November Events At A Glance
11/1: Lakshmi Puja for Abundance – Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi
11/2: Sacred Geometry Healing – Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi
11/2: Healing with Astrology : The Luminaries within Rebecca Gordon & Grace Vieira
11/3: Cosmic Meditation Workshop – Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi
11/4: Creative Healing Through Mandala Art – Cher Elyse Carden
11/4: The Circle – James Philip
11/5: Sound Healing – Integration & Ascension – Suzy Meszoly
11/5: Women’s New Moon circle – Valerie Gross
11/6: Enchantment – Stewart Pearce
11/7 – 11/10: New Realities & META Center 4th Annual Spiritual Film Festival
11/7: Tim Chambers Group Intensive!! Group Ascension Work – Rev. Tim Chambers
11/7: Psychic Message Circle – Psychic Medium Milou
11/8: Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose – Jean Worth
11/9 & 11/10: Reiki I & II – Kathie Lipinski
11/11: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown ~PRIVATE EVENT~
11/12: dōTERRA Essential Oils – Roman Barrus ~FREE EVENT~
11/13: META Center Fall Healing Fair
11/13: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
11/14: Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing Circle -“Sacred Reciprocity” – Olivia Olkowski
11/14: Spirit Circles – Thomas John ~SOLD OUT~
11/15: Heart to HEART: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
11/15: Angelic Circle of Peace – Embracing the Power of Gratitude – Rev. Barbara
11/16: Reiki Okuden – Inner Teaching – Shihan Lilia V. Marquez
11/16: The Return of MAX – The Ancient Crystal Skull Channeled Powerful Mystical Sacred Ceremony – Joann Parks & Jodi Serota
11/18: Intro to Getting Real in Your Real-ationships Workshop – John Seibert & Erin Patterson ~FREE EVENT~
11/19: De lo Invisible a lo Visible – Julio Bevione
11/19: Special Double Program: Psychic Surgery: Initiation of the 40-Day Healing Program and
Divine Love Now, Merkaba,Metatron & Personal Messages – Suzy Meszoly
11/20: Spiritual Initiation – Self-Healing the Archetypal Wounds of Abandonment, Betrayal and Shame – Zela Rodriguez
11/21: Sex, Psychology & Shamanism – Kristen Boyer, Arden Davies, Isis Phoenix & Alan Steinfeld
11/21: Psychic Circle for Singles – Psychic Medium Milou
11/22: Spiritual Dating, Stand Up Comedy & Raw Food! –
11/22: Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose – Jean Worth
11/23: Creating Your Own Reality: Mind Over Matter – Pam Maraldo, Patricia Munhall & Barbara Barnum
11/23 & 11/24: Advanced Psychic Development – Calise Simone
11/24: Mini Psychic Readings with Calise Simone’s Advanced Psychic Development Students – Calise Simone
11/25: Social Media & WordPress Blogging For Business –
11/26: Goddess Circle – Giving Thanks to Abundantia – Krista Mitchell
11/29: Cellular Reporgramming By The Divine Diamond® Aniruddhan & Gautami ~FREE EVENT~
11/29: Body Alignment & Strengthening System – Aniruddhan & Gautami
11/30 & 12/1: Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop – Aniruddhan and Gautami
11/30: Healing Temple: Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers, Sound Healing & Crystals with Suzy Meszoly
Friday, November 1st
Lakshmi Puja for Abundance
Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Puja is an ancient technology. The sacred geometry of the yantra opens into another realm, through which the Source of our being can be physically present with us. When we participate in puja ceremonies, we draw spiritual forces around us. This energy can eliminate negative influences, and become a magnet for peace, prosperity and true Divine nature. This puja will be performed to a rare, powerful aspect of Mother Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance.
Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi are enlightened souls embodying the energy and consciousness of the Divine Mother Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi, the Mother of Liberation. Swamiji and Amma awaken the Divine Mother energy in each of us, by sharing powerful and practical spiritual practices.
$25 suggested donation. All welcome! Pre-register at 845-891-3065.
Saturday, November 2nd
Sacred Geometry Healing
Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi
11:00am – 4:00pm
Yantras (ancient sacred geometry) are a potent concentration of Divine energies being direct mirrors of the energies of the Divine Mother. Experience an expansion of your Consciousness, Healing and Transformation of the Soul in this high energy program.
Participants plant their intentions in the fertile cosmic world for manifestation with Divine Grace. Amma and Swamiji create strong energy vortexes which can be physically experienced and helps clear the soul. Using Yantras imbued with powerful Divine energy, participants are taken into the Mother’s womb to cleanse the soul. A truly profound experience, individuals who participate in this beautiful event share that they experience deep and lasting healing, bliss, clearing and uplifting.
Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi are enlightened souls embodying the energy and consciousness of the Divine Mother Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi, the Mother of Liberation. Swamiji and Amma awaken the Divine Mother energy in each of us, by sharing powerful and practical spiritual practices.
Suggested donation $65. Pre-register at 845-891-3065.
Saturday, November 2nd
Healing with Astrology : The Luminaries within
Rebecca Gordon & Grace Vieira
11:00am – 5:00pm
Discover your unique relationship between the Sun and Moon in your birth chart and how that is your key to unearthing the feminine and masculine lineage.
Past imprints and Samskaras may continue to land us in the same story over and over until we may chose to jump off the merry go round of Karmic patterning.
In this day immersion, we will explore your astrological relationship signature of masculine and feminine (Sun and Moon) and begin to unlock any stuck patterning of the lineage for the healing of all relations in present day as well. Rebecca Gordon, professional astrologer and columnist along with Grace Vieira, renowned lineage healer will be your guides through the day.
Cost: $118. To RSVP call Rebecca Gordon and she will send you a payment form or email Rebecca at Write “Healing With Astrology” in the subject header.
Sunday, November 3rd
Cosmic Meditation Workshop
Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi
10:00am – 6:00pm
In this workshop, students deepen their understanding of the spiritual principles at work in the universe and within their everyday lives. After receiving a “spiritual map” of the cosmos and of the supreme Self, everyone is guided into an epic astral travel meditation to directly experience all they have learned. Participants are taught simple, powerful meditations to take them into the higher levels of consciousness. This is a grand adventure into the deepest sanctuary of the soul.
Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi are enlightened souls embodying the energy and consciousness of the Divine Mother Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi, the Mother of Liberation. Swamiji and Amma awaken the Divine Mother energy in each of us, by sharing powerful and practical spiritual practices.
Cost $125. For sliding scale fees, write to Pre-register at 845-891-3065.
Monday, November 4th
Creative Healing Through Mandala Art
Cher Elyse Carden B.A., M.Ed.
7:00pm – 9:30pm
An introduction to the ancient sacred healing tradition of mandala art. All art supplies will be provided for you.
This fun and transformative workshop will provide an opportunity to find the healer that resides in all of us. Mandalas emerge from a circle. Everyone will start with this very simple premise. Everyone will be guided through an artistic process leading to symbols that emerge from the heart for the participant to draw.
Through meditation, visualization and working with colored pencils and artist paper, each person can access that part of their psyche where the answers to their most puzzling emotional and or physical health issues can be revealed. There will be a brief exploration of healing mandala art expressed through the spiritual rituals of the Native American, African, Hindu and Tibetan Buddhist traditions.
There will be a 20 minute meditation to connect with the healer artist within followed by drawing exercises. There are no prerequisites to this course. This is not a formal learning “how to” draw class. No one is expected to make “great art”. Just bring an open mind and a willing heart and your mandala will manifest as the perfect image for you. You may keep your drawings private; or if you’d like, share them with the class.
This class is designed to add a tool to your treasure chest of healing modalities. They can be used to help heal relationships, health, spiritual or work experience. Participants will learn various ways to use their mandala in their daily lives. Mandala art can be used to access your own inner truth in a way that is unique, creative…and fun.
Participants should dress in comfortable clothing. We will be sitting on the floor in a circle to enhance the group healing energy. Cushions and chairs will be provided for your comfort. Small tables and clipboards will be provided for drawing exercises. No need to bring supplies, everything you need will be provided for you.
Fee: $25.00 if paid in advance. $30.00 cash at the door. Email: or call Cher at 212-242-5127 for more information on workshop or to arrange nonrefundable payment.
Monday, November 4th
The Circle
James Philip
7:00pm – 9:30pm
A small intimate group focused on developing our own psychic intuition, mediumship & channelling with spiritual channel James Philip. A very supportive way to explore our natural gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and develop our higher consciousness. Limited to 8 participants.
James Philip, from Scotland, a high impact spiritual channel; inspirational teacher & alchemist with 15 years experience of transformational healing, shamanism, psychic development, mediumship and has supported the profound growth of thousands of people. He is founder and lead faculty of Celestial Earth institute, London, teaching internationally and a frequent visiting faculty here in NYC & Omega institute, since 1995. Most recently he has been appointed to the faculty of London’s College of Psychic Studies.
$55.00. Register directly with
Tuesday, November 5th
Sound Healing – Integration & Ascension
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly, has been playing the Himalayans for nearly 15 years in her energetic healing practice with private clients, where she combines sound healing with channeled light. Suzy has brought bowls back from her pilgrimages to Nepal; these have been blessed by her Tibetan teachers. The Himalayan bowls have the simple power of creating a unifying energetic field, allowing for the integration of human experience without judgment, without fear. While acting as a bridge for the Metatronic energy field, Suzy plays the bowls, creating an integration sound field while channeling the Divine Light.
(Participants will be lying down for these activations, please bring blankets and cushions if you need them.) Space is limited at these popular sold –out events, so please book early to ensure your sound healing!
More about Suzy see youtube: “Love Now Movement with Suzy” and at look for the SuzyChannel Wednesday nights 8pm
$35. Please contact Suzy on cell 845.616-0860 or email or pay with credit card/Paypal and pre-register at
Tuesday, November 5th
Women’s New Moon circle
Facilitated by Valerie Gross
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Women have circled on the new moon for thousands of years. At this time, we gather, stepping out of our roles as mother, daughter, wife, sister, friend, professional, to sit in the truth of our Selves, and witness each other therein.
In ancient times, women of a clan would menstruate and rest for a few days together, leaving the chores and responsibilities of their lives behind. Today we take but a few hours out of our busy lives, and honor the wisdom of the womb, emptying before it fills again with new life and possibility, whether or not we happen to be menstruating.
This is the cycle of women’s lives: sacred rest, then possibility, then new creation, then accomplishment, then rest again. Sometimes we do this in a single day, sometimes over the course of years. In circle we perform ritual, and share and meditate in a space that is safe and deeply respectful of each woman’s power and process. This circle has been gathering in private space for four years. This is the first time it is open to the public, on a limited basis. I look forward to gathering there with those who read this and feel called.
To find out about registering, please contact Valerie Gross at Space is limited; returning members will be given first priority. A donation of $10 will be welcome toward the cost of the space.
Wednesday, November 6th
Stewart Pearce
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Enchantment is an inspirational opportunity to join Stewart Pearce creating magic through a ‘crucible of joy’ using sonic meditation, spiritual teachings, mantra and passages of grace. You will feel uplifted by the song of your soul, experiencing a new vitality, and a sense of empathetic communion. Enchantment offers a sacred space to sound out our hearts content, to feel connected with soul, to enchant magic in our lives!
Stewart Pearce is a Legendary Sound Healer and Angel Medium who was the Master of Voice at Shakespeare’s Globe from 1997-2008, and the Head of Voice at the Webber Douglas Academy from 1980-1997. Stewart has coached many illustrious clients such as Diana Princess of Wales, Vanessa Redgrave, Matthew Goode & Mark Rylance, and has published ‘The Alchemy of Voice’, ‘The Heart’s Note’, ‘The Angels of Atlantis Oracle and Book’, ‘The Angelic Heart Sigils Oracle’.
Cost: $20.00 cash. To book, please email Mellie at or call 717.215.2473. &
New Realities & META Center NY Present:
4th Annual Spiritual Film Festival
Theme: Conscious Emergence
Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun – Nov 7th – 10th
Curated by Alan Steinfeld
About the New Realities & META Center Spiritual Film Festival
Alan Steinfeld of and Jodi Serota, owner of META Center NY, the creators and presenters of our 4th Annual Spiritual Film Festival, would like you to join us as part of our creative, conscious community, attending and celebrating with us, this year’s wonderful event.
We feel that it’s important to present the current trends in spirituality to an emerging conscious seeking population. Film, being one of our most sophisticated and appraised mediums of communication, delivers messages that affect the body, mind and soul.
It is with great pleasure that we present in our festival, specifically selected films to assist the public in the transformation of our local community and the collective awakening of the planet.
Alan Steinfeld & Jodi Serota
$20 for Thursday, Friday or Saturday Evening Programs
$25 for Sunday Full Day Program
**$60 for Full Festival Admission
** Anyone who buys a $60 full festival package will enter a raffle to win a free $50 gift certificate for Caravan of Dreams – NY’s premiere health, organic, cooked & raw restaurant.
*** Atmananda Yoga will gift free passes to 1 yoga class for everyone who buys a ticket to the festival
Please register via PayPal or call the META Center at 212 736 0999 Ext.1 MC, VISA & Discover card accepted in advance. Cash only at the door. (Non-refundable).
PR by Kathy Horn – Roadrunner Talent and Media
Thursday, November 7th – SCIENCE
7:00pm: Ellipse
(Short – 12 minutes)
Director: Ilana Rein
This mysterious and enigmatic short plants more that seeds of cosmic possibly. This preview hints at “the Game” to seed the universe with organic material. When life starts it is monitored and protected from “the Opponent”. Clues are left to where life can be found while the opponent tries to prevent its discovery. The greatest player is known as Leo. He plays on Earth. It is a game of influence, power, intrigue and sacred geometry.
7:15pm: Solar Revolution
(Doc. 100 minutes)
Directors: Tonia Madenford & Frank Jacob
Does the sun have the power to transform humankind? In Solar Revolution, world-renowned German biophysicist Dieter Broers shows a remarkable correlation between increases in solar activity and advances in our creative and spiritual abilities.
Broers sees the rise in solar disturbances not as an impending apocalypse, but as the dawn of a new era. He shows how erupting solar activity can boost our brain and expand our mind for the extraordinary, such as telepathy and extrasensory perception. With the natural release of DMT these activities may soon become ordinary, helping us solve the global crises we face. Broers says “Humankind is going through an evolutionary leap, and these changes will ultimately culminate in a new form of consciousness and harmony on Earth.
8:55pm: Discussion with Drs. JJ & Desiree Hurtak of the Academy for Future Science (40 minutes)
Friday, November 8th – UFO & GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY
7:00pm: Zipper
(Short – 12 minutes)
Director: Fantina Carvajal
After totaling his car on the way to work in New Mexico, Martin is left puzzling about the crash and his surprising lack of injuries. Plagued by recurring nightmares, he decides to box up his belongings and make a fresh start in the Midwest. However, Martin’s plans go awry when he gets a visit from a young woman who claims she witnessed the incident and something beyond our understanding.
7:30pm: Hidden Hand
(Doc. 80 minutes)
Director: James Carman
Is preoccupation with E.T.’s a form of cultural madness, or is something really going on? How many alien races are visiting humanity? How would E.T. contact change the religious and political institutions of our society? The film takes a insightful look at alien abduction, human/alien hybridization and the government cover-up of extraterrestrials. Full of riveting interviews with the world’s experts on UFOlogy: Whitley Streiber, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Richard Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe, Nassim Haramein, David Icke, Graham Hancock, Dr. David Jacobs and others – the viewer realizes that UFOs are no longer a possibility, but a reality.
8:50pm: Discussion with Dir. James Carman, UFO Researcher Richard Dolan & Duncan Cameron (of the Montauk Experiment)
(40 minutes)
7:00pm: One Track Heart: The Story of Krishna Das
(Doc. 72 mins)
Director: Jeremy Frindel
In 1970, Jeffrey Kagel turned down the chance to record as lead singer for the newly created band Blue Oyster Cult, walking away from the American dream of rock ‘n’ roll stardom. Instead, he sold all his possessions and moved from Long Island to the foothills of the Himalayas in search of happiness and the company of a little-known saint named Neem Karoli Baba. This film follows Kagel’s journey to India, his struggles with depression and drug abuse, to his eventual emergence as Krishna Das, world-renowned spiritual teacher and Grammy nominated chant master. This is a beautiful film of transformation and awakening.
8:30pm: Dreaming Heaven
(Doc. 75 minutes)
Director: Lee McCormick
The first documentary film ever to explore the 4,000 year-old epicenter of spiritual transformation located in Teotihuacan, Mexico. These mystical pyramids were built to guide people through the ascending levels of consciousness. Now 2,000 years later, a handful of Toltec spirit guides remain and for the first time ever, a few of the most prominent Toltec guides invited a handpicked camera crew along to film the journey as it unfolded in real time over 5 powerful days in May. This film is adventure in consciousness and tour of the underworld of shamanic
The 1st 30 people to register for the Saturday program will receive a free book and CD sound track of Dreaming Heaven
9:45pm: Lee McCormick Director Q&A (30 minutes)
Sunday, November 10th – WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT
12:00pm Burning Lakshmi
(Short – 12 minutes)
Director: Anna Fischer
In 2010, there were 8391 dowry deaths” or “bride burning” in India according to their National Crime Record Bureau. The actual number could be as high as 25,000, because most cases go unreported. Young brides are first physically and mentally harassed by her in-laws because her families is unable to provide enough consumer goods and property to satisfy the groom’s family. Some brides resort to suicide, while others are burned and then thrown out of her house afterwards, because she cannot function as a proper wife. This film talks about the awful situation and what women in India are doing about it.
12:30pm: Talking Story
(Doc. 85 minutes)
Director: Marie-Rose Phan-Lê
Talking Story is a powerful personal journey of transformation by Vietnamese born Marie-Rose Phan-Lê; an apprentice healer educated in the west. Her search is to discover ancient healing practices, from the Kahunas of Hawaii to the shamans of the Himalayas, but in the process she finds her own power as well. This a beautiful and intimate portraits of healers and teachers who share their divine gifts with Marie-Rose and the audience. In the watching the film we receive a deeper connection to the legacy of sacred medicine that has been an integral part of human civilization.
2:00pm: We will have a break from the films and be presented with a brief lecture on the Blue Flame, a form of women’s empowerment led by Kirsten Boyer and Chaimaine Waldrop. They will share about connecting to Divine Purpose and Passion and the ultimate joy of bringing our voices into manifestation.
3:00pm: Finding Happiness
(Doc. 90 minutes)
Director: Ted Nicolaou
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a real conscious community, where people live in harmony, compassion, cooperation and love? That’s what skeptical reporter Juliet (Elizabeth Rohm of American Hustle and The Client List) set out to investigate for Profiles Magazine. This urban cynic chic finds what she never expected to discover – Happiness. The film is both fiction and documentary. Shot on location at one of the world’s foremost conscious communities – Ananda Village in the Sierra Nevada, CA. The people Juliet meets here are real people, who share their community experiences in genuine, unscripted interviews.
4:45pm: Femme
(Doc. 90 minutes)
Director: Emmanual Itier
Femme is an inspirational voyage about women around the world who are actively transforming and healing global society on a daily basis. Starring Sharon Stone (Basic Instinct), Jean Houston, Marianne Williamson, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Riane Eisler, Gloria Steinem, Barbara Marx Hubbard and more! Influential women discuss religion, science, history, politics and entertainment – and the solutions to the multiple crisis we face throughout the world. FEMME focuses on utilizing a feminine approach with nurturing energy to inspire a new hope for the future.
6:15pm: Q&A with Producer Dawn Zuill, Dr. Jenn Royster, Donna D’Cruz & Zahava (30 minutes)
Thursday, November 7th
Tim Chambers Group Intensive!! Group Ascension Work
with Rev. Tim Chambers – Science of Light
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Tim Chambers is an intuitive channel and meditative guide who has been leading groups through soul journeys and group based ascension experiences for twenty years. He invites you to join an expanded group format for practical instruction, information and experience in the world transition known as ascension.
Participants need bring only an open heart, mind and the intention to experience their own inner presence of light and dark, which is their self. Tim utilizes the spoken word, breath and Visual Mediumship along with energy transmitting body movement to create inter-dimensional communication among the participants and their own inner guides.
Tim Chambers is an ordained minister, reiki master, licensed acupuncturist and certified Qi Gong healing practitioner. He has been an intuitive channel, meditative guide and Soul – Life Path Counselor for twenty years. He conducts Group Ascension Work meetings on a weekly basis in his Soho studio.
Donation: $30.00. To register contact: Tim Chambers, LAc, LMT, MSOM, SOL. Tel: 646-465-1356.
Thursday, November 7th
Psychic Message Circle
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, find a new job, or receive a message from departed love ones? You are invited to bring a pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you names, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He does not ask for any information, including your name.
Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.
Friday, November 8th
Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose
Jean Worth
6:30pm – 9:30pm
We all have a unique signature, one that is you and no one else. Hand Analysis can decode your most pertinent information and reveal your soul’s agenda and life’s purpose. Your fingerprints are formed five months prior to birth and they carry the blueprint of your life. Discover what it is your soul yearns to express.
The event begins with a dynamic lecture/demonstration followed by a personal mini-reading. You will leave with a profound understanding of your true purpose and tools to help you live your life on purpose with passion.
Jean Worth – Transformational counselor and healing practitioner – Graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis – Certified in Quantum Biofeedback – MA in Education from NYU
$35.00 Paid in advanced by credit card. $40.00 cash at the door. To register: Call 917-579-3050 or e-mail
Saturday, Nov 9th & Sunday, Nov 10th
Reiki I and II
Kathie Lipinski RN, CH, RMT, Licensed Teacher ICRT
9:30am – 6:30pm
Enjoy this beginning workshop for learning techniques for tapping into Universal Life Force Energy. Class includes Level I and II attunements, the history of Reiki, the Reiki symbols, practice time giving and receiving Reiki; Japanese Reiki Techniques and so much more.
You will receive a certificate from the International Center for Reiki Training. ( Contact hours for nurses.
Cost: $350. Early registration discount of $25 if registered before October 4th. For more information or to register for this event please contact Kathie at 631-360-6722 or Visit her web site at or on FaceBook at Reiki Healing from the Heart NY.
Monday, November 11th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at
Tuesday, November 12th ~FREE EVENT~
dōTERRA Essential Oils
Roman Barrus
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Join us to learn about dōTERRA Essential Oils for better health for the entire family!
Everyone is invited to join us for a recap of the most popular and successful dōTERRA essential oils event so far. Come learn what over 12,000 convention attendees experienced … new products, new scientific studies on essential oils, new business tools, and more. You won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to learn what makes dōTERRA essential oils so uniquely powerful, how essential oils work, and how they can improve the health and overall wellness of those you care for.
No registration is necessary. For more information, please email
Tuesday, November 12th
New Healing & Psychic Enhancements
With Skydin Zeal – Atlantean Creations
6:30pm – 9:00pm
In this in-depth workshop & activation we will be reaching into the past & future to integrate Ancient Practices from around the world (focus on Scandinavia) to teach you mastery of your life. Experience, interplanetary travel, psychic self defense and how to uncover your psychic talents from past & even future lives!
Part 1: Sanctify – Skydin Zeal offers a sophisticated, powerful bouquet of herbal magic to aanctify everyone in attendance by removing negative entities! “Incredibly effective!” Unique Atlantean sound healing instruments are then integrated for healing!
Part 2: Scandinavian Yoga – Skydin will guide the group through empowering poses & otherworldly chants which together are called Stadhagaldr!
Part 3: Learn how to shield & heal yourself & loved ones with Norse mudras & symbols charged with a power hidden from today’s reality.
Part 4: – Group Reading: Everyone receives a brief powerful Rune reading! Skydin answers one question & instructs you in the use of a Runic pose that will personally benefit you most!
Psychic gifts you may learn: Your spiritual & material life will improve rapidly. This is because Skydin Zeal is initiated to communicate & transfer wisdom from multiple distant realities. Thus helping people shape their Earth experience into what they desire!
Questions & Answers: Skydin Zeal is a claircognizant channel & will be able to answer all of your metaphysical questions!
RSVP: Strongly Encouraged: Cost: $25 Register at or cash at the Door!
Wednesday, November 13th
META Center Fall Healing Fair
3:00pm – 9:00pm
Join us on Wednesday, November 13th for an afternoon/evening of Healings with some of New York’s top Healing Practitioners.
Healings are $25 each for a 20 minute session
Olivia Olkowski – Mini-Limpia and Mayan Electromagnetic Rebalancing Hands-on energy healing, removes dense energy and rebalances chakras.
Rev. Barbara – Energy Healing w/Light Language
Lindai’s Bodywork – Neck & Shoulder Massage
Anita Celeste – Universal Rays/IET/Healing with Angelic & Ascended Masters, Balance & Resolution to Emotional & Physical Challenges
Kevin Kiernan – Trinity Healing Attunements
Abel Costa – BioDynanic Craniosacral Therapy
Toshiyuki Endo – Shiatsu, Face/Neck Sculpting & Seitai (Posture Alignment)
Susan Chu – Crystal Matrix Reiki (TM)
English & En Español
Robert Alvarez – Goddess Energy Healings Treatments for Body, Mind, Soul, Finances & Relationships
Martin Hernandez – Mini Quantum Healing Hypnosis /Past Life Regression
Ricardo DaCunha – Reiki
Anthony Citro – Rising Star / Mahatma Infusion Therapy / Violet Flame Irradiation
Registration starts at 2:30pm. No advance appointments. Bring your friends and experience and enjoy different healing modalities.
Wednesday, November 13th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.
We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.
The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.
Fee is $20. Register via or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).
Thursday, November 14th
Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing Circle-“Sacred Reciprocity”
with Olivia Olkowski
12:30pm – 2:30pm
This month we will gather to honor the spirits with ceremony and “Sacred Reciprocity”. By giving offerings and thanks to our Ancestors, Spirit Guides, the Universe- we are showing gratitude for all that we have. By giving thanks we know that all will be provided for for the Winter months. Everyone please bring a small food offering of fresh seasonal fruits, veggies, nuts etc, to share, for each of us to bring some of the medicine from the day to bless your homes and community. Please arrive early at 12:15pm, doors will close promplety at 12:30pm, we have a lot to cover. Bring rattle or drum if you have one, a note pad, pen, scarf for eye cover to journey.
Energy Exchange: $20. Contact/RSVP: For full details of events:
Spirit Circles ~SOLD OUT~
November 14th
Thomas John
7:00pm – 8:30pm
(Upcoming date: December 19th)
After a brief introduction, Thomas will guide seminar participants through a meditation, and then deliver messages to each participant from spirit guides and loved ones in spirit. An excellent opportunity to experience the work of celebrity psychic medium Thomas John in an intimate setting! Each session will be limited to 8 to 10 participants.
To purchase tickets, contact Thomas at or call 347-637-8592. Tickets are $75 per seminar. No refunds after time of purchase.
Friday, November 15th
Heart to HEART: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
7:30pm – 9:30pm
“Although we seem to be in a world of song and dance, we are most concerned with peace on earth.” Sufi Murshid Lewis”
This circle, co-creates an atmosphere of Heart with meditation, simple movement/dance, sacred names, music and sacred walk.
These practices are based upon the in-the-world, Universal spirituality brought from India to the West by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi and of worldwide sacred traditions.
The gathering is facilitated by Sufi Murshida Khadija Goforth and friends. A “”Whirling Dervish” Turning meditation class, Dances of Universal Peace leadership mentoring (by permission), tar drum instruction, and individual appointments are also offered.
Those of all paths (and no particular path) are welcome; no previous experience is necessary. “But in reality we are accompanied by the whole dancing universe.” Ruth St. Denis
…I am teaching this music & dancing…to increase Joy, not awe toward another person but bliss in our own self. This is finding God within, through experience.” Sufi Murshid Samual Lewis
Space Contribution $15; Information (646) 924-9957;
Friday, November 15th
Angelic Circle of Peace – Embracing the Power of Gratitude
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm
It’s believed by many that gratitude has a significant and measurable affect on the heart. Some have found that “Gratitude enriches human life. It elevates, energizes, inspires and transforms. People are moved, opened and humbled through expressions of gratitude.” And, when we’re grateful for what we have, we’re able keep our hearts open to receiving more while our actions become based on generosity, grace, and integrity.
In this month of giving thanks, the Angelic Circle of Peace invites you to embrace the power of gratitude in your life through a lovely Gratitude Ceremony. And, through the power of your own light, you may even become a magnet for receiving a continuous flow of divine abundance in your life, always. The energies of gratitude are within the heart and can be expressed every day… this evening is special!
As always you’re embraced by the gentle love healing energies of Archangels and other beings of light as you receive inspirational messages, and channeled messages from my spiritual guides for each person in the circle as well as the circle as a whole. These messages are offered to support your own insights, and for your continued growth and enlightenment. The evening also includes a lovely guided meditation and activations to crown and heart chakras.
Rev. Barbara is an energy healing practitioner (Reiki, Christ Light Healing, Reconnective Healing) with a commitment to healing service that is grounded in her passion for providing a gentle, loving conduit for your heart, mind and body to realign with Divine Light within you that promotes a return to the wholeness of being and oneness with all life. In addition the Angelic Circles of Peace, Rev. Barbara also offers private healing sessions, private consultations with her guides and she teaches the Usui System of Natural Healing.
$25.00 at the door or online at For more information please contact RevB at 718-863-1553.
Saturday, Nov 16th
The Return of MAX – The Ancient Crystal Skull
Channeled Powerful Mystical Sacred Ceremony
w/Joann Parks (Skull Keeper) & Jodi Serota (Channel)
7:00pm – 9:30pm
* An Informative Lecture on MAX & The Crystal Skulls w/JoAnn Parks (Skull Keeper)
* A Powerful Channeled Mystical Sacred Ceremony
w/MAX The Ancient Crystal Skull, Jodi Serota & The Hierarchies of Light
Experience MAX, the most dynamic ancient crystal skull of our time, to awaken your Divine Codes necessary for our journeys of evolution & consciousness. The time is now and Max is a major tool on the planet for the Divine Awakening in us all!
A special ceremony with Max, led by the Hierarchies of Light channeled through Jodi Serota, igniting everyone to live divine truth as masters of consciousness. This experiential ceremony will assist in reclaiming and actualizing full mastery to manifest miracles of the Divine through each of us on Earth.
Enjoy a channeled vibrational concert of higher guidance, sound, and light language transmissions. This will trigger the release of old energetic seals within that are inhibiting enlightenment and causing suffering.
Recall the innate consciousness codes of your DNA Strands and bring forth Divine expression on the physical plane, ending all perceptions of limitation.
Don’t miss this powerful event!
$33 via PayPal or call META Center at 212–736-0999 Ext. 1 to register. MC, Visa, Discover Card, Checks & Pay Pal in advance – Cash only at the door.
Friday, November 15th – Sunday, November 17th
Private Channeled Sessions w/Jodi Serota & Max
Appointments Sold Out
By appointment only – Call immediately to reserve your session.
1/2 hour sessions $90 per person – per session. Paid in advance only.
Saturday, November 16th
Reiki Okuden – Inner Teaching
Presenter: Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN-BC, CCRN
9:30am – 5:30pm
Prerequisite: Reiki 2/Level 2 Reiki Certificate regardless of your Reiki Style/School.
Learn Reiki as it was taught in the 1930s.
Key Words:The doorway to a spiritual path. Inner Teaching (spiritual cultivation and upliftment). Peace and prosperity.
Focus: Spiritual practice of Reiki Ryoho, i.e. one’s spiritual cultivation and upliftment.
Aim: To live a healthy, peaceful and prosperous life, i.e. to live a happy life.
Purpose: Komyo Reiki Okuden (Inner Teaching) is intended for Reiki practitioners who want to deepen an understanding of Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art) and develop the inner growth.
* You will explore the inner teaching of Reiki Ryoho and begin to thread on a spiritual path to “Anshin ritsumei” or “Satori” (enlightenment). * You will be given the fourth shirushi or symbol after receiving Reiju (initiation/attunement). * You will learn to use the fourth shirushi (symbol).
Fee includes: 2 Komyo Reiki Okuden Attunements, Komyo Reiki Kai Okuden Manual, Komyo Reiki Kai Okuden Certificate, Practice sessions, Light lunch. Non-refundable fee unless class canceled.
$250.00 via Check/Postal Money Order/PayPal (50% off Regular Price $500.00) for 2013. Checks must be cleared 2 weeks prior to the event. $300.00 on the day of the event – Cash onlyCheck payable to Lilia V Marquez, PO Box 3016, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163. Contact: Shihan Lilia V. Marquez Komyo Reiki Kai New York
Monday, November 18th
Intro to Getting Real in Your Real-ationships Workshop
John Seibert & Erin Patterson
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Challenge yourself to get real and form new Real-ationships in this introduction to John and Erins’ half day Real-ationship Workshop coming soon. Discover some unconscious motivations that may have been keeping you from achieving your relationship goals, while learning practical relationship skills. Reconstruct your inner self and watch that be reflected in the world around you. Join us for this enlightening workshop and transform your relationships into Real-ationships.
* Have a clearer understanding WHO you are in relationships * Have a clearer understanding what you are doing in relationships * Understand and go deeper in your awareness of your family dynamics * Learn communications skills to improve your relationships.
Exchange: Free and receive a 20% discount on the longer version coming soon. RSVP at: More information: and
Tuesday, November 19th
De lo Invisible a lo Visible
Cómo hacer que lo que soñamos se manifieste más fácilmente
Julio Bevione
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Julio Bevione nos mostrara como poder ir de lo invisible a lo visible.
Todos tenemos el poder de crear y transformar lo que experimentamos en nuestra vida. Nuestra vida es una directa consecuencia de nuestro estado de conciencia. Para eso, aprenderemos pasos prácticos donde el uso de la meditación, la observación, la intención y la respiración nos permitirán reconocer nuestros pensamientos, modificarlos y focalizar nuestra energía para que el proceso de manifestación ocurra espontáneamente.
El 2013 es el año para compartir todo lo que nos llegue y nos conecte con nuestra Paz. El Servicio es Dar y dando Recibimos
Costo: $25. Para organizaciones y grupos llamar para consultar. Registración 201 951 6042 o
Tuesday, November 19th
Special Double Program:
Psychic Surgery: Initiation of the 40-Day Healing Program and
Divine Love Now, Merkaba, Metatron & Personal Messages
With Australian Powerhouse Spiritual Teacher, Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly, performs the psychic surgery channeled program, acting as the nurturing bridge that holds the Light and radiates this divine high frequency to participants. Suzy’s teachings are grounding and practical, offered joyously with empathy and humor. With this activation, the Master Teachers, Beings of Light, will come and spend 40 days inside your physical bodies bringing you back to vital physical, emotional and mental health. They will create a healing bridge with each person starting with this session and offer a powerful meditation and lifestyle protocol. This is a deeply physical experience during the channeled meditation, which realigns imbalances, addresses chronic and “incurable” illness and tunes individuals’ frequencies to a higher resonance. Over the past few months of presenting this program several participants have reported “miracle” healing, so please bring your open mind and prepare for a quantum leap in consciousness.
Book early to ensure your participation as these groups fill up immediately and the group size is limited to ensure that Suzy is able to work with everyone. Crystals charged with the Divine Light Healing energy of the Master Teachers will also be for sale, as well as Suzy’s CDs and book.
Suzy will also be offering individualized messages for folks in the group from the Master Teachers about life path and how to overcome any restrictions. These messages involve a personalized energetic activation and support people coming into their full liberated power. The Master Teachers and Metatron will offer transmissions of LOVE and LIGHT and information on what is going on now in our world and what we can be doing to bring in more LIGHT into our lives. Suzy will be creating a powerful energetic activation with Metatron and we will finish the session with a Merkaba activation.
More about Suzy see youtube: Love Now Movement with Suzy. SuzyChannel Wednesday nights 8pm
$30 Pre-registration. ($40 at the door.) Please contact Suzy on 845-616-0860 or email or prepay using paypal on the website
Wednesday November 20th
Spiritual Initiation – Self-Healing the Archetypal Wounds of Abandonment, Betrayal & Shame
Facilitated by Zela Rodriguez
6:30pm – 9:30pm
There are programs that are written into your history and the history of our families. You will take on the task of self-healing whichever of the programs are present (known or unknown), either now or in the past (karmic). This is possible no matter how difficult or painful your family relationships have been.
The Spiritual Initiation program offered as a 5-class series includes advanced spiritual healings and teachings. The three remaining classes include spontaneous upgrades necessary for your energy system based on the collective consciousness. You will experience profound learning, insights, integration and a lightness of being with your spiritual awakening.
You will self-heal any ‘programs’ as follows:
November 20: Abandonment, Betrayal, Shame
December 4: Outstanding Agreements, Contracts, Cords; Unresolved Individual Life Lessons, Genetic Kinks
December 18: The Absence of any Positive Emotions in family dynamics, such as Joy or Unconditional Love, etc. Limiting beliefs like feeling unlovable or not good enough, etc. We will go deeper in your ‘Spiritual Initiation’ according to your Divine Plan.
Previous classes included self-healing any programs of Abuse, Addiction, Illness; and Violence, Poverty, Infidelity.
Your means of service in your life is being awakened, strengthened, and blessed; and you are being challenged to accept this spiritual initiation because you are an Earth pioneer with important work to do.
Zela Rodriguez, HHC, CCA, CCI, CPC is a Metaphysical Educator, Energetic Therapist, and Intuitive Life Coach. Through dedication and authenticity, Zela helps so many people go beyond their limited perspective of themselves and reconnect to the love, joy, and peace of their true selves.
Registration: please email and/or call 212.330.8126. $55 for individual class paid at door. Pre-registration is required – seating is limited. $45 at discount per class with (3) paid in advance (this payment is collected on Nov 20th).
Thursday, November 21st
Sex, Psychology & Shamanism
Kristen Boyer, Arden Davies, Isis Phoenix & Alan Steinfeld
7:00pm – 9:30pm
What do sex, psychology, and shamanism all have in common? How can we use the relationship between them to learn more about empowering ourselves? Explore the inner workings of the deep subconscious mind in how we relate to healthy and deviant sexual relationships, power plays and our own desires to be seen through sexual intimacy. Panelists will explore their relationship these themes and connection to the authentic self as they relate to sexual empowerment, shadow work, S&M culture, and shamanism.
Panelists include:
Kristen Boyer is the author of Playing Karma: a former church girl’s true journey from bondage to enlightenment, shamanic practitioner, and holistic health counselor in New York City. Kristen combines her training is psychotherapy, art therapy, nutrition, and shamanism to empower her clients to become whole through soul retrieval. Her former work as a professional dominatrix helps clients to integrate their shadow selves and empower them to embrace wholeness and self acceptance.
Arden Davies, an intuitive healer and counselor who uses traditional Native spiritual practices in her work. She is deeply involved in advocacy and service within the Lakota community, and activism for Native American youth. She also runs a free counseling program for current and former sex workers in New York City.
Isis Phoenix is Sensual Shaman, Ceremonialist and Wise Woman Herbalist who coaches individuals in the area of sexuality, spirituality, intimacy and relationship. Isis facilitates individual coaching and group Shamanic Immersions and retreats. She is also the founder of Naked Yoga NYC, a nude yoga movement that continues to gain international attention. Her work has been featured in Jane Magazine, Vogue, Elle, NY Post, BBC News and MSNBC.
Alan Steinfeld, moderator, host of the popular television program New Realities. Exploration into other ways of knowing, including conscious sexuality, shamanism and metaphysics.
$20. For more information: or call 917 553-5294.
Thursday, November 21st
Psychic Circle for Singles
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.
Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651. Seats are limited.
Friday, November 22nd
Free Holistic Bazzar!
Sponsored by
6:45pm – 9:15pm
Come by and meet exciting holistic vendors, enjoy raw food and chocolate samples , get a massage, enjoy Reiki treatments , Reflexology and many other wonderful modalities . Great place to network with the holistic community of New York and make new friends and business connections. Event is free so please bring friends!
Friday, November 22nd
Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose
Jean Worth
6:30pm – 9:30pm
We all have a unique signature, one that is you and no one else. Hand Analysis can decode your most pertinent information and reveal your soul’s agenda and life’s purpose. Your fingerprints are formed five months prior to birth and they carry the blueprint of your life. Discover what it is your soul yearns to express.
The event begins with a dynamic lecture/demonstration followed by a personal mini-reading. You will leave with a profound understanding of your true purpose and tools to help you live your life on purpose with passion.
Jean Worth – Transformational counselor and healing practitioner – Graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis – Certified in Quantum Biofeedback – MA in Education from NYU
$35.00 Paid in advanced by credit card. $40.00 cash at the door. To register: Call 917-579-3050 or e-mail
Saturday, November 23rd
Creating Your Own Reality: Mind Over Matter
Pam Maraldo, Patricia Munhall & Barbara Barnum
10:00am – 5:00pm
This 3-part seminar addresses matters mental, physical, and spiritual: the mind’s ability to heal the body; the search for happiness; the nature of mystic visions. It’s lead by 3 established medical professionals seeking answers to life’s questions, well outside established norms.
Pamela Maraldo, RN, PhD: The Healing Prescription
“Healing takes place on an energetic level first, before it manifests in the body.”
Patricia Munhall, NP, Ed.D, LPsyA, CST: Happiness, In Spite of Everything Else
“ Many seem frustrated in achieving a happy life, and in need of a map to find paths to happiness, as well as detours to avoid.”
Barbara Barnum, RN, PhD, FAAN: Mystic Visions: Revelations of Reality, or Simply in the Mind?
“The veil between the every-day reality and mystic experiences is receding, much information now comes through science.”
Bring your curious mind, Q&A and discussions will be in-depth.
Learn more about this unique event at $125. Register by phone or email: 347-668-4438. Please visit:
Saturday, Nov 23rd & Sunday, Nov 24th
Advanced Psychic Development
Calise Simone
Saturday 10am – 3.30pm
Sunday 10am – 4:30pm / Sunday 4:30pm – 5:30pm
(Class + Readings)
On November 23rd and 24th International Psychic Medium Calise Simone will be hosting a level two weekend course in Psychic Development for advanced students. This course is designed to help you take your psychic skills to the next level.
Topics covered include Aura readings, Photo Readings, Astral travel, Thought forms, Psychic Protection and more. This course is open to individuals who have had psychic experiences or previous training in psychic development.
Tuition is $220 for the weekend / $195 for early registration (by October 31st). For registration or further information please email or call (707) 722-5473.
Sunday, November 24th
Mini Psychic Readings with Calise Simone’s Advanced Psychic Development Students
4:30pm – 5:30pm
As part of their training, Calise Simone’s Advanced Psychic Development students will be part-taking in an afternoon of individual mini psychic readings, open to the public. Participants will receive two mini readings, 10 mins each in duration. Each reading will be from a different Advanced Psychic Development Student which will be chosen for you by Calise Simone. You may bring questions and photos. Readings are for entertainment purposes only.
The cost to attend is $25. Registration is required. If you are interested in participating in this fun afternoon please email or call (707) 722-5473.
Monday, November 25th
Social Media & WordPress Blogging For Business
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Join Naini Nakagawa of and and her experts in a fun and highly informational evening on Social Media for the holistic community. Learn the intricacies of blogging on WordPress and take your business to a whole new level.
Join us and Register Here.
Tuesday, November 26th
Goddess Circle – Giving Thanks to Abundantia
Krista Mitchell
6:30pm – 8:00pm
*Please note this event is open to both men and women*
I’ve been guided to present this opportunity to just surrender, give thanks, and bask in the love of the Goddess and the Earth. Gratitude is a powerful force: It’s magnetic, it raises vibrations and cultivates joy. On this night,
in a sacred circle, we will call in the Goddess, surround and infuse
ourselves with her energy, and shift on a karmic and cellular level. Sacred gem waters will be available to imbibe to inherit this energy internally as well externally. You can bring your own small glass bottle (make sure it’s clean!) to bring some charged water home with you.
Following the ritual circle (which will include loving affirmations and mantra, as well as co-creating community), I will lead a guided meditation to the sacred Isle of Avalon, for a Druid/Priestess walk to the great Tor, to receive healing guidance and wisdom, as well as to connect to a deeper part of our authentic heart and spiritual selves. Please make sure that you eat something prior to the circle, have water on hand, and that you are wearing your grounding stones!!
Cost: $30. To register, please email Website:
Friday, November 29th
Quantum Healing ~FREE EVENT~
Cellular Reporgramming By The Divine Diamond®
with Aniruddhan & Gautami
6:30pm – 7:30pm / Recommended for Participants of the 7:30pm Event
This opportunity is for everyone to learn how to work with the 7 phases of the Divine Diamond®. The Divine Diamond Trinity Group Field is for communication with the body’s innate intelligence. Specialized guided instruct to the stem cells and cellular system to align with our sacred DNA and collect the best attributes for greater cellular longevity. With our multidimensional ability to access our Oversoul we will bring forth the experience of being more Quantumly connected as incarnate and energetic beings, manifesting and living from our True Selves. This will directly affect our physical process of regeneration and spiritual evolution, as we learn and mature in the ability to take and make the best of our response-ability.
The Group will be accessing and receiving healing from and through the Oversoul connection of the New Divine Diamond Trinity field, empowering us by taking part in our manifestation process.
We will be laying and sitting, please bring water, pads, pillows and blankets.
For information contact: Call 925 640 5433 after November 17th.
Group Healing using the Divine Diamond®, Vortexhealing® & E-Lybra® 9 Bio-Resonance Body Alignment & Strengthening System
With Aniruddhan & Gautami
7:45pm – 10:00pm
Previous free event recommended 6:30pm-7:25pm – A Quantum Cellular Reprogramming
Bio-resonance is the ability for an external frequency/pattern to resonate with a specific item in the bio-field of the physical body, creating changes that directly affect the pathology and improve the functioning and overall health of the entire system.
VortexHealing®, designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body and awaken spirit within the human heart. When divine consciousness is truly accessed, it also acts as an independent intelligence; it knows exactly where the roots of your issues are held and goes directly there to transform them.
Divine Diamond® is a multidimensional Trinity energy that interfaces through a torrid quantum field that aliens our brains into a theta state. This creates a connection to our systems quantum aspects from which transformations can happen in all physical and energetic bodies at once. The Quantum Oversoul connection is pure grace, entangled with the earth, solar and universal sacred geometry, and Matatron’s cube. This experience calibrates the harmonic resonant of our sacred DNA, and in the combined presence of the e-Lybra®9 and VortexHealing®, you are in for an event that you will not forget.
Fee: $45.00 Visit where you can register and pay in advance, read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more. For information contact Online registration appreciated but not required.
Saturday & Sunday, November 30th & December 1st
Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop
By the Divine Diamond with Aniruddhan and Gautami
10:00am – 7:00pm
Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop recalibrates your system and anchors you into the earths new energetic’s improving your overall health. Saturday morning is all about physical and energetic healing, the afternoon is focused on our consciousness, Sunday morning is the spiritual Oversoul connection and Sunday afternoon is integration and a Oversoul healing process. Unblocking, releasing & recalibrating all our bodies on all levels, a concise up to our present day energetics, a synopsis of the past 6 yrs of the evolutionary work of the Divine Diamond.
This ability to be able to access and come to our Hearts Trinity center brings the empowerment to us of being in the universal creative flow, the source of synchronicities and our intuition, where everything comes to us. We will receive the powerful Sacred Star Trinity activations, and the development of our fifth dimensional mer-ka-ba body. The Oversoul connection is a profound deepening of our energetic systems, from the dualistic imprint of a duality reality into a Trinity reality.
To support the weekend creating a fuller integration of the process! Each person will work with a Terra Tachyon Heart, we will have a Tachyon philosophers stone and also a special Tachyon energy grid will be set up in and around the room.* e-Lybra 9 bio-resonance energy balancing system treatments and programs will be utilized for the group at specific times. * VortexHealing Divine Energy Healing structures & treatments will be given at different times with Omega and Merlins Grace. * Young Living essential oil treatments will be individually administered during the deep activation transmission times. * Specialized structural alignment postures and breathing techniques for a deeper emotional release and clearing. * Pineal Tone activations, crystal singing bowls, sound healing frequencies, music therapy with some visual projections, to awaken and further evolve the sensory systems and our DNA. * Gautami and Aniruddhan will be both touching and transmitting healing to everyone individually both Saturday and Sunday and are available as needed for personal counseling during the workshop and for private appointments contact us.
$180.00 in advance and $240.00 at the door. The new energetics allow people who cannot make the entire weekend to come in on Sunday for $100.00 in advance or late payment at the door on Sunday morning $120.00. Visit where you can register and pay in advance, read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more. For information contact Or Call 925-640 5433 after Nov. 17th. Online registration required.
Saturday, November 30th
Healing Temple: Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers, Sound Healing & Crystals
Suzy Meszoly
Two Sessions: 12:00pm – 1:30pm & 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher and master healer, Suzy Meszoly, channels the Divine Light healing energy in this special group healing session, together with healing sound, crystals and the profound energy of the Master Teachers. Suzy will set-up a crystal grid and calibrate a special frequency with various minerals she has collected from all over the world to support deep miracle healing. She will be channeling the Master Teachers to provide quantum healing to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of participants. You are required to sign a release form and list any ailments you would like the Master Teachers to address during the session.
Participants will be sitting in meditation for the full 1.5 hours inside the ethereal temple where the energies have been amped up. The Master Teachers will be working on each person during the full time and everyone will also be given a short psychic surgery session by Suzy during the meditation. Folks are invited lay down on a massage table for this part of the session. Otherwise everyone is sitting quietly in meditation on chairs, with eyes closed for the duration.
During the entire time Suzy is working on people individually doing hands on healing and making adjustments within the core matrix, as well as holding the temple energies for the Master Teachers; she is using various sound tools, bowls, Peruvian whistles, rattles, as well as using some essential oils and pure sage or palo santo. Apprentices and advanced students from Suzy’s school, “The Art of Energetic Healing” will be assisting during the session.
Crystals charged with the Divine Light Healing energy of the Master Teachers will also be for sale, as well as Suzy’s CDs and book.
See Suzy on “The Love Now Movement with Suzy Meszoly” on Youtube as well as over 50 videos of channelings at SuzyChannel. Also join over 24,000 people listening to “SuzyChannel” on Wednesdays 8.00-8.30pm EST or on replay anytime.
Book early to ensure your participation as these groups fill up immediately and the group size is limited to ensure that Suzy is able to work with everyone. To register for this special HEALING TEMPLE please go to $75 ($55 for early birds paid before November 10th).
Tel 212 736 0999 Ext. 1
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