New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

Past Events: May 2012

META Center Monthly Calendar

META Center has become home to renowned speakers, lecturers and practitioners in the consciousness raising and metaphysical community from around the globe. It is the ‘#1’ destination in New York City for cutting edge spiritual events, workshops, lectures and programs. META Center is a safe and supportive environment that vibrationally catalyzes spiritual awakenings, multi-level healing, truth and a full sense of peace.

Check out our Monthly Calendar and Special Events and be a part of the Growing Population of Conscious People.

May Events at a Glance (Please scroll down for more information.)

5/3: Are Vaccines Safe and Effective? – Dr Larry Palevsky
5/4: Sheng Zhen Healing Qigong – Master Li Junfeng
5/4: An Evening of Expanding Your Awareness – Brook Still
5/5: Mayan Initiation Intensive – Brook Still
5/5: Celebrating Wesak – Bringing Heaven to Earth – Jodi Serota, Judy Satori, Maryanne Savino, Kevin Nathaniel & Friends
5/5: Day of HEALing – (Healing Energies of Agape Love) – Rev Barbara
5/6: Advanced Vortex Training – Brook Still
5/7: ‘Stop Making Cancer’ – Thomas Lodi, MD
5/8: An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center
5/8: Soul Evenings – DZAR Mary & Gary O’Brien
5/9: Darshan of Your Divine Self – Swami Shanmuga & Amma Adi Sakthi
5/10: Countdown To Consciousness Mastery Program – Jodi Serota ~PRIVATE EVENT~
5/10: The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform – Dr. Michael Wayne
5/11: “A Time Travel Adventure” – Alexander Duncan Cameron
5/11: Voice of the One Heart Healing Workshop – Teri Merliss
5/12: Creating Health and Prosperity with The Freedom Family – Kate Northrup ~FREE EVENT~
5/13: Sayujya Yoga Workshop – Swami Shanmuga & Amma Adi Sakthi
5/14: Get the Blueprint for your Life from an Ordinary Deck of Playing Cards – Alexander Dunlop
5/15: An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center
5/15: Attunement of the Eight Bodies for 2012 and Beyond – Joan Pancoe
5/16: Metamorphosis: A Time of Change – A Vision of Wonder – Shira Adler,
Edwige Gilbert, Bonny Hughes, Patrice Kamins & Marise Hamm
5/16: More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop – Linda Drost & Mayita Mendez
5/17: Touch Your Soul Healing Meditation – Madhu Chowdhry
5/17: ‘Healing the Mother Issues’ – Anthony Citro
5/18: Awakening Heart: Sufi Practice & Dances of Universal Peace
5/18: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev Barbara
5/19 & 5/20: The Cleansing Workshop – Madhu Chowdhry
5/21: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop Dr. Richard Brown ~PRIVATE EVENT~
5/21: SQ Wellness Satsang – Michelle Fitch
5/22: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
5/23: Touch Your Soul Healing Meditation – Madhu Chowdhry
5/23 & 5/24: Anti Aging & Regenerative Medicine – Making the Shift to Ageless Living
– Dr. Shanhong Lu
5/24: The Angel Circle with Archangel Michael – Mark Mezadourian
5/24: KaTransformations’ Angel Circle – Kat Katsanis
5/26 & 5/27: The Cleansing Workshop – Madhu Chowdhry
5/31: Pediatric Nutrition & Nourishment – Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD
5/31: The Quantum Revolution: Presencing the Revolution – Dr. Michael Wayne

Thursday, May 3rd
Are Vaccines Safe and Effective?
Dr Palevsky
6.30pm – 9.30pm

An Educational Opportunity for Parents and Practitioners
In this workshop, you will hear discussions on vaccine science: What is current vaccine science and who is funding it and doing it?.How do vaccines work, and have they done, and do they do what we’re told they do? What role do vaccine ingredients play when injected into infants and children? What do the ingredients do to our children once they’re injected? Do vaccines contribute to the development of chronic illnesses in children? How do our children get into school if they’re not vaccinated? How does the immune system work in babies and children?

Attendees will hear some of the answers to these questions, along with the research that questions whether vaccines are safe and effective, and whether the scientific process is even at work to prove the answers to these questions. Attendees will also be asked to look at the issues that drive us to make the decisions we make, many of which come to us through fear, bullying, uncertainty, and a lack of knowledge, and to perhaps think alternatively about how illnesses occur and disappear.

$25 per ticket. 
Early Reservations Advised.

Friday, May 4th
Sheng Zhen Healing Qigong
Master Li Junfeng
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Join Master Li Junfeng for an evening of Sheng Zhen Healing Qigong – this restorative medical Qigong consists of 10 gentle meditative movements performed sitting in a chair. If you practice them with a happy heart and a concentrated mind, they will enable you to gather the powerful healing energy of the universe to reduce stress, strengthen vital energy, and improve health at all levels. You will experience the opening of the heart and the stillness of the mind which is known as “Sheng Zhen”.

Li Junfeng is one of the true Qigong Masters in our lifetime and the principal teacher of Sheng Zhen Wuji Yuan Gong – translated as Unconditional Love or Sacred Truth Qigong. A famous martial arts film star and movie director in China, he is best known for his work as the head coach of the world-renowned Beijing Wushu Team. He produced many champions while teaching and training martial artists for many years (including Jet Li), but gave it all up to devote his time to teaching this beautiful form of Qigong.

Teacher Li is currently the head of the Medical Qigong program at the Academy of Oriental Medicine (AOMA) in Austin, Texas and teaches Sheng Zhen all over the world. It is a rare opportunity to experience and learn from such a master. We guarantee that you will have fun and be transformed by the experience.

Beginners are welcome! $60. For registration, visit

Friday, May 4th
An Evening of Expanding Your Awareness
Brook Still
7:00pm – 9:30pm

If you have not yet met Brook Still you are in for an exceptional experience. Come join us for an evening of Expanding your Awareness. In a relaxed and comfortable group gathering, Brook will hold a powerful space to expand your connection and shift your field of being to ignite your own powerful awareness. In doing so, you will access and awaken new levels of light within yourself and how you treat yourself, and interact with others, will shift dramatically.

During the evening, you will receive powerful energetic information for inner peace and deep teachings to open yourself and others to the divine beings that you truly are.

Investment: $50.00. Class Size Limit: 30 Participants. To Register: Contact Stacey Sherman at or call 203-855-1600.

Saturday, May 5th
Mayan Initiation Intensive
Brook Still
10:00am – 4:00pm

Join Brook and experience the grace of four (4) powerful Mayan Initiations in multi-level healing. . • The first initiation is a medicine initiation that is excellent for someone who suffers from jumping/phantom pain and is exception for balancing all systems of the body. • The second initiation is a powerful emotional and energetic clearing to aid you in accessing higher levels of awareness and greater healing. • The third initiation opens the 144 subtle chakra body system. It is excellent for healing joint pain in the body and is a powerful aid when you feel out of alignment – if you are out of place – out of joint. When you feel off and don’t know why. • The fourth initiation is a gift of light.

It is one of the very few indigenous initiations that expose the etheric body to the light. It is excellent for people that are stuck and rigid in their life and thinking. It is a powerful obsessive thought destroyer. A morning fast is required for this class. Comfortable loose fitting clothing is recommended. Please bring a snack to have after the first initiation. The class includes a 22-page handout and tools to use for these initiations.

Investment: $110.00 if registered by April 16th – $150.00 if registered on April 17th or after. Class Size Limit: 22 Participants. To Register: Contact Stacey Sherman at or via phone at 203-855-1600.

Saturday, May 5th
Day of HEALing – (Healing Energies of Agape Love)
Rev. Barbara
10:00am – 5:00pm

Feeling unbalanced and out of sorts? Is staying healthy a challenge of time or funds? Day of HEALing may be for you!

You’re invited to experience 40 minutes of the wonderful, uninterrupted bliss of natural healing offered through Christ Light Healing, Reiki Healing or Reconnective Healing. As you allow the gentle Healing Energies of Agape Love to realign your body, mind and spirit to their natural rhythms, the healer within you facilitates a return to balance, harmony and a Soul-filled sense of well being. This is also a great opportunity if you’ve never experienced energy healing before!

What to expect: Your private session involves you fully clothed on a massage table. You’re then gently guided into a light meditative state while listening to soft music. This helps you to relax into your healing experience; especially if this is your first time. Because we are all unique and have different requirements, healing sessions may vary. You may feel a warm or tingling sensation during hand placements on or above your body starting at your head. You may experience breezes or even see beautiful images or colors. You’re invited to simply be open to your experience and notice what happens. You’ll receive the healing that is meant for you with the energies staying with you long after your session is over.

$44.00 per 40min. session. By appointment only! For more information or to book an appointment, please contact RevB 718-863-1553. Pay in advance to hold your space:

Saturday, May 5th
Celebrating Wesak – Bringing Heaven to Earth
Jodi Serota, Judy Satori, Maryanne Savino, Kevin Nathaniel & Friends
7:00pm – 11:00pm

The fifth of May is Wesak, Buddha’s birthday, traditionally the time each year that the spiritual hierarchy give many gifts and blessings to humanity, a great outpouring of love and light. It is also Cinco de Mayo – a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride, and freedom and democracy for all people.

Join us for an evening of energy transmissions and activations from Spirit with Jodi Serota, Judy Satori and Maryanne Savino followed by dancing to the world music of Kevin Nathaniel and friends.

The program will start with ‘Songs and Activations from Sirius’ with Judy Satori and ‘Songs and Activations from Andromeda’ with Jodi Serota. Are you ready for the next wave of energy coming into the Earth from June this year? These song lines from Sirius and Andromeda include overlays of sound and light to deeply activate you and step up the frequencies coming into Earth from the Galactic Center.

This will be followed by grounding through a sacred dance activation with Maryanne Savino and continuing with dancing to the music of musicians Kevin Nathaniel and friends.

$20 pre-paid / $25 cash only at the door (non-refundable). To register, call 212 736 0999 Ext 1. Master Card, Visa & Discover Cards, Checks and Cash accepted in advance.

Sunday, May 6th
Advanced Vortex Training
Brook Still
10:00am – 4:00pm

For years, Brook has been asked to teach a vortex training workshop, and now that the group consciousness has shifted and 2012 continues to bring more light to this planet than ever before, it is with great joy that Brook is able to offer this class. Vortex work takes discernment and integrity. It is an energetic way of holding space that is very powerful. You can create vortices for personal work and development. You can create them with specific intention for rooms and building. Masters have worked with and created them to connect on multiple planes for their students and global work for millenniums. In this class you will learn the how to’s and why’s of vortex work in creating these and connecting with them from all over our planet and beyond.

Investment: $110.00 if registered by April 16th – $150.00 if registered on April 17th or after. Class Size Limit: 22 Participants. To Register: Contact Stacey Sherman at or via phone at 203-855-1600.

Monday, May 7th
‘Stop Making Cancer!’
Thomas Lodi, MD
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Just as we don’t walk down the street and “catch” health; neither do we walk down the street and “catch” diseases. We earn either health or disease by how we live our lives. With the exception of genetic conditions, which account for less than 3% of illnesses, all other conditions are earned. What “runs” in families are eating habits and life styles. One hundred years ago, 0.5% of Americans got cancer. Today, almost 50% of Americans alive will get cancer in their lifetimes.

What we have been led to believe is that cancer strikes at random – these are the myths that strike fear into the general public. There are actions that we can take in order not to develop cancer but first we must have the truth (correct information) in order to take appropriate actions to avoid cancer.

A comprehensive approach to cancer prevention must include the following: * To learn how to live in harmony with nature * To enhance the body’s ability to remove wastes and toxins * The immune system must be balanced and enhanced.

Hear Dr. Lodi share his great insights on health and healing. As Founder and Chief Physician at An Oasis of Healing, in Mesa, AZ, the foundation of the program Dr. Lodi has instituted relies upon restoring the integrity of the immune system and organ function through detoxification and proper nutrition while utilizing a scientifically based integrative approach to targeting cancer which minimizes any harm to the patient.

Cost: $15.00 via Paypal in advance – no later than Friday, May 4th. For payment after May 4th, the fee is $25.00 paid in advance or at the door. – Go to Products /Services Page.

Tuesday, May 8th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm

Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.

Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process

In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.

Free Event. Please RSVP online:

Tuesday, May 8th
Soul Evenings
DZAR Mary & Gary O’Brien
7:00pm – 9:00pm

These evenings are a fascinating introduction to DZAR’s teachings as well as being a powerful event designed to Energetically create shifts in those who attend.
While each evening is unique because of the Energy of the individuals in the room, the focus is on helping you to build a stronger connection to your Soul and its warmth and wisdom so that you can live as the True Self…truly reuniting human and spirit.

This is achieved through teachings, Q&A time where DZAR works directly with members of the group and also the Sacred Soul Initiation Ritual where your aware connectioness to your Soul is expanded. Every time you experience this Ritual you will strengthen and deepen your connection to your Soul so you’re most welcome to come to as many of these events as you can.

Donation: Sliding scale $20-$100. For information about Mary & Gary O’Brien and DZAR and to register

Private sessions with Dzar are available by appointment. Contact: Mel Finnerty (310) 710-8081

Wednesday, May 9th
Darshan of Your Divine Self
Swami Shanmuga & Amma Adi Sakthi
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi are enlightened souls helping people realize their true, Divine nature. Personifications of the Divine Mother, their mission is to enable each person to create a strong spiritual foundation within their own lives. Sharing powerful and practical teachings, they wish to awaken the highest levels of consciousness in people, and to help them strike a harmonized balance of living a happy and productive life in the physical world, while living a rich and inspired spiritual life.

Experience the energies of the Divine Mother during this program. This energy opens doors to higher consciousness and clears obstacles to abundance and soulful relationships. Learn simple practices that put you in touch with your inner Divine Self. Accompanied by satsang, talk, music and guided meditation, you are brought into a space where your soul is bathed by the Divine energies; here there is no difference between you and the Divine Mother. The program ends with each person getting a transmission of divine energy (Shaktipat), which many have found to be permanently transforming. This will be a potent experience with the energies of the Divine Mother which brings great shifts in peoples’ lives.

Suggested donation $25. No one turned away for lack of funds. For more information: or call 347-281-3593

Thursday, May 10th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Count Down To Consciousness Mastery Program
– A New Program for Ascending into 2012
With Jodi Serota & Her Master Guides
10:00am – 6:00pm

A Channeled 12 Month Intensive Multi-Dimensional Mastery Program for those serious about living authentically on Earth with internal and external peace & knowing & manifesting your purpose through your full Creation Expressed.

For more information, call 212 736 0999 Ext.1 or email Only those enrolled in the program are permitted to attend.

Thursday, May 10th
The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform
Dr. Michael Wayne
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Calling All Revolutionaries: Are you ready to help take our crisis-filled world and help transform into a new, sustainable, open and holistic society? There’s been a quiet revolution going on for quite a few years now, in many realms and sectors, from health care, to politics, arts, the environment, technology, and more. At present the tide is turning, and if these movements are steered correctly, this could be one of the greatest social and cultural transformations in history, with the potential to create a peaceful, sustainable, just and compassionate society and world for a long time – this is the Quantum Revolution. A Quantum Revolution signifies the awakening of the awesome power of heart and mind, for the betterment of the world. An awakened heart and mind allows people to vision more deeply and profoundly, a vision of what it takes to create a more peaceful, enlightened and sustainable world, and then right action can help bring it to fruition. It started with the Arab Spring, spread to the European Summer, turned into Occupy Wall Street, and now it’s time to Occupy (and Enlighten) the World!

Dr. Michael Wayne is a practitioner of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and Integrative Medicine, and is the author of three books. His forthcoming book The Quantum Revolution, is due out later this year. He has been featured in numerous publications, including Whole Living, the New York Post, and Alternative Medicine. Marianne Williamson has said of him, “Michael Wayne has brought us closer to the understanding we need in order to heal ourselves, each other, and the world.”

Fee: $25. For more information or to register, (518) 210-1557,, or

Friday, May 11th
“A Time Travel Adventure”
Alexander Duncan Cameron
Of “The Montauk Project” & “The Philadelphia Experiment”
7:00pm – 10:00pm

“A Life Time In A Day”: Come join us as Duncan takes us on a journey in remembrance of his experiences traversing the space-time continuum. Share his recall of shape shifting forward and back in time, via dimensional windows and portals. Learn of his research, accessing the 3D Quantum D energies/realities, that are readily available to us at all times.

Duncan states “We are all so familiar with moving ahead in our minds attention, that we forget our natural sideways connection / NSC.”

Journey to underground Mars, experience the sound field from your natural sideways connection. Learn about the Mind Amplification Chair built with 5D technology, its uses and impact, heralded as “The Montauk Chair.” Traverse the fields of reality; view the end of time as collective consciousness perceives it now. Experience 4D/5D phenomenon in a non-polarized state of consciousness.

Price $23.00 at the door.

Friday, May 11th
Voice of the One Heart Healing Workshop
Facilitated by: Teri Merliss
7:00pm – 9:15pm

It is your birthright to use the powerful tool of your voice. As you listen to your voice, you will experience a supreme purity that is inside of you. The vibration of a pure voice is a living vortex that can transmute the atmosphere within our beings into love.

Using toning, meditations and healing sound vibrations from the angelic realms, we will open up our heart and throat chakras. We will experience the power of many voices singing together and we will let go of any energetic blocks that hold us back vocally. This workshop is for all levels…it doesn’t matter if you can sing or you can’t sing.

To register: or call: 646-621-3155. Fee: $30

Saturday, May 12th ~FREE EVENT~
Creating Health and Prosperity with The Freedom Family
Kate Northrup
9:30am – 11:00am

Join Kate Northrup, financial freedom expert and daughter of Dr. Christiane Northrup, for an intimate, one-hour presentation on how you can create optimal health and the financial abundance to enjoy it with The Freedom Family. The Freedom Family partners with USANA Health Sciences, leading nutritional manufacturing company, to teach people how to get healthy and wealthy simultaneously.

This event is free of charge for guests. Registration 9:30am / event 10am – 11am. Please RSVP to

Sunday, May 13th
Sayujya Yoga Workshop
Swami Shanmuga & Amma Adi Sakthi
10:00am – 7:00pm

Swami Shanmuga & Amma Adi Sakthi are enlightened souls helping people realize their true, Divine nature. Personifications of the Divine Mother, their mission is to enable each person to create a strong spiritual foundation within their own lives. Sharing powerful and practical teachings, they wish to awaken the highest levels of consciousness in people, and to help them strike a harmonized balance of living a happy and productive life in the physical world, while living a rich and inspired spiritual life.

Sayujya means merging oneself with the Divine. Sayujya Yoga is a comprehensive and integrated set of practices which enable a person to experience higher levels of consciousness and to realize their true inner Divine Self. In this workshop, Swamiji and Amma guide participants to identify their life and soul purpose, and help bring the two into alignment. Participants are guided through an experiential inner journey, where they literally come face to face with their true inner selves and experience their bliss bodies. Learn a simple set of integrated teachings and practices.

The practices given help you experience and sustain higher levels of consciousness. This day is Mother’s day, a very special day to be in the presence of the Divine Mother’s energies.

$116. Vegetarian lunch included. For more information: or call 347-281-359.

Monday, May 14th
Get the Blueprint for your Life from an Ordinary Deck of Playing Cards
Alexander Dunlop
7:00pm – 8:30pm

The ‘ordinary’ deck of playing cards is actually a book of wisdom. The cards are older than the bible. And, based purely on mathematics, we are each dealt 13 cards for life, which is why we often say we have to “play the cards we’ve been dealt.”

The deck of playing cards is actually the Book of Life. These cards are the akashic records available to us.

In our cards, for example, we can see clearly what is * Our Greatest Gift To Give * Our Keys to Financial Abundance * Our Shadow Side (our unconscious self) * Our Karmic Challenges and Blessings * Our Relationship patterns and * Our Lifetime Reward.

Once we know our cards, then we can start to “play our cards right.” This expression is a literal expression of how to live the best life we are here to live. If you want to live your life to its full potential, then I suggest you open the Book of Life and find out what Cards you’ve been dealt for this life.

Alexander Dunlop is a Spiritual Life Coach. He is a Harvard graduate, trained as a Roman Catholic priest and initiated as a Swami. He now sits with Shamans. He is the founder of the Center for Spiritual Nutrition.

$20. To register, please email

Tuesday, May 15th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm

Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.

Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process

In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.

Free Event. Please RSVP online:

Tuesday, May 15th
Attunement of the Eight Bodies for 2012 and Beyond
Joan Pancoe
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Now more than ever before, galactic energies are bombarding the Earth with high frequency energies to herald in the next Great Age in the evolution of consciousness. However, if we’re psychically sensitive, these energies can also be hard on our nervous systems and very destabilizing. In this introductory workshop, we’ll learn grounding techniques to acclimate to these new energies as well as how to reconnect, clear and attune ourselves with the eight bodies through timeless Taoist, Tantric, Buddhist and psychic practices.

In the Taoist tradition, there are eight bodies of consciousness operating at increasingly higher levels of vibrational frequency. To the degree that we can merge our own consciousness with these frequencies – to this degree can we experience being in Heaven all the time.

The eight bodies are the: 1) Physical body 2) Energy body (aka etheric, chi body) 3) Emotional body 4) Mental body 5) Psychic body (aka Soul) 6) Causal body (aka Cosmic) 7) Galactic body (aka body of Individuality) 8) Void (aka body of the Tao)

This evening will give you a foundation-level understanding of the eight bodies as well as a series of pragmatic spiritual practices which, if done regularly, provide a stable and grounded way of Being that is in peace, equanimity and at-one-ment with the Tao, the Flow of Life.

Joan Pancoe is a spiritual teacher, trance channel and psychic therapist in private practice in NYC since 1976. She teaches Tantric and Taoist energy arts and is the author of Openings: A Guide to Psychic Living in the Real World and Cosmic Sugar, under the pen name, Leela Jones.

$35 pre-registered/$40 at the door. For more info/to pre-register: / 212-982-6820. Visit Joan on the web at:

Wednesday, May 16th
Metamorphosis: A Time of Change – A Vision of Wonder
Shira Adler, moderator & panelist joined by
Edwige Gilbert, Bonny Hughes, Patrice Kamins &
Marise Hamm
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Come and join us for this exciting time when five renowned healers offer perspectives & wisdom on 2012. Each of these healers brings their own unique experiences, gifts and knowledge which they will share with you during the evening. Each healer will talk and there will be a short Q&A period after each one speaks.

Their backgrounds include expertise in spiritual counseling, life coaching, astrology, meditation, NLP, yoga, qigong, past life regression, mediumship, readings, intuitive healing with reiki and shamanic energies and feng shui. What you will gain by attending this event are several new insights and personal healing modalities you can incorporate into your daily spiritual practice to live a more enlightened, joyful and healthy life at this time of global change and transformation. You will also be given a handout with a page of tips from all the healers.

6:30pm -7pm Registration; Program begins promptly at 7pm. 8:30-9:30pm Meet healers and sponsors

RSVP recommended. $35 before April 27th; $45 after April 27th, $45 cash only at the door. To pay by credit card (PayPal); go to, click on Classes & Workshops, or call 347-782-1491. To pay by check: contact Jan Goldstoff.

PR/Information: Jan Goldstoff, Jan Goldstoff Public Relations 917.553.0547 / Speakers:,,,,

Sponsors: Creations Magazine,, SB Soy Candle Company,, Patrice Tanaka, Author of Becoming Ginger Rogers,, Visionary Artist Gloria Owens,

Wednesday, May 16th
More Truth Will Set You Free Workshop
Facilitated by Linda Drost & Mayita Mendez
7:00pm – 9:30pm

A spiritual class that helps everyday people empower themselves, heal deep hurts, and awaken to a higher part of themselves. Through powerful healing energy, guided meditations, inspiring music, spiritual support and a community of friends, healing is achieved. During these classes, you are shown how to access your untapped potential, change things for the better, and see yourself in a greater light. You learn how old programs and beliefs keep you trapped and how to change these beliefs and programs with effective healing techniques. You won’t be surprised at what you learn in these workshops, you will be transformed.

The exchange is $30, with all payments to be made at the door. First time attendees welcome for free! To register, please contact

Thursday, May 17th
Touch Your Soul Healing Meditation
Madhu Chowdhry
7:00pm – 8:30pm

“It’s your story and you are the hero in it”, is the simple philosophy with which Madhu Chowdhry, the founder of Touch Your Soul describes an individual’s spiritual journey. Through her workshops she guides people on their journey to attain greater personal and professional self empowerment. She helps people to realize their full potential and channel it to fulfillment through positive energy and inner strength.

In this Meditation session Madhu will guide you through a healing meditation. This is a powerful technique that will relieve stress, cleanse your body, and relax your mind.

After the meditation you will have the opportunity to hear about The Cleansing Workshop being conducted at the META Center on May 19th & 20th, and May 26th & 27th, and about Touch Your Soul’s efforts to uplift villages in northern India.

Suggested donation: $25. To register please call Monica on 973-896-8489. For info: A portion of the proceeds will go towards the village project.

Thursday, May 17th
‘Healing the Mother Issues’
facilitated by Anthony Citro
7:00pm – 10:00pm

At this time of great cosmic momentum, the tendency to embrace the New Paradigm can be predicated on how significantly we have individually made peace with our past, both in a karmic context and consciously in this lifetime. Much of what we still “hold onto” in life can readily be attributed to our relationship with our birth mother, and by extension the Divine Mother. Here, through the Grace and Presence of many aspects of the Divine Mother, who etherically will gather with us, you will have an opportunity to heal any lingering trauma and pain surrounding your connection to your birth mother.

Through music, guided meditation, healing and sharing, the Mother’s present will work to transform your relationship with your birth mother, at the core level, enabling the personality self to move beyond the illusory wounds of ongoing lack of nurturance, or stubborn feelings of low self-esteem. Being safely and lovingly enfolded in the energetic arms of the Divine Mother can instantaneously shift our reality to a more loving and loved place. As we head into the Golden Age, the time has come to look back at our past ‘one last time’, let go with love and forgiveness, and accept that our parents were only doing ‘the best that they could do’.

It is a part of our journey as conscious beings of light to break the patterns of projection, and inhibition that a “mother issue” can stimulate. As you come to recognize the love of the Divine Mother for you, you can easily recalibrate with simple intention to enjoy and experience a life filled with love!

$33.00 Register: /

Friday, May 18th
Awakening Heart: Sufi Practice & Dances of Universal Peace
Whirling/Turn Class 6:45pm; Awakening Heart 7:30pm

“So the first thing I ask you to do is don’t believe me. Believe your own being when you get up and walk and chant and dance.” (Murshid Samuel Lewis). Using Meditation, Movement/Dance, Sacred Names, and Walking Meditations, this circle explores the heart-centered, in-the-world Universal spirituality brought from India to the West in 1910 by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, and of worldwide sacred traditions. Those of all paths are welcome; no experience is necessary.

Space contribution: Turn Class $5; Awakening Heart $15; (646) 924-9957;

Friday, May 18th
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm

Kick your shoes off… relax!!! Leave your work behind, be it office work, spiritual work, home work or otherwise. Simply BE in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing on various levels of your BEING. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Archangels and allow yourSelf to be open to your own intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Beings of light. Prophetic insight and/or channeled messages, meditation and Christ Light healing to crown and heart chakras are always a part of this beautiful circle that may open your heart and lift your spirit. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.

Your facilitator is Rev. Barbara, Reiki Master Teacher, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Christ Light Healer and Spiritual Counselor. She speaks and sings in Light Language, and often brings forth enlightening messages from the Beloved Council of Christ Light frequencies during healing circles and private healing sessions. Her commitment to healing work is grounded in her passion for providing a loving conduit for your Soul, heart, mind and body to heal and realign with the Divine Light within you bringing you closer to a harmonious state of well being and oneness with all life.

$25.00 at the door or register online at For more info contact Rev Barbara at (718) 863-1553.

Saturday, May 19th & Sunday, May 20th
The Cleansing Workshop
Madhu Chowdhry
10:30am – 5:30pm

“It’s your story and you are the hero in it”, is the simple philosophy with which Madhu Chowdhry, the founder of Touch Your Soul describes an individual’s spiritual journey. She does not think of her role as a spiritual guru or a master, but that of a mentor and a guide.

Through her workshops she guides people on their journey to attain greater personal and professional self empowerment. She helps people to realize their full potential and channel it to fulfillment through positive energy and inner strength thereby mentoring people to discover the all important question of “Who am I” and “What am I”.
This workshop is designed to rejuvenate your soul and spirit, through the power of meditation and self realization. Through powerful guided meditation and the power of “AUM”, you would cleanse your body. You would be provided tools and techniques to continue the journey after the workshop and come into your spiritual strength.

Fee: $370. To register please visit: For more info go to:

Monday, May 23rd ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm

For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at

Monday, May 21st
SQ Wellness Satsang
Facilitated by Michelle Fitch
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Through the ages, people have sought the wisdom, support and connectedness of community – particularly during challenging times.

Join us each month as we come together to explore ancient teachings, techniques, and tools to navigate life as taught by Master Teacher, Derek O’Neill. Each gathering begins by listening to one of Derek’s discourses on topics as varied as “Looking at Your Life Patterns”, “The Root Cause of Suffering”, “The Art of Manifestation” and the Bhagavad Gita. The night concludes with a group discussion of the evening’s discourse, and an opportunity to share life’s challenges, seek support and perhaps walk away with a fresh perspective. All are welcome as there is truly something here for everyone, all you need to bring is an open mind and heart.

For more information on Derek O’Neill and SQ Wellness, please visit us at: Exchange for this event is on a by donation basis. To register, please contact Michelle Fitch at

Tuesday, May 22nd
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:30pm

This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.

Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.

For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 212 473 6388.

Wednesday, May 23rd
Touch Your Soul Healing Meditation
Madhu Chowdhry
7:00pm – 8:30pm

“It’s your story and you are the hero in it”, is the simple philosophy with which Madhu Chowdhry, the founder of Touch Your Soul describes an individual’s spiritual journey. Through her workshops she guides people on their journey to attain greater personal and professional self empowerment. She helps people to realize their full potential and channel it to fulfillment through positive energy and inner strength.

In this Meditation session Madhu will guide you through a healing meditation. This is a powerful technique that will relieve stress, cleanse your body, and relax your mind.

After the meditation you will have the opportunity to hear about The Cleansing Workshop being conducted at the META Center on May 26th & 27th, and about Touch Your Soul’s efforts to uplift villages in northern India.

Suggested donation: $25. To register, please call Monica on 973-896-8489. For info: A portion of the proceeds will go towards the village project.

Tuesday, May 23rd 7pm – 9pm ~FREE EVENT~
Wednesday, May 24th 12pm – 3pm ~FREE EVENT~
Anti Aging & Regenerative Medicine
Making the Shift to Ageless Living
Dr. Shanhong Lu, MD, PdD

Why Stress and Toxins are the two biggest hormonal disruptors affecting people living in the 21st century and how they are associated with the way our body repairs, healing and ages.

The focus will be on educating people on our toxic environment and how this toxicity leads to increased stress on the body, fatigue, and premature aging. She will discuss the use of supplementation to counter these toxic effects to support critical body functioning.

Introducing Orenda International – “Awaken, Cleanse and Feed” a paradigm shift to support healthful aging. Dr. Shamhong Lu, MD, PhD will discuss some of the missing pieces in nutritional supplementation and detoxification.

Dr. Lu is Certified in both Internal Medicine and Anti Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She also has a PhD in Human Physiology and post doctor fellowship training in Genetics of Hypertension at UC San Francisco, California. She is the Medical Director and owner of Mt. Shasta Integrative Medicine in Mt. Shasta, California. She has been treating thousands of patients and practicing integrative medicine for 13 years.

Please RSVP with: Julie Fedeli 312-543-2231 or Dr. Lu 530-925-0565 /

Thursday, May 24th
The Angel Circle with Archangel Michael
Mark Mezadourian
7:30pm – 9:30pm

The Angel Circle is like a spiritual gym – a place where you can deepen your Divine connection, strengthen your intuitive muscles and relax into your true power – all is a positive, safe and structured environment.

The intention of this Circle is to make connecting with the Angels practical, easy and fun for everyone. As the work is experiential, you will learn techniques for connecting and receiving guidance.

Each Circle is unique, and focuses on a specific Archangel. In this Circle, we will connect with Archangel Michael and engage in activities to empower your intentions around your purpose, prosperity and partnership. Everyone present will get to give and receive guidance, allowing the Angels messages to bring peace & power to your life.

Cost: $20. For more information and to register, please call Mark at (310) 220-5455, or visit

May 24th
KaTransformations’ Angel Circle
Kat Katsanis
6:45pm – 9:15pm

As a participant in this KaTransformations’ Angel Circle, you will receive guided meditations and visualizations, as well as a personalized intuitive message, channeled by Kat, from your angels. It is sure to be a nurturing and uplifting evening! Class size is limited to 8 participants.

Kat Katsanis~Semel, a California native, is celebrated for offering her clients accurate, intuitive guidance, that is both trustworthy and loving. Kat began providing her NYC healing sessions & classes, with the blessing of Deepak Chopra @ The NY Chopra Center. Kat is delighted to share her spiritual gifts, and derives great fulfillment from her life’s work. For further details regarding Kat’s dharma, please visit:

Fee: $34.44. To reserve your KaTransformations’ Angel Circle seat, please email:

Saturday, May 26th & Sunday, May 27th
The Cleansing Workshop
Madhu Chowdhry
10:30am – 5:30pm

“It’s your story and you are the hero in it”, is the simple philosophy with which Madhu Chowdhry, the founder of Touch Your Soul describes an individual’s spiritual journey. She does not think of her role as a spiritual guru or a master, but that of a mentor and a guide.

Through her workshops she guides people on their journey to attain greater personal and professional self empowerment. She helps people to realize their full potential and channel it to fulfillment through positive energy and inner strength thereby mentoring people to discover the all important question of “Who am I” and “What am I”.
This workshop is designed to rejuvenate your soul and spirit, through the power of meditation and self realization. Through powerful guided meditation and the power of “AUM”, you would cleanse your body. You would be provided tools and techniques to continue the journey after the workshop and come into your spiritual strength.

Fee: $370. To register please visit: For more info go to:

Thursday, May 31st
Pediatric Nutrition & Nourishment
with Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD
6:30pm – 9:30pm

Parents receive a lot of advice, and read conflicting reports, about what are the “right” foods to feed their infants and children. In this presentation by Dr. Palevsky, you will hear him discuss what foods are optimal for children’s nutrition, growth & development. But, you will also come to understand that it is not just the absolute value of the food that we need to look at. The nutrient content of a food is not the only factor that determines its benefit, or the impact it will have on our children’s health.

Dr. Palevsky will also address other factors that are just as important, if not more important, in making sure our children are well nourished. We will explore the digestive system of infants & children, the energetics of food and our bodies, the conditions in which foods are grown and cooked, what states our bodies are in to receive maximal benefit from food, the relationship we have to food, and how all of this information impacts pediatric nutrition & nourishment.

$25 per person. Early reservations are advised. Please click here for more information and to purchase tickets:

Thursday, May 31st
The Quantum Revolution: Presencing the Revolution
Dr. Michael Wayne
7:00pm – 9:30pm

A Quantum Revolution is upon us, and it could be one of the greatest social and cultural transformations in history, with the potential to create a peaceful, sustainable, holistic, just and compassionate society and world for a long time. It will be predicated on the awakening of the awesome power of heart and mind, in order for people to vision more deeply and profoundly, and then bring it to fruition. A Quantum Revolution will take more wisdom and more evolved ways of seeing, which will lead to a revolution and evolution of thinking, being and doing, in which we become wiser, more conscious, and more aware.

One key tool to accomplish the Revolution is by Presencing, which is the ability to pre-sense and bring into presence one’s highest future potential, through the understanding that the future has intentionality. Presencing can connect us more deeply with what both wants to emerge in the world and to our emerging, higher self. When you enter into the realm of presencing, through deep knowing, you become aware of a future seeking to emerge, and you become connected to the evolving future field.

Dr. Michael Wayne is a practitioner of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and Integrative Medicine, and is the author of three books. His forthcoming book The Quantum Revolution, is due out later this year. He has been featured in numerous publications, including Whole Living, the New York Post, and Alternative Medicine. Marianne Williamson has said of him, “Michael Wayne has brought us closer to the understanding we need in order to heal ourselves, each other, and the world.”

Fee: $25. For more information or to register, (518) 210-1557,, or

214 West 29th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001
(212) 736 0999 Ext.1.