and energetic awakening that is taking place OR pay enough attention to crisis situations that are occurring on this planet?
Are you ready to become part of the solution?
We invite you to join Rev. Deborah Steen Ross, Founder and Director of ISIS, for an exciting and informative evening of what it means to learn to minister from a place of wholeness, Oneness, and inclusivity, and explore why this program might be your next step into a new era of ministry and service to the world.
To RSVP, please call 212 864 2243.
Thursday, February 14th
Find the Love of Your Life – YOU!! A Valentine’s Evening Event
Suparna Bhasin, coach & founder of She Creates Change
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Get the unconditional love you desire on Valentine’s Day from the love of your life – YOU!!
Get off the couch, put down the tissues, and join the loving and supportive community of She Creates Change for an evening of self-love and appreciation.
Learn how to love yourself – the greatest love of all. Create your best self ever; the version of you that both you and others are simply crazy about!!!
Led by She Creates Change founder Suparna Bhasin, go on a journey of self-discovery, recognition, and care to re-ignite The Love of Your Life in you!!!
Receive: * Self-love lessons * Best-self creation * Support and love * Hand crafted chocolates and a flower * Food and beverage.
Fee: $25. Pre-registration required at: http://findloveofyourlifeyou.eventbrite.com/?discount=metalove Seats are limited.
Thursday, February 14th
Opening the Heart Through Soul Awareness
Lorenzo Ford
7:00pm – 9:30pm
It is through the heart that all things are manifested, be it love, abundance or healing. This fun and high energy workshop will awaken and expand our heart energies though working with various qualities of the soul. We will call in aspects of our souls energy with the help of our guides, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic-kingdom. We will also connect to our hearts to examine any issues from the past or present that may need healing. So come, on this Valentines Day and be apart of this musical and heart-felt journey!
Lorenzo Ford is an integrative therapist incorporating bioenergetic release work, and many other healing modalities. His purpose in in combining these modalities is for the full integration of emotion, mind, body and spirit, and to assist others in bringing though their soul-essence. Lorenzo is a Reiki Master, Light Ascension Master Therapist and Teacher, Rising Star Practitioner, Prema Birthing Practitioner, Advanced Vortex Healing Practitioner and a mesa holder in the Pachacuti Mesa shamanic tradition.
The cost of this event is $25. To Register please contact: oldoak108@yahoo.com
Friday, February 15th
Heart to HEART: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
Dances of Universal Peace
“Although we seem to be in a world of song and dance, we are most concerned with peace on earth.” (Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis) As a circle, we co-create an atmosphere of HEART with Meditation, Simple Movement/Dance, Sacred Names, Music and Sacred Walk. These practices are based upon in-the-world, Universal spirituality brought from India to the West by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, and of worldwide sacred traditions.
This circle is guided by Sufi Murshida Khadija, a senior mentor teacher. Dance Leadership mentoring, Tar drum instruction, and individual appointments are also available, by permission. Those of all paths (and no particular path) are welcome; no previous experience is necessary.
…I am teaching this music & dancing…to increase Joy, not awe toward another person but bliss in our own self. This is finding God within, through experience.” (Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis).
Space Contribution: Dances of Universal Peace $15; For information call (646) 924-9957; halway@comcast.net.
Friday, February 15th
Deepening Your Spiritual Practice
Rev. Anthony Farmer
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Your spiritual practice is a culmination of the tools, techniques, methods you use to stay connected and receive guidance, and it can be so much more. In this time of mystical, cosmological and personal energetic shifts, we are being called to strengthen and recommit to our spiritual practice. Through presentation, discussion, meditation and reflection, Rev. Anthony Farmer will guide you to deepening, exploring, realizing and becoming your spiritual practice, which is the foundation for the ministerial walk and a spiritual life.
Reverend Anthony Farmer is an Ordained Interfaith~Interspiritual Minister and Wisdom Keeper. He is the Senior Minister and Visionary of Visions of the Heart Spiritual Life Center, a growing Interfaith Community in Takoma Park, MD. As a spiritual teacher and guide, Rev. Farmer synthesizes the wisdom, experience and energies of an Interfaith Cleric, a Shamanic Practitioner, a Reiki Master Teacher and a Spiritual Life Coach to his sacred ministry of guiding people in reconnecting and learning to live from their heart.
Fee: $50. Please RSVP at ISISinterfaith@gmail.com.
Tuesday, February 19th
Clairvoyant Cafe: An Evening of Creative Conversation & Messages
with Tori Quisling
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Clairvoyant Cafe: An Evening of Creative Conversation & Messages with Tori Quisling, founder of the NY Center for Clairvoyant Development.
Tori will be teaching and demonstrating skills and techniques from her book The Clairvoyant Practitioner. Topics include psychic abilities, relationships, career, spiritual path, energy protection, dreams, mediumship and more. Tori has been offering deep, insightful readings and classes for over 25 years.
Fee: $30. Space Limited. Pre-register to get a spot. Contact Tori at 516-423-1794 or tori@yourpsychicself.net. Please see her website: www.YourPsychicSelf.net
Wednesday, February 20th
Ascension Tools for Galactic Souls – Dynamic Energy Activation Technique – Words of Power – Gateway to the 4th, 5th & Higher Dimensions through ET Perspective
Marc Brinkerhoff
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Marc is a rare Contactee and Conscious Channel for Finer Dimensional ET Universals (Ascended Master ETs), who is able to often call in inter-dimensional Extraterrestrial Spacecraft to be witnessed and photographed. He is a featured Contactee with benevolent ETs in the award winning film, by James Carman, ‘The Hidden Hand’. His ET Contact and UFO Photography continues to this day.
Join Marc and the Ascended Master Extraterrestrials of the Alsyglion Group for an amazing night of truly transformational energy, healing, activations and evolutionary practices. They will provide tools for Ascension and Frequency Upgrading you can master as the ‘Shift’ continues to accelerate. Marc believes it’s time to ‘shift’ into your ‘Galactic Self’ and will explain why it’s important to do so NOW.
Learn how to attract a sighting of the Ascended ETs’ ‘light ships’ in the skies if you are so inclined. Learn why you are truly blessed to be here on the planet at this most auspicious time in human history. There will also be a short space of time available for questions from the audience for the ETs.
Marc is here as a cogent reminder that ‘We Are Not Alone’ and never have been. Marc brings a message to all ‘Galactic Souls’ that it is time for the ‘Sleepers to Awaken’. If you think you are a ‘Star Seed’, ‘Wanderer’, ‘Experiencer’, or extremely interested in the Positive Aspects of Extraterrestrial Contact, Marc’s incisive knowledge of ET’s can be the wisdom you need to put it all into perspective.
$25.00 in advance – Pay online at: www.intergalacticmission.com/ (Register for Events Button) (Pay Pal) Cash and Checks also accepted. Non-refundable. Call 212-580-7663 or email: info@IntergalacticMission.com. Doors open at 6:30pm, Event starts at 7:00pm sharp. $30.00 cash at the door.
Wednesday, February 20th
Psychic Circle for Singles
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.
Price $25 at the door, or call Milou for reservation at (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.
Wednesday, February 20th
Meditation Evening : Creative Journeys Within
Anita Celeste
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Start the new year practicing meditation with a group. Group meditation is a powerful and supportive way to reconnect to ourselves, release excess baggage and set our intentions for the New Year. Anita will be offering a wonderful meditation evening for recharging or realigning on a deeper level. Meditating with a group offers a compassionate and loving way to do that. This will be a creative guided meditation focusing on our heart dreaming while connecting to Mother Earth and Source. Open to everyone at all levels. Feel free to bring notepads or sketchbooks.
Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design at School of Visual Arts and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. She offers creative workshops to help people connect to their creative spirit through meditation and exercises. In addition she is a Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Healer (IET®) and Intuitive Energy Healer. View her website at www.anitaceleste.com.
$25 per meditation. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or anita@anitaceleste.com.
Thursday, February 21st
Fitness Professionals’ Forum – Topic: Recovery ~ FREE EVENT~
1:00pm – 2:30pm
One of the hottest topics and trends in the past decade is recovery. And rightfully so! Traditionally, workout programs have dominated our attempts to progress. But more and more research supports the need to focus on recovery strategies to truly maximize our results – and stay injury free. From warm-ups to cool-downs, from massage and myofascial techniques to yoga, people of all levels are finding ways to enhance fitness, not by working harder, but by matching their recovery strategies to their workouts.
This panel discussion will feature panelists who use modern (and some ancient) techniques to influence and enhance recovery. You will learn new perspectives and tools you can use with your clients to maximize the benefits of staying fit through proper recovery techniques.
Complimentary Admission Courtesy of Reboot. Register online at http://bodylocal.com/fitness-professionals-forum-2/ For more information, email: support@bodylocal.com
Thursday, February 21st
META Center & New Realities Present

Kundalini Awakening
& the Evolution of Consciousness – Panel & Networking
Kiela Mellott, Nitin S. Adsul & Elizabeth Harwick with Moderator Alan Steinfeld
7:00pm – 9:45pm
Join host and moderator Alan Steinfeld as he discusses these questions and others in terms of the evolution of consciousness with such as experts as:
Kiela Mellott – is an avid spokesperson for kundalini. For 10 years she has experienced this profound power through a series of sensory, motor and mental symptoms often referred to as “Kundalini Syndrome” or “Spiritual Emergency”. It continues to shape her life and enlighten her daily. As a certified Life Pleasure Coach, Sacred Entertainer/Educator, Kiela lives her vitality through her Sacred Sexuality. Kiela is also the creator and performer of Pleasure Your World and Kiela’s Cabaret Productions.
Nitin S. Adsul – is a certified life coach, whose focus is mainly the purification of the soul to cultivate the seed of Kundalini Consciousness. In his Kundalini Consciousness workshops, he guides attendees on an energetic journey of higher vibrations by creating a peaceful environment for activation in a safe way. As a filmmaker he has produced/directed the award winning documentary Kundalini, which explains this power’s personal and social impact on people today.
Elizabeth Hardwick has had an accidental, fully awakened kundalini adventure since 1994. This has included experiences that encompass the heights and depths of what it means to be a human being. Over time, these have become of minor importance to the focus of her life – living in service of the Light that has created all of life. A professional architect with her own practice in New York City for the past 25 years, she has been devoted to a yoga practice for 16 years.
Alan Steinfeld, moderator, has been the host of the spiritually based talk show New Realities for the past 15 years. He has interviewed many of the top leaders in the human potential movement. He feels the times that we are in now are creating vast changes in consciousness. He hopes this panel will shed some light and direction on these changes. For his latest interviews go to: www.NewRealities.com
The event will include the panel discussion and networking, along with light refreshments later in the evening.
$20 in advance via PayPal or call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext. 1 to register. MC, VISA, Discover, checks & cash accepted – all non-refundable. $25 cash only at the door.
Thursday, February 21st
Self-Healing with One Light Healing Touch
AnnE O’Neil
6:30pm – 8:00pm
One Light Healing Touch is an international energy healing and mystery school founded in 1996. OLHT provides comprehensive, experiential training in the art of hands-on energy healing from the shamanic, esoteric, and holistic traditions.
Weaving together lecture, practices, and hands-on healing experience, this school takes you deeply in your own healing and teaches you to give powerful healings to others.
In this introductory evening, you will: * Experience a profound grounding exercise, allowing you to be more present * Learn about how life-force energy flows * Begin to tap into your own innate healing ability…and more!
AnnE O’Neil is a Certified Teacher and Practitioner with One Light Healing Touch. She has been working with energy healing since 1996 and was ordained as an Interfaith minister by One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in 2003.
$20 / pre-registration required. Register by e-mail at info@yoursoulpath.com or call 917-748-8463.
Thursday, February 21st & February 28th
US Siddha Center presents: Siddha Turiya Meditation
Masha Penson
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come join us, to experience the Siddha Turiya Meditation. Allow us to take you to deepest meditational experience and cross the bridge to a place where the limited self glimpses the unlimited self..where all polarities end and the ‘I’ in you dies to allow you to truly experience the ‘one’.
A must have experience to the beginner who finds it hard to meditate and a deepening experience for the mature meditator.
We can accept only limited number of people, registration is required. Class fee is nominal, just to cover rental space. $27. For registration, please email: team-us@pranashakty.org.
Friday, February 22nd
Spaces: How to Create Phenomenal Realities for Your Life in 2013
Workshop & Medi-Healing
Mas Sajady
6:30pm – 9:30pm
This year learn how Mas Sajady can help you transform your life effortlessly. This process goes far beyond the latest craze of self-help and goal setting. This is for real. Thousands have already redesigned, recreated their lives in a massive way using this method.
In this series: * Learn why resolutions haven’t worked in the past and what they didn’t tell you in the “Secret” * The 3 time tested secrets that supercharge your life for fast tangible results. * Find out how you can easily and effortlessly adopt the process yourself to create a new life for 2013. * Also in this workshop: a 15 minute Free Medi-Healing to instill the concepts you’ve learned deeper into your core so you are set on auto-pilot to achieve your dreams. (for most the transformation into your new paradigm is felt almost immediately).
“…the powerful energy that Mas used to “work on me.” In just three weeks I am changed… so changed that I hardly recognize myself. …” JBW
About Mas Sajady: Through two near death experiences Mas Sajady has been gifted with astonishing abilities to help you transform your life effortlessly. Akin to famous healers throughout history very few have achieved these miraculous levels. Thousands have benefitted from this natural phenomenon in all areas of their lives. www.MasSajady.com
Experience profound insights which effortlessly help, teach and guide you to: * Get answers and relief to persistent health issues * Supercharge your finances * Heighten relationships *Rise to true spirituality.
Space Contribution $25; For information email Vanessa@MasSajady.com. Register now and get access to the remainder of the 21 day Medi-healing program going until January 21st as a gift free. Learn more by clicking here. www.massajady.com/metacenter.
Friday, February 22nd
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Kick your shoes off… relax!!! Begin your weekend in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing that supports a return to the wholeness of your BEing. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Archangels and allow yourSelf to open your own intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Beings of light. In addition, loving messages are channeled for each person in the circle as well as the circle as a whole. These messages are offered to support your own insights, and for your continued growth and enlightenment. The evening concludes with a lovely guided meditation and energy healing to crown and heart chakras. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.
Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Christ Light Healer and Spiritual Counselor. She speaks Language of Light and channels enlightening messages from spirit guides known to her Beloved Rainbow Council during healing circles. Her commitment to healing work is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for you to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.
$25.00 at the door or register online at www.sanctuaryofdivinelight.com/exchange. For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553 or bdominick22@gmail.com
Saturday, February 23rd
All Day Workshop with the Master Teachers:
Sacred Teachings and Energetic Activations – Expanding Reality Super Heroes Series/TIME
Suzy Meszoly
10:00am – 5:00pm
Time is the great big illusion that limits us, creates our linear understanding and makes huge stress for a lot of people. The Master Teachers work with us to expand our understanding of “reality”; they will be working on the energetic structure of our brains, pineal glands and show us how to become remote viewers, time travelers, super psychics and essentially super heroes.
$125 General public (AEH 2013 Apprentices $80). Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. Also check website in case of cancellations due to weather during the winter months. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email suzysgp@gmail.com or purchase your ticket using paypal at: www.crystalclearmasterteachers.com/the-events/
Saturday, February 23rd
Living Here And Now Workshop
Claes Lilja & Benjamin Seaman
10:00am – 5:00pm
During this one-day workshop we will learn and practice techniques to enhance our capacity for presence and understand more clearly what it means and what effect it can have on our lives. Through a combination of practices, teachings and exercise, we will explore the experience of “hyper-presence,” and work to strengthen our capacity for staying awake and present in challenging real life situations. This is an important key to any lasting transformational inner work! Presence also opens us to a greater appreciation of life and deepens our relationships while making us more capable and powerful in real-life situations.
Register at www.experienceofbeing.com today!
Sunday, February 24th
“The Art of Energetic Healing” Year Long Certificate Course
Suzy Meszoly
10:00am – 5:00pm
This course is full for the year.
Please contact Suzy is you are interested to take the course in 2014. Tel: 845.616-0860 or email suzysgp@gmail.com
Sunday, February 24th
Reiki Shoden (First Level/First Degree)
Lilia V. Marquez, RN
9:30am – 5:30pm
Prerequisite: An Open Mind and Grateful Heart
Each one has an innate ability to heal oneself. This course will introduce you to Usui Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art) and will teach you techniques for self healing. In this one day intensive class, you will learn basic knowledge of Usui Reiki Ryoho. You’re going to be initiated to Reiki by means of an Attunement. Everyone who is interested to learn Traditional Japanese Reiki as it was taught in the 1930s is welcome to attend. Repeat students welcome to attend.
Contact: Lilia V. Marquez, RN Komyo Reiki Kai New York www.komyoreikikai.net/reiki-shoden.html. Komyo Reiki Kai New York is featured on the list of 101 Best Sites for Nurses 2012.
Monday, February 25th
Full Moon Event – Expanding & Letting More Light In!
With Jodi Serota
7:00pm – 9:45pm
This is a day where the Full Moon in Virgo shines bright allowing us all to feel what needs to be completed or what we need to come to terms with in ways that work best for ourselves.
Let’s celebrate and grow beyond where we’ve been before. This winter has been about introspection since the Dec. 21st alignment. Now that we’ve had time to contemplate and mull over our lives, deciding on what really works and what needs change…we can now move to greater heights within ourselves. It’s time to know what needs to be re-created and to make necessary changes for refinement of past circumstances or to just end situations to start fresh and new.
Join us in a guided evening of channeled information, vibrational sound alignments and more. The focus will be in helping to make shifts that will lead to being in equal service to self and others, for more receptivity, and to refine with greater detail for increased openness, trust and expansion.
Move through your next cycle and be open to this time as a “rite of passage” for greater awareness, realizations of what matters, and for easier and fuller manifestation of desires.
Get ready for your life to change for the better! All are welcome!
$20 in advance via Paypal or call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext.1. (MC, Visa & Discover Cards, cash and checks in advance). Non-refundable. $25 cash only at the door.
Monday, February 25th
Optimization With Meditation
– You Have the Right to Remain Silent!
Dr. Brian Blatt & Mel Finnerty
7:15pm – 8:30pm
Join us for an evening you do not want to miss. While a traditional group meditation may leave you feeling a sense of relaxation and ease, join Dr. Brian Blatt and Mel Finnerty as they bring to you the first in a series of events they have created to deeply enrich your understanding of how to optimize your health and life, using meditation as a powerful piece of the puzzle.
Whether you are a curious first timer or a seasoned meditation practitioner, you will be sure to leave with a novel and meaningful experience. In addition to feeling centered and renewed, you will take with you a practical and usable set of skills and strategies to use to truly benefit your well-being and your life.
In his Union Square practice, AXIS Chiropractic, Dr. Brian Blatt has carefully crafted and woven together a very unique and powerful approach to health and healing. This specific practice focus is called Neuro-Spinal Optimization. By truly getting to the underlying cause of the issue, Dr. Blatt has helped so many people not just re-claim their health and function, but experience it at a higher level than before. www.axischironyc.com
Mel Finnerty: www.sacredgatheringsandevents.com
Fee: $10 in advance, and $15 dollars at the door. To RSVP call 631-335-4076 or email drbrianblatt@gmail.com. Refreshments will be provided.
Tuesday, February 26th
Learn Your Life’s Purpose
Hand Analysis / Soul Agenda Reading
Jean Worth
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Come and learn about the healing science of Hand Analysis. Experience a lecture/demonstration and a mini reading for each participant.
Hand Analysis, a unique tool used for self-mastery, reveals innate gifts, life’s purpose and challenges. Fingerprints are formed 5 months prior to birth revealing your life path for this incarnation while the lines on the palms are the blueprint of how one thinks, feels and responds to life’s circumstances and situations.
You will leave with pertinent information for personal growth, direction, joy and manifestation.
Jean Worth, a transformational counselor and healing practitioner, a graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis, certified in Quantum Biofeedback, and holds an MA in Education from NYU.
$30.00 paid in advanced by credit card. $35.00 cash at the door. Space limited to 14. To register call 917-579-3050 or e-mail jeanworthnewyork@yahoo.com. For more information, please visit www.jeanworth.com
Tuesday, February 26th
Meditation: Connecting to Heaven and Earth
Grounding – Finding Present – Time
Susan Feinbloom, Rev., LCSW, CMT, CHom
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Meditation is a time we go inward to infinity and cosmic consciousness to discover who we truly are. It’s when we experience stillness and begin to listen to our Higher Self.
Until we align vertically, to Heaven and Earth, we exist horizontally. Here we are oriented sideways – always listening to other people’s opinions and living their point of view. Our first 3 chakras (survival, emotions, and personal power) operate on external commands and imprints. At some point the question arises “Where do I fit into my own life?” Meditation is a time we awaken to who we truly are and find our pathway home.
In this workshop we will learn a pattern of meditation connecting to Heaven – our spiritual nature and guidance – Earth – our natural body – and Grounding – the ability to release the past, release imprints, thoughts and programs of others – and come into Present – time.
Susan Feinbloom is a gifted psychotherapist infusing clairvoyance and meditation into the psychotherapeutic process uncovering the truths revealed through the spiritual anatomy. She teaches clairvoyance, Shamanism, meditation and the chakras. www.susanfeinbloom.com
$35. To register call (707) 326-7321 or email twilight@sonic.net.
Wednesday, February 27th
Effective Psychic Self-Defense
Skydin Zeal
7:00pm – 9:30pm
In this month’s Atlantean Metaphysics cntinue to Level 2 of Psychic Self Defense! Have you created some unwanted experiences? Learn how to protect yourself, heal yourself and others & ultimately create a state where negative experiences do not exist! Skydin Zeal is a professional instructor of Scandinavian Shamanic techniques.
Part 1: Purifying & Healing: Skydin Zeal will start by offering a sophisticated blend of herbal magic to balance, cleanse & spiritually energize all in attendance. Atlantean sound healing instruments channeled & created by Skydin will be also be experienced!
Part 2: Norse Solar Energization: Solar Norse chants & empowering Norse yogic stances called Staddhagaldr.
Part 3: Skydin Zeal will show you how to utilize the best metaphysical techniques from a multitude of ancient cultures, some before history.
Readings for everyone: Receive a brief yet powerful psychic rune reading on where you are in life and suggestions on your best course of action. Q & A Segment
RSVP encouraged to ensure seating: info@skydin.com Exchange: $25 accepted at the door. skydin.com
Thursday, Feb 28th
Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing Circle—
“Divine Balance of the Goddess/God Within”
Olivia Olkowski
12:30pm – 2:30pm
Join us monthly at the META Center, to explore ourselves through the ancient practice shamanic drumming and journey work. Indigenous cultures worldwide have practiced shamanism as a way to gain wisdom, healing, and information, to bring healing and balance to the community.
FEB — “Divine Balance of the Goddess/God Within” This month we will walk the path of divinity, union, balance and love for thy self and others. We will dive deep into the subconscious and allow our guides to track issues blocking us from being in balance of our feminine and masculine energies.
Upcoming Circle Dates: March 28th, April 25th, and starting OUTDOORS in the parks May 16th!
Wear comfortable clothes, bring a pen and notepad. No previous experience is necessary, all traditions welcome. Limited space available. RSVP is required! This way I can plan our time.
Energy Exchange: $20. Contact: Olivia at olivia.olkowski@gmail.com More Info about Olivia: www.spiritrockshamanichealing.com
Thursday, February 28th ~FREE EVENT~
Quantum Healing
Cellular Reprogramming By the Divine Diamond®
with Aniruddhan & Natercia
6:30pm – 7:25pm / recommended for participants of the 7:30pm event
This opportunity is for everyone to learn how to work with the Divine Diamond®. The Divine Diamond Theta Group Field is for communication with the body’s innate intelligence. Specialized guided instruct to the stem cells and cellular system to align with our sacred DNA and collect the best attributes for greater cellular longevity. With our multidimensional ability to access fractal time we will bring forth the experience of being more Quantumly connected as incarnate and energetic beings, manifesting and living from our True Selves. This will directly affect our physical process of regeneration and spiritual evolution, as we learn and mature in the ability to take and make the best of our response-ability.
The Group will also make specialized tonal activation sounds, this is an invitation to experience the profound regenerative power of tonal practices and the wisdom gained from the tones, empowering us by taking part in our manifestation process.
For information contact dd4healing@gmail.com.
Group Healing using the Divine Diamond®, Vortexhealing® & E-Lybra®9 Bio-Resonance Body Alignment & Strengthening System
With Aniruddhan & Natercia
7:30pm – 10:00pm
Previous FREE event recommended – 6:30pm – 7:25pm
Bio-resonance is the ability for an external frequency/pattern to resonate with a specific item in the bio-field of the physical body, creating changes that directly affect the pathology and improve the functioning and overall health of the entire system.
VortexHealing®, designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body and awaken spirit within the human heart. When divine consciousness is truly accessed, it also acts as an independent intelligence; it knows exactly where the roots of your issues are held and goes directly there to transform them.
Divine Diamond® is a multidimensional Trinity energy that interfaces through a torrid quantum field that aliens us into a theta state. This creates a connection to our systems quantum aspects from which transformations can happen in all physical and energetic bodies at once. The Quantum Sacred Star connection is pure grace, entangled with the earth, solar and universal sacred geometry, Matatrons cube. This experience calibrates the harmonic resonant of our sacred DNA, and in the combined presence of the e-Lybra®9 and VortexHealing®, you are in for an event that you will not forget.
Fee: $45.00 Visit divinediamond.org where you can register and pay in advance, read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more. For information contact dd4healing@gmail.com. (Online registration appreciated but not required).
Thursday, February 28th
Releasing the Core Fear
Angela Aim
6:30pm – 8:00pm
How many times has the shadow of fear stopped you? Are you ready to speak your truth, take risks, reclaim your power and go after what you want most in life? Finally, if you are taking a leap of faith and looking for some solid ground this workshop is for you!
At this workshop we will use different kinds of techniques to *strengthen the flow of your root chakra and *activate your pineal gland, which is a dormant organ in telepathic communication with the higher realms of consciousness. *Finding your Spirit voice and create a vision and potential opportunities for your personal journey!
This workshop includes gentle body movements, please wear comfortable cloth and bring your journal to take some notes. At the end of the workshop everyone will receive channeled guidance in regards to your current situation.
Angela Aim is Graduate of Kairos institute of Sound Healing, Light Workers Association of Las Vegas, Sedona Shamanic School, and Power Brain Center of NY, she also has a Master Degree in Education and Psychology.
web site: www.isislight.com
Fee: $45.00 To register, please contact Angela Aim at 646-963-5321 or via email: Athen69@yahoo.com
(212) 736 0999 Ext 1. info@metacenterny.com
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