October Events At A Glance
10/1 & 10/8: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown ~PRIVATE EVENT~
10/2: Multi-Dimensional Sacred Healing – Paramahansa Jagadish
10/2: Spiritual Initiation – Zela Rodriguez ~SOLD OUT~
10/2: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
10/3 & 10/4: The Power Behind Nonviolence: Horse Sense for Challenging Times – Linda Kohanov
10/3: An Evening with Psychic Medium Lisa Kay
10/3: Changing Behavior through Hypnosis: Be All You Should Be – Saba
10/4: Free the Inner Gunk for Lasting, Explosive Energy! – Shweta Parmar
10/5: Pleidian Intensive Workshop – Suzy Meszoly
10/6: Documentary Film: The Phenomenon, Bruno Groening On the Tracks of the “Miracle Healer”
10/6: Synchronicity! Live Group Healing! Archangel Michael! – Mary Soliel
10/8: Healing Temple: Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers, Sound Healing & Crystals – Suzy Meszoly
10/8, 10/15 & 10/22: Spirit Circles – Thomas John ~SOLD OUT~
10/9: Messages from Loved Ones In Spirit – A Small Spirit Circle – Hollister Rand ~SOLD OUT~
10/9: Chakra Cleansing & Re-energizing – Nifara Ali Consulting
10/9: The Doc Is In! – Dr. Howard
10/10: Free Thermography Seminar – Radiation-Free Cancer Screening – Patricia Luccardi ~FREE EVENT~
10/10: Psychic Message Circle – Psychic Medium Milou
10/10: Holistic Evening with Live World Music! – Matchmyspirit.com
10/11: Quantum Healing Cellular Reprogramming – Aniruddhan & Gautami ~FREE EVENT~
10/11: Group Healing using the Divine Diamond®, Vortexhealing® & E-Lybra® 9 Bio-Resonance Body Alignment & Strengthening System – Aniruddhan & Gautami
10/11, 10/12 & 10/13: Hold Me Tight®: Conversations for Connection – Couples Workshop – Jenev Caddell, PsyD & Kristin Kolozian, PsyD
10/11: “Purification & Retrieval of Fullness of the Soul” (Lecture & Meditation) – Dr. Elena Loboda
10/12 & 10/13: Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop By Divine Diamond with Aniruddhan & Gautami
10/12: Reiki Levels I/II Workshop – Rev. Barbara
10/15: Tears of the Buddha – Documentary & Panel Discussion – Joel & Angelika Lesko, Paramahansa Jagadish & Moderator, Alan Steinfeld
10/15: Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis: An Introduction & Demonstration – Andy Sway
10/16: Unraveling Karmic Patterning To Live Life with Ease, Joy & Purpose – Jodi Serota & Her Guides
10/16: Leaving the Past in the Past! Transforming Trauma with PSYCH-K® – Karen McKy
10/16: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
10/17: Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing Circle — “Harvesting Joy” – Olivia Olkowski
10/17: Preparing Your Children For Winter – Dr. Palvesky
10/17: Crystal & Gemstone Layouts – Lyra
10/18 – 10/21: Creativity Workshop – Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
10/18: Heart to HEART: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
10/18: Angelic Circle of Peace – Rev. Barbara
10/18: Tapping into Your Intuition – Lyra
10/19: Reiki Okuden – 3rd Degree/Inner Teaching – Shihan Lilia V. Marquez
10/19: Gemstones & Chakra Kits / Energetic Jewelry Enhances Personal Energies / Protective Shields – Lyra
10/20: Awaken Intuition & Integrate Spiritual Practice into Your Daily Life – Cathleen O’Connor & Elizabeth Harper
10/21: “Energy Clearing & Protection Workshop” – Krista Mitchell
10/22: MeditaToday, First Time in New York City – Juan Carlos Moratinos Ruiz
10/22: LOVE NOW Transmission and Meditation – Suzy Meszoly
10/23: An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center ~FREE EVENT~
10/23: Spiritual Initiation – Zela Rodriguez ~SOLD OUT~
10/23: Meditation Evening: Creative Journeys Within – Anita Celeste
10/24: “I Am The Universe, I Am Love”
- A Multimedia Event – Caroline Cory
10/24: Psychic Circle for Singles – Psychic Medium Milou
10/24: Understanding Yourself through Goddess Archetypes – Lyra
10/25: Halloween Psychic & Healing Fair – Sponsored by the Spiritualist Church of New York City
10/27: A New Way of Receiving: The Return of the Divine Feminine – Nancy ‘Andie’ Santo Pietro
10/28: Seashell Healing for Success – Zabe Barnes
10/28: Clairvoyance, Past Lives & Essential Oils: An Intuitive Aromatherapy Workshop – Tori Quisling
10/29: Social Media, Stand Up Comedy & Free Coaching from a Business Coach! – Matchmyspirit.com ~FREE EVENT~
10/29: Navigating Parallel Universes – Zabe Barnes
10/30: Darshan of Your Divine Self – Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi
10/30: Mayan 12-Strand DNA – Zabe Barnes
10/30: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
10/31: Light Grids Group Clearing – Damien Wynne
Tuesday, October 1st ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at www.stws.org.
Wednesday, October 2nd ~SOLD OUT~
Spiritual Initiation
Facilitated by Zela Rodriguez
6:30pm – 9:00pm
The true challenge in your life involves your willingness to confront your own inner demons and to allow your deeply felt dreams and aspirations from your spirit to surface into your life. This is called initiation.
There are programs that are written into the history of our families. You will take on the task of self-healing whichever of the programs are present in your family (known or unknown), either now or in the past (karmic). This is possible no matter how difficult or painful your family relationships have been.
The Spiritual Initiation program is offered as a 5-class series with very advanced spiritual healings and teachings. Each class can be attended as a stand-alone and includes spontaneous upgrades necessary for your energy system based on the collective consciousness. You will experience profound learning, insights, integration and a lightness of being with every meeting.
You will begin self-healing any ‘programs’ as follows:
October 2nd: Abuse, Addiction, Illness
October 23rd: Violence, Poverty, Infidelity
November 20th: Abandonment, Betrayal, Shame
December 4th: Agreements, Contracts, Cords; Unresolved Individual Life Lessons, and Genetic Kinks
December 18th: Positive Emotions not allowed in family dynamics; and we will go deeper in your ‘Spiritual Initiation’ respective to your Divine Plan
Your means of service in your life is being awakened, strengthened, and blessed; and you are being challenged to accept this spiritual initiation because you are an Earth pioneer with important work to do.
Zela Rodriguez, HHC, CCA, CCI, CPC is a Metaphysical Educator, Energetic Therapist, and Intuitive Life Coach. Through dedication and authenticity, Zela helps so many people go beyond their limited perspective of themselves and reconnect to the love, joy, and peace of their true selves.
Registration: please email zelrod26@aol.com and/or call 212.330.8126. $55 for individual class paid at door. Pre-registration is required – seating is limited. $45 at discount per class when (3) or more paid in advance (this payment is collected on Oct 2nd).
Wednesday, October 2nd
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.
We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.
The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.
Fee is $20. Register via www.meetup.com/seanceinthecity/ or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).
Wednesday, October 2nd
Multi-Dimensional Sacred Healing
Paramahansa Jagadish
6:45pm – 9:00pm
All will experience a cleansing and balancing of their physical and subtle bodies while being energized with the Divine Energy. Benefits include a boosting of the immune system, and increased sense of well being, and an opening of the heart to sacred love and compassion. Paramahansa Jagadish assists directly with opening and activating your personal channels to all the higher dimensions of your Higher Self Nature resulting in quantum spiritual advancement for everyone.
People leave Jagadish’s sessions with a great feeling of empowerment. Amazingly, nine out of ten people report they experience palpable energy and shifts in their mind, body and spirit, not to mention a variety of miracles at different times.
Jagadish’s work awakens your heart to experience Divine Grace-the source of all transformation, healing and release from undesired patterns. His level of self-realization, combined with a lifetime of study and service, distinguishes him from other healers and truly makes him a “healer’s healer”. Jagadish Bio: www.jagadish.org/about-jagadish/
Karma Clearing Private Sessions: Karma Clearing is the foundation of Paramahansa Jagadish’s healing work. Jagadish works on karma that has accumulated in your soul during all your lives going as far back as before you ever had a physical body! Private and Group Karma Clearing Sessions are offered in person while Jagadish is in NYC. Sessions schedule fill quickly and are offered on a limited basis. Email/call/text: mel@sacredgatheringsandevents.com. – 310-710-8081 EST. Information on Private Sessions: www.jagadish.org/private-sessions/
Exchange $40 Paypal or cash at the door. Call or email Mel with questions: 310-710-8081 mel@sacredgatheringsandevents.com. To Register: www.sacredgatheringsandevents.com/paramahansa-jagadish-master-healer-of-our-time/
Thursday, Oct 3rd & Friday, Oct 4th
The Power Behind Nonviolence:
Horse Sense for Challenging Times
9:00am – 4:30pm
Linda Kohanov
This moving yet practical seminar is for anyone who wants to transform personal and professional challenges into opportunities for building a deeper, more soulful connection with others. Best selling author Linda Kohanov shows how the skills she accessed to rehabilitate an aggressive stallion can help you in the human world.
In researching her fourth book The Power of the Herd, Linda realized that gaining the trust of an angry stallion was an ancient power story. (The Buddha and George Washington were accomplished rider-trainers who used their hard-won “horse sense” to positively influence people.) Linda adapts these “horse whispering” principles to modern human contexts.
You’ll learn to engage compassionately with others while holding them accountable for unproductive behavior, and negotiate blocks to success while keeping your heart and mind open, allowing you to tap the power to excel at work and in life.
Cost $250. Register online: www.eponaquest.com. For more information: info@eponaquest.com or 520-455-5908.
Thursday, October 3rd
An Evening with Psychic Medium Lisa Kay
7:00pm – 9:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)
During this event, Lisa will deliver messages from loved ones and friends in spirit. It is her hope that the messages she shares will demonstrate that life and love continue beyond the physical plane. Lisa will deliver as many messages as time permits.
Devoted to her work, and dedicated to sharing the wisdom she has acquired along her journey, Lisa Kay’s primary desire is to help foster the physical – spiritual connection, and facilitate personal growth. She is a well known guest lecturer, and can often be heard on various national radio stations throughout the United States. Lisa Kay is currently writing a book about how the evolution of her ability, as a psychic medium changed Lisa from a skeptic to a believer. The remarkable stories in the book, also illustrate how the process of sharing her gift that has changed her life, and the lives of those she touches.
No one under 18 please! No one attending this event is guaranteed a reading. Seating is limited for this event. To register, please visit www.brownpapertickets.com/event/443831. For more information about the work of Lisa Kay, visit www.lisakmedium.com.
Thursday October 3rd
Changing Behavior through Hypnosis: Be All You Should Be
7:00pm – 9:00pm
If you are interested in results, then this workshop can help you achieve your goal. This fun, informative and motivating workshop is for everyone whether you are a previous client needing a booster or first-timer wishing to experience hypno-behavioral modification.
We often have behaviors we wish to change but the effort is too taxing and change not quick enough. With hypno-behavioral modification, changes can be painless and quick. When in a hypnotic state, your unconscious is open and willing to take in new information and dispose of old information thereby reprogramming your behavior.
Hypno-behavioral modification can help you lose weight, improve sleep, improve in sports, accelerate learning, stop smoking, reduce stress, manage time and manage pain – just to name a few. You can reach lifestyle goals by changing your behavior with hypno-behavioral modification.
Cost $20. Please rsvp by emailing SEMSystem@hotmail.com or call/text 917-658-1660.
Friday, October 4th
Free the Inner Gunk for Lasting, Explosive Energy!
With Shweta Parmar, Ayurvedic Practitioner/ Therapist/ AyurDoula
7:00pm – 8:00pm
Feeling off? Waking up feeling tired – even after 8 hours of sleep? Know your current habits aren’t working? Want to get rid of the extra belly fat? Time to Reset! Fall Season is the perfect time to remove toxins. Allow the Fall winds to help move the toxins out of your body! According to Ayurveda, ‘diseases’ are generated at the junctions of the seasons, the moments when one season changes into another. Once you empty out the gunk, you can feel, be the inner light you are; and live the life your heart desires! It is essential for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual balanced wellbeing, for it helps you to flow in the direction that is most appropriate for you.
Learn easy Ayurvedic tips on how * to cleanse & boost your energy levels and strengthen your immune system * Help you lose/gain weight naturally and easily * Clear the skin and soothe dryness and inflammation * Reset your body’s cravings so that it actually wants healthy, balancing foods * Release old mental patterns, emotions, addictions, and behaviors * Improve your digestion, metabolism, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of wastes * Crystal clear mental clarity and focus and much much more!
Shweta is an Ayurveda practitioner/therapist of GutsierLiving, she supports people who eat organic and healthy and still feel like out of balance, regain lasting energy in their day to day. She is passionate of healing the planet by healing birthing as an AyurDoula of BabyTheMama. She also serves as a partner at Sacred Gatherings and Events.E
Exchange: $30. Email shweta@sacredgatheringsandevents.com; for more info and support!
Saturday, October 5th
Pleidian Intensive Workshop
Suzy Meszoly
12:00pm – 4:00pm
In this intensive Suzy will be channeling the Pleidian contingent of the Master Teachers. We will be learning about the new cosmic energy fields, activating the third eye, and receiving powerful teachings from our 5th dimensional Pleidian family.
Suzy has recently returned from a 3 week retreat in Costa Rica where she has received the “grounding rod for unconditional love” from the Pleidians. She will be offering this energetic transmission during the workshop. Suzy recommends that people coming to this workshop have attended at least one of her sessions before as the energies will be extremely strong.
Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly, is the nurturing bridge that holds the Light and radiates this divine high frequency through profound energetic transmissions and teachings that are grounding, practical, and offered joyously with empathy, compassion and humor.
See Suzy on “The Love Now Movement with Suzy Meszoly” on Youtube as well as over 50 videos of channelings at SuzyChannel. Also join over 24,000 people listening to “SuzyChannel” on www.blogtalkradio.com Wednesdays 8.00-8.30pm EST or on replay anytime.
To register for this special intensive workshop please go to www.crystalclearmasterteachers.com/events/ $125 ($80 for early birds paid before October 1st.)
Sunday, October 6th
Documentary Film: The Phenomenon,
Bruno Groening On the Tracks of the “Miracle Healer”
11:00am – 4:30pm (3 parts/ each 95 min long.)
Nothing is incurable! There is a divine power that helps and heals.
Bruno Groening 1906-1959 had a very precise intuitive understanding of this healing force and showed people how to re-connect with it to obtain health and happiness.
Many viewers have experienced healing while watching this film. Read about medically documented healing reports on www.bruno groening.org/english Anyone seeking help should not miss this!
RSVP not necessary/no admission fee but donations are appreciated/ All are welcome. Contact: 212 714 5379. www.bruno-groening-film.org
Sunday, October 6th ~ Three Special Events!
Synchronicity! Live Group Healing! Archangel Michael!
Mary Soliel
10am – 12pm; 1pm – 2pm; 3pm – 5pm
“Living a Synchronistic Lifestyle”… Join award-winning author Mary Soliel in this celebration of the ways that synchronicity, this unstoppable energetic force, can change our lives for the better, when we adopt/further explore a synchronistic lifestyle.
“Letting Go, Miracles & Special Group Healing”… At the end of Mary’s presentation on releasing and clearing the way for your miraculous life, she will channel Divine energy through her eyes to your eyes, for a special group healing! (For more info about this process, visit: www.newsungazing.com.)
“Making Our Way to a Higher Vibrational World”… As a channel of Archangel Michael, Mary will describe what is occurring now and into our glorious future in this eye-opening presentation that will leave you with much peace, joy, and excitement about what lies ahead.
Fee is $33 for Synchronicity event; $22 for Healing event; $33 for Archangel Michael event. Limited Space! Please Pre-Register at http://marysoliel.com/events_282.html. Walk ins welcome if space available (cash or check only). Soliel’s books will be signed following each gathering. Contact Mary at alighthouse@mac.com.
Wednesday, October 8th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at www.stws.org.
Tuesday, October 8th
Healing Temple: Psychic Surgery with the Master Teachers,
Sound Healing & Crystals
With Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher and master healer, Suzy Meszoly, channels the Divine Light healing energy in this special group healing sessions, together with healing sound, crystals and the profound energy of the Master Teachers.
Suzy will set-up a crystal grid and calibrate a special frequency with various minerals she has collected from all over the world to support deep miracle healing. She will be channeling the Master Teachers to provide quantum healing to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of all participants. Book early to ensure your participation as these groups fill up immediately and the group size is limited to ensure that Suzy is able to work with everyone. Crystals charged with the Divine Light Healing energy of the Master Teachers will also be for sale, as well as Suzy’s CDs and book.
Suzy Meszoly, is the nurturing bridge that holds the Light and radiates this divine high frequency through profound energetic transmissions and teachings that are grounding, practical, and offered joyously with empathy, compassion and humor. See Suzy on “The Love Now Movement with Suzy Meszoly” on Youtube as well as over 50 videos of channelings at SuzyChannel. Also join over 24,000 people listening to “SuzyChannel” on www.blogtalkradio.com Wednesdays 8.00-8.30pm EST or on replay anytime.
To register for this special intensive workshop please go to www.crystalclearmasterteachers.com/events/ $75. ($55 for early birds paid before October 1st.)
Spirit Circles
Tuesdays, October 8th, 15th & 22nd ~ALL EVENTS SOLD OUT~
Thomas John
7:00pm – 8:30pm
(Upcoming dates: November 14th & December 19th)
After a brief introduction, Thomas will guide seminar participants through a meditation, and then deliver messages to each participant from spirit guides and loved ones in spirit. An excellent opportunity to experience the work of celebrity psychic medium Thomas John in an intimate setting! Each session will be limited to 8 to 10 participants.
To purchase tickets, contact Thomas at info@mediumthomas.com or call 347-637-8592. Tickets are $75 per seminar. No refunds after time of purchase.
Wednesday, October 9th
The Doc Is In!
Dr. Howard
6:00pm – 8:30pm
Lecture on tips to improve your quality of life as you age by Dr. Douglas Howard.
Topics include: Take Responsibility for Your Own Health; The Triad of Health; Disease Prevention through Phytonutrition. Time will also be given at the end of the lecture for Doctor Howard to answer specific questions on health.
Tickets $20 for first time attendees. Contact our office for more information and to RSVP (800) 246-8751 * info@balanceofnature.com
Wednesday, October 9th
Chakra Cleansing
& Re-energizing
Nifara Ali Consulting
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Please join me for a very informative and engaging Workshop on Chakra Cleansing and Re-energizing.
We will discuss the electro-magnetic energy wheels and the importance of each of our 7 endocrine glands + meridians and how they are linked to our mental, spiritual and physical bodies. It will help you to understand the importance of the Chakras being in harmony with our body clocks and if they are not in sync simple things become stressful in our daily lives.
Workshop Exchange: $25. Please register online at www.nifaraaliconsulting.com For more information: Email: Nifara at nifaraaliconsulting@gmail.com. Ask about individual Chakra & Crystal Healing sessions.
Wednesday, October 9th ~EVENT SOLD OUT~
Messages from Loved Ones In Spirit – A Small Spirit Circle
Hollister Rand
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Medium Hollister Rand provides specific messages from loved ones in spirit. Experience spirit communication in an up close and personal way. Hear what loved ones have to say about your life in a friendly and comfortable setting. Sit with Hollister as she feels, sees, hears and connects to those who want to say hello to you. This is an intimate event limited to 10 people, 18 years of age or older. Everyone in attendance receives a message.
$120 per person. Tickets may be purchased at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/453288. For more information, contact HollisterRand@gmail.com
Thursday October 10th
Holistic Evening With LIVE World Music!
Sponsored by matchmyspirit.com
6:45pm – 9:30pm
Enjoy a fun and relaxing holistic evening with Matchmyspirit Holistic Network. Make holistic friends, get some massages, reflexology sessions, Reiki treatments and other healing modalities. Listen to world music from our wonderful musicians while indulging in gourmet raw chocolate and healthy shakes. End the evening with deep meditation and go home uplifted and loved!
Tickets: – $20.00. Register here.
Thursday October 10th ~FREE EVENT~
Free Thermography Seminar
– Radiation-Free Cancer Screening
Patricia Luccardi LMT,CNMT, CTT
7:00pm – 8:00pm
Find out how Thermographic Imaging can detect abnormal cellular changes that accompany breast pathology whether it is cancer, fibrocystic disease, an infection or vascular disease with NO RADIATION.
Thermography detects cancer up to 10 years before a mammogram. Early enough to use preventive measures. It is especially appropriate women with denser breast tissue where mammography is not as reliable.
Thermography can also be used to identify other conditions in the body with full body scanning. Attendees will receive a $50.00 gift certificate toward thermographic imaging.
For more information or to register call: Patricia at 518 928 7579.
Thursday, October 10th
Psychic Message Circle
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, find a new job, or receive a message from departed love ones? You are invited to bring a pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you names, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He does not ask for any information, including your name.
Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651 or via email psychicmiloubookings@gmail.com. Seats are limited.
Friday, October 11th
Quantum Healing ~FREE EVENT~
Cellular reprogramming
By the Divine Diamond® with Aniruddhan & Gautami
6:30pm – 7:25pm / Recommended for Participants of the 7:30pm Event
This opportunity is for everyone to learn how to work with the Divine Diamond®. The Divine Diamond Theta Group Field is for communication with the body’s innate intelligence. Specialized guided instruct to the stem cells and cellular system to align with our sacred DNA and collect the best attributes for greater cellular longevity. With our multidimensional ability to access fractal time we will bring forth the experience of being more Quantumly connected as incarnate and energetic beings, manifesting and living from our True Selves. This will directly affect our physical process of regeneration and spiritual evolution, as we learn and mature in the ability to take and make the best of our response-ability.
The Group will also make specialized tonal activation sounds, this is an invitation to experience the profound regenerative power of tonal practices and the wisdom gained from the tones, empowering us by taking part in our manifestation process.
We will be laying and sitting, please bring water, pads, pillows and blankets.
For information contact: dd4healing@gmail.com.
Group Healing using the Divine Diamond®, Vortexhealing® & E-Lybra® 9 Bio-Resonance Body Alignment & Strengthening System
With Aniruddhan & Gautami
7:30pm – 9:45pm
Previous free event recommended 6:30pm-7:25pm – A Quantum Cellular Reprogramming
Bio-resonance is the ability for an external frequency/pattern to resonate with a specific item in the bio-field of the physical body, creating changes that directly affect the pathology and improve the functioning and overall health of the entire system.
VortexHealing®, designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body and awaken spirit within the human heart. When divine consciousness is truly accessed, it also acts as an independent intelligence; it knows exactly where the roots of your issues are held and goes directly there to transform them.
Divine Diamond® is a multidimensional Trinity energy that interfaces through a torrid quantum field that aliens us into a theta state. This creates a connection to our systems quantum aspects from which transformations can happen in all physical and energetic bodies at once. The Quantum Sacred Star connection is pure grace, entangled with the earth, solar and universal sacred geometry, Matatrons cube. This experience calibrates the harmonic resonant of our sacred DNA, and in the combined presence of the e-Lybra®9 and VortexHealing®, you are in for an event that you will not forget.
Fee: $45.00 Visit divinediamond.org where you can register and pay in advance, read a detailed explanation of the work, view videos, and learn more. For information contact dd4healing@gmail.com. Online registration appreciated but not required.
Fri, Oct 11th, Sat, Oct 12th & Sun, Oct 13th
Hold Me Tight®: Conversations for Connection – Couples Workshop
Jenev Caddell, PsyD & Kristin Kolozian, PsyD
Fri: 7:00pm – 9:00pm / Sat & Sun: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Calling all couples: please join us for a weekend devoted to enhancing your relationship.
Our goals are for you to leave this workshop with a stronger connection, greater trust, an understanding of the New Science of Love, improved communication, an understanding of how to break negative cycles, a better understanding of each other, and much more.
Based on Dr. Sue Johnson’s book, Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love, this workshop offers teaching, video and exercises, which take the mystery out of love and help you deepen your relationship.
Contact & Registration: jenev@drjenevcaddell.com. (646) 704-3520. info@drkristinkolozian.com. (917) 716-4834.
Friday, October 11th
Purification & Retrieval of Fullness of the Soul”
(Lecture & Meditation)
with Dr. Elena Loboda
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Let us awaken ancient knowledge of the Pure Soul – alive conscious energy of Self Essence. Purity of Soul cans return us to the fresh, clear, joyful perception of the world and expands consciousness. Human soul, awakened from mirages and hypnosis of society, reveals all its talents, all its best qualities. Interacting with the body, the Pure Soul heals and cleans it and opens the possibility of deep transformation of the body up to the restructuring of DNA.
Dr. Elena Loboda, PhD is a wisdom keeper of the ancient Veddik tradition of the Northern Lineages of Arctic Gaia. She holds a Ph.D. in the field of Brain Neurochemistry.
Cost $35, Register at www.PolarLight.org
Saturday & Sunday, October 12th & 13th
Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop
By Divine Diamond with Aniruddhan and Gautami
10:00am – 6:45pm
Trinity Awakening to Oversoul Workshop is about how we can simply and quickly utilize a simple Step by Step guided process, that is a concise, up to our present day energetics, a clearly detailed synopsis of the past 6 yrs of the evolutionary work of the Divine Diamond.
This ability to be able to access and come to our Hearts center brings the empowerment to us of being in the universal creative flow, the source of synchronicities and our intuition, where everything comes to us. In the recalibration and defragmentation of our systems we will receive the powerful Sacred Star Trinity activations, and the development of our fifth dimensional merkaba body.
$180.00 in advance and $240.00 at the door. www.divinediamond.org
Saturday, October 12th
Reiki Levels I/II Workshop
Rev. Barbara
10:00pm – 6:00pm
Reiki is a spiritually guided hands on healing therapy that brings balance and harmony to various levels of body, mind, spirit and emotions. The love healing energies of Reiki therapy are wonderful for people of all ages, and can also be used with pets, plants and all living beings. As everything is energy, Reiki is also known to have an effect on inanimate objects.
Learn Reiki for self care and share this gift of healing with your family and friends or become a Reiki practitioner through the various levels/degrees of Reiki teaching. It’s really quite simple and easy to learn. And, once attuned to the frequencies of Reiki many other spiritual gifts may also be activated.
We are all healers, psychics, mediums, channels and so much more. We are sentient beings with spiritual gifts as our birthright and the grand non-physical aspect of ourselves carries the blue print for all that we are capable of. Reiki is but one of many energy healing modalities that activates the healer within.
A certificate of completion is awarded at the close of the workshop. Rev. Barbara is a certified Reiki Master in the Usui System of Natural Healing through the teaching of Mrs. HawayoTakata.
$325.00 online at www.sanctuaryofdivinelight.com/exchange. For more information please contact RevB at 718-863-1553 or bdominick55@hotmail.com.
Tuesday, October 15th
Tears of the Buddha – Documentary & Panel Discussion
With Spiritual filmmakers Joel & Angelika Lesko, Paramahansa Jagadish &
Moderator, Alan Steinfeld
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Tears of the Buddha explores how spiritual teachings about emotions impact the daily lives of spiritual seekers. Check out the trailer at: http://player.vimeo.com/video/73054502
Through interviews with modern spiritual teachers, Tears presents a unique comparison of teachings: from transcending emotions and disowning the personal in the name of spiritual growth, to embodying emotion as our essential nature and healing the split between our humanity and divinity.
“Tears raises lots of excellent questions about spiritual views and positions which we often refer to as truth.” Fred Davis, Awakening Clarity
Director Joel Lesko, a longtime meditator, set out as a filmmaker to explore how spiritual teachings about emotions impact daily life. Over the past 25 years, Joel has produced films with Deepak Chopra, Ram Dass, Neale Donald Walsch, Gangaji, Maharishi and other spiritual teachers. As an Emotional Body Enlightenment facilitator, he works with people who are interested in healing the damaging effects of their buddhistic practices. www.BrightAgeFilms.com
Co-producer & camera person Angelika Lesko is a homeopathic doctor and longtime spiritual practitioner who spent 25 years with OSHO, Papaji and other non-dual and satsang teachers. After her long and deep immersion in the non-dual, her passion for meaning and love of people guides her current healing work, especially in the area of healing the spiritual split between humanity and divinity. www.BrightAgeFilms.com
Paramahansa Jagadish has more than 40 years of spiritual practice rooted in Eastern Yogic, Hawaiian and Buddhist traditions and Mystic Christianity, Toltec Shamanism and Brazilian Spiritual Healing. he has dedicated his life to awakening others’ hearts to experience Divine Grace, the source of all transformation, healing and release from undesired patterns. His level of self-realization, combined with a lifetime of study and service, distinguishes him from other healers and truly makes him a “healer’s healer.” www.jagadish.org
Alan Steinfeld has been the host and producer of the New Realities television show for the past 15 years forTime/Warner television in NYC. In that time he has produced over 2000 interview programs with the leading-edge thinkers, paradigm shifters and religious leaders from around the world. www.newrealities.com
$15 in advance via PayPal or call META Center at 212 736 0999 to register. $20 cash at the door. (MC, VISA, Discover accepted – all non-refundable).
Tuesday, October 15th
Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis:
An Introduction and Demonstration by Andy Sway
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Dolores Cannon has become widely known in spiritual circles lately for her groundbreaking books including the Convoluted Universe series and books such as Conversations with Nostradamus. This 81 year old grandmother from the hills of Arkansas has a five year waiting list for her sessions and tirelessly travels the world instructing healers and hypnotherapists in her method. Her books read like a combination of the wisdom of the SETH, Abraham and other metaphysical books and fantastic accounts reminiscent of science fiction. The books are not about believing in incredible realities but about stretching the mind to the possibilities we are slowly waking up to.
Dolores’ latest work, The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, has brought our understanding of the current ascension process to a new level on a mass consciousness level as well as for individual clients who have found a lot of meaning and healing in the discovery of their role on Earth at this momentous time.
Andy Sway, a certified Advanced Practitioner of Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis, will be describing this revolutionary method of past life regression hypnotherapy and answering your questions. We will also do a group regression to give attendees a taste of what a full Quantum Healing Hypnosis session is like. Also, anyone attending will receive a $50 discount on any private hypnotherapy session by Andy that is done within the 60 days following this event.
$25 in advance/$40 at the door. RSVP/prepay at: Paypal. Account # andysway@yahoo.com
Wednesday, October 16th
Unraveling Karmic Patterning To Live Life with Ease, Joy & Purpose
Jodi Serota & Her Guides
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Join us as we gather together with the assistance of the Hierarchies of Light, making major shifts dissolving issues of suffering and survival, confusion or lack of clarity, and activating your life force for full stamina for life.
Through channeled guidance, inner journeying and vibrational sound healing activations, along with high frequency light language infusions, you’ll experience rejuvenation, expansion, alignment & a more tangible connection to your Divinity.
In the Akashic Records, the multidimensional etheric records of soul experiences through all time, space and dimensions, we still hold energetic charges from past traumas, illusionary thought-forms, outdated perceptions and programming. Our lives are still being expressed through these non-supportive filters effecting our expression and embodiment of our full gifts of Divinity.
Come & Enjoy: * Awakening To More Of Your Life Purpose * Knowing Your Current Life Lessons *Experiencing Heightened Sensory Perceptions *Evolving & Living More Consciously & Harmoniously *Recommitting to Life on Earth For Greater Manifestation.
Everyone Welcome!
$25 in advance via PayPal or call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext. 1 to register. (MC, VISA, Discover accepted – all non-refundable). $33 cash only at the door.
Wednesday, October 16th
Leaving the Past in the Past!
Transforming Trauma with PSYCH-K®
Karen McKy, Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Trauma affects every person on the planet. Sharply spoken words, physical abuse, accidents even surprises can register as trauma. How you are affected depends much on your subconscious programs. PSYCH-K® provides immediate beneficial change by altering the subconscious association of the event and the emotional connection to it. We live our lives from our traumatized past, which may prevent us from fully realizing our full potential.
Join Karen McKy, hypnotherapist and Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor of 30 yrs. experience, facilitate how fast PSYCH-K® can free your precious energy for important matters, like confidently moving forward!
Karen is an International teacher who shares the PSYCH-K® processes with those looking for a different way to solve life’s challenges. Her passion for helping others access their spiritual source, reveal their true potential and take control of their own personal power is evident in her engaging style. A business entrepreneur for 30 years and hypnotherapist, she teaches others how to use PSYCH-K® to discover, understand and change their limiting perceptions and beliefs to create a more dynamic future.
Exchange: $40. Interested in ‘Lasting Change’ Private sessions with Karen? For more info: email Shweta at shweta@sacredgatheringsandevents.com or call 267-575-5351 (cell).
Wednesday, October 16th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.
We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.
The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.
Fee is $20. Register via www.meetup.com/seanceinthecity/ or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).
Thursday, October 17th
Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing Circle — “Harvesting Joy”
with Olivia Olkowski
12:30pm – 2:30pm
Fall is the time of abundance with the Harvest season, the richness produced from the Earth one last push before the Winter sets in. Join Olivia this month to sit in sacred circle, and reconnect to your riches with “Harvesting Joy”, through ritual and connection to Spirit Guides. Please arrive early at 12:15pm, doors will close promplety at 12:30pm, we have a lot to cover.
Energy Exchange: $20. Contact/RSVP: olivia.olkowski@gmail.com. For full details of events: www.spiritrockshamanichealing.com/Events___Workshops.php
Thursday, October 17th
Preparing Your Children For Winter
Dr. Palevsky
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Believe it or not, the season of winter begins in the first week of November (in the Northern Hemisphere), even if we are not experiencing typical winter weather at that time.
At this lecture, attendees will hear why the winter season begins in November, and not on December 21, and how they can eat and live according to the winter season to ensure optimal health and well-being. You will learn about the choices you can make for your family during this time of year, and how these choices can help you avoid the typical winter illnesses. Flu-like symptoms are not a guarantee just because it’s winter time.
You will also hear about safe and easy ways to treat and resolve any of the winter illnesses, if they occur at all. Most importantly, attendees will learn that the dietary and lifestyle choices they make during the winter season can also have a big impact on how their bodies might feel come spring time. Come join Dr. Palevsky for an interesting and informative evening.
$25 per ticket. Early reservations are advised. Please Note: sadly we are not able to accommodate young children. Babies-in-arms are welcome. Click here to purchase Tickets: www.drpalevsky.com/events.asp. Tickets will NOT be mailed.
Thursday, October 17th
Crystal & Gemstone Layouts
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Experience how crystal and gemstone layouts can shift your energy and: * Clear your energy field * Open channels and energize you * Relax your body * Quiet your emotions and mental chatter * Cycle energy throughout your body.
Learn how to identify which crystals and gemstones to use and where to place them. Find out how to: * Move energy away or to specific areas * Choose the right stones * Correct energy imbalances.
Crystal and gemstone layouts can synergistically integrate the flow of energy throughout the physical body and energy field.
Workshop fee in advance $30, at door $35. Reserve your place – call Lyra 646 872-4473.
Friday, October 18th – Monday, October 21st
Creativity Workshop
Shelley Berc & Alejandro Fogel
10:30am – 1:30pm
The Creativity Workshop is an intensive 4 day class that teaches individuals in all disciplines ways to develop their unique creativity and use it in their lives and work.
The Creativity Workshop achieves this through a specially designed series of techniques in creative writing, memoir, free-form drawing, collage, and storytelling.
The Workshop helps its participants tap into their muses, discover and use images from the unconscious, get over creative blocks and the fear of failure, engage the power of curiosity, use memories to spark the imagination, and develop a daily practice to accomplish these goals.
Pre-registration required. For more information and registration go to: www.creativityworkshop.com
Friday, October 18th
Heart to HEART: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
7:30pm – 9:30pm
“Although we seem to be in a world of song and dance, we are most concerned with peace on earth.” Sufi Murshid Lewis”
This circle, co-creates an atmosphere of Heart with meditation, simple movement/dance, sacred names, music and sacred walk.
These practices are based upon the in-the-world, Universal spirituality brought from India to the West by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi and of worldwide sacred traditions.
The gathering is facilitated by Sufi Murshida Khadija Goforth and friends. A “”Whirling Dervish” Turning meditation class, Dances of Universal Peace leadership mentoring (by permission), tar drum instruction, and individual appointments are also offered.
Those of all paths (and no particular path) are welcome; no previous experience is necessary. “But in reality we are accompanied by the whole dancing universe.” Ruth St. Denis
…I am teaching this music & dancing…to increase Joy, not awe toward another person but bliss in our own self. This is finding God within, through experience.” Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis
Space Contribution $15; Information (646) 924-9957; halway@comcast.net
Friday, October 18th
Angelic Circle of Peace
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Begin your weekend in the ‘Angelic Circle of Peace’ for an experience of healing that supports a return to the wholeness of your being. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of the Archangels and allow yourself to open your intuitive abilities as you receive inspirational messages from these magical Beings of Light.
In addition, Rev Barbara channels loving messages from her spiritual guides for each person in the circle as well as the circle as a whole. These messages are offered to support your own insights, and for your continued growth and enlightenment. The evening includes a lovely guided meditation and activations to crown and heart chakras. Plus your gift is an inspirational booklet, and your full personal Angel message.
Rev. Barbara is an energy healing practitioner (Reiki, Christ Light Healing, Reconnective Healing) with a commitment to healing service that is grounded in her passion for providing a gentle, loving conduit for your heart, mind and body to realign with Divine Light within you that promotes a return to the wholeness of being and oneness with all life. In addition the Angelic Circles of Peace, Rev. Barbara also offers private healing sessions, private consultations with her guides and she teaches the Usui System of Natural Healing.
$25.00 at the door or online at www.sanctuaryofdivinelight.com/exchange. For more information please contact RevB at 718-863-1553.
Friday, October 18th
Tapping into Your Intuition
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Tapping into your intuition has to do with understanding associations, asking the right questions and becoming more aware of details. Individuals constantly get intuitive information about themselves and their surroundings but often feel challenged in understanding the information. Learn to recognize and develop your intuitive skills. Enjoy new insights and make positive changes in your life when you make sense of the information that is made available to you. Learn techniques to notice the snippets of information that are important.
Workshop fee in advance $30, at door $35. Reserve your place – call Lyra 646 872-4473.
Saturday, October 19th
Reiki Okuden – 3rd Degree/Inner Teaching
Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN-BC
9:30am – 5:30pm
Key words: *The doorway to a spiritual path * Inner Teaching (spiritual cultivation and upliftment) *Peace and prosperity.
Focus: *Spiritual practice of Reiki Ryoho, i.e. one’s spiritual cultivation and upliftment.
Aim: To live a healthy, peaceful and prosperous life, i.e., to live a happy life.
Prerequisite: Reiki Chuden or Second Degree. A copy of your Reiki 2 Certificate. Reiki Practitioners of all schools and lineages are welcome to attend.
奥 伝 (OKUDEN) – 3rd level *Okuden (Inner Teaching) is intended for Reiki practitioners who want to deepen an understanding of Reiki Ryoho and develop the inner growth.
What you will learn: * You will explore the inner teaching of Reiki Ryoho and begin to thread on a spiritual path to “Anshin ritsumei” or “Satori”(enlightenment). * You will be given the fourth shirushi or symbol after receiving Reiju (initiation/attunement). * You will learn to use the fourth shirushi (symbol).
Contact Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN-BC Komyo Reiki Kai New York – Featured on the list of 101 Best Sites for Nurses 2012. www.komyoreikikai.net/reiki-okuden.html
Saturday, October 19th
Gemstones & Chakra Kits
10:00am – 12:00 noon
Experience the healing properties of gemstones as they impact the flow of energy in your physical body and energy field. Some chakra kits clear, align, protect, ground, strengthen or expand individuals’ personal energies. Mix and match high quality tumbled gemstones and faceted crystals to create a custom chakra kit using high quality crystals and gemstones. Choose from some of the following gemstones: aventurine, fire agate, amethyst, aquamarine, green/black tourmaline, carnelian, citrine, garnet, jade, lapis lazuli, kyanite, lepidolite, mahogany obsidian moonstone, morganite, clear, rose, smoky and rutilated quartz, ruby, sodalite, sugilite, topaz, zoisite and more.
Workshop fee in advance $50, at door $55 – Includes a Custom Chakra Kit. Additional stones may be purchased. Reserve your place – call Lyra 646 872-4473.
Energetic Jewelry Enhances Personal Energies
1:00pm -3:00pm
Enhances your personal energies and operate from a higher vibration by using energetic gemstone jewelry. Featured gemstones include: celestite, nummite, tanzanite, sugilite, Ethiopian opal, moldavite, amber, turquoise, coral, prehnite, labradorite and moonstone. A collection of necklaces, bracelets, earrings and anklets insure that individuals can coordinate different gemstones to produce the right combination of gemstone energy.
Learn what works for you and why. Lyra will discuss the different gemstones energies, evaluate your personal energetics and let you experience what energetic jewelry can do for you. It can: * Energize and balance personal energies * Complete and correct the flow of energy in the physical body and energy field * Assist individuals in projecting or releasing energies, emotions and thoughts * Work to protect personal energies.
Learn how gemstones energize and project a new you.
Workshop fee in advance $20, at door $25. Reserve your place – call Lyra 646 872-4473
Protective Shields
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Some individuals have the mistaken belief that if they wish to protect themselves energetically, they can simply visualize a wall, mirror or other physical structure to keep negative energies out. Although this may work for a while, there is always someone or something energetically stronger that can bypass these obstacles. However, protective shields, which function as energetic fields, often prevent unwanted energies from adversely affecting individuals. These shields protect individuals and spaces by transmuting, neutralizing, harmonizing, repelling or rejecting chaotic energies.
Learn to create energetic shields and protect your physical body, energy field and space from others at home, work and other situations.
Workshop Fee in Advance $30, At Door $35. Reserve Your Place – call Lyra 646 872-4473.
Sunday, October 20th
Awaken Intuition & Integrate Spiritual Practice into Your Daily Life
Cathleen O’Connor & Elizabeth Harper
10:00am – 4:00pm
If you want to develop a deeper relationship and increased communication with your guides, want a real sense of being guided in your life, and want to develop a solid spiritual practice then this One-Day Retreat has what you need.
This is a great chance to work with psychic mediums and founders of Spiritual Living, Cathleen O’Connor and Elizabeth Harper. They will guide and support you as you: * Embrace your true essence * Reconnect with your spiritual purpose * Meet your spirit guides and Angels * Sense the world using Elemental Empathy * Learn how to use your intuition to guide you in your everyday life * And more!
Price $144. Discount Price $125 if you book before September 15th. Space is limited! Find out more at www.SpiritualLiving.com. Sign Me UP! – www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=YAAZHVPCE4SZG
Monday, October 21st
“Energy Clearing & Protection Workshop”
Krista Mitchell
6:30pm – 9:00pm
I started teaching this workshop years ago when I realized that many of my clients who were coming for healings were actually suffering from other peoples’ energy. They were being affected by other peoples’ sadness, negativity, stress, abuse, neediness, and so on, and this was what was throwing them out of balance.
If you feel that you are easily affected by, and/or ‘absorb’ other peoples’ emotions, then this workshop is for you: Straight-up, practical, and effective guidance and techniques to help you take better care of yourself when around negative people/environments.
This is valuable information that has worked for me and my clients for over 8 years, and can work for you too! Related crystals, oils and herbs will be available for purchase after the workshop, and all attendees will receive a FREE meditation download.
Rev. Krista N. Mitchell, BFA, RMT, is a healer and teacher who combines crystal therapy, Reiki, shamanism, and spiritual counsel to help people reduce stress, adopt positive thinking, and heal emotional wounds. She is a master crystal therapist who is certfied as a Reiki Master-Teacher, a Hypnotherapist and Past Life Reader by Doreen Virtue, PhD, and is legally ordained as an inter-faith Minister in NYC.
Cost: $50. Contact krista@rockwhisperernyc.com or go to www.rockwhisperernyc.com for registration details.
Tuesday, October 22nd
MeditaToday, First Time in New York City
Master Transmitter:
Juan Carlos Moratinos Ruiz
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Meditation of the Present Time. This technique of meditation has been used since human began to meditate; it positions the meditant outside of all religious teachings and traditions marked by a particular historical time. This technique places us in universal time – in the present time. This meditation is a vehicle that gives us access to consciousness, where the infinitely large and the infinitely small meet, showing us an existence which connects our present moment in a fusion with the All to which it belongs.
Meditation is essential to all pursuits of wholeness, which require us to be able to reposition ourselves in relation to the “All”.
Who are we? Our school of meditation was founded by the “seekers on the path of Saint James of Compostela” – men and women who have traveled the long roads to the holy site of Saint James in northern Spain. For more than fourteen centuries, this site has drawn an uninterrupted flow of pilgrims from all around the world: thousands searching for an opening to a higher spirituality.
You will encounter: * Theories that will expand your knowledge and consciousness. * Practices that will support the integration and expression of this consciousness. * Together, these theories and practices are tools you can use to unlock your potential; create peace within and around you; and build a dignified future for humanity.
Juan Carlos has 20 years experience in energy work. He has taught workshops including training transmitters throughout South America, Mexico City, Spain and South of France.
Exchange: $15 paid in advance, $20 cash at the door. To register, email jennie@maoneworld.com or call 917-498-0300. Please be timely, doors will be closed once the meditation has begun.
Tuesday, October 22nd
LOVE NOW Transmission and Meditation
7:00pm – 9:00pm
LOVE NOW! Deepen into Divine Love Activation Meditation with Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly.
The core element of Suzy’s teachings is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Suzy resonates this high frequency energy and works with folks to deepen into their own Divine Heart. Suzy explains, “We work with the frequency of Oneness, allowing everything to exist as Divine, allowing all beings to be empowered.” Suzy works with the concepts of duality, judgment and fear and helps us to deepen into our own individual place of inspiration, of Divinity, where these concepts become teachers, and we come into Oneness.
In the Summer of 2013 Suzy launched the global movement “Love Now” to bring people into the awareness of the most important action we can take now on Earth. The movement will be presenting retreats, public actions, and lectures internationally in 2014 and the entire movement is being film and made into a documentary. Suzy Meszoly, is the nurturing bridge that holds the Light and radiates this divine high frequency through profound energetic transmissions and teachings that are grounding, practical, and offered joyously with empathy, compassion and humor.
See Suzy on “The Love Now Movement with Suzy Meszoly” on Youtube as well as over 50 videos of channelings at SuzyChannel. Also join over 24,000 people listening to “SuzyChannel” on www.blogtalkradio.com Wednesdays 8.00pm-8.30pm EST or on replay anytime.
To register for this special intensive workshop, please go to www.crystalclearmasterteachers.com/events/ $25 Pre-registration. $35 at the door.
Wednesday, October 23rd ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm
Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.
Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.
In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.
Free Event. Please RSVP online: www.newyorkmeditationcenter.com/getting-started/
Wednesday, October 23rd ~SOLD OUT~
Spiritual Initiation
Facilitated by Zela Rodriguez
6:30pm – 9:00pm
The true challenge in your life involves your willingness to confront your own inner demons and to allow your deeply felt dreams and aspirations from your spirit to surface into your life. This is called initiation.
There are programs that are written into the history of our families. You will take on the task of self-healing whichever of the programs are present in your family (known or unknown), either now or in the past (karmic). This is possible no matter how difficult or painful your family relationships have been.
The Spiritual Initiation program is offered as a 5-class series with very advanced spiritual healings and teachings. Each class can be attended as a stand-alone and includes spontaneous upgrades necessary for your energy system based on the collective consciousness. You will experience profound learning, insights, integration and a lightness of being with every meeting.
You will begin self-healing any ‘programs’ as follows:
October 23rd: Violence, Poverty, Infidelity
November 20th: Abandonment, Betrayal, Shame
December 4th: Agreements, Contracts, Cords; Unresolved Individual Life Lessons, and Genetic Kinks
December 18th: Positive Emotions not allowed in family dynamics; and we will go deeper in your ‘Spiritual Initiation’ respective to your Divine Plan
Your means of service in your life is being awakened, strengthened, and blessed; and you are being challenged to accept this spiritual initiation because you are an Earth pioneer with important work to do.
Zela Rodriguez, HHC, CCA, CCI, CPC is a Metaphysical Educator, Energetic Therapist, and Intuitive Life Coach. Through dedication and authenticity, Zela helps so many people go beyond their limited perspective of themselves and reconnect to the love, joy, and peace of their true selves.
Registration: please email zelrod26@aol.com and/or call 212.330.8126. $55 for individual class paid at door. Pre-registration is required – seating is limited.
Wednesday, October 23rd
Meditation Evening: Creative Journeys Within
Anita Celeste
7:00pm – 8:30pm
As we move into Autumn, it is a good time to reconnect to ourselves, release what’s no longer serving us and set our intentions for our heart dreaming. Anita will be offering a wonderful meditation evening for recharging or realigning on a deeper level. This will be a creative guided meditation focusing on our heart dreaming while connecting to Mother Earth and Source. Open to everyone at all levels and experience.
Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design at School of Visual Arts and has beeninvolved inconnecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. View her website at www.anitaceleste.com.
$25 per meditation. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or anita@anitaceleste.com.
Thursday, October 24th
“I Am The Universe, I Am Love”
- A Multimedia Event
Caroline Cory
7:00pm – 9:30pm
In this multimedia presentation, consciousness teacher, healer and visionary author Caroline Cory will share new forms of media that can raise your vibration, clear blocks and expand your awareness. Caroline will explain how you can switch brain functionality from linear to multidimensional, bypass the collective consciousness and reach universal awareness.
Caroline will present short healing videos followed by her film: I AM THE UNIVERSE, I AM LOVE. This experiential style media and film explore the worlds of the cosmos through high vibration visuals and sounds and create an organic connection between Earth and the Divine. The journey is meant to awaken a remembrance of our human incarnation and our perpetual connection to the universe and Source. You will experience an immediate sense of expansion and relaxation and enhance your spiritual awareness of your true Universal Self.
To watch a preview of the film, click here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyMvrIIpNgM
Please register online at www.omniumuniverse.com or www.omniummedia.com. For additional information, e-mail office@omniumuniverse.com or call 1.561.536.6446.
Thursday, October 24th
Psychic Circle for Singles
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.
Price $25 at the door. For reservations call (201) 264-4651 or via email psychicmiloubookings@gmail.com. Seats are limited.
Thursday October 24th
Understanding Yourself through Goddess Archetypes
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Throughout history and in many cultures Goddesses have been revered for their special powers, personalities and characteristics. Within each woman reside unique qualities similar to those described for Goddess Archetypes.
Empower the divine feminine within by identifying and understanding the Goddess Archetype that most closely describes your personality. Lyra will provide participants with personal information about specific aspects that will help them understand their affinity with a specific Goddess Archetype. Discover how you can align yourself to the Goddess archetype’s strengthens and talents. Learn to radiate your divine feminine and with confidence manifest powerful changes in your life. Get your personal Goddess message during this workshop!
Workshop fee in advance $25, At door $30. Reserve your place – Call Lyra 646 872-4473.
Friday, October 25th
Halloween Psychic & Healing Fair
Sponsored by the Spiritualist Church of New York City
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Come visit us at 2013’s most exciting Halloween Fair in New York City, sponsored by the Spiritualist Church of New York City!
Featuring Readings with NYC’s best Psychics and Mediums, Astrology and Tarot Readngs, as well as various modalities of Energy Healing and more! Between your reading and healing hopping, mingle with our members and friends and get to know who we are! At the end of the event, join us for a special Spirit Message Circle.
No advance appointment is necessary, just show up at the door! Present this e-newsletter at the front desk when purchasing tickets (electronically or on paper) and receive $5 off your reading or healing. Limited to one $5 discount per person.
The SCNYC is a 501(c)3 Not-for-profit Organization. Please visit our page to find out more about this event!
$40.00 for 20 minutes Reading ($35 with discount). $25.00 for 20 minutes Healing ($20 with discount). $20.00 for Spirit Message Circle (no discount available).
Sunday, October 27th
Who Heals The Healers?
“A New Way of Receiving: The Return of the Divine Feminine!”
With Nancy “Andie” SantoPietro
10:00am – 4:00pm
2013 is the first year in the “New World” of 5D living! Astrologically, September was an intense month that purposefully set the table for the next major Portal to open which will occur directly over Italy between the October 18 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and the November 3 – New Moon Solar Eclipse!
This portal is said to be bringing in very high levels of “Divine Feminine” energies which will be disseminated over the next few months throughout the planet. This high octane energy flow will carry with it the energetic gifts of “allowing, receiving and the art of active-being!”
Most of us, both male and females alike, have been overly conditioned by the prior paradigms (3D) Divine Masculine energies of “doing”. We were mainly taught only one way of how to create and “make things happen”. Now, during the post-Ascension period, we are being confronted with a very different energy approach to creating, which at first seems almost unrecognizable to us!
Until we vibrationally align with the new ways of creating, it might feel at times like we have lost our Mojo, unable to attract the things we desire, as well as create and acquire abundance in this new 5D world!
Come join us… through lecture, guided meditation and experiential exercises, get your “receive” rewired as we tap into the energies of this active portal in “real time” as it is unfolding!
Cost: $175. Space Limited: Email or call to reserve Your Seat ASAP!! Register/Info: Contact Diane Hoffmann at NSP&A. Inc. nsanpietro@aol.com or call -718-256-2640/609-750-8502. www.fengshui-santopietro.com
Monday, October 28th
Seashell Healing for Success
Zabe Barnes
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Increase success in all areas of your life with this blend of ancient and cutting-edge wisdom that can be used for self-healing and for energetically supporting others.
Spirals embody the cosmic flow of creation and carry very strong healing/manifesting energies. Learn to create specific energetic vortexes and portals to facilitate deep healing and transformation physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually using spirals found in seashells, crystals from the sea. During the evening you will receive powerful energy transmissions to open within you a profound remembering of ancient Lemurian and Atlantean healing wisdom. Regardless of where you are on your path, you will learn to access the spiral energies almost immediately and benefit from the speed, strength, and precision of working with seashell spirals.
Zabe awakens spiritual seekers, practitioners, and teachers to new levels of healing and spiritual/psychic awareness. She is a master healing teacher, modern-day shaman, author, gifted channel, and transformation catalyst who facilitates multi-dimensional shifts at a soul level for people worldwide.
Exchange: $35. Space limited; pre-registration recommended. Register at www.zabebarnes.com/New-York-Events.html or at 501-318-4560 or info@zabebarnes.com
Monday, October 28th
Clairvoyance, Past Lives & Essential Oils:
An Intuitive Aromatherapy Workshop
with Tori Quisling, Clairvoyant Practitioner
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come and explore the world of essential oils. Essential oils are the “spirits” of plants, trees, flowers, seeds and resins. Essential oils are the original “medicine” of our ancestors and they heal on emotional, spiritual, mental and physical levels. Like our ancestors, you can connect with the spirits of the essential oils and intuitively use them to heal yourself and others.
You will learn that your sense of smell is closely related to your emotions and memories. For example, when we smell a certain perfume or food aroma we may think of being five years old in our grandmother’s house. A smell will trigger memories and feelings of another time – even a past life!
You will also learn that your sense of smell is closely connected with your clairvoyance – located in the forehead area. This is the area of your imagination and knowledge. You can bring more of your clairvoyance alive in your body when you work with essential oils.
In this Interactive workshop you will: *meditate with several powerful essential oils to access past lives and your own “higher” information for healing *learn how to use your intuitive channels or chakras to access the power of the essential oils. *be able to recognize some types of oils and the effect particular oils have on your chakras and body system. *appreciate the nature of the blending process. *receive messages from Tori Quisling in the group regarding past lives and your spirit guides
Tori Quisling has been a clairvoyant practitioner and intuitive aromatherapy teacher for over 25 years. She is the founder of the NY Center for Clairvoyant Development. Tori has a passion for essential oils and finds them integral to clairvoyant development. She studied the Art of Aromatherapy with Marcel Lavabre (Aroma Vera), Michael Scholes, and Jeanne Rose in California.
Fee: $35. To register call 516-423-1794 or email tori@yourpsychicself.net
Tuesday, October 29th ~FREE EVENT~
Free Workshop – Social Media, Stand Up Comedy & Free Coaching from a Business Coach!
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Join us for the unique workshop with Naini Nakagawa founder of Matchmyspirit.com and her panel of experts in the field of social media, email marketing, stand up comedy and business coaching.
Get an amazing education for free! Ask lots of questions and get answers.
Tuesday, October 29th
Navigating Parallel Universes
Zabe Barnes
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Prepare to be blown away by the powerful energy of this class—a truly out-of-this-world experience! Explore the energies of seven parallel universes through a series of energy transmissions from the Colombian shamanic tradition. Learn about the symptoms associated with being lost between worlds and discover how to safely travel to other worlds, remaining fully rooted here and now as you expand out into the cosmos to harness energies that support you in all aspects of your life. During the evening you will receive profound teachings and energy transmissions to open within you a deep inner knowing of your divine place within the wholeness of creation.
Zabe awakens spiritual seekers, practitioners, and teachers to new levels of healing and spiritual/psychic awareness. She is a master healing teacher, modern-day shaman, author, gifted channel, and transformation catalyst who facilitates multi-dimensional shifts at a soul level for people worldwide.
Exchange: $35. Space limited; pre-registration recommended. Register at www.zabebarnes.com/New-York-Events.html or at 501-318-4560 or info@zabebarnes.com
Wednesday, October 30th
Darshan of Your Divine Self
Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi
7:00pm – 9:30pm
Experience the powerful love of the Divine Mother and see Her within you. The Divine Mother’s energy can be experienced in perceptible ways. This opens doors to higher consciousness, clears obstacles to abundance and soulful relationships and protects from negativity. With satsang, talk, music and guided meditation, your soul is bathed by the Divine energies. Simple, accessible techniques are given to allow you to continually access this energy. The program ends with each person receiving divine energy (Shaktipat), which many have found to be permanently transforming.
Swami Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi are enlightened souls embodying the energy and consciousness of the Divine Mother Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi, the Mother of Liberation. Swamiji and Amma awaken the Divine Mother energy in each of us, by sharing powerful and practical spiritual practices.
$25 suggested donation. Everyone welcome! Pre-register at www.ekatvam.org. 845-891-3065. info@ekatvam.org
Wednesday, October 30th
Mayan 12-Strand DNA
Zabe Barnes
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Join Zabe Barnes for a fascinating exploration of ancient DNA teachings. Learn how the positioning of various strands affects personality and relationships. Receive DNA alignment and anchoring for profound internal shifts that enhance and support personal growth and achievement. Learn what the Mayans knew about magical essences within human DNA and discover which magical essence you most embody. Zabe brings through powerful energy transmissions for each member of the group in a way that is graceful, uplifting, and life-changing. During the evening you will receive sacred teachings and energy transmissions to open you up to deep healing and a more empowered way of being.
Zabe awakens spiritual seekers, practitioners, and teachers to new levels of healing and spiritual/psychic awareness. She is a master healing teacher, modern-day shaman, author, gifted channel, and transformation catalyst who facilitates multi-dimensional shifts at a soul level for people worldwide.
Exchange: $35. Space limited; pre-registration recommended. Register at www.zabebarnes.com/New-York-Events.html or at 501-318-4560 or info@zabebarnes.com
Wednesday, October 30th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.
We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.
The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.
Fee is $20. Register via www.meetup.com/seanceinthecity/ or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).
Thursday, October 31st
Light Grids Group Clearing
Damien Wynne
6:15pm – 9:30pm
Light Grids works with frequencies. In these frequencies on every chakra through our whole field, including the aura and our energetic field is a blueprint of our history from every experience from our star-lives through every life on this earth up to now. Each of these stories are only in our field, because we didn’t face them and so we didn’t learn from them.
We are opening up these stories and facing them now. This way we can clean them from our cellular history, so that we don’t have to carry them in our cells any more. But we can bring the teachings of them into our souls and our lives.
***Please bring a yoga mat, this is a vertical meditation
Exchange: $40 Paypal or cash at the door. To register: www.sacredgatheringsandevents.com/damien-wynne-nyc-oct-31-nov-10/. Call or email Mel with all questions: 310-710-8081 Mel@SacredGatheringsAndEvents.com
Tel 212 736 0999 Ext. 1
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