June Events At A Glance
5/31-6/1: 2014 Komyo Reiki Shinpiden (Teacher Degree) Training – Inamoto Sensei
6/1: Feng Shui & Health: Ho’oponopono Style! – Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro
6/4: An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center ~FREE EVENT~
6/5: The Jewels in Your Horoscope – Pamela Cucinell
6/5: Psychic Message Circle – Milou
6/6: Matchmyspirit Holistic Bazaar – with Stewart Swerdlow – Matchmyspirit.com ~FREE EVENT~
6/6: Connecting and Clearing with the Angels – Mark Mezadourian
6/6, 6/9 & 6/10: Akashic Record Multidimensional Channeled Readings / Vibrational Healings
6/7: “Hyperspace Intro” Workshop – Stewart Swerdlow
6/7: Emotional Tune Up – Overcoming Emotional Blockages. A Fragrance Alchemy Workshop – Sandra Saradesi
6/8: Attracting Your Divine Partner – Mark Mezadourian
6/9: An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center ~FREE EVENT~
6/10: Build Your Marketing Toolkit with Social Media – Naini Nakagawa
6/11: Family Constellations for Happiness & Success – Natalie Berthold
6/11: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
6/12: Triple-Power Skin Rejuvenation! – Joule L’Adara, Aurea Laura, Irena Gubenko, Lindai Schwartz
6/13: Egyptian Healing Ceremony – Fire and Water – Yoko
6/13: Discover Your Soul’s Agenda – Align with your Life’s Purpose – Jean Worth
6/16: BioGeometry: A Natural Energy Solution for Modern Problems – Jean Chuang Menges ~EVENT CANCELLED~
6/17: Sound Healing: Integration & Ascension and Channeled Activations from the Master Teachers – Suzy Meszoly (Astria)
6/18: Be You – Heal Within & Without With Kundalini Yoga, Meditation & Three Min Start® – Mahankirn Kaur
6/19: A Workshop in Knowing and Worth – Paul Selig
6/19: Honoring the Divine Father Within – Anthony Citro
6/20: La Vida en 5 Minutos – Julio Bevione
6/20: Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Summer Solstice – Rev. Barbara
6/21: Rose Alchemy Summer Solstice Celebration – Sandy Humby
6/21: The Art of Energetic Healing: Advanced Training – Suzy Meszoly (Astria)
6/23: Kirtan, World Chant & Community Concert – 13 Hands
6/24: “Change Your Frequency, Change Your Life!” Success Consciousness – Expansion – Mas Sajady
6/25: The Night of the Witch – Two illustrated lectures on Witchcraft – Pam Grossman & Christina Oakley Harrington
6/25: Group Meditation Intensive!! Science of Light – The Session: “Expressing Solar Radiation” – Rev. Tim Chambers
6/25: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
6/26: Psychic Circle for Singles – Milou
6/27: Quantum Healing Cellular Reprogramming By the Divine Diamond® – Aniruddhan & Gautami ~FREE EVENT~
6/27: Sacred Anointing ~ The Heart of Blessing – Jacqui Bushell & Jane Elworthy
6/27: Discover Your Soul’s Agenda – Align with your Life’s Purpose – Jean Worth
6/28 & 6/29: Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop By the Divine Diamond – Aniruddhan & Gautami
6/28 & 6/29: Ancestral Healing Training – Prarmahansa Jagadish
6/28: Chakra Energy Chime Professional Practitioner Training
Joule L’Adara
6/28: Welcome to your Evolution, the Revolution of Light & Love! Christ Consciousness & Opening Your Heart with The Akash – Audrey Light Language & Danielle Scaglione
6/29: Divine Light Transmission – Prarmahansa Jagadish
Saturday, May 31st – Sunday, June 1st
2014 Komyo Reiki Shinpiden (Teacher Degree) Training
Inamoto Sensei
10am – 6pm
Prerequisite: 1) Reiki Master Certificate regardless of your Reiki School/ Reiki Style and/or Komyo Reiki Okuden Certificate if you are taught by a Certified Komyo Reiki Shihan. 2) Essay on why you want to become a Shihan and what it means to you. 3) Knowledge of Komyo Reiki Kai shirushi/symbols, meaning, usage, jumon (mantras). Shihan candidates are encouraged to attend a Komyo Chuden Refresher course from their Komyo Reiki Teachers. 4) Reiki Precepts in Japanese and English. 5. Knowledge of Reiki FAQ. www.komyoreikikai.net/reiki-faq.html
Shihan (師範) is a Japanese term, often used in Japanese martial arts as an honorific title for expert or senior instructors. Shihan in Komyo Reiki Kai is a teacher, a person who, while teaching, continues to learn something from his students. The Reiki teacher does not teach the student how to live; on the contrary, he helps him learn how to choose and then, the student has to undertake the path towards spiritual enlightenment himself.
Komyo Reiki Kai, the system Inamoto Sensei has created, presents Reiki as it was understood and commonly practiced in the 1930s in Japan. This system places emphasis on spiritual enfoldment through the practice of Reiki Ryoho, aiming for “satori” or enlightenment.
Fee: $850.00 via Check (must be cleared on or before 3/31/2014) / $860.00 via PayPal one time payment on or before 3/31/2014 or $900.00 via PayPal after 3/31/2014. Returning Komyo Reiki Kai Shihans fee: $250.00 via Check on or before 4/31/14 / $260.00 via PayPal on or before 4/31/14 or $500.00 after 4/31/14 via PayPal. Check – Must be cleared on or before 03/31/2014. Payment Mailing Address Lilia V. Marquez, PO Box 3113, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163. Contact Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN-BC, CCRN Komyo Reiki Kai New York – Featured on the list of 101 Best Sites in 2012. Register online 24/7 via PayPal www.komyoreikikai.net/
Sunday, June 1st
Feng Shui & Health: Ho’oponopono Style!
With Feng Shui Expert/Author Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro
10am – 5:00pm
NEW! Exciting “First-Time” Workshop!! If you let your Past become your Present, it will ultimately become your Future…
We are living in a very spiritually advanced time on the planet! What we are coming to understand is that through various energy fields, thought patterns and repetitive memories we have basically created everything that exists in our day to day reality including our perceptions, beliefs, experiences, animate, inanimate objects, even our homes and ultimately…all of our health related challenges! The exciting news is that if we have in some way, consciously or unconsciously, helped create all of our health related issues, then in turn, we also have the power to “un-create” those same issues!
Our physical bodies and our home environments are intrinsically connected…every nook, door, window or piece of furniture serves as an externalized mirror reflecting what is happening or not happening in your physical & emotional body (as well as in the rest of your life)! Issues ranging from depression, anxiety, physical pain, to disorders, diseases and most illnesses can be traced back to various interior factors and design layouts! These aspects often act as a contributing factor that can unknowingly impede ones quest for optimal health! No prior Feng Shui knowledge required!!!
In this workshop, you will learn how to use a combination of transcendental BTB Feng Shui principles, cures and adjustments, along with the Hawaiian problem-solving methods of Ho’oponopono to accelerate the healing process and shift lifetime patterns of physical/emotional challenges, illnesses and disease!
Join us for this opportunity to work with Feng Shui & Health Expert/Author Andie SantoPietro, and her Ho’oponopono enhanced approach to using Feng Shui for Health Related Issues!
Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro is an internationally known Feng Shui Expert, “Spiritual Law” Counselor, LightWorker & Author of Best Sellers, Feng Shui: Harmony By Design and Feng Shui & Health: The Anatomy of A Home. She lectures worldwide, including venues such as NYC Open Center and the Omega Institute on topics such as the Ascension Process, Frequency Shifts, Soul Contracts, Chakra Energy System, Feng Shui, and on becoming the new 5D Human! Currently in it’s 20th year, Nancy SantoPietro & Associates, Inc. offers Individual Counseling, Personal/Business/Health Feng Shui Consultations and Seminars. Phone & On-Site Services Available. NYC & Princeton, NJ offices. www.fengshui-santopietro.com
Cost: $175. Space Limited: Email or call to reserve your seat ASAP! Register/Info: Contact Diane Hoffmann at NSP&A, Inc. nsanpietro@aol.com – 718-256-2640/609-750-8502. Send check in a Red Envelope to: Nancy SantoPietro, 6221 Ravens Crest Drive, Plainsboro, NJ 08536. ***Class Materials*** – Bring 9 Red Envelopes w/ $1.00 in each, a sketch of your home floor plan including furniture placement & writing materials.
Wednesday, June 4th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm
Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.
Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.
In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.
Free Event. Please RSVP online: www.newyorkmeditationcenter.com/getting-started/
Thursday, June 5th
The Jewels in Your Horoscope
with Pamela Cucinell
7:00pm – 9:00pm
There are more than 12 kinds of people, so how can astrology really work? You know you’re not the same person as someone else who was born the same day. This gathering gives you a quick snapshot into why astrology can be “spot on”. Pamela Cucinell a certified astrologer, demonstrates the relevance of the ancient art of astrology in contemporary life. In this lively interactive workshop, Pamela uses down-to-earth explanations to give tangible information. She explains the 4 elements of astrology: Earth, Air, Fire & Water and how the alchemical mix creates a unique person. Through story-telling, both mythological and personal, Pamela demystifies astrology and brings insight to your life.
Register at least 48 hours before the workshop with your birthdate, time and place of birth, to receive a printout of your unique horoscope.
Pamela uses the horoscopes of pre-registered participants to demonstrate how much knowledge can be gleaned from this map of the “celestial DNA”. Pamela helps people find “perfect timing”; life flows when you work with the celestial schedule. Although she works with individuals, couples and families, she has a large self-employed clientele who value her business sense.
Pamela recognizes the healing power of a good astrological consultation; she is a 7th generation Reiki Master of the Usui System of Natural Healing with lineage linked to Hawayo Takata. She has serves clients on the phone and is Wainwright House in Rye’s resident astrologer where she runs New Moon Gatherings. Pamela is a prize-winning speaker and a member of the National Council of Geocosmic Research (NCGR), the International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) and the Association of Astrological Networkers (AFAN). She holds NCGR PAA certification for consulting.
$35* – In advance through PayPal or call Pamela / $40 at the door. Call Pamela at 917-796-6026, email: pamela@insightoasis.com. PayPal link www.insightoasis.com/about-pamela/pamela-live/jewels-horoscope-astrology-101/ www.facebook.com/events/139479376222442/
Thursday, June 5th
Psychic Message Circle
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, find a new job, or receive a message from departed love ones? You are invited to bring a pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you names, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He does not ask for any information, including your name.
Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.

Friday, June 6th, Monday June 9th & Tuesday, June 10th
3 Full days of back-to-back ½ hr. Affordable Mini Sessions of…
Akashic Record Multidimensional Channeled Readings / Vibrational Healings
Jodi Serota
12:30pm – 8:00pm
½ hr. by appointment only – $90. Non-refundable.
I’ve been guided at this time, to assist everyone with Mini Channeled Sessions & Vibrational Healings, as so many are going through uncertain times on the planet and in our lives.
You may have noticed that for a while now, life seems very open ended with no sense of tangible outcomes. You may also feel confused feelings of focus, and a lack of manifesting smoothly or with as much ease and continued movement as in the past.
The Hierarchies of Light have offered to meet with you in private sessions to give you life readings for more clarity to assist in moving forward with strength, higher wisdom, direction, and knowing you’re being supported and not alone in your life’s journey. Vibrational Healing Sessions are also being offered to clear anything in the way that keeps you in the illusions of limitation.
Guided Information & Vibrational Ceremonies may be combined as well depending on what comes through specifically for your highest good.
Call to reserve a space for your Session(s) now, as I typically only offer 1hr. or 90 minute appointments. This is being offered as a support to assist in getting through this particular difficult time on the planet.
Open to everyone who is willing to make the necessary shifts for movement forward to have empowerment, happiness, love & peace in their lives!
$90. Must be prepaid and no refunds after booking. (Visa, MC, Discover Chks & Cash accepted.) Call META Center immediately to hold your space. 212-736-0999 Ext.1.
Friday, June 6th ~FREE EVENT~
Matchmyspirit Holistic Bazaar with Special Guest! Stewart Swerdlow
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Attend for free and enjoy an array of holistic services ranging from massages, aromatherapy, Reiki treatments, reflexology and lots more. Shop for fun hand made natural products and delicious raw food and organic raw chocolates, and enjoy delicious exotic teas from all over the world.
Also meet Stewart Swerdlow from Expansions.com Enjoy workshops and discussions on : * Hyperspace * Improved relationships * Respond positively/proactively in all life circumstances * Regenerate & rejuvenate naturally * Increase wealth & prosperity * Understand your place in the Over soul matrix of your soul-personality.
Friday, June 6th
Connecting and Clearing with the Angels
Mark Mezadourian
7:00pm – 9:00pm
This workshop is about using simple techniques to connect with the angels and your allowing them to do things for you.
Part One will focus on working with Archangel Michael on individualizing your energy by clearing away the influence of the past and other people. You’ll also clear outdated beliefs and thought patterns, including two dynamics that tend to stop us from taking action: Trying to figure things out and trying to control everything.
Part Two will focus on your relationship with the angels, and receiving intuitive guidance from them. This includes: Knowing what is guidance and what is your ego; Understanding how to receive guidance (the four “Clairs”); and using specific wording to ensure accuracy. From this loving support, we gain confidence, clarity and peace of mind.
$30* – All forms of payment can be used at the door. *You can take both Connecting and Clearing with the Angels and Attracting Your Divine Partner for $99. **Mark will be giving private Intuitive Readings before and after the Attracting workshop on June 8th. 15 ($30) or 30 ($60) minute sessions available. Times: 10:15am to 12:30am and from 5:15pm to 5:45pm. Please contact Mark to schedule a session – (646) 574-1245 or mark@markmezadourian.com. www.markmezadourian.com
Saturday June 7th
“Hyperspace Intro” Workshop
Stewart Swerdlow
3:00pm – 6:00pm
In this “Hyperspace Intro” Workshop Stewart touches upon a variety of subjects to give you a taste of the power of your own mind when properly directed.
You will learn: What is Hyperspace & how it differs from the Astral Realm
Basic Hyperspace Archetypes, Exercises & Visualizations Such as Chakra Spinning; T-Bar Balancing; Breathing; Self-Integration/Brown Merger; Ultimate Protection Technique; Releasing Techniques; Oversoul.
Cost: $125. We expect Personal Consultations & Workshop to be SOLD OUT so please reserve your space immediately so you are not left out!Registration: Contact Patricia, Customersupport@expansions.com. 269-519-8036. Skype: eventsatexpansions / Visit website: www.Expansions.com
Saturday, June 7th
Emotional Tune Up – Overcoming Emotional Blockages
A Fragrance Alchemy Workshop
Sandra Saradesi
10:00am – 5:00pm
Emotional trauma is held in the stagnant points of the main meridians that flow through the body. We will assist you to identify which meridians are blocked based on the distorted emotions and through the use of breathing technique and essential oils activate free-flowing pure emotions, taking you to your next step of evolution.
The Curriculum: • We will start with The Sacred Breath of Arasatma – An ancient technique for grounding, clearing the Pranic tube, manifesting and establishing a sense of “Well Being and Wholeness” • You will learn about the 4 distorted emotions blocking each of the 12 main Meridians in the body and its correspondent organs • How these blockages prevent us from rising in consciousness and moving to our next level of evolution • Sessions with the Angelic modality of BelVasPata + Oils & Acupressure points • Materials included: A printed booklet of the 12 Main Meridians of the body with its correspondent points for daily practice • Optional for purchase: A Starter Set of 12 Pure Egyptian Oils for the 12 main Meridian. We look forward to seeing you at this One of a Kind Workshop.
Sandra Saradesi is Grand Master and teacher of BelVasPata – The Angelic Healing Modality – the Sacred Breath of Arasatma, and a fragrance alchemy practitioner which are just some of the modalities she bring to others as an intuitive/gifted healer and spiritual coach. Sandra is also the host of the Blog Talk Radio show ‘A Life of Miracles’ as an endorsed teacher of the works of the Seer Almine. It’s Sandra’s deepest joy to walk others into oneness and their next level of evolution.
“The Heart cannot open until the Mind is silent” ~ Almine www.healingoftheheart.com
Pre-Registration by March 30th – $99 – After & At The Door $125. Event Organizer: Deborah 917 733 4738.
Sunday, June 8th
Attracting Your Divine Partner
Mark Mezadourian
1:00pm – 5:00pm
The goal of Attracting Your Divine Partner is to fully shift from looking for partnership to attracting it. Working with Archangel Michael as our primary guide, we’ll clear all attachments to people and the past, as well as upgrade all beliefs and patterns around romance on a DNA level. Once the clearing is complete, we’ll heal and soothe all that is you, and then begin the process of creating the perfect conditions for new experiences to enter your life.
The seven steps of this process are: * Getting Into Your Own Energy * Letting Go of the Past * Releasing Outdated Beliefs from Past Lives * Definition of Roles with Aspects of Yourself * Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies * Encountering Potential Partners * Visioning From Your Soul’s Perspective
Come join us and experience a new perspective of who you actually are and what is available to you! This workshop is for individuals of all ages and sexual orientations.
$88* – All forms of payment can be used at the door. *You can take both Connecting and Clearing with the Angels and Attracting Your Divine Partner for $99. **Mark will be giving private Intuitive Readings before and after the Attracting workshop on June 8th. 15 ($30) or 30 ($60) minute sessions available. Times: 10:15am to 12:30am and from 5:15pm to 5:45pm. Please contact Mark to schedule a session – (646) 574-1245 or mark@markmezadourian.com. www.markmezadourian.com
Monday, June 9th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm
Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.
Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.
In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.
Free Event. Please RSVP online: www.newyorkmeditationcenter.com/getting-started/
Tuesday, June 10th
Build Your Marketing Toolkit with Social Media
Naini Nakagawa
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Enjoy fun workshops on social media, email marketing ask questions on how to grow your business with social media. A highly interactive workshop – not to be missed!
Wednesday, June 11th
Family Constellations for Happiness & Success
Natalie Berthold
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Do you ever feel like you repeat the same patterns over and over, no matter what you do? A lot of what we carry, we carry as our own, when in fact, it is not. Issues in health, relationships, career/finances/success, addictions, etc are often a manifestation of past familial and ancestral trauma. Our hidden loyalties often keep us in a holding pattern and make it difficult for us to up-level in life.
Join us and see if what you’re struggling with might be passed down trans-generationally. Reveal hidden dynamics that hold you back, and reorder them. This work is phenomenological and experiential and extremely powerful, healing, and efficient and gets to the root of our issues. Due to the nature of this work, not everyone will get a constellation, but everyone will get healing.
Energy exchange: $60. Must RSVP at natalieberthold@gmail.com and pay a $20 non-refundable deposit to hold your seat, and you can pay the rest ($40) at the door. (Go to this link www.natalieberthold.com/sessions/ and scroll to bottom for Paypal link).
Wednesday, June 11th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.
We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.
The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.
Fee is $20. Register via www.meetup.com/seanceinthecity/ or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).
Thursday, June 12th
Triple-Power Skin Rejuvenation!
Joule L’Adara, Aurea Laura, Irena Gubenko, Lindai Schwartz
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Join this anti-aging skincare event with Joule, Aurea, Irina and Lindai! We will share with you some secrets of healthy diet, sound vibrations, essential oils, and facial massage techniques that will help your skin to look young, healthy, and vibrant all year round! Experience tuning forks that stimulate facial muscles, healthy organic juices that nurture the skin from the inside out, and essential oil based recipes combined with easy-to-do massage techniques that rejuvenate the skin.
In this exciting 2-hour presentation you will learn about: *Facial Vibration using Tuning Forks *The Rejuvenating Power of Whole Foods *Cell Regeneration with Essential Oils *Toning Your Muscles with Facial Massage. Bring your friends and enjoy learning about healthy and natural ways to stay youthful in appearance while gaining more energy and feeling great inside and out!
$15 with pre-registration, $20 at the door Click here to register: http://bit.ly/Q8dlFb. Call for more information: (310) 321-2711.
Friday, June 13th
Egyptian Healing Ceremony -Fire and Water-
7:30pm – 9:30pm
Join us as we blend the elements of God, Goddess, Divine Male and Female in a powerful Ceremony that transforms each participant at the core level. This ceremony is specifically done to heal the imbalance and wounding of the male and female within each of us and on the planet. This transformation is needed on this planet and together we will create balance and peace within ourselves and throughput the world.
This special ceremony will be conducted by High Priestesses of the Egyptian Temple of Osiris specially trained in Egyptian Ceremony and Magick and it will begin with teachings on the Matriarchal and Patriarchal cycles of this planet and the God and Goddess archetypes in Egyptian tradition and culminate in sacred Magick. Bring your friends, family and loved ones – Everyone is welcome to this special ceremony!
Investment: $45 if you pay in advance / $50 on the door. Contact: Yoko 646-320-3141 or knowthyselfny@gmail.com www.yokoinnewyork.com
Friday, June 13th
Discover Your Soul’s Agenda – Align with your Life’s Purpose
Jean Worth
6:30pm – 8:30pm
We all have a unique signature, one that is you and no one else. Hand Analysis can decode your most pertinent information and reveal your soul’s agenda and life’s purpose. Your fingerprints are formed five months prior to birth and they carry the blueprint of your life. Discover what it is your soul yearns to express and who you are meant to be. Learn to become your authentic self and live your life with passion.
This event begins with a dynamic lecture/demonstration followed by a personal reading. The class size is now limited to six participants to ensure in-depth work for each participant. You will leave with a profound understanding of your true purpose and tools to help you live your life on purpose with passion.
Jean Worth – Transformational counselor and healing practitioner – Graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis – Certified in Quantum Biofeedback – MA in Education from NYU. www.jeanworth.com
$60 paid in advance by credit card. $75.00 cash at the door. To register: Call 917-579-3050 or e-mail jeanworth9@gmail.com
Monday, June 16th ~EVENT CANCELLED~
BioGeometry: A Natural Energy Solution for Modern Problems
Jean Chuang Menges, MS, L.Ac., AdvCBP
7:00pm – 9:00pm
In a perfectly balanced world, the earth, our homes, work environments and our bodies would maintain a proper energy-quality identity, and the correct balance of polarity. Unfortunately, we do not live in a balanced world. The electricity that powers our increasingly “wired” planet and the rapid spread of cell towers, WiFi and other modern technological and architectural conveniences, have created energy interactions that disturb and create imbalances in the environment and our bodies. The effects are subtle, but noticeable. In fact, many of our modern diseases and energy imbalances can be traced back to the effects of these energy disturbances.
BioGeometry offers a solution to these energy interaction problems.
Join Jean Chuang Menges, as she explores and discusses the role of natural energy systems, the negative effects of electricity and other energy stressors, and how the principles of BioGeometry are being used to effect change in architecture, telecom networks, industrial design, and health systems. She will also demonstrate how we can use the principles and solutions of BioGeometry in our daily lives.
Jean Chuang Menges, MS, L.Ac, Adv CBP, is the founder of Wisdom House New York, Inc. in New York City, a holistic and integrative center that provides individualized services aimed at optimizing health and well-being. A skilled practitioner in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and BodyTalk, Jean holds dual Bachelor degrees in Medical Technology and Biology and a Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Jean has also had extensive training and experience in bioenergetic healing.
Learn more about BioGeometry and products for personal and home EMF protection, visit www.bginfowhny.com for more info.
$20 per ticket at META Center. $15 per ticket Live Stream. Click Here (www.eventbrite.com/e/biogeometry-a-natural-energy-solution-for-modern-problems-tickets-11771034481) to purchase tickets.
Tuesday, June 17th
Sound Healing: Integration & Ascension and Channeled Activations from the Master Teachers with
Suzy Meszoly, known as ASTRIA
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher and master healer, Suzy Meszoly, channels the Divine Light healing energy in this special private session, together with healing sound and the profound energy of the Master Teachers. During the deep two hour meditative session, the Master Teachers will be increasing the frequencies of the individuals present to support peaceful ascension.
The Master Teachers are Beings of Light who offer deep spiritual guidance and physical attunements so that we may reconnect with our natural, powerful state as Beings of Light. The experience can be quite physical during the channeled meditations, as they come from a higher dimension and provide information about our universe from their non-judgmental, expanded point of view. They offer guidance on how to deal with personal and global issues, and meditations, instruction and individual messages to those seeking to become more conscious and in tune with their life’s purpose. The Master Teachers open our minds, and deepen our experience. They remind us that we are all powerful, that we are self-creating, and that we are One.
The unique and multi-layered sounds of the Himalayan bowls are known to entrain the brain to theta brain wave action; this brain frequency brings clarity of mind and enhances our intuition, as well as taking us into a deep peaceful meditative state, as the nervous system relaxes and our pain and stress dissolve. The healing sounds also create cardio-respiratory synchronicity, release constricted energies and create harmonious alignment throughout the chakra system.
Suzy Meszoly, has been playing the Himalayan singing bowls for nearly 15 years internationally in public group ceremonies and in her energetic healing practice with private clients, where she combines sound healing with channeled light. Over the years Suzy has brought handcrafted bowls back from her pilgrimages to Nepal. These metallic instruments, dating back as an alloy to the time of Shakyamuni Buddha (563-483), have been blessed by her Tibetan teachers in monasteries at the foothills of the Himalayas and the Kathmandu Valley. Suzy has practiced Tibetan Buddhism, the Diamond Way, since the age of 12 and was given the dharma name, Karma Sonam Dolma, (Female Liberator of Buddha Activity in Others).
The vibrations from the bowls send Buddhist prayers, mantras and the principles of non-dualisitc living into the space. They vibrate with the frequency of Oneness, with the Universal vibration of AUM and thus bring about neutrality, bliss and deep healing on the physiological, mental, emotional and spiritual realms. Suzy explains that the sounds allow for the integration of human experience into the wisdom and compassion of the soulstate. She feels that this liberating energy is amplified by the bowls and allows participants to deepen into their Buddha or Enlightened state.
More about Suzy see www.crstalclearmasterteachers.com and www.lovenowmeovement.org and youtube: Love Now Movement with Suzy and www.Blogtalkradio.com SuzyChannel.
$35 Pre-registration up until the day before the event. (The day of the event and at the door $40) Please contact Suzy on cell 845.616-0860 or email suzysgp@gmail.com or pay with credit card/Paypal and pre-register at www.crystalclearmasterteachers.com.
Wednesday, June 18th
BE YOU – Heal Within & Without
With Kundalini Yoga, Meditation & Three Min Start®
With Mahankirn Kaur
7:00pm – 9:30pm
For everyone – no experience necessary
Experience your own expanded awareness as we dissolve stress, frustrations and distractions. Relax, unwind and calm your mind with a lovely evening of relating to your own self.
You will learn awesome Three Min Start® techniques to improve your mood and reduce stress anywhere, anytime. Especially great for in the home, office or on the go. When you change your moment of stress you change your day, and your life. www.threeminstart.com
Mahankirn Kaur’s passion is to teach that everything we are searching for is within. When you find and experience YOU – You will be happy and able to uplift others
Private Healing sessions www.Mahankirn.com
Suggested donation $25-45. Visit: www.MahBoundLotus.com “Painless Body, Prayerful Mind™” Facebook: Mah BoundLotus™ by MahanKirn Khalsa
Thursday, June 19th
A Workshop in Knowing and Worth
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:00pm
(Please arrive by 6.40 pm to check-in and be seated. Doors will close at 7:00pm)
In his breakthrough works of channeled literature I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation and The Book of Knowing and Worth (Tarcher/Penguin), internationally acclaimed author and medium Paul Selig recorded an extraordinary program for personal and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to its own divine nature.
In this channeled workshop you will be introduced to and attuned to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action,” learn techniques for developing and sustaining higher levels of consciousness and move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own higher nature. Paul’s workshops are deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable and participants will be supported in moving to the next level of their spiritual evolution.
Paul Selig is a writer, empath and conscious channel. He led channeled energy groups for nearly 20 years and maintains a private practice as a psychic in New York City. Paul’s recent and upcoming workshops include the Esalen Institute, the Omega Institute and the Kripalu Center. He was featured on the documentary series The uneXplained on the A&E/BIO channel. His new book, The Book of Knowing and Worth, was published, in December, 2013 by Tarcher/Penguin.
Cost: $40. Contact: Noah Perabo / 212.941.9390 /noah@podelltalent.com. Register in advance before this sells out: www.paulselig.com/2014/05/meta-center-3/
Thursday, June 19th
Honoring the Divine Father Within
Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 9:30pm
As we head ever more fluidly into the dawning New Age, our awareness of the Divine Feminine can finally come to the fore, doing much to heal and transform lifetimes of severity and dogmatic oppression, by releasing often intensely traumatic karmic memories of abuse at the hands of authority, or through participation in war activity. Indeed, even having been forced into arranged marriages (in past female incarnations) and treated as an object or commodity rather than a living, thinking, feeling and reasoning human being.
All this and more can easily be attributed to misalignment of the Divine Father Energy which, inevitably, has created a plethora of ‘Father Issues’, running rampant throughout all segments of society and throughout the ages. Yet, evolving into the fullness of WHO WE ARE…our Ascension, involves the healing and merging of all aspects of our being, including our oft misunderstood and misinterpreted relation to the Divine Father Energy – and whether or not, It is “real” and indeed, is ‘there for us’!
Here, through the grace and etheric Presence of many aspects of the Divine Father Energy, who will gather with us, you will have an opportunity to address and heal any lingering issues surrounding lack of empowerment…and feelings of abandonment that you may still be operating from, limiting the scope and capacity of your life unnecessarily. True mastery, must first and foremost include embracing all of ourselves – the Feminine, the Masculine, the Androgynous…and not in ascribing dominance or superiority to one over another, which can only lead to further separation from Source.
Through music and guided meditation, you will be taken on a journey of forgiveness and redemption with your birth father at the level of your soul, closing the gaps within which say “you can’t” – into the shining out-picturing and manifestation of your highest good…and greatest joy!
Register: AscensionLightSource@live.com 212.726.2761. Exchange: $36.00. Facilitated by Anthony Citro / www.AscensionLightSource.com
Friday, June 20th
La Vida en 5 Minutos
Julio Bevione
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Presentación del nuevo libro “La vida en 5 minutos” y conferencia: “Pasos prácticos para una vida espiritual”.
En la conferencia hablaremos de pasos concretos, sencillos y posibles para una vida en el espíritu. Los seres humanos anhelamos la paz interior, el bienestar emocional y la felicidad, y en este encuentro aprenderemos a crear una disciplina que nos permita experimentarlo.
Próximos eventos incluyen un Spiritual Boot Camp en Sleepy Hollow Retreat Center el 13, 14 y 15 de junio.
$30 – Para registrarse a través de eventbrite, este es el link. Para obtener más información o preguntas, visite www.juliobevione.com o llamar 201-951-6042.
Friday, June 20th
Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Summer Solstice
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm
This is the season of blossoming, and allowing our spirits to soar. It’s a time of tremendous energies and of rapid expansion while we clear out what does not support our Divine essence.
As we celebrate the Summer Solstice with intentions for manifesting all that we desire, we also ground ourselves in alignment with Gaia, and center ourselves in our hearts with the knowledge that we are the Infinite Light of OneLOVE.
Join us in the circle and enjoy a wonderful embrace from the Angels and other beings of light who offer channeled messages of love that will support you in your spiritual and personal growth. You’re invited to bring a crystal or other personal items to place on the altar for a sacred blessing.
Rev. Barbara is an energy healing practitioner who is grounded in her passion for providing a gentle, loving conduit for your heart, mind and body to realign with Divine Light within you. Rev. Barbara also offers private healing sessions, consultations with her guides, and she teaches three levels of the Usui System of Natural Healing.
$25.00 at the door or online at www.sanctuaryofdivinelight.com/exchange. For more information please contact RevB at 718-863-1553.
Saturday, June 21st
Rose Alchemy Summer Solstice Celebration
Sandy Humby with UK House Whisperer & Rose Alchemist
10:00am – 4:00pm
10:00am – 12:30pm Solstice Celebration
The story of the Rose and her exquisite power to hold us steady in this time of evolutionary shift… Explore with Sandy the Rosa Mystica, the ‘Mary’s’ and The Book of Love… Embracing the fullness of the Solar energies for both Masculine and Feminine… The Sacred Weave… birthing the Divine Child within… plus channelled messages from the Rose guides and a Personal and Planetary Rose Healing Meditation. Cost $65.00
1:45pm – 4:00pm The Rose Oracle
The Rose Oracle can be used for guidance, inspiration and healing for yourself, others and your space. Connect with channelled messages and wisdom from the Heart of The Rose for everyday support in your life plus Personal Healing grids and the Rose Space Healing BaGua… finishing with a Rose Meditation just for you. Cost $65.00
Contact me with any questions or to register: Renae@designharmony.com / 908 797-5225 Find our event on Facebook.
Saturday, June 21st
The Art of Energetic Healing: Advanced Training
Suzy Meszoly (known as ASTRIA)
10:00am – 4:00pm
Spiritual teacher and master healer, Suzy Meszoly, will instruct on the art of energetic healing and provide energetic transmissions for all students. Over the course of many years of traditional studies, clinical experience and spiritual development, Suzy has arrived at a unique method of energetic healing that encompasses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. After receiving profound transmissions herself from the Master Teachers, her Pleidian teachers and from Mother Earth, Suzy has created a healing system that empowers individuals to tap into their own divine abilities.
Enquire with Suzy about the NEW Art of Energetic Healing, Year Long Certificate Course
During the year-long course, apprentices will receive healing energy activations, explore the seven centered Chakra system in great depth, investigate counseling, psychic and channeling methods and discuss various key metaphysical concepts. By the end of the course, one will have many tools and skills, concepts and understandings, to share with others and to enhance their own life.
For private healing or spiritual guidance appointments in NY or by phone please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860. Please see the website for more information on the school: www.crystalclearmasterteachers.com/art-energetic-healing-school-ny/.
Day course fee $170. Please call Suzy for details 845.616-0860.
META Center New York & 13 HANDS Present:
Monday, June 23rd
Kirtan, World Chant & Community Concert,Round 5,
Summer Solstice Chant Ceremony
with 13 HANDS (aka DALIEN)
7:00pm – 9:00pm
13 HANDS (aka DALIEN) is back with yet another tribal and community building kirtan/chant and music event!
It’s the close of the Summer Solstice this time and we’ll be sealing in the powerful energy to close the solstice and ground any intentions, shifts you’re creating or manifesting in your life, for the world… or just come out if you’d like to chant, sing your heart and spirit out with us!!
13 HANDS brings the usual assortment Native flutes, guitars, harmonium, hang drum and ambient percussion that will open your heart. The night will begin again with a short, grounding sound meditation to connect us to our breath.
Here’s a link to check out a wide assortment of Spiritual, chant and world music!!!
13 HANDS is a two-time Grammy nominee, kirtan wallah, Professor of Yoga who’s been involved in the holistic, contemporary, world and shamanic healing traditions of music and yoga for 20 years. He tours about 100 events a year at festivals and yoga/spiritual/retreat centers, has an inspiring near death journey/rebirth of curing Crohns and other endocrine challenges and has shared his wisdom and music alongside renown authors, spiritual leaders, yoga instructors, healers and contemporary and world/chant artists. Info: http://13hands.com
$20 in advance via PayPal or call META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext. 1. to register. Bring a friend – 2 for $30. Credit card (MC, Visa & Discover Cards), checks and cash in advance. Children under 15 free. $25 cash only at the door.
Tuesday, June 24th
“Change Your Frequency, Change Your Life!” ~ Mas Sajady
Success Consciousness – Expansion
6:45pm – 9:00pm
If you are new to Mas, it is a perfect opportunity to experience his Medi-Healing session to feel the shift for yourself. Expand your concept of success beyond ‘money and hard-work’ and be empowered to move past surviving into thriving. In this intimate evening gathering, Mas will share stories while working on you, raising your frequency individually and as a group into a receptive and high-vibrational state.
To schedule your individual session with Mas call Mel 310-710-8081. About Individual Sessions: http://massajady.com/Testomonials-Quantum-Healer.html
$10 in advance until June 20th, then $20. Registration and full schedule: http://massajadyevents.com/manhattan-ny-june/ About Mas: http://massajady.com/Mas-Sajady-Quantum-Healer-bio.htm
Email Mel@SacredGatheringsAndEvents.com for more information.
Wednesday June 25th
The Night of the Witch
– Two illustrated lectures on witchcraft in a vibrant double-bill
Witch Pictures – Pam Grossman & British Witchcraft – Christina Oakley Harrington
6:45pm – 9:00pm
Witch Pictures – Pam Grossman
The witch burst into Western art in the late 15th century and never left: the likes of Durer, Fuseli, Goya, and Blake used the image of magical women to titillate their patrons or reflect their own anxieties – with results both grotesque and beguiling. Then in the 19th century women took up the brush to create works inspired by personal occult experiences, reclaiming the witch, and we see a female ‘witchcraft’ in action in Abstraction, Surrealism, Modernism, making a corner of art history where craft and Craft are one and the same.
British Witchcraft – the Fifties to the Seventies – Christina Oakley Harrington
British Witchraft revived in the 1950s and 1960s. To the horror and fascination of the English press and public, some of these witches gave interviews and even allowed secret rites to be photographed. They wanted the world to know a non-Christian basis of ethics, a radical concept of the sacred, and the power of altered states of consciousness. Both tradition-based and forward-thinking, they were paradoxical yet compelling. Tonight’s speaker comes from the UK Wiccan community, and brings these characters to life and shares insights into their vision of the Craft.
Pam Grossman is the Brooklyn-based guiding spirit of Phantasmaphile, and was co-host of the 2013 Occult Humanities Conference at NYU. Christina Oakley Harrington is founder of London’s famed Treadwells Bookshop and a former academic; she also co-edits Abraxas Journal and gives occasional lectures.
Price: $20. Tickets can be bought here – http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/663337
Wednesday, June 25th
Group Ascension Work – Group Meditation Intensive!!
Science of Light
The Session: “Expressing Solar Radiation”
with Rev. Tim Chambers
6:45pm – 9:00pm
Establishing conscious communication among the three levels of Soul awareness – the conscious, sub conscious and un conscious, is a vital link to an integrated soul experience. The ability to develop skills of inter communication on these levels of self brings the individual to a state of self revelation. Tonights intensive will focus on integration and outer expression of this Inner Revelation.
Using a group meditation format, Tim begins by performing a brief energetic reading and balancing treatment for each individual. He then gives an intuitive channeled message followed by a guided meditation for the group. Tim utilizes the spoken word, breath and Visual Mediumship along with energy transmitting body movements to create inter-dimensional communication among the participants and their own inner guides.
You need bring only an open heart, mind and the intention to experience your own inner presence of dark and light, which is The Self. Tim invites you to join this expanded group format to receive practical instruction, information and experience in the World Transition known as Ascension.
Tim Chambers is an intuitive channel and meditative guide who has been leading groups through soul journeys and group based ascension experiences for over twenty years. He is an Ordained Minister, Visual Medium, Reiki Master, licensed Acupuncturist, certified Qi Gong Healing Practitioner and Soul-Life Path Counselor. Along with his private practice as a healer and counselor, he conducts weekly Group Ascension Work meetings at his Soho studio. www.strategichealing.org
Donation: $30.00 To register, please call 646-465-1356 or email timc@strategichealing.org
Wednesday, June 25th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.
We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.
The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.
Fee is $20. Register via www.meetup.com/seanceinthecity/ or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).
Thursday, June 26th
Psychic Circle for Singles
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He does not ask for any information, including your name.
Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.
Friday, June 27th ~FREE EVENT~
Quantum Healing Cellular Reprogramming
By the Divine Diamond®
with Aniruddhan & Gautami
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Recommended for Participants of the 7:30pm Event
This opportunity is for everyone to learn how to work with the 7 phases of the Divine Diamond®. The Divine Diamond Trinity Field is for communication with the body’s innate intelligence. Specialized guided instruction in the third phase aligning with our sacred DNA to collect the best attributes for greater cellular longevity.
With our multidimensional ability to access our Oversoul we will bring forth the experience of being more Quantumly connected as incarnate and energetic beings, manifesting and living from our True Selves. This will directly affect our physical process of regeneration and spiritual evolution, as we learn and mature in this ability to sense and connect to our Mer-Ka-Ba we learn and improve in our response-ability.
The Group will be accessing and receiving healing from the Soul Star and Oversoul connection of the Divine Diamond Trinity field, empowering us by taking part in our manifestation process.
We will be laying and sitting, please bring water, pads, pillows and blankets.
For information contact: dd4healing@gmail.com. Phone # 925 640 5433.
Group Healing using the Divine Diamond®, Vortexhealing® & E-Lybra® 9 Bio-Resonance Body Alignment & Strengthening System
With Aniruddhan & Gautami
7:35pm – 9.30pm
Previous free event recommended 6:30pm-7:25pm – A Quantum Cellular Reprogramming
Bio-resonance is the ability for an external frequency/pattern to resonate with a specific item in the bio-field of the physical body, creating changes that directly affect the pathology and improve the functioning and overall health of the entire system.
VortexHealing®, designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body and awaken spirit within the human heart. When divine consciousness is truly accessed, it also acts as an independent intelligence; it knows exactly where the roots of your issues are held and goes directly there to transform them.
Divine Diamond® is a multidimensional Trinity energy that interfaces through our hearts quantum field, this aliens our brains and opens the pineal gland. This creates a connection to our systems quantum aspects from which transformations can happen in all physical and energetic bodies at once. The Quantum Oversoul connection is pure grace, entangled with the earth, solar and universal sacred geometry, Matatron’s cube. This experience calibrates the harmonic resonant of our sacred DNA, and in the combined presence of the e-Lybra®9 and VortexHealing®, you are in for an event that you will not forget.
Fee: $45.00 via PayPal (click here) or visit divinediamond.org where you can register and pay in advance: www.divinediamondhealing.com/events-a-registrations/divine-diamond-events, read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more. For information contact dd4healing@gmail.com. Online registration appreciated, Phone # 925 640 5433.
Friday, June 27th
Sacred Anointing ~ The Heart of Blessing
Jacqui Bushell and Jane Elworthy
7:00pm – 9.30pm
Experience the profound blessing of a Divine Anointing. Dynamic Australian healers and earth workers Jacqui Bushell and Jane Elworthy will be in New York to offer their deep soul work for this joyful and transformational evening, with sacred sound, meditation and loving heart connection.
Anointing is more than a blessing with oils and loving touch – you experience all beings as whole and divine and your touch becomes sacred. It transforms into an act of consecration, and you remember how to live as the radiant being you truly are. Join us for light refreshments afterwards. Registration is essential as numbers are limited.
What people have said: ‘The most sacred and divine space I have ever experienced.’ – Sabrina Domenosky
‘Thank you both for allowing me to remember my true essence. My divine self is ignited! Jacqui and Jane, you hold a space of love and safety like being cradled in the arms of mother earth. You bring new meaning to the words “I See You”.’ – Tania Sloan
‘I found myself being blessed by a thousand angels. The room was buzzing with ancient lost sounds and rhythms, and my heart expanded wide open. Simply divine!’- Melanie Kapodistrias
$45.00 online bookings here or phone for credit card. Jane Elworthy ReturnToLight.com.au. Phone 347-218-0616. Jacqui Bushell WildEarthWisdom.com. Phone 347-217-3132.
Friday, June 27th
Discover Your Soul’s Agenda – Align with your Life’s Purpose
Jean Worth
6:30pm – 8:30pm
We all have a unique signature, one that is you and no one else. Hand Analysis can decode your most pertinent information and reveal your soul’s agenda and life’s purpose. Your fingerprints are formed five months prior to birth and they carry the blueprint of your life. Discover what it is your soul yearns to express and who you are meant to be. Learn to become your authentic self and live your life with passion.
This event begins with a dynamic lecture/demonstration followed by a personal reading. The class size is now limited to six participants to ensure in-depth work for each participant. You will leave with a profound understanding of your true purpose and tools to help you live your life on purpose with passion.
Jean Worth – Transformational counselor and healing practitioner – Graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis – Certified in Quantum Biofeedback – MA in Education from NYU. www.jeanworth.com
$60 paid in advance by credit card. $75.00 cash at the door. To register: Call 917-579-3050 or e-mail jeanworth9@gmail.com
Saturday, June 28th & Sunday, June 29th
Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop
By the Divine Diamond with Aniruddhan and Gautami
10:00am – 6:30pm
Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop recalibrates our system and anchors us through our Mer-Ka-Ba to the Multidimensional portal of the Pineal Glad we call our Soul Star. Saturday morning is all about physical and energetic healing, the afternoon is focused on aliening our consciousness, Soul Star and Mer-Ka-Ba activation, Sunday morning is the spiritual connection, activating Metatron’s Cube through our systems for the Sunday afternoon
Oversoul healing process and integration process. Unblocking, releasing & recalibrating all our bodies on all levels, a concise up to our present day energetics, a synopsis of the past 6 yrs. of the evolutionary work of the Divine Diamond.
This ability to be able to access and come to our Hearts, opening our Pineal, Mer-Ka-Ba and Soul Star brings the empowerment to us of being in the universal creative flow, the source of synchronicities and our intuition, where everything comes to us. We will receive the powerful Sacred Star Trinity activations, and the development of our fifth dimensional DNA body, our Mer-Ka-Ba, Pineal and Soul Star. The Oversoul connection is a profound deepening of our energetic systems, from the dualistic imprint of a duality reality into a Trinity reality.
To support the weekend creating a fuller integration of the process • Each person will work with a Terra Tachyon Heart, we will have a Tachyon philosophers stone and also a special Tachyon energy grid will be set up in and around the room. • e-Lybra 9 bio-resonance energy balancing system treatments and programs will be utilized for the group at specific times. • VortexHealing Divine Energy Healing structures & treatments will be given at different times with Omega and Merlins Grace. • Young Living essential oil treatments will be individually administered during the deep activation transmission times. • Specialized structural alignment postures and breathing techniques for a deeper emotional release and clearing. • Pineal Tone activations, crystal singing bowls, sound healing frequencies, music therapy with some visual projections, to awaken and further evolve the sensory systems and our DNA.
Gautami and Aniruddhan will be both touching and transmitting healing to everyone individually both Saturday and Sunday and are available as needed for personal counseling during the workshop and for private appointments contact us.
$180.00 in advance and $240.00 at the door. Visit divinediamond.org where you can register and pay in advance, read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more. For information contact dd4healing@gmail.com.. Or Call 925 640 5433. Online registration required.
The new energetics allow people who cannot make the entire weekend to come in on Sunday for $100.00 in advance or late payment at the door on Sunday morning $120.00. Register here now: www.divinediamondhealing.com/events-a-registrations/divine-diamond-events
Saturday/Sunday, June 28th & 29th
Ancestral Healing Training
12:00pm – 5:00pm
The gift of Ancestral Healing is not only profound, but also dynamic. Our ancestors live within us through our DNA. Through their living consciousness our forbearers have the potential to influence us in our daily lives.
Designed to illuminate, uplift and cleanse both of your ancestral lines.
Jagdish accesses both your father’s and mother’s ancestral lines which will lighten your family burdens and create more harmony. Participants receive two types of healing, gazing and deep multi-dimensional sacred healing, which cleanses negative discordant energies from your subtle energy fields, including the chakras, auric field, acupuncture meridians, and physical systems.
Friday, June 27 & Monday, June 30th – Private Karma Clearing sessions will be conducted from 12noon – 5pm. Karma Clearing …is the foundation of Paramahansa Jagadish’s healing work. Jagadish clears karma that has accumulated in your soul during all your lives going as far back as before you ever had a physical body! Karma springs from all your past lives and carries forward. If not cleared, you can become imprisoned by these very karmic patterns and issues.
If you’re not truly happy, at peace, fulfilled, or haven’t realized unconditional love, then your True Nature is obscured. The degree you’re not experiencing your True Nature is the degree to which your real essence is obscured. This obscuring of essence is caused by past impressions and memories. Clearing away these obscuring old patterns is the focus of the Karma Clearing sessions.
Exchange for weekend workshop: $350. Please call 877-838-1133 to reserve your spot for Saturday & Sunday.
Saturday, June 28th
Chakra Energy Chime Professional Practitioner Training
Joule L’Adara
10:00am – 1:00pm
Experience Harmonic Healing with Energy Chimes designed to clear and tune the chakras! This gorgeous healing modality is easy to learn yet an amazingly powerful way to move energy. Inspired by Yoga Dass and made by hand in Australia with love by Elivna Munir, these therapeutic chimes produce an incredibly long sustain and create high harmonics that cleanse and energize the physical and energy bodies, while stimulating the brain and bringing about deep rejuvenating relaxation.
The colorful Chakra Chimes are placed up the body, whereupon the body is played like a musical instrument and the chakras are cleared of stagnation so that the body’s energy can flow freely. Harmonic Healing combines seamlessly with other healing modalities including Reiki, Acupuncture, and Massage.
This is a hands-on practitioner training. Upon completion of this half-day course a certificate will be awarded. Enrollment is extremely limited to a very small group of participants!
For more information on Harmonic Healing with energy chimes go to: elfenharmonics.com/
Workshop Cost: $250 per participant. Chakra Chime Set: $340 + tax (purchase of chimes not necessary to take the class as they will be provided for the training). To register email: joule@soundingcircles.com
Saturday, June 28th
Welcome to your Evolution, the Revolution of Light & Love! Christ Consciousness & Opening Your Heart with The Akash
Audrey Light Language & Danielle Scaglione
2:30pm – 5:30pm
Audrey Light Language & Danielle Scaglione are working together in a combined event of High Frequency Inspiration and the Divine Energies of the Akash. Danielle and Audrey have been brought together at this time, guided by Spirit to simultaneously share with you the beautiful and profound activations of the Akash, messages from Spirit and their loving Light Beings. They will also be providing you with information and support regarding Ascension symptoms for those shifting into the fifth dimension and beyond, and channeling light language healing to assist ALL in the Great Remembrance.
Much Love and Many Blessings – I hope you will allow us to be the vehicle through which Spirit will work with and upon you. We hope to see you there!
Energy Exchange Fee is $38. More information: audreylightlanguagechannel.wordpress.com hummingbird1211@gmail.com * 347.840.2711.
Monday, June 30th
Divine Light Transmission
6:30pm – 9:30pm
With this healing transmission, one receives a cleansing and balancing of their physical and subtle bodies while being energized with the Divine Energy. Benefits include a boosting of the immune system, and increased sense of well being, and an opening of the heart to sacred love and compassion.
Paramahansa Jagadish assists directly with opening and activating your personal channels to all the higher dimensions of your Higher Self Nature resulting in quantum spiritual advancement for everyone. People leave Jagadish’s sessions with a great feeling of empowerment.
Friday, June 27th & Monday, June 30th – Private Karma Clearing sessions will be conducted from 12noon – 5pm. Karma Clearing …is the foundation of Paramahansa Jagadish’s healing work. Jagadish clears karma that has accumulated in your soul during all your lives going as far back as before you ever had a physical body! Karma springs from all your past lives and carries forward. If not cleared, you can become imprisoned by these very karmic patterns and issues.
If you’re not truly happy, at peace, fulfilled, or haven’t realized unconditional love, then your True Nature is obscured. The degree you’re not experiencing your True Nature is the degree to which your real essence is obscured. This obscuring of essence is caused by past impressions and memories. Clearing away these obscuring old patterns is the focus of the Karma Clearing sessions.
Exchange: $30. Please call 877-838-1133 to reserve your spot for Monday night.
Tel 212 736 0999 Ext. 1
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