1 – What are your Room Rental Terms?
See our Room Rental Agreement & Terms on the Website.
2 – I would like to visit the META Center to check out the rooms for rent for my upcoming event. Do I need to schedule an appointment?
It’s best to call in advance and schedule a specific time in order to view the space as the rooms might be in use and we might not be able to show you the space at that time
3 – How do I reserve a Conference Room or Private Consultation Room?
Call META Center New York at 212-736-0999 Ext.1 or email us at – put Space Rental Inquiry in subject line.
4 – What deposit is required to book a room?
See our Room Rental Agreement & Terms on the Website.
5 – When is my balance due?
See our Room Rental Agreement & Terms on the Website.
6 – If I rent a Private Consultation Room or Conference Room, do I need to provide my License or Certificate?
This would be preferable for legal responsibilities on our end as well as for the practitioner.
7 – Are discounts available for multiple bookings at the META Center?
Yes. See our Room Rental Agreement & Terms for multiple booking rates or call the Center for more details on 1.212.736.0999.
8 – Does the META Center offer non-profit rates?
Yes, we have discounted rates. You must show a certificate of Proof of Non-Profit Status.
9 – What amenities do you supply for my event and what other rental items do you offer?
Check the website under Room Rentals for detailed information.
10 – Who will set up and break down my room & what is the clean-up policy after large events, expos, fairs or conferences?
We will do the room set-up & break down. You must provide us with information on your structure, amount of chairs, pillows, tables etc at the time of confirming your booking. At the close of your event we expect you to put trash in proper receptacles, break down boxes, and make sure to remove all belongings. If you’d like to assist with stacking chairs & pillows, that would be helpful but is not necessary.
11 – Do you have a “green room” for speakers?
We don’t have an official “green room” but you can book a private office at the time of confirming your booking. Additional fees apply.
12 – Do you provide a receptionist for registration at my event?
The META Center does not provide it’s own staff for registration, however we do have Volunteers that can assist as a trade for attending the event. This arrangement must be coordinated in advance with META Center staff.
13 – Can the META Center take payments for my event?
No, this is the sole responsibility of the renter.
14 – As a renter, may I hang or tape things on walls in the Private Consultation or Conference Rooms?
No. Nothing is to be placed on the walls.
15 – Can I move the furniture in the Private Consultation or Conference Rooms?
No. The furniture is place specifically for décor, feng shui and must not be moved.
16 – Can I provide food or alcohol for my event attendees?
Alcoholic beverages are forbidden anywhere on the premises. No food is allowed in the Private Consultation or Conference Rooms. With permission, you can provide food for your workshop attendees in the lobby area. We provide tables and tablecloths, the customer must provide all food, paper & plastic goods, trays, baskets etc.
17 – Do you provide blankets/sheets for massage tables?
Practitioners must use sheets on the massage tables and bring their own blankets. We also have paper sheets for $1.
18 – My event includes drumming / loud music / loud release work. Are your rooms soundproof?
The rooms are somewhat soundproof but not fully, so we need to know the type of work you’ll be doing in order to position your event/session for proper sound control.
19 – Is the META Center air-conditioned?
The META Center has central air conditioning throughout.
20 – What hours/days is META Center open?
10am – 10pm, Monday through Friday. 9.30am – 6pm, Saturdays & Sundays. We do arrange events outside our normal hours. Additional fees apply.
21 – What is the META Center cancellation policy?
See our Room Rental Agreement & Terms on the Website.
22 – I would like to extend my event beyond normal rental hours. What is your policy?
You must notify the Center at the time of making your booking. Additional hours are subject to availability. Additional fees apply. Note that additional fees also apply for “unexpected” overtime – $25. per every 15 minutes. See Room Rental Agreement & Terms.
23 – Does The META Center sponsor practitioners or teachers?
Not typically. We might possibly sponsor events for well-known people in their field or indigenous people from other cultures that we feel would serve our community through their presence & work. This is only done on rare occasions.
24 – Does the META Center help promote my event?
You must do your own promotion, but as a bonus for renting our space, we can put your event information in our website calendar and our “Calendar of Events” which is emailed 1 x per month to our entire META Center Mailing List.
You are also welcome to display your event fliers in our lobby display racks. Fliers can be given to us as soon as you have paid your deposit for the room rental for your event. After an event is over the fliers will be removed to make space for other renter’s events.
Note: Do not count on our promotion as your only means of promoting your event. You are still responsible for spreading the word.
25 – Can the META Center design or print fliers for my event?
No, you must design your own finished, promotional materials. We do offer a full service photocopy service plus admin fee for those living outside of the city/country. Please call the Center for more information.
26 – How can I add my event to the META Center Monthly Calendar / META Center website?
You must provide us with information not exceeding 120 words by the 10th of the previous month. It must be in the proper structure provided by the Center staff. If you miss the deadline for submitting the text, we will place your listing by event name, speaker’s name, date, time and contact info in our calendars.
27 – Can practitioners accept ongoing mail at the Center?
An occasional package or letter is fine, but we are not responsible for receiving your business correspondence. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE META Center ADDRESS TO REGISTER YOUR BUSINESS OR FOR YOUR BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE.
28 – Can items be shipped to the META Center prior to my event? Can items be shipped back to me after my event?
See our Room Rental Agreement & Terms on the Website.
29 – What time is the freight elevator available?
The building has strict freight elevator policies: Monday – Friday, 9am-12 Noon and 1pm until 4.45pm, no exceptions. Arrangements should be made with META Center staff in advance.
30 – Do you offer storage space for Private Consultation Room clients?
We have very limited storage space and it is unlikely at this time we could accommodate your request.