New York’s No. 1 Destination for Consciousness Raising.

October 2014

Upcoming October Events at META Center New York

Saturday, Oct 4th & Sunday, Oct 5th
Archangel Metatron “The Awakening” Workshop
With Tammy Majchrzak & Valorie Faber
10:00am – 5:00pm

Metatronia Therapy is a high vibrational, multi-dimensional healing resonance. Brought to us from the One Source Vibration. Linking you to the Light of the One through Archangel Metatron and divine Diamond light codings. It is brought to mankind at this time to assist in the Light Evolutionary process. These workshops are extremely transformational, very releasing and uplifting. You will be opened up and brought into your alignment through the One Source light coding that is the Metatronia Vibration. To feel is to believe and this weekend is very much about expansion, release, transformation and awakening.

Day 1: Transmissions of Light, meditations, PowerPoint Presentation, Channeling, Connection, Metatronia Therapy® Level I Healer, and free gift issued to all attendees. Master Attunement can be given for those who are already attuned to Metatronia Therapy Healer Level. Pre-requisite forms are required to be completed before the workshop commences. These will be issued out upon securing your booking. Workbooks are given via email and also as hardcopy at the Workshop for both days.

Day 2: Launch of the Metatronia Lightbody Vehicle Mechanics workshop – Connection, guidance, PowerPoint presentation, meditation instruction, vibrational alignment, tools, techniques, Metatronia Sacred Algorithms© and more..

This is part of the Metatronia Foundation of Light AscensionTraining programme. The MTFOL is an Accredited and Approved Ascension Training Providers – Metatronia Therapy is a globally recognized healing modality.

20 places only – Cost $444.00 for both days or $222 either day. This is a pre-booked event as Tammy is travelling from UK. Payment must be made in full by 15th September 2014 to reserve your place. Please visit to book or call Tammy direct on (0044) 7711 524853 (UK). (This is a non-refundable workshop. Refunds only available if Tammy is unable to travel due to unforeseen circumstances). More can be found at and

META Center New York, 214 West 29th, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001.
Tel 212 736 0999 Ext. 1