September Events At A Glance
9/3: Dolphin Healing: The Key to Inject More Purpose & Joy into Your Life – Jeanne Russell
9/4: Are Our Human Origins in South Africa? The Details – Michael Tellinger
9/4: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo
9/5: Introductory Workshop to Series “True Power of A Woman” Four Part Series – Nifara K. Ali, Ph.D, CSM
9/7: Fulfilling the Legacy of the Goddess: A Journey of Empowerment & New Beginnings – Kimberly Berg
9/7 & 9/8: Energy’s Way – Artie Egendorf
9/8: ~FREE EVENT~ Where There is Light, There is Life! – Johann Boswinkle
9/9: ~PRIVATE EVENT~ Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown
9/9: More Truth Will Set You Free – Nick Blue / Louise Devlin
9/9: Meditation Evening – Creative Journeys Within – Anita Celeste
9/10: Sound and Light Activation. Integration and Ascension: Divine Light Activation with Himalayan Bowls, Metatron and the Master Teachers – Suzy Meszoly
9/10: ~FREE EVENT~ An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center
9/10: “True Power of A Woman” Pt.2 – Nifara K. Ali, Ph.D, CSM
9/11: ~FREE EVENT~ Annual 9/11 Open House
9/12: “Ask Dr Palvesky” – Dr Palvesky
9/12: Spirit Circles – Thomas John ~SOLD OUT~
9/13: A Night with Spirit – Thomas John
9/13 – 9/15: Living Inquiries – Scott Kiloby
9/17: ~FREE EVENT~ An Introduction To Vedic Meditation – New York Meditation Center
9/17: “True Power of A Woman” – Nifara K. Ali, Ph.D, CSM
9/18: ~FREE EVENT~ Journey into Buddhahood – The Five Paths & Ten Stages of Compassionate Beings – Tampa Dukte Lama
9/18: Seance In The City – Jesse Bravo ~Event Cancelled~
9/19: Full Harvest Moon Youthing Ceremony – Jodi Serota & Her Guides
9/19: “True Power of A Woman” – Nifara K. Ali, Ph.D, CSM
9/20: Heart to HEART: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
9/20: Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Autumn Equinox – Rev. Barbara
9/20: Transform Your Life with RITT (Rapidly Integrated Transformation Technique)™ – Meryl Hershey Beck
9/21 & 9/22: Psychic Development Weekend Workshop – Calise Simone ~Event Sold Out~
9/21: Reggae “One Love” Jam – A Tribute to Bob Marley – High Tide
9/23: ~FREE EVENT~ Social Media and Public Speaking Workshop – Robyn Hatcher
9/24: Evening of Messages & Private Sessions – Blind Spiritual Medium – Louise Eaton
9/24: Love Now! Deepen into Divine Love Activation Meditation – Suzy Meszoly
9/25: Evening of Messages & Private Sessions – Blind Spiritual Medium – Louise Eaton
9/25: The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals – Cephora
9/25: How to Use a Pendulum: Enhance Your Intuition & Guidance – Anita Celeste
9/26: Sacred Dance & Movement and The Evolution of Consciousness – Maryanne Savino, Tammy Burstein, Zen Marie Holmes & Moderator Alan Steinfeld
9/26: Psychic Circle for Singles – Psychic Medium Milou
9/27: Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word – Paul Selig
9/27: Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose – Jean Worth
9/28: Day of H.E.A.Ling – Rev. Barbara
9/29: Reiki Chuden (Second Degree/Intermediate Teaching) – Shihan Lilia V. Marquez
9/30: Breath Work & Meditation Workshop – Dr. Richard Brown
Tuesday, September 3rd
Dolphin Healing:
The Key to Inject More Purpose & Joy into Your Life
Jeanne Russell
6:30pm – 8:30pm
This talk is an in-depth look at dolphins and their connection to healing. People have known that dolphins can be very healing and many stories have been shared of how they have helped people, but we are going to go deeper into understanding more about what is it that is so attractive and so healing about the dolphins.
Here are some things we will discuss: * How dolphins heal themselves and what scientists are studying right now. * The power of breathwork and conscious breathing. * Dolphin Sounds and what they are doing. * The transformation that happens when you allow joy in your life!
Jeanne Russell is owner of Dolphin Touch Wellness Center, Kauai, Hawaii.
Cost: $25. Register at:
Wednesday, September 4th
Are Our Human Origins in South Africa? The Details
Michael Tellinger
6:30pm – 9:30pm
A Better World presents scientist, explorer and internationally acclaimed author Michael Tellinger, an authority on the vanished civilizations of Southern Africa and the origins of humankind. His research and discoveries of an advanced vanished civilizations in South Africa includes a diverse field of research and touches on human origins, spirituality, science & consciousness.
$30. To purchase tickets:
Wednesday, September 4th
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.
We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.
The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.
Fee is $20. Register via or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).
Thursday, September 5th
Introductory Workshop to Series “True Power of A Woman”
(Four Part Series)
Nifara K. Ali, Ph.D, CSM
6:30pm – 8:30pm
This is a journey for women who are seeking to acknowledge and claim their true selves outside of what society has personified. We use the word “Empowered” but do we truly know what it means. To me as a Woman it has been a quest that I had to learn to strip away what is considered the norm and be willing to stand out and be who I AM.
“True Power of A Woman” takes nothing away from our male counterparts but to enhance relationships when a woman truly acknowledges and claims her power. Series continues Sept 10, 17 and 19.
Refreshments will be served. Also specialty body products for sale and order.
Limited seating please register early to reserve your space. Early bird for series (register before 9/5) is $100 or $30 for individual sessions. Register online at For more information contact Nifara at 917-775-4363.
Saturday, September 7th
Fulfilling the Legacy of the Goddess:
A Journey of Empowerment & New Beginnings
Kimberly Berg
Choose from 4 sessions:
10:00am – 11:30am / 12:00pm – 1:30pm / 2:00pm – 3:30pm / 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Kimberly Berg has awakened the ancient goddess! A male feminist artist, Berg’s work challenges the patriarchal system that has evolved to dominate our world by exposing it as a system that is not only unworkable and unsustainable, but also unjust.
Guided by the prehistoric record, which shows evidence that pre-patriarchal Neolithic societies respected and honored their women, Berg believes that we are approaching the tipping point of patriarchal dominance as women gain the confidence to reclaim their inherent birthright. And just to be sure a feminist transformation is underway, Berg has heaved the final stones necessary to tip the scale by launching a campaign to educate the public on the history of women’s culture and the factors that led to its unfortunate subjugation.
Berg has recently unveiled The Legacy of the Goddess, a Powerpoint presentation which outlines the forgotten pre-history of women’s culture and highlights the revered role of woman in Neolithic societies. By bringing his message to classrooms and community centers across the country, Berg hopes to restore the female voice so that she may dance once again into the wind.
Join Kim Berg for a special presentation of The Legacy of the Goddess and begin your journey to empowerment!
Together, we will challenge the status quo and lead the charge toward a future of peace and enlightenment. Together, we will fulfill the legacy!
Beautiful change begins with a conscientious choice. Join the legacy and be part of a world where all men and women have a chance to live in harmony and peace.
Suggested donation of up to $20 will be collected at the door. Prints of Kimberly Berg’s art work will also be available.
Please RSVP on Facebook or call Genesis Global Media at 1-855-229-6860. To learn more about Kimberly Berg, or to view his online gallery, please visit:
Saturday, Sept 7th & Sunday, Sept 8th
Energy’s Way
With Artie Egendorf, PhD
10:00am – 5:00pm
Learn to Move the Way Energy Does. Advanced enough in your practice that fresh groundbreaking experience is rare? Come for two days of moving with a small group, in very gentle, minimal ways. Refine understanding, feeling and awareness of how energy moves. Leave more wakeful, vital and in deep peace. Melt through vestiges of “weirdness” without emotional processing. Grow your “can do!” list by nurturing not violating your comfort zone
The moves: a set of 12, done lying, sitting, standing, walking, correspond with the energy centers of East & West.
Your guide & accompanist: High honors from Harvard, Vietnam vet, ex-spy, then PhD in psych author of study for Congress that put PTSD on the map, wrote award winning “Healing from the War,” & while raising three kids continued what is now more than 40 years of doing and guiding others in body, mind, soul and spirit work. The one idea: pray to be shown a way to help the good guys take power on earth. Energy’s Way has come. Let me share it with you.
To apply please download and watch 3 complimentary short videos from Just that much could be a life-changer. Write to me, subject “applying for META Center workshop” at
Sunday, September 8th ~COMPLIMENTARY EVENT~
Where There is Light, There is Life!
Johann Boswinkle
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Come to our complimentary lecture with Johann Boswinkle, founder of the Chiren Instrument and learn how your body restores and resets through the science of biontology.
Light is the foundation of life. Every biochemical reaction is preceded by an electromagnetic signal, or biophoton. Without these biophotons the body would be an inanimate object. In other words: when there is light, there is life. By targeting the underlying electromagnetic signal, Biontology addresses the root cause of all physical, emotional, mental and soul ailments.
Please RSVP to Barbara Slaine – The Liphe Balance Center at / 203-912-2791.
Monday, September 9th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at
Monday, September 9th
Meditation Evening – Creative Journeys Within
Anita Celeste
7:00pm – 8:30pm
As we move into Autumn, it is a good time to reconnect to ourselves, release what’s no longer serving us and set our intentions for our heart dreaming. Anita will be offering a wonderful meditation evening for recharging or realigning on a deeper level. This will be a creative guided meditation focusing on our heart dreaming while connecting to Mother Earth and Source. Open to everyone at all levels.
Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design at School of Visual Arts and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. View her website at
$25. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or
Tuesday September 10th
Sound and Light Activation. Integration and Ascension: Divine Light Activation with Himalayan Bowls, Metatron and the Master Teachers
Suzy Meszoly
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly, has been playing the Himalayans for nearly 15 years in her energetic healing practice with private clients, where she combines sound healing with channeled light.
Suzy has brought bowls back from her pilgrimages to Nepal; these have been blessed by her Tibetan teachers. The Himalayan bowls have the simple power of creating a unifying energetic field, allowing for the integration of human experience without judgment, without fear. While acting as a bridge for the Metatronic energy field, Suzy plays the bowls, creating an integration sound field while channeling the Divine Light.
(Participants will be lying down for these activations, please bring blankets and cushions if you need them. Some will be provided there as well).
$35 Pre-registration is required. $40 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845.616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal (button installed one week before event).
Tuesday, September 10th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm
Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.
Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.
In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.
Free Event. Please RSVP online:
Tuesday, September 10th
“True Power of A Woman” Pt.2
Nifara K. Ali, Ph.D, CSM
6:30pm – 9:00pm
Namaste: if you joined me at my first workshop of “True Power of A Woman” Introductory then this part 2 will be even more informative and experiential.
We will delve into “Rites of Passage” and if you have not experienced one in your life as a female, how important they are and the difference they make in your life as a Woman. We will explore creating a “Rites of Passage” for you on an individual level. (Individual appointments can be made with Nifara).
During this session we will have a Meditation to focus the stages of your life since childhood and give tools that will help you heal any traumas that may have you held hostage and is a hindrance to your claiming your “TRUE POWER as A Woman”
Exchange $30 online registration early bird at For more information please contact Nifara Ali @ 917-775-4363 or email: (limited seating).
Wednesday, September 11th
Jodi Serota & META Center Present:
Our Annual 9/11 Free Open House
12:00pm – 9:45pm
Come gather with the NY Community for this day of healing in remembrance of September 11th, 2001.
If you are looking for a place to go on 9/11 to be uplifted, supported or to just be with like-minded people, come to META Center New York. Our practitioners will be offering their services to benefit those in need.
Come join us and experience individual intuitive readings & healing work and be entertained with performances and events focusing on Inner & Outer Peace for all. Drop by… it’s a free open house, and all are welcome!
Day Time Schedule 12:00pm – 4:00pm
(Session registration starts at 11:45am. No pre-bookings.)
Mini Intuitive Reading Sessions (15 mins.)
* Isabella Randazzo – Tarot
* Milou – Clairvoyant / Medium
* Jesse Bravo – Psychic Medium
* Patricia Jamison – Medium / Tarot
* Christopher William – Oracle Readings
* Elise Stone – Intuitive Readings / Medium / Chakra Scanning
* Cher Elyse Carden – Channel / Reader
* Calise Simone – Psychic Medium
* Michele Kay – Channeled Readings
* Anke Frohlich – Intuitive Readings with Vortex
* Gail Maceda – Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
* Edmund Freidman – Spiritual Path & Bioenergetics Counselling
* Rebecca Gordon – Astrology
* Carole Vaporean – Healing Channel – Archangel Raphael
* Evelor Savior – Angelic Guidance Channelling & Card Reading
* Kevin Kiernan – Trinity Healing Attunement / Astrology
Mini Healing Sessions (15 mins.)
* Anthony Citro – Mini Rising Star Healings
* Rev. Barbara Dominick – Energy Healing & Angel Message
* Ricardo Dacunha – Reiki
* Natalie Pierson – Thai Yoga Massage
* Able Costa – BioDynanic Craniosacral Therapy
* Michaela Bartakova – Divine Intervention / Bodytalk System
* Lindai’s Bodywork – Massage
Group Healing Sessions (30 mins.)
* Jodi Serota – Vibrational Sound Healing
* Olivia Olkowski – Shamanic Healing Journey
Evening Program Schedule – Events – 5:00pm – 9:45pm
5pm – 5:45pm – Deeksha/Oneness Blessing – Blessings initiated by Amma & Bhagavan
5:50pm – 6:20pm – Serving Those Who Serve (STWS) Breathwork & Meditation by Dr. Richard Brown for 9/11 illness. Open to all.
6:30pm – 7:00pm – “The Voice of Braco” – Hear Braco’s loving words that many call miraculous. Also, a film clip preview of the new Braco documentary, Evolution, and info about Braco’s extraordinary book – to be released in the U.S. this month!
7:15pm – 7:30pm – Alan Steinfeld – Poetry
7:35pm – 8:10pm – Jodi Serota – Special Channeled Vibrational Sound Ceremony for Inner & Outer Peace
8:15pm – 8:35pm – Sacred Ceremony with Olivia Olkowski
8:40pm – 9:30pm – Kevin Nathaniel & Friends – World Music
9:30pm – 9:45pm – Crystal Bowl Closing Ceremony with Jodi Serota & Maryanne Savino
Available for sale: Holistic & Healthly food prepared by “Personal Touch Caterers” Derek & Nifara.
Thursday, September 12th
“Ask Dr Palvesky”
6:30pm – 9:00pm
Holistic Child Health invites you to join us for a rare and exciting opportunity with renowned pediatrician, public speaker and educator Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD. He will spend the evening in your company, answering your questions about children, their health, development and well-being.
Dr Palevsky will enlighten, educate and empower you to think beyond conventional ideas and practices in order to keep your children healthy.
Bring your Questions! (Please note Dr Palevsky will not be able to answer specific questions about your child’s individual medical situation.)
Have concerns and queries about how to best care for your children? Dr Palevsky will offer candid and useful answers to your most burning questions on pediatric healthcare, along with helpful tools to support your choices.
Not comfortable with conventional answers to your questions? Dr Palevsky will share his vast experience from both the allopathic and holistic pediatric worlds, to empower you to make informed choices that are right for you and your children.
Overwhelmed by fear of illness and disease? Dr Palevsky will share his perspective and invaluable insight on children’s illnesses and their immune systems.
Quell the confusion, file away the fear… Join Us! To Purchase Tickets, please click here:
Thursday, September 12th ~SOLD OUT~
Spirit Circles
Thomas John
7:00pm – 8:30pm
(Upcoming dates: October 8th, 15th & 22nd, November 14th & December 19th)
After a brief introduction, Thomas will guide seminar participants through a meditation, and then deliver messages to each participant from spirit guides and loved ones in spirit. An excellent opportunity to experience the work of celebrity psychic medium Thomas John in an intimate setting! Each session will be limited to 8 to 10 participants.
To purchase tickets, contact Thomas at or call 347-637-8592. Tickets are $75 per seminar. No refunds after time of purchase.
Friday, September 13th
Thomas John – A Night with Spirit
7:00pm – 9:00pm
After a brief introduction, Thomas will deliver messages from the Other Side to members of the audience.
Psychic medium Thomas John is an internationally regarded psychic sensation who has conducted hundreds of readings across the country and beyond. His clients have included Wall Street moguls, doctors and lawyers, as well as several high profile celebrities. His readings are known for their incredible accuracy with specific details and provide unequivocal evidence of the survival of consciousness. He resides in New York City.
Tickets are $50 in advance / $60 at the door. No refunds after time of purchase. To purchase tickets, call 347-637-8592, email or visit
Friday, Sept 13th – Sunday, Sept – 15th
Living Inquiries
Scott Kiloby
Friday, 7:00pm – 9.00pm
Sat & Sun 10:00pm – 6:00pm
“Scott is a nondual teacher who travels across the U.S. and overseas giving talks in which participants experience freedom from limiting self-beliefs, addiction, anxiety and more. In these meetings, Scott uses his “Living Inquiries” to help participants see through every position and belief that stands in the way of true happiness, including every belief about the self, others, and the world, and also all of our ideas about spirituality. Come explore this radical, interactive approach!”
Testimonials: “This Intensive works. This is life changing! Deeply transforming! I never expected to feel so beautiful, peaceful, loving energy.” ~Pat Coughlin
“If you want to know what it is to be free of suffering, to be free of wanting, then I invite you to consider something different. These inquiries, a simple form of direct looking, lead to an unmasking of spiritual words and stories and, paradoxically, to revealing that to which they point as experience beyond the narrow, mind-made world of concepts.” ~ Wayne
Please contact Bart at with any questions regarding registration. With pre registration you will receive the Introduction and Chapter 1 from Scott’s “Living Realization” e-book to read before the event. Seating is limited to 35 so please register as soon as possible using the link. Registration Link:
Tuesday, September 17th ~FREE EVENT~
An Introduction To Vedic Meditation
New York Meditation Center
7:00pm – 8:15pm
Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers benefits immediately. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance.
Scientific studies show that Vedic Meditation allows you to: * reduce stress and anxiety * enjoy better sleep and more energy * increase awareness & clarity of mind * improve physical well-being * slow the aging process.
In this one-hour talk you will learn about the benefits of the technique, the mechanics of how it works and how it is taught. There will be an opportunity to join the basic meditation course the following weekend.
Free Event. Please RSVP online:
Tuesday, September 17th
“True Power of A Woman”
Nifara K. Ali, Ph.D, CSM
In this segment we will talk about our Vibration or energy that we send out to The Universe, through our thoughts, words and actions.
When our vibrations, thoughts, words and actions are not in sync with each other we attract the tumultuous daily living we experience. “The more we resist the more these experiences persist”.
Sometimes if we are not using our intuition or listening to “Our Creator” that resides within us then we spiral and life becomes what seems like it is out of control. As a woman using your true power you are capable of regaining control because you have claimed your “True Power of A Woman”. Individual Life Coaching Sessions can be scheduled with Nifara for those who would like to go more in depth to truly claim
their “True Power”.
Exchange $30 online early bird at For more information please contact Nifara Ali @ 917-775-4363 or email: (Limited Seating).
Wednesday, September 18th, ~FREE EVENT~
Journey into Buddhahood- The Five Paths & Ten Stages of Compassionate Beings
Book Talk & Signing
Tempa Dukte Lama
7:00pm – 9:00pm
The Journey into Buddhahood is the practice of attaining complete awakening. Whether we experi-ence happiness or suffering depends on the way we perceive reality. The basis of our experience is the mind. This recognition motivates us to look for a path that not only offers temporary respite from suffering, but that enables us to completely free ourselves and all beings. When we first have this thought of help-ing all beings without distinction, we enter the Journey into Buddhahood.
Journey into Buddhahood is a deeply accessible book that draws the reader in through stories and examples.
Tempa Dukte Lama is an ordained lama of the Tibetan Bon tradition, author of three books, and founder of Olmo Ling Bon Center in Pittsburgh, PA. He studied in Menri Monastery, India, with the 33rd Menri Trizin, the spiritual head of Bon, from the age of six. Tempa Lama teaches internationally, helping people bring compassion, healing, and happiness into their lives.
For more information, please contact or 412 904 1112.
Wednesday, September 18th ~Event Cancelled~
Seance In The City
Jesse Bravo
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come to our purely positive séance where we encourage mystics, psychics, mediums and all people to enhance their spiritual awareness in a safe and empowering environment. All of our séance conductors are highly trained and renowned mediums.
Whether you are looking to connect with a loved one who has recently passed or to receive messages from spirit, our group offers a warm and friendly environment to all who are interested. Before each séance we begin our group with a 15 minute lesson on psychic development, covering topics from psychic impressions to spirit communication.
We then begin our séance with a nondenominational prayer of protection and lead a guided visual mediation. After the meditation each person who attends will receive a message from one of our highly trained séance conductors. All participants are guaranteed to receive a message.
The purpose of our séance is to communicate directly with spirit and to form an open and inviting spiritual community in New York City. Our meeting times are every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm. For legal purposes it is understood that our group and the messages given at our séances are for entertainment purposes only.
Fee is $20. Register via or call 917-733-3107. Please be timely, because we do not open our doors once we begin our meditation (for obvious reasons).
Thursday, September 19th
Full Harvest Moon Youthing Ceremony
With Jodi Serota & Her Guides
7:00pm – 10:00pm
Come join us as we discuss and re-create an ancient ritual from the heart of Africa handed down by Shamans, Curanderos and Medicine People that actually reverses the effects of the passage of time on the physical body.
There is only one night of the year (the Night of the Full Harvest Moon) during which the energies of the Moon and Earth meet in such a way that Physical Youthing can occur. Join us in this Sacred Ceremony for turning back the clock of aging and becoming young again. In addition, you’ll experience a channeled transmission of vibrational sound to clear limiting thought forms, perceptions, beliefs and expectations that contribute to the degeneration of the body through the aging process.
Experience the past, present and future simultaneously, and receive an alignment of the Divine Presence & the Physical Body that will assist in rejuvenating, healing and “youthing” your entire system. All are welcome.
$27 in advance via PayPal or call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext. 1. (MC, VISA, Discover accepted – all non-refundable). $33 cash only at the door.
Thursday, September 19th
“True Power of A Woman”
Nifara K. Ali, Ph.D, CSM
6:30pm – 9:00pm
We will take vows today and which you will use daily to assist you in becoming stronger in your “POWER”. These vows are whatever you have written for this particular moment you will speak them into The Universe and your vibration will match your thoughts, words and actions.
These are vows of a marriage to yourself claiming your “TRUE POWER AS A WOMAN”
Refreshments served after for celebration.
Exchange $30 online early bird at For more information please contact Nifara Ali @ 917-775-4363 or email: (Limited Seating).
Friday, September 20th
Heart to HEART: Dances of Universal Peace & Sufi Practice
7:30pm – 9:30pm
“Although we seem to be in a world of song and dance, we are most concerned with peace on earth.” Sufi Murshid Lewis”
This circle, co-creates an atmosphere of Heart with meditation, simple movement/dance, sacred names, music and sacred walk.
These practices are based upon the in-the-world, Universal spirituality brought from India to the West by Sufi Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan and developed by his student Murshid Samuel Lewis; teachings of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi and of worldwide sacred traditions.
The gathering is facilitated by Sufi Murshida Khadija Goforth and friends. A “”Whirling Dervish” Turning meditation class, Dances of Universal Peace leadership mentoring (by permission), tar drum instruction, and individual appointments are also offered.
Those of all paths (and no particular path) are welcome; no previous experience is necessary. “But in reality we are accompanied by the whole dancing universe.” Ruth St. Denis
…I am teaching this music & dancing…to increase Joy, not awe toward another person but bliss in our own self. This is finding God within, through experience.” Sufi Murshid Samual Lewis
Space Contribution $15; Information (646) 924-9957;
Friday, September 20th
Angelic Circle of Peace – Celebrating the Autumn Equinox
Rev. Barbara
7:00pm – 9:30pm
“Autumn is another time of transition, when the leaves begin to fall and the earth begins to slow down. The rains come and we turn inward. It’s a time of reflection and harvest, and of softening our hearts as we open to the changes that are happening.”
Join us in this lovely Angelic circle as we open our hands, our hearts, our minds, and surrender to the changes that autumn brings to our lives. Share in an embrace of the gentle love healing energies of Archangels and allow yourself to be open to your own intuitive abilities as you reflect on a summer of blossoming your Soul, and setting new intentions for receiving even more light and transformational energies from the heavens and our sacred Earth. As always loving message from the Archangels as well as channeled messages are offered for each person as well as the entire circle as a whole. Feel free to bring your crystals or other personal items to place on the altar for a sacred blessing.
Rev. Barbara is an energy healing practitioner (Reiki, Christ Light Healing, Reconnective Healing) with a commitment to healing service that is grounded in her passion for providing a gentle, loving conduit for your heart, mind and body to realign with Divine Light within you that promotes a return to the wholeness of being and oneness with all life. In addition the Angelic Circles of Peace, Rev. Barbara also offers private healing sessions, private consultations with her guides and she teaches the Usui System of Natural Healing.
$25.00 at the door or on line at For more information please contact RevB at 718-863-1553.
Friday, September 20th
Transform Your Life with RITT
(Rapidly Integrated Transformation Technique)™
Meryl Hershey Beck
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Combining several energy psychology techniques, RITT is similar to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in that you tap/touch acupressure points to reduce emotional discomfort. In addition, RITT uses a script and includes anchoring in a positive feeling (love, joy, etc.).
During this cozy gathering, participants will experience RITT for themselves to release difficult feelings, curb cravings, and manage stress, and leave with the script so they can continue to transform challenges.
Meryl Hershey Beck, M.A., M.Ed., LPCC is the co-creator of Rapidly Integrated Transformation Technique (RITT) ™. In her role as counselor, teacher, and author of Stop Eating Your Heart Out: The 21-Day Program to Free Yourself From Emotional Eating, Meryl joyfully shares RITT plus other tools to skyrocket personal growth.;
Space is very limited. $22 in advance. $27 at the door. Call 520.661.7444 to see if space is available, or email
Saturday, Sept 21st & Sunday, Sept 22nd ~Event Sold Out~
Psychic Development Weeekend Workshop
Calise Simone
10:00am – 3:30pm
This introductory weekend course is open to anyone interested in developing their psychic abilities and tapping into their intuition. You will have the chance to harness your skills in a safe, nurturing environment through a combination of group teachings and practical exercises. All levels welcome.
Topics Include: • Meeting and Working with your Spirit Guides • How to Recieve, Recognize and Interpret Psychic impressions • Introduction to Psychometry and other Psychic tools • Recognizing Spirit Communication • Practical Message work.
Born and raised in Australia, Calise is a Psychic Medium and an Intuitive Consultant. Calise comes from a lineage of Mediums and Intuitives dating back many generations. Calise services clients around the United States and Internationally.
Event is sold out – for waitlist please email Calise at: Total Tuition: $220 / $195 (pre registration discount – register by August 30th. Register: (707) 722 5473.
Saturday, September 21st
META Center Presents:
Reggae “One Love” Jam – A Tribute to Bob Marley
With Music from “High Tide”
8:00pm – 11:30pm
Join us as we pay Tribute to the great Bob Marley and his visionary music that continues to open people’s hearts and bring a unity consciousness to all. Dance all night to the rockin’ reggae vibes and experience the “One Love” vibration!
The band “High Tide” carries on the healing music of Bob Marley. “One good thing about music–when it hits, you feel no pain”.
The band features HannaH & Bongo Bliss of HannaH’s Field, brother Evan Hugh Worldwind on didgeridoo, Lynn Tracey on guitar and Andrew Nelson on drums.
Spreading the message of unity, peace and love – Marley’s message still lives on. Let’s dance in the light-feeling irie vibrations!
$20 in advance via PayPal or call META Center at 212-736-0999 Ext. 1. (MC, VISA, Discover accepted – all non-refundable). $25 cash only at the door.
Monday, September 23rd ~FREE EVENT~
Social Media and Public Speaking Workshop
with Robyn Hatcher
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Join us with expert Public Speaking Coach – Robyn Hatcher of SpeakEtc. for a special one hour workshop.
Are you tired of being the background player in the movie of your life? In this fun, interactive workshop Robyn will introduce you to her unique communication style system called ActorTypes. Once you know your ActorType, Robyn will teach you how to stand, walk, speak, engage, create content and think so you can shine like you were meant to. You will learn how to optimize the strengths of your type and minimize the weaknesses.
Participants will learn how to: * The power of first impressions * How to confidently deliver engaging, dynamic presentations * How to shape and organize a compelling message * Strategies to grab (and keep) a listener’s attention * Non-verbal skills body language, posture and gestures * How to improve vocal tone for a more powerful speaking voice * How to identify their unique presentation style and learn to let it work for them *
Click here for info on Robin Hatcher. Register here.
Tuesday, September 24th
Evening of Messages & Private Sessions
With Blind Psychic Medium – Louise Eaton
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Louise is a totally blind Psychic Medium working in the UK delivering messages to loved ones in the spirit world to members of the audience in a humorous, positive and uplifting manner but always with respect.
She sees each demonstration as a testimony bearing witness to the concept of spiritualism, and as a spiritualist, that life is continuous, when we die our spirit leaves the physical body and lives on in the spirit world for eternity. The spirit, if it chooses, can return by using the mind of a medium and provide evidence of survival and to show that our family members live on.
Her intention is to show that spiritualism is a reality and not a myth. As a totally blind lady, her inner vision has taught her the truth of who she is coupled with the understanding that sight is not necessary when working as a Medium. Sight at times can be a hindrance as it may lead to certain distractions as a sighted person can be accused of reading body language, whereas working with the mind and senses alone produces clarity, wisdom and truth.
Louise made her American debut in September 2012 at the Festival For Change in New Jersey.
Come and join Louise and be prepared for an evenings roller coaster ride of mixed emotions, come and play an integral part of this shared experience. Allow me to give you a gift from the spirit world by re-uniting you with your loved ones, let your tears of sadness be turned into tears of joy.
Louise will also be available for a limited number of private readings on Friday, September 27th only, pre-booking strongly recommended. Private readings are $45 for 30 minutes.
Check out Louise on YouTube:
Tickets for the evening demonstrations are $30 each, payments accepted via PayPal (non refundable), limited number of tickets on the door (cash only). For tickets please contact Pre-registration and advance payment strongly recommended to avoid disappointment.
Tuesday, September 24th
LOVE NOW! Deepen into Divine Love Activation Meditation with Australian powerhouse spiritual teacher, Suzy Meszoly
7:00 – 9:00pm
Suzy is a nurturing bridge that holds the Light and radiates this divine high frequency through profound energetic transmissions and teachings that are grounding, practical, and offered joyously with empathy, compassion and humor. Join 22,000 + people listening to “SuzyChannel” on
The core element of Suzy’s teachings is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Suzy resonates this high frequency energy and works with folks to deepen into their own Divine Heart. Suzy explains, “We work with the frequency of Oneness, allowing everything to exist as Divine, allowing all beings to be empowered.” Suzy works with the concepts of duality, judgment and fear and helps us to deepen into our own individual place of inspiration, of Divinity, where these concepts become teachers, and we come into Oneness.
In the Summer of 2013 Suzy launched the global movement “Love Now” to bring people into the awareness of the most important action we can take now on Earth. The movement will be presenting retreats, public actions, and lectures internationally in 2014 and the entire movement is being filmed and made into a documentary. Suzy’s experience building an international network within the Soros Foundation in the 1990s and seeing how this network changed the face of the art world in the Eastern Bloc countries has given her background to implementing programs on a large scale. Together with a team of talented, spiritually aligned and enthusiastic people, Suzy is currently developing the next level of this global movement. Youtube: The Love Now Movement with Suzy.
Please register as these events are full to capacity each time. $25 Pre-registration is required. $35 at the door. Please contact Suzy on 845-616-0860 or email or purchase your ticket using paypal on the website:
Wednesday, September 25th
Evening of Messages & Private Sessions
With Blind Psychic Medium – Louise Eaton
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Louise is a totally blind Psychic Medium working in the UK delivering messages to loved ones in the spirit world to members of the audience in a humorous, positive and uplifting manner but always with respect.
She sees each demonstration as a testimony bearing witness to the concept of spiritualism, and as a spiritualist, that life is continuous, when we die our spirit leaves the physical body and lives on in the spirit world for eternity. The spirit, if it chooses, can return by using the mind of a medium and provide evidence of survival and to show that our family members live on.
Her intention is to show that spiritualism is a reality and not a myth. As a totally blind lady, her inner vision has taught her the truth of who she is coupled with the understanding that sight is not necessary when working as a Medium. Sight at times can be a hindrance as it may lead to certain distractions as a sighted person can be accused of reading body language, whereas working with the mind and senses alone produces clarity, wisdom and truth.
Louise made her American debut in September 2012 at the Festival For Change in New Jersey.
Come and join Louise and be prepared for an evenings roller coaster ride of mixed emotions, come and play an integral part of this shared experience. Allow me to give you a gift from the spirit world by re-uniting you with your loved ones, let your tears of sadness be turned into tears of joy.
Louise will also be available for a limited number of private readings on Friday, September 27th only, pre-booking strongly recommended. Private readings are $45 for 30 minutes.
Check out Louise on YouTube:
Tickets for the evening demonstrations are $30 each, payments accepted via PayPal (non refundable), limited number of tickets on the door (cash only). For tickets please contact Pre-registration and advance payment strongly recommended to avoid disappointment.
Wednesday, Sept 25th
The Natural, Mystical & Universal Powers of Crystals
– Crystal Grids & Elixirs – Get Your Intentions Ready!
7:00pm – 9:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)
Discover how, by integrating healing crystals into your life, you could reach the next level.
Do you know that you have more to live, express, give, enjoy? Don’t stay stuck! Learn how Stones can help you find the courage to powerfully transform your experience and unlock your creativity and expression of Self. Crystals and minerals help connect, see and release energetic blocks and ‘programming’. Be the creator of your experience!
We will each create a grid [altar size] for our intention. We will discuss techniques and recipes to make crystals elixirs to support your intention.
You will learn how stones can help release stress and stuck emotions or habits. You will understand how to connect to the minerals and their vibrations which can support your physical, emotional and spiritual healing process. Q&A and crystals sales at the end of workshop. This class is for everyone attracted to the mineral kingdom.
Exchange: $25. Reservations Walk-in welcome but seating is limited + crystal gifts is not guaranteed if not pre-registered. Please sign up. Questions and reservations: All workshops are from 7-9pm ~ Doors open at 6:30pm
Wednesday, September 25th
How to Use a Pendulum: Enhance Your Intuition & Guidance
Anita Celeste
6:45pm – 9:00pm
Dowsing through the use of a pendulum is an ancient practice that can assist us to gain access to information that exists at our subconscious level. It can be useful in getting easy answers to questions while accessing our divine guidance.
In this class, participants learn to: * Cleanse and connect to your pendulum * Understand the directional swings of your pendulum * Learn different techniques through exercises
Anita Celeste is a Creative Director, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Therapist in NYC. She teaches design at School of Visual Arts and has been involved in connecting the significance and benefits of meditation with creativity for many years. View her website at
$30 (bring your own pendulum) or $40 (pendulum included). Pre-registration is required. Please contact Anita Celeste at (917) 664-3693 or
META Center & New Realities Present:
Thursday, September 26th
Sacred Dance & Movement and The Evolution of Consciousness
Maryanne Savino, Tammy Burstein, Zen Marie Holmes & Moderator Alan Steinfeld
7:00pm – 9:45pm
* What is the sacred meaning behind dance & movement?
* How has dance been used as an alphabet/language of our souls deciphering who we really are & why we’re on the planet?
* What roles did dance play in ancient temples, monasteries & mystery schools?
* How do indigenous dance traditions & contemporary movement still have affects on our growing consciousness & ascension process today?
In most ancient traditions, movement through dance, music and posturing have been used to further awareness and embodiment of the sacred, through deeper experiences of the physical in collaboration with the spiritual realms. Awakenings and healings have been felt through combinations of movement and stillness, the outer and inner, physical and spiritual, participating or observing. Moderator Alan Steinfeld will be exploring the questions above with some of New York’s top Sacred Dancers.
Maryanne Savino has over 17 years of study as a Ritual Temple Dancer and Chantress from various exotic cultures such as Hawai’i, Egypt and India. She facilitates classes and workshops for women here in NYC. Her mission in life is to assist individuals to access their infinite potential to live more passionately, sensually and authentically as the embodiment of Divine Love. For more information visit:
Tammy Burstein has been teaching Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms® Waves practice (the body map) since 2001 and the Heartbeat level (the emotional map) since 2010. She has been practicing the 5Rhythms since 1997, and living them since before she knew they existed. She teaches throughout the U.S. as well as internationally. A Moving Center NY staff member, she also teaches weekly classes in New York City. She creates her life dancing the 5Rhythms®.
Zen Marie Holmes has 35 years of dance experience. She studied West African, Congolese and Haitian Dance at Alvin Ailey School of Dance, Dance Theater of Harlem and Djoniba Dance and Drum Center, and is currently a member of The Mikerline Haitian Dance Company. She is founder of Zensuality and the creator of Zensual Dance, a dance technique that uses movement, sound and breath work to direct the movement of sexual energy from the root chakra to the crown chakra to create healing and spiritual awareness. She is also co-founder of The Artist Dream – black light performances of Zensual Trance Dancers that convey a message of love and unity.
Alan Steinfeld, moderator, has been the host of the spiritually based talk show New Realities for the past 15 years. He has interviewed many of the top leaders in the human potential movement. He feels the times that we are in now are creating vast changes in consciousness. He hopes this panel will shed some light and direction on these changes. For his latest interviews go to:
Fee: $20 in advance via PayPal or call META Center to register at 212 736 0999 Ext.1. MC, VISA & Discover Card, checks & cash accepted in advance. $25 cash only at the door. All (non-refundable).
Thursday, September 26th
Psychic Circle for Singles
Psychic Medium Milou
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Are you curious whether you will meet someone special, if he/she is the one, or where the relationship is going? You are invited to bring pen and paper, and let Milou tell you what he sees. He will give you full names or initials, descriptions, and approximate time frame.
Milou is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Medical, Business Intuitive, and Pet psychic. He has been sharing his gift with the public for over fifteen years. He embraces clients from all walks of life while also sharing his gift with heads of major organizations.
Price $25 at the door. For reservations contact Elizabeth Mills at (201) 264 4651 or via email Seats are limited.
Friday, September 27th
Paul Selig Channels the Ascension Energies of the Word
Paul Selig
7:00pm – 9:00pm
This evening Paul will bring through and attune people to the frequency of the Word, which Paul’s guides describe as “God in Action.” This is the elevated Christed energies now coming to the Earth, that have not been available to us before. The purpose is to develop and sustain higher levels of consciousness to move through the emotional and physical blocks that may be keeping you from manifesting your own divine nature. Paul’s work is deeply transformative, the energy he works with is extremely palpable.
Everyone will receive the attunement, where participants are supported in moving to the next level of personal and planetary evolution. “You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It’s a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it.” – from I Am the Word, a Channeled Text, by Paul Selig.
For more info go to: Cost: $30. Contact: Alan Steinfeld / 917 553 5294.
Friday, September 27th
Come Alive With Passion For Your Life’s Purpose
Jean Worth
6:30pm -9:30pm
We all have a unique signature, one that is you and no one else. Hand Analysis can decode your most pertinent information and reveal your soul’s agenda and life’s purpose. Your fingerprints are formed five months prior to birth and they carry the blueprint of your life. Discover what it is your soul yearns to express.
The event begins with a dynamic lecture/demonstration followed by a personal mini-reading. You will leave with a profound understanding of your true purpose and tools to help you live your life on purpose with passion.
Jean Worth – Transformational counselor and healing practitioner – Graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis – Certified in Quantum Biofeedback – MA in Education from NYU.
$35.00 Paid in advanced by credit card. $40.00 cash at the door. To register: Call 917-579-3050 or e-mail
Saturday, September 28th
Day of
Rev. Barbara
10:00am – 5:00pm
With the onset of Autumn, the season of centering our Souls, I’m offering 40 minute private Energy Healing sessions at a wonderful reduced rate of $44 per session. It’s a great opportunity if you don’t have time for a full session, or if you simply want to get an attunement to align more with your spiritual centers.
In your session you’ll experience a beautiful interaction with the Healing Energies of Agape Love as these frequencies of unconditional Love embrace you in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. As you relax, various levels of your BEING are realigned to their natural rhythms, allowing for a return to the wholeness of being and for your own Divine essence to become more fully present in your life. Your session concludes with a message from the Archangels or from my spirit guides.
There are only 9 appointments for this special day, so please contact me no later than September 23rd to book your space. You can visit my website (‘Events’ tab) for the specific time slots: www.sanctuaryofdivinelight or simply call me… I’d be happy to hear from you!
Rev Barbara- I’m an energy healing practitioner (Reiki, Christ Light Healing, Reconnective Healing) with a commitment to healing service that is grounded in my passion for providing a gentle, loving conduit for your heart, mind and body to realign with the Divine Light within you that promotes a return to the wholeness of being and oneness with all life. In addition a monthly Angelic Circle of Peace at META Center, I also offer individual healing sessions, consultations with my guides and I teach the Usui System of Natural Healing.
$44.00 in advance at For more information please contact RevB at 718-863-1553 or
Sunday, September 29th
Reiki Chuden (Second Degree/Intermediate Teaching)
Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN-BC
9:30am – 5:30pm
Komyo Reiki Kai, the system Hyakuten Inamoto Sensei has created, presents Reiki as it was understood and commonly practiced in the 1930’s in Japan. This system places emphasis on spiritual enfoldment through the practice of Reiki Ryoho, aiming for “satori” or enlightenment.
Prerequisite: Reiki 1/First Degree regardless of your Reiki style. Key words: Practitioner (healing others), You and I – good health. Focus: therapeutic practice. Aim: to live a healthy life. What you will learn: After receiving the Chuden (Second Degree) Reiju, three “shirushi” or symbols will be given to you. With the use of the 1st symbol, the energy can be focused and strengthened. With the 2nd symbol, a habit (bad or unwanted) can be broken. With the 3rd symbol, you will be empowered to do Reiki healing on a person not physically present (distant healing).
Traditional Japanese Reiki Methods: Tanden Chiryo Ho Gedoku Ho-Detoxification Method, Koki Ho Gyoshi Ho (Exhalation Method & Gaze Method) , Heso Chiryo Ho (Navel treatment Method), Seiheki Chiryo Ho (Habits Treatment Method).
Traditional Techniques: Uchite-Chiryo (Patting Technique), Nadete-Chiryoho (Stroking Technique), Oshite-Chiryoho (Acupressure Technique), Zenshin Ketueki Kohan Ho (Full Body Blood Exchange Method), Zenshin Kekk.
Fee includes: 4 Komyo Reiki Chuden Attunements, Komyo Reiki Chuden Manual, Review of Komyo Reiki Shoden, Komyo Reiki ChudenCertificate 1 Reiki Share scheduled after the class.
Payment options: Early registration fee: $200.00 by Check/Postal Money Order/PayPal $225.00 cash only on the day of the event . Check payable to Lilia V. Marquez, PO Box Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163. Contact Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN-BC Komyo Reiki Kai New York – Featured on the list of 101 Best Sites for Nurses.
Monday, September 30th ~PRIVATE EVENT~
Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
With Dr. Richard Brown
7:00pm – 8:00pm
For more info, go to Serving Those Who Serve at
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